GH Short Recap Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Finn doesn’t want Chase to investigate Brando’s death because it could put his reinstatement to the police force in jeopardy.

Sonny and Alexis think Kristina should take a break from her job and come stay with one of them until the hook attacker is caught. Kristina refuses to live in fear and wants to live her life.

Anna tells Valentin that Robert’s people refuse to help her because they are afraid of Victor.

Jordan tells Anna she has decided to stay out of Curtis and Portia’s business and let them be happy.

Valentin demands a visit with Charlotte from Victor but he is only thinking of Lucy.

Chase sings for Curtis hoping he will let him sing at the Savoy.

Victor considers investing in Deception and he invites Lucy to lunch to talk about it. Curtis tells Chase he will sing at the Savoy in the future.

Brando’s autopsy says that what killed Brando was a toxin that was on the hook.

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