GH Short Recap Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Curtis asks Ava to fire Trina from her job at the art gallery because he is afraid that the hook attacker may go to the gallery to try and finish the job and attack Trina. Ava doesn’t want to fire Trina but agrees with Curtis that it will keep Trina safe.

Jordan asks Portia if Curtis is Tina’s father and Portia refuses to answer the question because it is none of Jordan’s business. Jordan tells Portia she can’t marry Curtis with this hanging over her head. Portia wonders if Jordan plans to tell Curtis her suspicions about Tina’s paternity.

Spinelli admits to Sam that he has feelings for Maxie, but he doesn’t intend to tell her about his feelings because she is happy with Austin. Spinelli also tells Sam he is the owner of Society Setups and he could go to jail for it.

Josslyn tells Dante she remembers hearing a jingling noise when she was leaving the alley at Charlie’s pub before Brando was attacked adding more credibility to Dante’s theory that Dex is the hook attacker.

Sam tells Michael that Dex was questioned by the police and later taken home by Sonny. Michael heads over to talk to Sonny and asks him if he is trying to get a confession out of Dex. Michael isn’t aware that Sonny has Dex with someone who is a specialist in getting confessions out of people.

Maxie tells Cody he should talk to Mac if he thinks Mac is his father.

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