Days Update Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Nicole runs in to Eric in the park and says it’s funny running in to him of all people because she’s been thinking about him. Nicole reminds Eric that they met on this day 25 years ago. Eric confirms that he remembered and admits he’s been thinking about her too, a lot.

Tripp goes to see Wendy and thanks her for coming to Kayla’s funeral. Wendy says she wanted to say something to him that day but he was with his family and she didn’t want to intrude. Tripp calls it a really bad day. Wendy asks how he’s doing. Tripp says he’s just kind of going through the motions. Tripp adds that Steve is in complete denial. Wendy comments that she can’t imagine what it must feel like to lose the love of your life after all those years together. Wendy offers Tripp a drink but Tripp says he actually came to see how she’s doing because he saw Li got arrested again last night.

Rafe enters the interrogation room and says he sees Li survived his first night in a jail cell. Li questions if he really has to be handcuffed to the chair when jailbreak is not his style. Rafe remarks that his style seems to be doing whatever it takes to get what he wants so the handcuffs stay. Li tells Rafe that he did what he did because he loves Gabi so much. Li sincerely believes that he’s better for Gabi than Stefan ever was. Rafe argues that Li never gave a damn that Gabi thought otherwise. Li mentions that he and Gabi have had some good conversations lately and he thinks she’s going to forgive him. Rafe laughs that off and assures there is no grudge that Gabi won’t hold on to. Rafe adds that Melinda Trask is exactly the same, so she’s going to drum up every charge she can against him including the attempted murder of Stefan DiMera. Li argues that she still has to make those charges stick in court. Rafe informs him that Melinda is pretty confident after Dr. Rolf rolled on him big time by saying that everything he did was because of either Li or Kristen. Li questions what Rafe is doing here. Rafe responds that Li is his brother in law now, so he’s going to give him the opportunity to get this over with quickly. Rafe tells Li that he can save himself a lot of money if he pleads guilty.

Gabi runs in to Chloe in the town square. Gabi notices Chloe’s bag and asks if she’s going on a trip. Chloe informs her that she actually just came back.

Stefan remains tied to the bed in Eric’s room as the projector in front of him displays a slideshow of photos of Chloe. Brady joins Dr. Rolf in the room. Dr. Rolf tells Brady that he cannot continue without the proper nourishment and demands his chowder. Brady says he’s tired of doing Dr. Rolf’s errands so he’s going to have to finish on an empty stomach. Dr. Rolf decides that as soon as the equipment is ready, they will start again.

Chloe tells Gabi that she couldn’t take all the craziness here, so she visited her son at boarding school. Chloe adds that she hasn’t heard a word from Stefan except for one call on Valentine’s Day. Gabi informs her that she got that call too and went for dinner. Chloe asks if that means they are back together. Gabi admits that she thought they were and they were heading upstairs to make love for the first time since he had been shot, but then he called her by Chloe’s name. Gabi adds that she walked out and hasn’t seen or heard from Stefan since but he still believes he’s madly in love with both of them.

Li tells Rafe that he doesn’t care what Dr. Rolf says because he’s a psychopathic liar. Rafe warns that he’s pretty sure Kristen can back up Rolf’s statement. Li says he has to find her first. Rafe points out that Kristen always comes back and then they will prove that Li is the one who paid Dr. Rolf, held Stefan against his will, and tortured him to make him believe he no longer loved Gabi and that he was programmed to believe he was in love with Chloe. Li points out that was all Kristen’s idea. Rafe notes that it was Li’s idea to pull the plug on the machines that were keeping Stefan alive and if Kristen hadn’t have walked in, Stefan might be dead right now. Rafe says he can have that all typed up and all Li has to do is sign it. Sloan then walks in and declares Li is not signing anything because this interrogation is over.

Brady warns Dr. Rolf that Stefan is waking up and questions what they are doing here. Dr. Rolf brings up not wanting another visit from Roman. Brady tells him that he won’t have to worry about that because Eric said Roman believed the lights flickering was a message from Kate. Dr. Rolf laughs that off as Roman being in love but says he’s afraid that Kate is dead and no one can bring her back, other than himself.

