Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Wendy and Tripp kiss until Li walks in and says not to let him interrupt. Wendy says they didn’t know he was there. Tripp explains that they haven’t had a chance to be together much since he’s been working nights. Li understands and guesses he’s just down on romance after his date last night. Wendy brings up that Li told them it was a disaster but didn’t say why and asks what happened. Li reveals that his “perfect match” tried to send him to prison.
At the bar, Melinda offers to buy Sloan a drink. Sloan asks if she just wants to gloat. Melinda argues that she had an open and shut case against her brother and that Sloan knew that going in. Sloan hoped that she could get Colin a lighter sentence. Melinda says that after what he did to Paulina and Chanel and giving Abe a head injury, there was no way. Sloan tells Melinda that she’s not going to have the drink because she’s pregnant.
Eric goes to see Brady at John and Marlena’s. Eric asks if the rumors are true. Brady confirms that he threatened Kristen with a gun. Eric questions how he could be so unbelievably stupid.
At the DiMera Mansion, Kristen complains about looking for a decent criminal lawyer. Belle walks in and says they need to talk. Belle asks if Kristen is actually going to let Brady go to prison. Kristen asks why not and what Brady has ever done for her.
Brady knows threatening Kristen with a gun wasn’t the wisest thing to do but argues that he needed her to tell him where she stashed his kid. Eric worries that Brady gave Kristen ammunition to go after him. Eric admits that he gets why Brady did it and that he was terrified of not seeing his kid again. Eric adds that he understands that now more than ever, because he just found out that he’s going to be a father.
EJ and Nicole meet with the specialist Dr. Sorenson at the hospital. Nicole thanks her for taking the time and introduces her to EJ. EJ apologizes for missing the first appointment as he was detained. EJ talks about how Nicole told him that she’s optimistic that she can carry the baby to term. She says now that Nicole is further along, she can tell them more about the baby’s health and also the gender. Nicole reveals that they’ve decided to say no to that and be surprised. EJ assures that they would be delighted with a son or a daughter as they just want the baby to be healthy. EJ decides that he will let them get on with the examination but she says she’d like to start by examining EJ.
Brady questions Eric being a father as he thought Nicole’s baby turned out to be EJ’s. Eric confirms that to be true but reveals that Sloan’s baby is his.
Melinda questions Sloan being pregnant. Sloan notes that she seems surprised. Melinda thought she was the ultimate career woman. Sloan says she was, but then she met Eric Brady. Melinda asks if she’s going to keep the baby, pointing out that she and Eric haven’t been together that long and says this couldn’t have been a planned baby but Sloan says that it was. Sloan asks if Melinda is surprised because they aren’t married. Melinda says she’s no one to judge. Sloan says they couldn’t be happier as Eric always wanted to be a father and brings up how just recently, Eric thought he could be the father of Nicole’s baby but he isn’t and EJ is. Melinda then questions if Sloan is just giving Eric the baby that he didn’t have with Nicole. Sloan insists that she’s not just having the baby to make Eric happy as she wants the baby very bad. Sloan brings up that her parents are dead and Colin is going to prison, so she realized that she doesn’t have any family around and she’s decided to create one of her own. Melinda congratulates her then and insists that she’s being sincere as she admires that Sloan is taking risks to get what she wants. Melinda wishes she could do the same since she’s alone and doesn’t care for that very much. Melinda adds that she used to have a family too and Sloan’s idea of creating a new one does have it’s appeal. Sloan encourages her to go for it and asks if she’s seeing anyone. Melinda informs her that she actually just started dating again and had her first date last night with Li Shin. Sloan asks how it went. Melinda responds that it was a giant disaster. Sloan asks what happened. Melinda explains that it started out alright and then he caught her. Sloan questions what she was doing.
Li explains to Wendy and Tripp that Melinda tried to trick him in to admitting that he was behind the plot to kill Stefan DiMera while recording them. Tripp asks if that’s not entrapment. Li says it would’ve been if he had done anything wrong, but insists that he’s completely innocent. Tripp agrees that would be a bad date. Li says the odd part is that before that, they were actually hitting it off and bonding. Wendy comments that it seems like they have a fair amount in common. Tripp suggests Li give Melinda another chance.
