GH Short Recap Thursday, July 6, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

TJ talks to Curtis and Marshall about Molly’s infertility situation. TJ worries that Molly doesn’t want to have children anymore because now she wants to avoid the subject of having a family. Curtis and Marshall advise TJ to be patient with Molly while she grieves not being able to have a biological child. Molly tells Alexis, Sam, and Kristina what the doctor told her and then she tells them she wants to take a break from the subject. The Davis girls head to the Savoy to have some fun.

Terri advises Elizabeth to tell Finn she wants to be more than friends with him. Tracy advises Finn to squash his feelings for Elizabeth because their relationship ended badly last time.

Tracy asks Martin to be temporary CEO of ELQ since Valentin is in Chechnya. Tracy also invites Martin and Lucy to the Quartermaine family picnic next week. Lucy tells Martin she can’t go to the picnic because she has to go out of town next week. Lucy decides to go to Pine Valley, Pennsylvania with Felicia to find out who is depositing the money into Martin’s bank account.

Brook Lynn tells Lucy and Maxie that she took the information about the Receptor from Marxe’s computer so she could get familiar with the Receptor in order to do a social media campaign. Lucy tells Book Lynn the information about the Receptor must remain a secret and tells Sasha to give her back the flash drive. Brook Lynn finds Tracy at the Metro Court pool and asks Tracy to give her back the flash drive. Tracy gives Brook Lynn the flash drive and Sasha sees Tracy give Brook Lynn the flash drive and Sasha wonders why Brook Lynn gave Tracy a flash drive with company information on it.

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