Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Chelsea tells Billy she is worried about Connor because now he won’t come out of his room. Billy tries to talk to Connor but it doesn’t work and he stays in his room and he does his homework.

Nick arrives at Sharon’s house to find out that Cameron has kidnapped Faith. Nick searches the house and finds a bug and shows Chance that Cameron has been listening to their conversations the entire time. Nick calls Adam to tell him Cameron has kidnapped Faith and asks him not to tell Sally. Adam promises Nick he will keep Sally safe from Cameron.

Chance searches Cameron’s hotel room to look for clues to where he could have taken Faith. Sharon gets a text message from Cameron asking her to come to the hotel where they met years ago, and she must come alone. The text message includes a picture of Faith tied to a chair.

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