Nicole tells Eric that she was having breakfast with Abe and Paulina and it just hit her that today was the day they met. Eric asks what made her put it together. Nicole says she was talking about her complicated relationship with Kate which made her think about her complicated relationship with him. Eric says he was telling Roman about the first time he laid eyes on Nicole in February on a cold day like today and it just kind of hit him. Nicole questions why he was talking to Roman about her when Roman has never been her biggest fan. Eric informs her that it’s all changed and that Roman actually said he was rooting for them to get back together. Nicole questions why Roman would be rooting for them and asks if he doesn’t know Eric has a girlfriend. Eric questions since when he has a girlfriend. Nicole brings up Sloan, but Eric assures that she is not his girlfriend. Nicole brings up them being together on Valentine’s Day. Eric responds that they both know from experience that relationships can turn on a dime and this one did. Eric reveals that he and Sloan are no longer seeing each other.

Sloan asks Rafe to leave. Li tells her that it’s about time since he had to spend the night in jail and spend the last half hour with Rafe. Sloan says she did everything she could to get him arraigned but night court had already adjourned. Sloan adds that she found a way to make it up to him. Sloan asks Rafe to take the handcuffs off of Li because she’s demanding that he be released in to her custody.

Wendy tells Tripp that Li was feeling like things might work out for him and then two cops showed up and arrested him because Dr. Rolf told them that Li forced him to brainwash Stefan. Tripp remarks that Dr. Rolf only looks out for himself. Wendy comments that Li used to be the smartest and shrewdest guy she knows, but then he got obsessed with Gabi who is like his kryptonite. Wendy says Li would do anything to get Gabi back and thinks he still has a chance with her. Wendy adds that Gabi keeps going on about how much she loves Stefan, but she’s not a woman who will wait for long for a man to make up his mind and she thinks Li is banking on that.

Gabi tells Chloe that she told Li that she’s had it with Stefan. Gabi says when a man calls her by another name, that’s it. Gabi then declares that if Chloe came back because she wants Stefan, he’s all hers.

Stefan threatens to yell until somebody hears him if Brady and Dr. Rolf don’t let him go. Brady says he can’t let him do that. Stefan tries to get Brady to listen to reason, arguing that it’s been 24 hours and nothing has changed. Stefan knows he still loves Chloe and Gabi and he doesn’t like it but that’s the way it is. Brady tells him that they are not done yet while Stefan says he can’t let him do this to him anymore. Brady says he loves Chloe and he knows that Gabi is the woman that Stefan loves but everything is screwed up, so he’s trying to fix it and do him a favor. Stefan argues that Brady isn’t doing this for anyone but himself. Stefan adds that what Kristen did to Brady has nothing to do with him. Brady points out that Chloe knows why he did what he did now. Stefan points out that Chloe still won’t take him back and asks what that tells him. Stefan argues that Brady trying to fix it so that he doesn’t want Chloe anymore makes him no better than Li, as he wants Chloe back and doesn’t care who he has to step on or hurt to make that happen. Brady threatens to put the gag on him. Stefan warns him about what a serious crime kidnapping is and says when he gets out, he will see to it that Eric and Brady go to prison for a very long time. Brady goes to gag Stefan but Stefan says this is not Brady and questions if this is really how he wants to get Chloe back. Stefan asks what he thinks Chloe would do if she found out what Brady was doing to him.

Nicole remarks that it looked like Sloan staked a claim on Eric. Nicole then asks what Sloan did to make Eric stop seeing her. Eric responds that he was trying to help Brady. Nicole asks what that has to do with Sloan. Eric states that he betrayed her trust while trying to help Brady get Chloe back, so she wants nothing to do with him. Eric adds that he and Sloan weren’t serious. Nicole comments that Eric is available then while Eric points out that she is not.

Wendy comments to Tripp that it’s like a virus going around making you love two different people, noting Stefan with Chloe and Gabi, and how for awhile there was Allie, Chanel, and Alex. Wendy says that Allie solved that by ditching both of them and mentions her moving to New Zealand. Tripp says that Allie stopped by on her way to the airport to let him say goodbye to Henry. Wendy adds that Chanel moved back in with her mom. Tripp asks who else Wendy knows that is in love with two different people. Wendy guesses she overstated it. Tripp asks about the apartment. Wendy says she can’t afford it by herself, so she would need roommates but she doesn’t know that many people. Tripp then asks what if he moves in.

Stefan demands an answer from Brady as to what he thinks Chloe would do if she knew what he was doing. Brady orders Dr. Rolf to continue the procedure as Stefan complains and pleads with them but they wrap around Stefan’s head and begin shocking him.

