Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
EJ brings Nicole’s breakfast to her room at the DiMera Mansion. Nicole thanks him and jokes about there not being a newspaper with it like Harold usually brings. Nicole asks EJ what’s going on. EJ then informs Nicole that he has some sad news and wanted to break it to her, himself.
Johnny is in the living room of the DiMera Mansion, reading the Spectator article on Kate and Kayla’s deaths with Marlena in critical condition. Johnny is on the phone with Allie and says he’s so sorry about Kate. Johnny says he will meet her at the hospital when visiting hours start. Johnny says he loves her and hangs up. Stefan returns home. Johnny notes that he’s finally back. Stefan says it was pandemonium at the airport with every flight delayed, so it’s a miracle he even made it back from Miami. Stefan jokes he wouldn’t have minded a couple of extra days of paradise with Chloe. Johnny asks if he had a good time then. Stefan confirms that they rang in the New Year on the dance floor of the hottest nightclub in Miami. Johnny questions if he didn’t have any unforeseen interruptions. Stefan guesses he knows about Gabi. Johnny confirms that he drove her to the airport. Stefan confirms that Gabi did find him and told him everything.
Gabi returns home from Miami. Rafe asks how it went and if she saw Stefan, but notes that she doesn’t look good. Gabi breaks down crying as Rafe hugs her and says he’s sorry.
Li sits in the town square, trying to come up with a message to text Gabi but gives up in frustration. Chloe arrives and confronts Li, saying he damn well better answer her questions.
Kristen returns home to John and Marlena’s and sees she forgot Rachel’s lunchbox. Eric comes in after her and reveals that he just came from seeing Roman. Kristen asks how he’s doing. Eric informs Kristen that Roman’s wife just did and so did his sister. Eric declares that Marlena could be next, or maybe Kristen will beat her to it, as he pulls a gun on Kristen.
Gabi tells Rafe about how she arrived in Miami to find Stefan in bed with Chloe. Rafe asks if she told Stefan what Dr. Rolf did. Gabi confirms she told him everything, but Stefan says it doesn’t matter at all and he doesn’t care.
Johnny questions Stefan saying that Gabi told him everything. Stefan confirms he heard the whole alleged conspiracy and brainwashing from Dr. Rolf and Li. Johnny questions him not being upset that Dr. Rolf turned him against the woman he loves. Stefan asks how he’s supposed to believe any of that. Johnny asks what he means. Stefan brings up that Gabi tracked down Dr. Rolf before he left town and she believed his denial, but now she suddenly changes her story and believes the opposite, so he questions how he knows what story to believe. Johnny then reveals that he knows Dr. Rolf brainwashed him because he heard it straight from Rolf himself.
EJ informs Nicole about the deaths of Kate and Kayla. EJ explains that they had a relapse of the rare disease they had months ago. Nicole can’t believe it as she thought they all took the anonymous vial. EJ explains that they all thought they had been cured since they had been perfectly healthy all this time, until now. Nicole asks about Marlena since she had it too. EJ informs her that Marlena has been similarly affected and is very ill, but she’s still holding on for now. Nicole starts to cry and worries about Eric.
Kristen asks if Eric wants revenge and argues that he’s not a murderer since he was a priest. Eric brings up the bible saying an eye for an eye. Eric yells at her to shut up and says this isn’t a game and he’s not the coward that she thinks he is. Eric reminds her that he kidnapped her daughter. Kristen calls that a glorified playdate. Kristen knows he wouldn’t hurt Rachel, just like he won’t hurt her. Eric asks if that’s what she thinks. Eric demands Kristen hand over the Orchid or else they are both going to find out what he’s capable of.
Gabi tells Rafe that Stefan threw her out and told her that he wanted to stay with Chloe, so he didn’t even believe her. Rafe says he’s so sorry. Gabi argues that they need to find Dr. Rolf so maybe he can undo what he did to Stefan. Rafe assures that he’s doing everything he can to find Dr. Rolf since they need him to backup her story that Kristen and Li masterminded this whole mess. Rafe mentions that he did have to release Kristen and Li from custody since he didn’t have enough evidence told him, but declares that he will not let them get away with what they did to Gabi and Stefan.
Li tells Chloe that he’s not sure what she’s heard. Chloe responds that she knows everything since she was with Stefan when Gabi crashed their New Year’s in Miami. Chloe goes over Li brainwashing Stefan away from Gabi since he knew he couldn’t compete. Chloe accuses Li of playing God with Stefan’s life and Gabi’s life. Li argues that he loves Gabi very much. Chloe says she has a hell of a way of showing it since she hates him now. Chloe questions why Li dragged her in to this.
