GH Short Recap Friday, July 14, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Mac tells Sam he is worried about Cody because he thinks Cody is involved with Mrs. Wu. Sam tells Mac that Cody is involved in Mrs. Wu’s illegal poker games. Mac and Sam worry they won’t be able keep Cody out of trouble.

Gladys asks Nina if she should tell the judge about how Sasha almost got arrested for shop lifting. Nina tells Gladys to keep her mouth shut since Sasha didn’t get arrested.

Alexis asks Sonny to talk to Kristina and stop her from ruining her life.

Curtis makes it through surgery, but his condition is still touch and go. Portia sits by his bedside and asks Curtis to wake up.

Dante tells Anna and Sonny that he thinks Anna was the intended target of the shooter because he was able to trace the gun to the WSB. Anna wants to draw out the shooter using herself as bait.

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