Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Elizabeth waits anxiously for the decision from the ethics committee of the hospital as to whether or not she can keep her job.
Curtis advises Trina nor to let the fact that her mother kept a secret from her affect her relationship with her mother. Portia suggests to Curtis that they go to marriage counseling to work on fixing their marriage. Curtis tells Portia that he doesn’t know if their marriage can be fixed because he doesn’t trust her anymore.
Brook Lynn and Chase almost get back together but Chase gets angry with Brook Lynn again when she tells him that she signed a non-disclosure agreement with Linc that prevents her from talking about the sexual harassment she went through while Linc was her manager. Brook Lynn tells Chase she did it so he could go back to being a cop and he wouldn’t have to continue singing to get enough evidence to put Linc in jail. Chase thinks Brook Lynn only wanted to get the rights to her songs back, and she wasn’t doing it to help him. Chase tells Brook Lynn that if she really signed the agreement to help him, she would have told him about the agreement after she signed it instead of lying to him and telling him she agreed to write commercial jingles for Linc. Chase thinks Brook Lynn didn’t tell him that truth right away because she knew what she was doing, was wrong and he would be angry with her about it.
Gregory is angry with Alexis because she called Finn when he told her he didn’t want Finn or Chase to know what is going on with his life.
Esme and baby Ace move in with Laura after she turns down Spencer’s offer to pay for her to live in the room above Kelly’s while Ace live with Laura since the room isn’t big enough for her and the baby to live there together. Esme moves into Laura’s house with baby Ace.
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