Y&R Short Recap Friday, June 30, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Summer tells Michael about everything she did to help Phyllis hide from the police and that she may need a lawyer. Summer also tells Michael she told Chance everything she did and Michael tells Summer not to talk to Chance about the situation anymore. Summer then tells Michael that Kyle wants a legal separation, and that it will probably lead to a divorce.

Kyle tells Jack and Mariah that he can’t trust Summer anymore because he has realized that she is just like Phyllis. Kyle doesn’t want Harrison to grow up in Summer’s chaos. Summer later talks to Jack and apologizes for everything she did and tells him she doesn’t want to get separated from Kyle but he can’t even look at her. Jack tells Summer he loves her very much, but he will support Kyle in his decision.

Summer wonders how she and Kyle can work together at Marchetti. Jack thinks that, since she is the creative force of the brand, Kyle will have to leave the company.

Sharon gets a box from Cameron’s lawyer with his things and a document that says Cameron has left his company to her and Sharon tells Nick she doesn’t want anything from Cameron.

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