Stefan questions when Dr. Rolf told Johnny about this. Johnny explains that Wendy overheard Li having a conversation about Dr. Rolf and Stefan, so she got worried that Li was in over his head somehow. Stefan then realizes this was what the Jakarta trip was about. Johnny admits they took the company jet to Indonesia to find Dr. Rolf and it wasn’t a joyride, but a mission. Johnny says that Wendy tricked Dr. Rolf in to admitting everything about the brainwashing, but he got the upper hand on them and tried to inject them with a drug that would make them forget everything, just like he did to Gabi when she confronted him before he fled Salem. Stefan realizes that Gabi really was drugged and that’s why she was convinced that Dr. Rolf was innocent. Johnny explains that when the drug wore off, Gabi blew up her whole wedding and got on a plane to tell Stefan everything. Stefan calls this all very enlightening, but says there’s just one piece missing for him. Stefan goes over Johnny going to Jakarta weeks ago and questions why he’s just now hearing about this.
Nicole tells EJ that Eric has lost his aunt and stepmother and now possibly his mother, just like that. EJ calls it an unspeakable tragedy. Nicole worries that Eric’s already in a bad place after everything he’s been through. EJ encourages that Nicole didn’t do anything and that Eric turned his back on her for no good reason. Nicole says whatever it is doesn’t matter. Nicole declares that she wants to be there for Eric, but she’s afraid that she’s the last person he wants to see.
Kristen swears to Eric that if she knew where the orchid was, she’d tell him. Kristen questions how to convince him when he’s holding a gun on her. Eric questions why he should believe her when she’s always been a liar as well as a murderer and rapist. Eric goes over the orchid magically disappearing when they need it the most and yells at Kristen to shut the hell up. Eric says it’s too convenient to be a coincidence. Eric tells Kristen that her game is over because he has the gun. Eric orders Kristen to take him to the Orchid or he’s going to a put a bullet in her. Brady then comes home and asks what the hell Eric is doing.
EJ tells Nicole that he’s so sorry. Nicole thanks him but feels she played her part in this. Nicole disagrees that Eric pushed her away for no reason. EJ feels she’s too hard on herself. Nicole thinks she’s not hard enough on herself. EJ encourages that she’s a good person and says she’s been great company to have around. Nicole is glad someone thinks so. Nicole knows it seems crazy that she’s not ready to move on from Eric, especially when he hates her guts. EJ tells her that she knows what feels right, so he won’t press her on it. Nicole starts to drink the coffee from her breakfast but says her New Year’s Resolution was to quit caffeine but it now seems trivial. EJ says he will add decaf. Nicole declares that she now thinks she’s going to give up men instead.
Gabi tells Rafe that she was a fool to trust Li Shin and now she’s actually married to him. Rafe jokes that now they can be divorce buddies since he just got his papers from Nicole. Gabi says she’s sorry but Rafe says it’s for the best. Rafe says he has to get to work and advises Gabi not to give up on Stefan. Gabi promises she will never give up on the man she loves as Rafe then exits.
Stefan questions Johnny and Wendy flying halfway around the world, risking her job, and come back with the truth but then lied to his face. Stefan doesn’t get it. Johnny thinks back to promising EJ that he wouldn’t tell Stefan about his involvement. Stefan then questions what Johnny is not telling him. EJ then walks in and acknowledges Stefan being back. EJ then questions what’s going on here.
Chloe tells Li that when Stefan woke up, he hated Gabi and was fixated on her. Chloe questions why since it made it no sense as they had broken up way before he had died and she was with Brady then. Li suggests she ask herself who would stand to benefit to drive a wedge between her and Brady. Chloe asks if he’s saying Kristen had a hand in this. Li says he’s not saying anything but she drew her own conclusion. Chloe calls him a son of a bitch and argues that he can’t screw with people’s lives and then not own up to it when he’s caught. Chloe orders him to take some responsibility but argues that he can’t do that because he’s a disgusting excuse for a human being. Li reminds Chloe that she works for him. Chloe says not anymore and announces that she quits as she then walks away.
Brady tells Eric that Kristen doesn’t know where the Orchid is and asks him to give him the gun. Eric questions why Brady believes everything Kristen says or does. Brady reminds him that Kristen swore on Rachel’s life and has no reason to lie. Eric shouts that she has every reason to manipulate him. Brady tells Eric that his mother needs him and they are running out of time as he pleads with him to give him the gun. Eric reluctantly gives Brady the gun and declares that he’s not playing these games anymore. Eric warns Kristen about if anything happens to his mother and she dies as he walks out of the house. Kristen thanks Brady. Brady responds that he didn’t do it for her, but for Eric. Brady then asks Kristen to go pack her bags and get out of the house.
