Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode Guide

Star Trek: Next Gen Episodes


"Star Trek: The Next Generation" actors

Star Trek: The Next Generation” Episode Guide by Suzanne

First SeasonSecond SeasonThird SeasonFourth SeasonFifth SeasonSixth SeasonSeventh SeasonMovies


  • Encounter at Farpoint (Two-hour pilot: Picard and his crew are assigned to find out the mysteries of Farpoint Station but are met by a powerful being called Q)
  • The Naked Now (The crew acts strangely due to a mysterious disease)
  • Code of Honor (Tasha is forced to fight the wife of a tribal black chieftain)
  • The Last Outpost (The Enterprise and a Ferengi ship are controlled by the guardian of an ancient civilization)
  • Where No One Has Gone Before (The crew experiences hallucinations at the end of the universe)
  • Lonely Among Us (An alien cloud inhabits the crew)
  • Justice (Wesley accidentally breaks the law on an idyllic planet)
  • The Battle (A Ferengi captain tries to destroy Picard’s mind)
  • Hide and Q (Q tries to tempt the crew with his powers)
  • Haven (Troi prepares to get married)
  • The Big Goodbye (Picard goes through a 1930’s detective adventure on the holodeck
  • Datalore (Data’s brother appears)
  • Angel One (The crew tries to rescue some crash survivors on a female-dominated planet)
  • 11001001 (Aliens called Binars steal the ship while keeping Riker busy on the holodeck)
  • Too Short a Season (An ambassador takes a youth drug in order to deal with an old foe)
  • When the Bough Breaks (The sterile Aldeans steal children in order to continue their race)
  • Home Soil (Terraformers find an unusual life form)
  • Coming of Age (Wesley takes the academy entrance exam and Picard is investigated by Starfleet)
  • Heart of Glory (Renegade Klingons are rescued by the Enterprise)
  • Arsenal of Freedom (The crew has to fight the weapons of a long-dead planet in order to rescue Picard and Crusher)
  • Symbiosis (The crew become involved in a dispute between the people of a drug-addicted planet and the people who supply them)
  • Skin of Evil (An evil oil slick-like creature kills Tasha and takes Troi hostage)
  • We’ll Always Have Paris (Michelle Phillips guests as Picard’s old flame, whose husband is having problems with distortedĀ  time)
  • Conspiracy (An alien creature invades Starfleet bodies)
  • The Neutral Zone (The crew meets Romulans after rescuing frozen 20th century people)

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  • The Child (Troi gets pregnant and has a child by a mysterious alien)
  • Where Silence Has Lease (An alien being wants to experience emotions)
  • Elementary, My Dear Data (Data and Geordi play Sherlock Holmes on the holodeck)
  • The Outrageous Okona (The crew rescue a roguish pilot who is wanted on two planets, and Data learns about humor)
  • Loud As a Whisper (The ship transports a deaf-mute negotiator)
  • The Schizoid Man (An old man steals Data’s body)
  • Unnatural Selctions (Dr. Pulaski investigates a mysterious disease that is rapidly aging colonists)
  • A Matter of Honor (Riker temporarily transfers to a Klingon ship for an officer exchange program)
  • The Measure of a Man (Data is put on trial to determine if Starfleet can take him apart)
  • The Dauphin (Wesley falls for a shape-changing girl)
  • Contagion (The Enterprise and a Romulan ship are attacked by a computer virus)
  • The Royale (The crew finds the remains of a human on a planet modeled after Las Vegas)
  • Time Squared (A double of Picard is found on a shuttlecraft)
  • The Icarus Factor (Riker sees his father and Worf’s friends help him with a Klingon ritual)
  • Pen Pals (Data contacts a little girl on an imperiled planet)
  • Q Who (Q tries to join Starfleet and introduces the Borg)
  • Samaritan Snare (Mentally slow aliens steal Geordi)
  • Up the Long Ladder (A dying race tries to steal DNA from the crew for cloning purposes while the ship is transporting homeless colonists)
  • Manhunt (Troi’s mother looks for a mate)
  • The Emissary (The crew deals with frozen Klingons and meet Worf’s old girlfriend)
  • Peak Performance (The Enterprise engages in wargames)
  • Shades of Grey (Pulaski induces old memories in Riker in order to kill an alien parasite)

