GH Short Recap Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Chase’s talk with Tracey makes him realize that he has been judgmental and stubborn when it comes to forgiving Brook Lynn. Chase decides to forgive Brook Lynn and goes to the Quartermaine mansion to serenade her with one of her songs while Finn plays the guitar to accompany him. Chase tells Brook Lynn how much he misses her and apologizes for being so stubborn.

Tracey smiles as she tells Ned and Finn that the reverse phycology she used on Chase worked to get Chase and Brook Lynn back together.

Ned tries to find out who gave the anonymous tip to the SEC so he can prove his innocence. Spencer and Dex come to blows inside the steam room at the gym after Spencer tells Dex his relationship with Joss won’t last because he and Joss are from two different worlds. Dex dodges a punch by Spencer and then Dex punches Spencer before he leaves the steam room.

Sonny proposes to Nina and after a long talk Nina says yes to Sonny’s marriage proposal.

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