Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Nate is CEO while Victoria and Nikki are on a business trip. Victor makes it clear that a non-Newman will never be CEO of Newman Enterprises so he shouldn’t even think about it.

Billy warns Nate he will always look out for Victoria.

Nick and Nate have another argument and Nick warns Nate not to test him.

Sally asks both Adam and Nick for advice on whether she should accept Victoria’s job offer and they both think Victor offered her the job so he can keep an eye on her. Sally decides to take the job if Chloe approves of it.

Jack and Diane ask Billy to stage an argument with him, so Ashley and Tucker think he is angry enough with Jack to betray him. Billy will then give Tucker and Ashley false information about Jabot.

Jack asks Diane to marry him at the justice of the peace, and they can have a proper wedding in September.

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