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  • Evolution (An obsessed scientist contends with the crew and Nannites in the computer)
  • The Ensigns of Command (Data functions as negotiator when a planet must be evacuated)
  • The Survivors(Two old people are the only ones left on a planet)
  • Who Watches the Watchers (The crew encounters stone-age vulcans)
  • The Bonding (Worf helps a boy whose mother was killed on a mission)
  • Booby Trap (Geordi and computer girlfriend Dr. Brahms save the ship)
  • The Price (Troi falls for an unethical Betazoid negotiator)
  • The Enemy (Geordi and a Romulan are imperiled on a planet)
  • The Vengeance Factor (Picard helps to negotiate a treaty between two peoples with an ancient feud and an assassin)
  • The Defector (A Romulan defector takes refuge on the ship)
  • The Hunted (Genetically-altered war veterans try to force The Enterprise to help them)
  • The High Ground (Terrorists kidnap Crusher)
  • Deja Q (Q becomes mortal)
  • A Matter of Perspective (Riker stands trial for murder)
  • Yesterday’s Enterprise (Time is altered when an Enterprise from the past appears)
  • The Offspring (Data creates Lall, his “child”)
  • The Sins of the Fathers (Worf and his brother try to prove that their father was not a traitor)
  • Allegiance (A fake Picard is put on the Enterprise while the real one is kidnapped and tested by aliens)
  • Captain’s Holiday (Picard vacations and becomes embroiled in romance and adventure)
  • Tin Man (A very telepathic Betazoid is sent to communicate with a new life form)
  • Hollow Pursuits (A nerdy crewmember gets addicted to holodeck fantasies)
  • The Most Toys (Data is kidnapped by a psycho collector)
  • Sarek (Spock’s father visits)
  • Menage a Trois (Troi and her mother are kidnapped by Ferengi)
  • Transfigurations (An amnesiatic Christ-like being evolves while on the ship)
  • The Best of Both Worlds Part I (The Borg threaten the Federation and kidnap Picard)

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  • The Best of Both Worlds Part II (The battle with the Borg and the transformed Picard ensues)
  • Family (Picard visits his family and Worf’s parents visit the Enterprise)
  • Brothers (Data and his evil twin meet their creator)
  • Suddenly Human (The crew encounters child abuse of a human boy living among humans)
  • Remember Me (Crusher is trapped in an alternate universe)
  • Legacy (The crew meet Tasha’s sister)
  • Reunion (Worf’s mate and their child appear amidst a Klingon dispute over who will head the Empire)
  • Future Imperfect (Riker thinks he’s lost his memory and that 25 years have passed)
  • Final Mission (Wesley and Picard crash-land on a desert planet)
  • The Loss (Troi loses her telepathic ability)
  • Data’s Day (A day in the life of Data)
  • The Wounded (During peace talks, a captain’s prejudice almost restarts the war with the Cardassians)
  • Devil’s Due (Picard fights a devil woman)
  • Clues (Data lies to the crew to protect them)
  • First Contact (An injured Riker is caught while undercover on an Earth-like planet)
  • Galaxy’s Child (The Enterprise helps an alien give birth and Geordi meets the real Dr. Brahms)
  • Night Terrors (Dream deprivation starts to drive the crew crazy)
  • Identity Crisis (Geordi and another crew member start to turn into alien shadow-creatures)
  • The Nth Degree (Barclay merges with the ship to prevent a crisis)
  • Qpid (Q makes Picard into Robin Hood so he can rescue Vash, Maid Marian)
  • The Drumhead (An ambassador heads a witch hunt for a Romulan spy)
  • Half a Life (Troi’s mother falls for a man condemned to die)
  • The Host (Crusher falls in love with a symbiotic alien ambassador)
  • In Theory (Data tries to fall in love)
  • Minds’ Eye (Geordi is brainwashed by Romulans)
  • Redemption (Picard is asked to be a negotiator in a Klingon dispute)