Brady questions Eric about having a baby with Sloan and congratulates him. Eric thanks him and admits he’s excited about it, more than he thought he would be. Brady hopes that Eric is seeing Sloan for who she is and that he’s not disappointed when it all goes wrong. Eric assures that Sloan is nothing like Kristen. Eric says that bad things happened to Sloan and she lost her way, but she’s a good person. Brady says he’s happy for them then. Eric jokes that he’ll be leaning on Brady for advice. Brady doesn’t think his advice would be that helpful since he’s the guy that threatened Kristen with a gun. Eric points out that it was just a threat and he was desperate to find out what she did with Rachel. Brady informs him that the worst part is that Rachel heard him say it. Eric asks if he was able to convince her that he didn’t really mean it. Brady says obviously not since it was Rachel who called the cops which shocks Eric. Brady reveals that he’s looking at attempted murder charges. Eric urges Brady that he has to get through to Rachel and to retract her statement. Brady questions what he’s supposed to do and asks what kind of father would say his daughter was lying. Eric asks what kind of father he will be in prison. Brady states that even if he asked Rachel to change her statement, he’s not sure that she would do it because she’s under Kristen’s control that much. Eric insists that Rachel must not have known what she was doing. Brady adds that Kristen also backed up Rachel’s statement. Eric asks what Brady is going to do. Brady informs him that Belle is talking to Kristen now, so he’s hoping to God that she gets through to her.
Kristen acknowledges that Belle has guts but she asked her last night to salvage her and Brady’s custody agreement and she turned her down but now she wants her to help get Brady out of this. Belle admits that she was angry on Brady’s behalf when she turned her down. Kristen says she’s angry on her behalf because she thought that she and Brady had a deal, but then he pulled a gun on her. Belle argues that Brady was out of his mind with worry about Rachel when he did that and that Kristen would’ve done the same thing if the table were turned. Kristen says probably but it wasn’t her. Belle questions what Kristen gets by sending Brady to prison.
EJ questions Dr. Sorenson wanting to examine him. She says she’s just trying to get a full picture of the child’s health which means they have to consider several factors. EJ agrees to whatever she needs. She states that she just needs a sample of his DNA.
Kristen asks if Belle thinks Brady might actually be prosecuted. Belle states that attempted murder charges might not be serious to DiMeras, but it is to the law. Belle argues that she doesn’t think Brady really would’ve pulled the trigger. Belle admits that what Brady did was wrong but says that Kristen pushed him to it. Kristen argues that she did not kidnap Rachel. Belle says there is blame on both sides and asks what matters most to her because Rachel’s best interest is having both parents in her life. Kristen asks Belle what she wants her to do then. Belle wants Kristen to recant her statement to Jada and not send the father of her child to prison.
Eric didn’t realize how bad things had gotten between Brady and Kristen. Eric wishes there was some way he could help. Brady says he got himself in to this, so he will have to find a way to get his ass out of it. Eric tells Brady that if there’s anything he can do, all he has to do is ask. Brady thanks him. Eric says he has to get going to join Sloan at her first appointment. Brady asks how Sloan is feeling about the pregnancy as he knows Eric is happy but he feels Sloan didn’t seem like the settling down type. Eric then reveals that the pregnancy was planned and was actually Sloan’s idea which surprises Brady. Eric explains that Sloan saw how disappointed he was when he found out he wasn’t the father of Nicole’s baby and that he’s always wanted to be a father. Eric adds that Sloan wants kids too since she doesn’t have her parents and her brother is going to prison, so she was kind of motivated to get pregnant. Brady calls that pretty selfless of her and acknowledges that Sloan must love him. Eric responds that he loves her too.
Melinda explains to Sloan that while on a date with Li, she tried to record him admitting that he wanted Stefan dead which surprises Sloan. Melinda adds that it’s not like she planned to do it as she and Li didn’t even know they were meeting since they were set up by a matchmaker. Melinda acknowledges that they were actually getting along despite the fact that she had tried to send him to prison. Melinda says it was an obstacle at first, but they have so much in common and she started opening up to him. Melinda thinks they were both having fun and there was chemistry too, but then she saw an opportunity to get a confession and Li caught on quickly. Melinda feels she should’ve known that trying to trap Li would blow up in her face. Sloan questions why Melinda did it if she was having fun and there was chemistry between them.