Nicole goes to Chloe’s hotel room at the Salem Inn. Nicole says she heard Stefan was back so she figured Chloe would be too. Chloe hugs her and says she’s so glad to see her. Chloe guesses she’s heard about the disaster in Miami but Nicole says no as she didn’t even talk to Stefan. Nicole tells Chloe that she’s so sorry but she felt Gabi should know where Stefan was after what happened at her wedding. Chloe says it’s okay and she wishes someone told Gabi sooner, since she and Stefan rang in the New Year by sleeping together. Chloe explains that she almost didn’t go through with it since she couldn’t stop thinking about Brady, but then she just thought that she deserves to be happy and to feel good, so she went through with it and it really was wonderful, but then afterwards, Gabi bursts in to their hotel room and tells them everything about Dr. Rolf brainwashing Stefan in to hating Gabi and fixating on her. Chloe feels so stupid since the only reason Stefan wanted her is because Dr. Rolf engineered those feelings. Nicole is sure that’s not the only reason. Chloe says that Stefan insists his feelings are real, but questions if she can really believe that.
Johnny tells EJ that they were just talking about what Dr. Rolf did to Stefan. Stefan adds that Johnny just told him that he knew what Rolf did all along and was just about to attempt to explain himself. Johnny claims that he kept quiet because of someone he cares about. Stefan asks him who. Johnny says that it was Wendy which relieves EJ. Johnny says that he and Wendy got really close and Li begged her not to expose him and she agreed, so he felt he had to keep his mouth shut too for her. Stefan asks if that’s the whole story. Johnny claims that it is.
Li goes to see Gabi. She says she has nothing to say to him. Li asks her to just hear him out. Gabi asks why she should when all he’s done is lie to her and he knew Stefan was alive and never said anything. Li argues that Stefan had no heart, so all he had was a vague promise from Dr. Rolf that he might wake up someday. Li claims his interest in Stefan had nothing to do with Gabi, but about what resurrecting him might do to DiMera. Gabi argues that Li chose business over her. Li asks her to let him put it all in to context. Gabi questions how this could ever be made forgivable. Gabi asks for the business reason for Li trying to pull the plug on Stefan. Gabi then tells him to save it since Dr. Rolf explained the whole thing and then drugged her, which she’s sure Li knew about. Li says he was desperate as he was deeply in love with her and didn’t want to lose her. Gabi declares that now that Li is a lying bastard with no integrity, he’s lost her forever.
Rafe is on the phone at the police station, saying they need access to DiMera’s records and proof they financed Dr. Rolf’s move to Indonesia. Rafe says they will figure it out when they get the warrant and hangs up. Eric arrives and remarks that DiMeras are nothing but liars who cover up the truth until people you love are going to die. Rafe responds that he’s really sorry for what he’s going through. Rafe wishes there was something he could do. Eric tells him to arrest Kristen right now.
Kristen questions Brady wanting her to go. Brady tells her not to act surprised since the only reason she was living her was because she was holding the orchid over his head. Brady says now two women are dead and a third might not make it, while she lost the only thing that could save her life so he wants her out. Kristen asks how Rachel will feel when she comes home from school and she’s not there. Brady assures that Rachel will be fine and will eventually understand why Kristen can’t be apart of her life. Brady says that Marlena is not fine as she’s dying in the ICU, so he doesn’t want John coming home to see Kristen’s face, as a widower. Brady orders Kristen to get out now. Kristen cries that she has nowhere else to go. Brady shouts that it is not his problem.
Li tells Gabi that he knows what he did was wrong. Gabi asks if he’s that arrogant or deluded to think he can just apologize and all is forgiven. Li argues that Gabi knows what it’s like to cross the line for love and says they are the same because they are not afraid to take drastic measures when something is truly worth the risk. Li says Stefan isn’t like them because he gave up on her which is something he will never do. Gabi argues that Stefan didn’t give up, he was brainwashed by him so he had no choice. Li argues that if Stefan loved her enough, no amount of brainwashing could have stopped him. Li declares that Stefan never loved her like he does. Li says that Gabi has every right to judge him harshly, but deep down, she knows why he did it because she would’ve done it too which proves they belong together and she knows it.
Chloe tells Nicole that they all thought it was strange when Stefan started showing up at her door with flowers considering how in love with Gabi he was. Chloe adds that she wasn’t interested since she only had eyes for Brady, but then Brady walked out on her and went back to Kristen while Stefan was there, treating her like the best thing to ever happen to him. Chloe says for the first time in a long time while in bed with him in Miami, she stopped hurting and was happy but then Gabi crashed in and ruined that too. Nicole says she’s so sorry that it’s such a mess, but she’s here for her. Chloe thanks her for listening and says enough about her. Chloe then asks how Nicole’s New Year’s was.
