GH Short Recap Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Kevin decides to go to Chechnya with Laura and Valentin’s former bodyguard Yuri agrees to go with them to help find Nikolas.

Drew talks with Curtis and after their talk he calls his lawyer to talk about making a deal with the SEC.

Lucy and Maxie celebrate the amazing sales of The Deceptor. Lucy also helps Marie look for a house because it is time her and her children stopped living in a two-bedroom apartment.

A nurse tends to Willow when she comes into her room and tells Willow that her mother has been looking after her day and night. This conversation leads Willow to talk about her life and what’s lead to her being at the hospital. The nurse listens to Willow attentively and her questions make Willow think about her situation.

Brook Lynn tells Tracey she doesn’t want to be her spy at Deception.

Jordan sleeps with Portia’s brother Zeke but she doesn’t know he is Portia’s brother.

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