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  • Redemption II (Worf leaves to fight in the Klingon civil war while Picard tries to prove that the Romulans are involved)
  • Darmok (Picard is stranded on a planet with a monster and an alien that communicates in metaphor)
  • Ensign Ro (An officer with a bad attitude is brought on board to communicate with the beleagured Bajoran)
  • Silicon Avatar (An obsessed woman wants to kill the crystalline entity that killed her son)
  • Disaster (A disruption in space cripples the Enterprise)
  • The Game (Wesley saves the Enterprise from a mind-enslaving game)
  • Unification (Picard and Data go undercover in the Romulan Empire to find Spock)
  • Unification II (Picard and Data help Spock and an underground Romulan movement try to reunite the Vulcan and Romulan races)
  • A Matter of Time (An annoying historian from the future visits the Enterprise)
  • New Ground (Worf’s son comes to stay with him)
  • Hero Worship (A young boy, the lone survivor of a destroyed ship, tries to emulate Data)
  • Violations (Crewmembers undergo a form of psychic rape by telepathic aliens)
  • The Masterpiece Society (An idealic society is threatened by tremors)
  • Conundrum (The crewmembers lose their memories)
  • Power Play (Troi, Data, and O’Brien are taken over by aliens from a penal colony who hold the ship hostage)
  • Ethics (Worf becomes paralyzed and wants to commit suicide)
  • The Outcast (Riker falls for an androgynous alien)
  • Cause and Effect (The crew is caught in a time loop)
  • The First Duty (When a cadet is killed, Wesley and other cadets lie about the circumstances)
  • Cost of Living (Lwaxana prepares to marry)
  • The Perfect Mate (The Enterprise escorts a mate for a prince)
  • Imaginary Friend (A little girl finds a dangerous playmate)
  • I, Borg (The Enterprise finds a young Borg)
  • The Next Phase (Geordi and Ro turn into “ghosts” on a disabled Romulan ship)
  • The Inner Light (Picard’s mind is planted into that of a man long dead)
  • Time’s Arrow (Data’s head is found on Earth)

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  • Time’s Arrow II (The crew is threatened by mysterious aliens and Mark Twain on 18th century Earth)
  • Realm of Fear (Barclay thinks he has transporter psychosis)
  • Man of the People (A peace mediator dumps bad psychic energy into Troi)
  • Relics (Scotty is found suspended in a transporter beam)
  • Schisms (Riker and others inexplicably lose sleep and time)
  • True Q (A new officer discovers she’s a Q)
  • Rascals (Three of the officers are transformed into children while Ferengi take over the ship)
  • A Fistful of Datas (Troi, Worf and Alexander are trapped in a wild west scenario in the holodeck during a malfunction)
  • Quality of Life (Data fights for the rights of another mechanical life form)
  • Chain of Command (Picard, Worf and Crusher are assigned to spy in the Cardassian empire and the crew has to deal with a new captain)
  • Chain of Command Part 2 (Picard is tortured by the Cardassians)
  • Ship in a Bottle (Moriarty reappears and takes control of the ship)
  • Aquiel (Geordi falls for an officer who is suspected of being a shape-changing parasite)
  • Face of the Enemy (Troi turns into a Romulan)
  • Tapestry (Picard dies and Q offers to let him live his life over)
  • Birthright Part 1 (Worf and Data search for answers about their “fathers”)
  • Birthright Part 2 (Worf secretly visits a Romulan prison camp)
  • Starship Mine (During a routine cleaning, Picard discovers terrorists aboard the ship)
  • Lessons (Picard falls in love with a new science officer and then must send her into danger)
  • The Chase (Picard searches for missing pieces in a DNA puzzle)
  • Frame of Mind (Riker questions his sanity as he confronts altered realities)
  • Suspicions (Crusher tries to find the murdered among a group of scientists)
  • Rightful Heir (Worf meets the Klingon messiah)
  • Second Chance (The crew finds Riker’s double)
  • Timephase (Picard, Troi, Data, and Geordi come back from leave to find the Enterprise motionless in time)
  • Descent (As the ship battles the Borg, Data experiences emotions)