Johnny apologizes to Stefan. Stefan hoped that family loyalty would trump his burgeoning relationship with Wendy, but what’s done is done. Stefan then takes his bag and heads upstairs. EJ thanks Johnny and says it’s one thing for Stefan to believe Johnny was involved in the cover up, but he is his brother and his boss. Johnny states that he kept the secret this long, so there’s no reason to let it out now. Johnny notes that Stefan didn’t really seem to care what Dr. Rolf did but maybe the shock of knowing the truth will wear off. Johnny gets a call from Allie and asks her what’s happening, then he is shocked by what she tells him.
Rafe tells Eric that Kristen claims that she doesn’t know who could have taken the orchid. Eric argues that she’s playing dumb and assures that she knows more than she’s putting on. Eric tells Rafe to go haul her ass out and get it out of her. Rafe tries to explain things. Eric then argues that he knows Rafe blames him for what happened with Nicole, but tells him not to let Marlena suffer because he’s angry with him.
Brady talks to Theresa on the phone and says she’s so sorry about Kayla. Brady asks her not to tell their son Tate about Marlena yet. Brady thanks her and hangs up. Kristen comes back in to the room and tells Brady that he doesn’t need to do this, arguing that Rachel will need her mother more than ever. Brady says that’s because she might lose her grandmother because of her. Brady doesn’t know why he let Kristen get away with this for as long as he did because he was worried that if he told someone, she’d let someone die and then it happened anyway. Brady suggests maybe if he tried harder in the beginning, he’d have the orchid and then Kate and Kayla would still be here. Kristen tells him not to blame himself. Brady assures that he blames her. Kristen tells Brady to tell Rachel that she loves her. Brady says goodbye to Kristen.
Gabi questions Li expecting her to forgive him when he tried to kill the man she loves and then married her, knowing what he had done. Gabi warns Li to get the hell out or she will kick him out. Gabi then starts throwing food at him until he leaves.
Johnny hangs up with Allie and then informs EJ that Allie just spoke to Brady and found out that Kristen had apparently been hiding an Orchid here in the Mansion in the secret passages for months, but now that it’s needed to make a serum for Marlena, it’s missing. EJ wonders what the hell Kristen has done. Johnny notes that Kristen swears she doesn’t know where it is, but Marlena is getting worse, the clock is ticking, and they need that serum now. Johnny says there has to be a way they can make more of it. EJ says maybe Dr. Rolf would know. Johnny decides he needs to go see Rafe and rushes out of the mansion.
Rafe understands that Eric is worried about Marlena and desperate to save her, so he feels terrible for what he’s going through. Rafe then tells Eric no more playing amateur detective and to come to him next time. Eric argues that he was trying to get medical help for his critically ill mother. Rafe says that he will follow up on every lead, but right now Eric is wasting his time, so the best thing he could to help his mother is leave.
Nicole informs Chloe that she spent New Year’s with EJ but assures that nothing really happened. Chloe asks about Eric. Nicole responds that Eric is sleeping with Sloan Peterson which surprises her. Nicole knows it’s insane but they are barely speaking to each other and she wishes she could reach out to him with everything going on with his family. Chloe asks what she means. Nicole remembers that Chloe just got back so she hasn’t heard about Kate, Kayla, and Marlena. Chloe questions what is happening with them but they get interrupted by Brady showing up at the door. Chloe asks what he’s doing there.
Johnny goes to the police station. Rafe says he heard about Marlena and he’s so sorry, asking if there’s anything he can do. Johnny says he just found out from Allie that Marlena is in desperate need of the serum that comes from the Orchid, but it’s gone missing although it’s possible that Dr. Rolf could make more. Rafe says they are actually looking for Rolf regarding another case. Johnny reveals that’s why he came and declares his search is over, because he knows where Dr. Rolf is.
Stefan shows up at Gabi’s door.
Brady asks if he can talk to Chloe alone. Nicole says she was just leaving. Nicole tells Chloe to call her any time and exits. Chloe asks what Brady wants. Brady says he wanted to tell her the reason why he broke up with her and admits it had nothing to do with Rachel, but Kristen forced him to do it.
Kristen enters the DiMera Mansion with her bags. EJ asks what the hell she is doing here. Kristen asks what it looks like and declares that she’s coming home.
Nicole walks through the town square. Eric walks by and stops when he sees her.
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