Li questions Tripp saying he should give Melinda another chance. Tripp acknowledges that Melinda shouldn’t have tried to record him, but maybe it was an impulsive decision that she regrets. Tripp states that Melinda has been through a lot the past couple years. Wendy asks about that while Li asks how he knows. Tripp explains that Melinda had a daughter who was a nurse at the hospital and she died in a freak accident. Wendy calls that so sad. Tripp says her name was Haley and she was a friend of his but she got her life cut short in a horrible way. Li states that losing a child must be the worst pain in the world, but that doesn’t change how he feels about last night and he never wants to see Melinda Trask again.
EJ questions the doctor wanting his DNA. She says just a simple cheek swab is all. Nicole argues that they already did the paternity test and asks what else she needs. She explains that the hospital had DNA from Eric Brady, but nothing from EJ, and questions why that is. Nicole admits that she didn’t tell her that when she got pregnant, she was 99% sure that EJ was the father but there was a slight chance that it could be Eric’s. Nicole adds that once they ruled out that chance, they knew EJ was the father obviously. Dr. Sorenson still wants a DNA analysis to look out for genetic markers or any diseases that could be passed on to the baby. She reminds them that the goal of their appointment is to assure that they have a healthy baby. Nicole says they can’t argue with that.
Eric admits that he was taken aback when Sloan said she wanted to have their baby. Eric says it goes to show that people can change and suggests that maybe Kristen will surprise him but Brady doubts that. Brady tells Eric that he is happy for him as he knows how long he’s wanted this. Brady thinks Eric will be one hell of a good dad. Eric tells him to let him know how things go with Belle and Kristen. Eric reminds him that he’ll do anything he can to help him. Brady thanks him but thinks the only person that can help him is Kristen.
Kristen is not sure that changing her statement is the silver bullet that Belle thinks it is because Brady admitted that he wanted to kill her and Rachel heard him. Belle argues that Brady didn’t know if his daughter was alive or dead, so he was at his wit’s end. Kristen asks if that’s what she is going to tell the jury. Belle confirms that it is and that without testimony, Melinda will have a hard time making the charge stick. Kristen asks what she gets out of keeping Brady out of jail. Belle asks if she’s talking about a deal. Kristen brings up that Brady went back on their shared custody agreement. Kristen then declares that she will change her statement if Brady signs on the dotted line. Belle assures she’ll get him to sign if she will do that. Kristen remarks that it will be hard since Brady tore it up but Belle is sure she can get a fresh copy. Kristen asks if she really thinks Brady will sign. Belle thinks Brady will be very appreciative of what she’s doing for him, so that he will be more than willing to sign the terms.
Melinda tells Sloan that she doesn’t know what made her record Li and guesses it was instinct as she smelled blood and went for it. Sloan relates to being there a time or two. Melinda feels part of her just always needs to win and it overpowered her want to have a real human connection. Melinda admits that when Li stormed out and she was eating alone, she felt sad. Sloan knows Li might not be the most morally upstanding person, but he is handsome and really rich. Sloan adds that he can be pretty shrewd when he needs to be. Melinda asks what she’s getting at. Sloan knows she doesn’t know her that well but feels that Li might be Melinda’s perfect match. Melinda is pretty sure Li never wants to see her again after last night. Melinda then reveals that her matchmaker set her up with someone else tonight and he’s meeting her here.
Wendy tells Li that she’s really sorry that his date didn’t go well as she knows how much he wants a fresh start after everything with Gabi. Li responds that he’s not giving up and reveals that the matchmaker has already set him up with someone else to meet and he has to go now. Li jokes that he’s sure they are sad to see him go and he hopes they can find a way to fill the empty hours. Tripp wishes him luck and hopes this lady works out better. Li says as long as she doesn’t try to convict him of a felony, it will be a definite improvement as he then exits the apartment.
Dr. Sorenson says she will send EJ’s DNA to the lab and they will get the results in a few days. She says they will then do an ultrasound on the baby as she steps out. EJ and Nicole talk about their excitement as they kiss.