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  • Descent, Part 2 (Lore uses Data to torture Geordi, Picard, and Troi while Riker and Crusher try to rescue them and keep the ship from being destroyed by the Borg)
  • Liaisons (While alien ambassadors visit the ship, Picard and one of their race crash on a planet and are held captive by a madwoman)
  • Interface (While using a probe to investigate a crash site, Geordi sees his mother)
  • Gambit Part 1 (The crew investigates Picard’s mysterious death)
  • Gambit Part 2 (Riker and Picard work undercover to stop mercenaries from stealing Romulan artifacts)
  • Phantasms (Data experiences nightmares while awake)
  • Dark Page (Troi’s mother suffers a mental breakdown)
  • Attached (Picard and Crusher are mentally linked)
  • Force of Nature (The crew search for a missing ship in a corridor of space where warp engines are destroying the region)
  • Inheritance (Data meets his “mother”)
  • Parallels (Worf finds his reality changing)
  • The Pegasus (Riker’s former captain risks the Enterprise in the Neutral Zone to find their old ship)
  • Homeward (Worf’s step-brother violates the Prime Directive by bringing the members of a primitive race aboard the Enterprise)
  • Sub Rosa (After attending the funeral of her grandmother, Dr. Crusher falls in love with an ancient Scottish “ghost”)
  • Lower Decks (Four junior officers are up for promotion while the Enterprise is on a secret mission near the Cardassian border)
  • Thine Own Self (Data loses his memory on a primitive planet and Troi becomes a commander)
  • Masks (A strange comet gives Data multiple personalities and transforms the ship into an alien city)
  • Eye of the Beholder (After a crewman commits suicide, Troi has psychic visions)
    Genesis (While Data and Picard are off the ship, the rest of the crew de-evolves into primitives)
  • Journey’s End (Wesley interferes when the Enterprise has orders to move a Native American colony off its planet for the Cardassians)
  • Firstborn (A mysterious Klingon visits Worf and Alexander while the Enterprise tracks down B’etor and Lursa)
  • Bloodlines (A Ferengi from Picard’s past vows revenge on the son he never knew he had)
  • Emergence (The ship tries to create life, which affects the crew and the holodeck) (very end is missing)
  • Preemptive Strike (Ro Laren is recruited to infiltrate the Maquis)
  • All Good Things (Picard finds himself hurtling uncontrollably from the past to the present to the future and back again)

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From Jeff:Ā  Movies featuring the TNG cast

“Star Trek: Generations” Picard and his crew fight against a crazy scientist name Soran who is trying to get the Nexus by destroying stars. Picard, trapped in the Nexus with Soran, gets the presumed-dead Captain Kirk to help him go back in time and stop Soran.

“Star Trek: First Contact” While defending Earth from the Borg, the Enterprise goes back in time to keep them from interfering with the first time the Vulcans landed (to make first contact), in order to change history and take over the Earth when its more vulnerable.

“Star Trek: Insurrection” While helping to rescue Data, who malfunctioned while observing inhabitants of a peaceful planet, Picard uncovers a plot from some top Federation officers (and some neighboring aliens) to force them off the planet and mine it for its fountain of youth qualities (thus destroying the planet).

“Star Trek: Nemesis” Riker and Troi are married, and an earlier version of Data, B-4, is discovered. Dying Romulan rebel Shinzon, a young clone of Picard, tries to kidnap Picard and use his blood to save his life as well as destroy life on Earth.

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Picard and Q (with Geordi and Tasha in the background) on "Star Trek: The Next Generation"

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