Chloe asks if Gabi has really given up on Stefan. Gabi responds that she’s going to remain with Li. Chloe questions getting back together with Li after what he did. Gabi states that he made her an offer she couldn’t refuse. Chloe says it must have been some offer. Gabi confirms that Li signed over his entire block of shares in DiMera Enterprises. Chloe says there must have been conditions. Gabi admits that she had to stay married to him and live with him for another six months. Chloe says that can’t be easy. Gabi adds that it’s not happening since Li got arrested so the only person he’ll be living with is his cellmate in prison.

Rafe tells Sloan that Dr. Rolf sang like he was on Broadway and it seems that Li disconnected Stefan from the equipment that was keeping alive but someone came in and saved him, so Li had Rolf do a little mind control instead. Sloan claims that Dr. Rolf is lying to save himself. Rafe says he’s sure he can get Kristen to testify under the right circumstances. Sloan says when Rafe finds Kristen, he can give her a call but until then she needs him to release Li. Rafe tells her that she’s going to need to find a judge to do that and he doesn’t think Melinda will go along with it. Sloan asks about when she tells the judge that Eric got Dr. Rolf to sign the statement by lying to him or claiming that he worked for her when he did not. Rafe says he’d rather take his chances in court to make any kind of deal with Sloan. Sloan remarks that she doesn’t think Melinda is as optimistic as he makes her out to be. Sloan reveals she just came from Melinda’s office and she is pretty upset with Rafe and Jada. Rafe gets a text which Sloan guesses is telling Rafe to release Li right now. Rafe then reluctantly removes the handcuffs from Li. Rafe warns Li that he will just get Dr. Rolf to sign a new statement so he shouldn’t get too comfortable or think about taking off. Li asks why he would do that when his wife is here. Li then exits with Sloan.

Brady and Dr. Rolf continue the procedure on Stefan until he passes out. Dr. Rolf orders Brady to turn it off, warning that he doesn’t know what he might be doing to him. Brady stops and Dr. Rolf checks on Stefan. Dr. Rolf then declares that Brady has killed Stefan. Brady argues that Dr. Rolf said he could make this work. Dr. Rolf says it did work and he was on his way to erasing his feelings for Chloe but it wasn’t happening fast enough for Brady. Brady checks on Stefan and feels no pulse. Brady sends Dr. Rolf to go get a first aid kit. Brady tells Stefan not to die on him and tries giving him CPR. Stefan then wakes up and screams, remarking that he didn’t think Brady cared. Brady says he didn’t want murder on his rap sheet. Rafe arrives and knocks on the door. Stefan tries to scream but Brady covers his mouth.

Gabi tells Chloe that she knows Rafe will make Li pay for what he did to her and Stefan. Chloe argues that revenge is great but doesn’t keep her warm at night. Gabi says she has his shares to keep her warm. Gabi claims she doesn’t want a man right now. Gabi adds that she knows how Stefan feels about her and she isn’t above using that to influence his vote. Gabi assures that she will get what’s coming to her. Gabi notes that she’s had her heart broken before and let it throw her off balance which ended up screwing her over in the business world. Gabi insists that she’s calling the shots and she knew how much trouble Li would get in which is why she agreed to the six months. Gabi feels she won’t be seeing Li for quite some time except maybe in the prison visiting room. Li then arrives and says he hates to say she’s mistaken. Gabi is shocked to see that he’s out. Li announces that he’s been released without a single charge.

Wendy thought Tripp and Joey were going back to Seattle now that the funeral is over. Tripp says that Joey is going back but he’s going to stay here since Steve isn’t doing well and the doctors say Ava is still hearing voices. Wendy says she’s so sorry. Tripp admits it’s really sad but since he is all Ava has, he doesn’t want to be too far. Tripp adds that he also just got a position at the hospital. Tripp says he was going to live with Steve, but he kind of wants his own place if she needs help with the rent. Wendy admits she can’t even afford to split the rent, so there would need to be a third person. Tripp says one roommate is better than none but then asks if this is about Johnny since she decided to give him another shot. Wendy says they went out on one date and it went pretty well, but they aren’t ready to move in together. Tripp says that means she still needs two roommates, so he’s offering to be one of them unless she thinks Johnny would hate the idea. Wendy asks why he would since Johnny knows they are just friends. Wendy doesn’t think Johnny would like to see her out on the street, so she agrees to let Tripp move in.

