GH Short Recap Friday, September 16, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Brad persuades Britt to give Cody a second date despite the fact that Maxie doesn’t think he is a good person anymore. Brad tells Britt if she wants Cody, she should just go get him.

Curtis thinks Jordan lost the divorce papers on purpose because she still has feelings for him and Portia asks Curtis if Jordan had been honest with him and not kept so many secrets would Curtis still be married to her.

Jordan tells Sonny that she thinks the hook attacker is targeting people that are connected to him and she wonders which of his enemies could want to target the people around him. Dante suspects Dex because he happened to be in close proximity when both attacks happened.

Sasha and Gladys both plead with Brando to wake up because they need him. Brando awakens when Sasha talks to him. Portia tells Sonny that Brando’s prognosis is cautiously optimistic and advises him to pray because prayer helps but, she also tells him to be prepared for the worst.

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