GH Short Recap Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

This is a special episode dedicated to saying farewell to Epiphany Johnson whose portrayer Sonya Eddy died suddenly in December due to complications from surgery.

A woman arrives at the hospital chapel and tells Elizabeth and Finn that she is a nurse who was driving home from work and she hit a light pole which made her car catch fire. The woman explains that she was able to get out of the car and that is when she saw Epiphany. The nurse helped treat her injuries and stayed with her until the ambulance arrived. The woman explains that when she awakened at the hospital, she was told by the staff that Epiphany collapsed at the accident and died due to smoke inhalation affecting her pre-existing heart condition.

Epiphany’s friends gather at the hospital chapel for a celebration of her life. Anna’s grand-daughter Emma Drake returns to go to the memorial service and stops by the safe house to see Anna and explains to Anna that since her parents Noah and Robin couldn’t come to the service, she would come and attend the memorial service.

Everyone gathered at the hospital chapel shares memories of Epiphany, and the audience sees clips of Epiphany in scenes with each friend who is sharing a memory.

Diane, who is the executor of Epiphany’s will, tells Liesl that Epiphany wanted her to do something special for her memorial service. Once the memorial service was finished, Diane asks everyone to head over to the roof. Diane reads a note from Epiphany telling one to cry if they must but she would much rather go out with a bang. Liesl lights the fuse that starts the beautiful fireworks show.

Elizabeth gets a a call from Monica who was unable to be at the service because she was the keynote speaker at a medical conference. Monica tells Elizabeth that Diane brought her the letter Epiphany wrote for the ethics committee. In the letter Epiphany wrote that Elizabeth was a great nurse who cares deeply for people who need help and sometimes that can lead to making the wrong choice for the right reason. Epiphany continues her letter by saying that Elizabeth always takes responsibility for her actions and that is why she was going to recommend her for the head nurse position before she left for medical school at John’s Hopkins in the fall.

Monica tells Elizabeth that she intends to honor Epiphany’s last wish and recommend to the board that she be made head nurse. The audience hears Epiphany singing the song You’re Not Alone Anymore as the audience sees clips of her before the show ends with a picture of her and a moment of silence.

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