Nicole tells Eric that available is a strange word to describe someone, but supposes it’s not as bad as “on the market”. Eric assumes that she is not available since he did see her with EJ on Valentine’s Day and it seems they are very tight. Nicole confirms that they are seeing where it goes and guesses that means she’s not available. Eric tells Nicole that it was nice bumping in to her and goes to leave but Nicole stops him and questions why he told her that Roman was rooting for them. Eric says there was no reason and he just found it interesting that Roman had a change of heart. Nicole asks if Eric has had a change of heart. Eric says he hasn’t done much thinking about what’s in his heart, but he wants it to stop hurting. Eric decides he first needs to make peace with losing his mom. Eric says Roman keeps talking about how much he misses Kate as it was their only opportunity to be together. Nicole wonders if that’s what made him say he’s rooting for them. Nicole’s phone rings so Eric asks if she’s going to answer because it might be important. Nicole states that this is important. Nicole then asks Eric if he has any regrets. Eric says she knows that he does. Nicole gets a text so Eric assumes it’s EJ. Nicole checks and confirms that EJ says he needs to see her right away, so it could be about Holly. Eric remarks that Nicole and Holly live with EJ now like one big happy family.

Chloe tells Gabi and Li that she will go get settled in and let them hash this out. Chloe heads on to the Salem Inn. Gabi questions what happened and how Li got out this time. Li guesses it’s too much to ask for her to be happy for him. Li informs Gabi that his ordeal is over now, so now he has his freedom, she has his DiMera shares, and they made a deal.

Rafe bangs on the door, asking for Eric to open up as it’s police business. Brady keeps his hand over Stefan’s mouth. Dr. Rolf hides around the corner as Rafe shouts that they need to have a conversation about Rolf. Stefan bites Brady’s hand and screams for Rafe’s help. Brady tries to shout back that there’s nothing going on but Rafe kicks the door open. Rafe then questions what the hell Brady is doing.

Nicole doesn’t want to leave things like this. Eric says she has no choice because EJ said it was important. Nicole then goes to leave but Eric stops to ask her one more question. Eric brings up Orpheus saying that a DiMera stole the Orchid that could have saved Marlena, Kate, and Kayla. Eric wonders if Nicole heard anything about it since she lives in the mansion. Nicole assures that she would’ve told him if she did. Eric knows it was a long shot. Eric tells Nicole that he will see her around and walks away.

Tripp cooks lunch for he and Wendy. Wendy is surprised and thinks having Tripp as a roommate is going to be awesome.

Li tells Gabi that they are about to spend their first night together. Gabi threatens to put him in the hospital if he touches her during their six months together. Li jokes about what a romantic she is. Gabi remarks that she liked him better in jail and she can’t believe he got away with what he did to Stefan. Gabi starts to walk away and says she’s going home but Li reminds her that her home is where ever he is for the next six months. Gabi reminds Li that he gave up his room at the Salem Inn. Li thinks that he has the perfect place for them.

Rafe unties Stefan from the bed and helps him up. Rafe questions what is going on here. Stefan explains that Brady kidnapped him and demanded Dr. Rolf fry his brain again, along with Eric. Dr.Rolf listens from outside the door as Rafe asks where Rolf is now. Rolf then sneaks away. Brady says he’s not saying a word without his lawyer. Stefan says he was just there a minute ago. Rafe wants to get Stefan to the ER but Stefan says no hospitals after he was just tied to a bed for 24 hours ago. Rafe insists but Stefan doesn’t give a damn what he thinks and storms out. Rafe then stops Brady and says he’s not going anywhere.

Dr. Rolf exits the Brady Pub and runs in to Sloan, who asks if he’s going somewhere. Dr. Rolf says he has nothing to say to her. Sloan says she’s trying to help him and reminds him that the cops are looking for him to sign a new statement. Dr. Rolf says maybe that’s the best option but Sloan has another idea. Sloan brings up how important Dr. Rolf’s work is to him and says Li can set him up with a new lab where all his needs will be met and no disturbances. Dr. Rolf doesn’t trust Li or Sloan. Dr. Rolf adds that Brady is in no position to help anyone. Dr. Rolf then suggests he should accept Sloan’s offer and tells her to lead the way as they walk off together.

Eric comes home to find Rafe handcuffing Brady. Eric questions what happened. Rafe responds that he just arrested Brady for kidnapping and Eric is next.

Chloe begins unpacking in her room at the Salem Inn when Stefan shows up at her door.

Wendy tells Tripp that Allie and Chanel only had takeout so she was living off ramen and mac and cheese. Tripp jokes that when they find a third roommate, they’ll have steak every night. There’s a knock at the door so Wendy assumes it’s the movers for Allie’s stuff but it’s Gabi and Li. Wendy is surprised to see Li is out of jail. Wendy invites him in to tell them what happened. Li suggests they have dinner together here as he announces that he and Gabi are moving in.

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