Sloan jokes about Melinda meeting a guy while already finishing a martini. Sloan talks about having to take care of her baby and having her first pre-natal appointment today. Melinda hopes it goes well. Sloan says she feels good and Eric will be there too. Melinda acknowledges that it was nice talking to her and suggests they do it again sometime. Sloan agrees that she would like that. Melinda send her regards to Eric, acknowledging that they haven’t always seen eye to eye but she knows he’s a good man and thinks he will be a great father. Sloan agrees and says he’s very happy about the baby. Sloan tells Melinda that she will see her soon as she then exits.
Wendy and Tripp have leftovers for dinner. Wendy tells Tripp that she was sorry to hear about Tripp’s friend Haley. Tripp thanks her and calls it a real shock when she died. Wendy asks if they were close. Tripp says they could say that as he reveals that they were actually married, which shocks Wendy.
Belle goes to see Brady, who asks how it went and if it’s good news or bad news. Belle hopes he thinks it’s good news. Brady asks what that means. Belle responds that she can make this whole thing go away and he won’t go to prison. Brady asks what the catch is. Belle then informs him that Kristen will change her statement, if he agrees to a shared custody arrangement. Brady complains that he either goes to jail or has to share custody with a maniac. Belle goes over that Brady pulled a gun on Kristen, said he was going to kill her, and his daughter heard him so he’s not going to get everything he wants. Brady says he understands and takes the agreement to sign. Kristen then walks in and questions if Brady signed it. Brady is taken aback and questions if they came here together. Belle asks what difference that makes. Brady argues that if he signs it, there’s no guarantee that Kristen will talk to the cops. Brady then declares that he’s not signing anything until Kristen upholds her end of this crap bargain that Belle made. Kristen tells Brady to have fun in prison then. Brady warns that if he goes, he’ll just grant custody of Rachel to John and Marlena. Belle acknowledges that would be within Brady’s rights. Kristen then says fine and calls Melinda, who asks what she wants. Kristen puts it on speaker and says she’s been thinking about the statement she gave and she was pretty rattled in the moment, but she feels like she overstated things which Melinda questions. Kristen tells her that she would like to retract her statement and not press charges against Brady. Melinda reminds her that she still has Rachel’s statement. Kristen is sure once she explains things to her, Rachel will feel the same way. Melinda questions if she was just wasting her time. Kristen remarks that she’s so glad they understand each other and hangs up. Kristen then tells Brady that it’s his turn.
Wendy comments on being pretty surprised as Tripp never told her that he was married before. Tripp explains that it was just so Haley could get a green card but immigration didn’t like that so they had to make it look like true love. Tripp admits that while they were doing that, he kind of fell for her. Wendy says no wonder it was so awful when he lost her. Tripp assures that he’ll never forget her, but he tells himself that she is in peace and would want him to be happy, which he is. Tripp then kisses Wendy. Wendy mentions having to get back to the office. Tripp suggests they watch a movie if she’s still awake when he gets off. Wendy says it’s a date as they kiss. Wendy hopes Li’s date works out as well because he needs to find someone too. Tripp comments that it’s too bad he wouldn’t even consider giving Melinda another chance.
Melinda calls the matchmaker and complains about the guy still not showing up. She’s instructed to look for a man in a blue blazer as she hangs up. Li then arrives and Melinda says it couldn’t be him again.
Eric goes to the hospital and runs in to Nicole. Nicole mentions just having an appointment with the specialist. Eric asks if she’s okay. Nicole says they did a sonogram and everything looked great but the specialist wants to make sure everything is okay by having EJ’s DNA tested. Eric says it sounds like EJ found the right doctor. Nicole then asks what Eric is doing here and if he’s okay. Sloan then arrives and joins Eric, saying that they are both great and she’s pregnant.
EJ thanks Dr. Sorenson again for coming back to Salem on such short notice. She jokes about having to put up with gourmet on his private jet. EJ asks if she can do him another favor. EJ then reveals that Nicole doesn’t want to know the sex of the baby, but he does. EJ says when it comes to decorating the nursery, it would be nice to know what colors to use. EJ asks if the doctor could let him know when she knows if it’s a boy or a girl. She responds that she’s sorry but Nicole is her patient, so she can’t give out any information without her permission. EJ understands and jokes that she can’t blame him for trying. EJ then declares that all that really matters is that he’s going to be the father of a healthy baby as Dr. Sorenson holds onto EJ’s DNA sample.
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