Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
Chanel. I, uh, I, I wasn’t expecting to see you here. Yeah. I, I wasn’t expecting to see you either.
It’s me. I need you to track down my dead brother. No, not Jake, my other dead brother, Stephan. He’s my ticket to winning myself of his widow once. And for all
Gabby, I’m not sure what you mean. Well, you, you do remember the other night at the mansion when Ava thought she saw Jake at the. Of course. So we all thought she was hallucinating and turns out she wasn’t. So it had to be Stephan. So my question to you is if she saw him, how did you not see him too?
Oh my God. Uh, am I seeing things. No Chloe you’re stunning. Blue eyes are as keen as ever.
Stephan that’s me. I’m alive. Well, how is this impossible. If you let me in, I’ll tell you all about it.
What are you talking about? I, I didn’t murder anyone. Don’t try and deny agree. Objection, your honor. This outrageous allegation has absolutely no basis in facts, your honor, as, as we’ve established, uh, Mr. Damara, she doesn’t have a shred of evidence to prove her case. So out of desperation, she’s making this up.
I am not making anything up. You killed your uncle Philip curus in cold blood.
Like sand through the hour are the days of our lives.
Well, that’s lie. I’m afraid not this man is a murderer. Objection. That is absurd. Tread carefully. Ms. Damara. Were you, or were you not charged with the murder of Philip CUUS? The charges were dropped. The da didn’t have a case because the police never found Philip’s body. Of course they didn’t. After you were done with them, there was nothing left, but a prosthetic leg.
So Ralph kept you alive this entire time. Yeah, he eventually brought me back when he found a heart. Found it where
actually I have no idea. Well, this is unbelievable. Does your family know? Does Gabby know she must be over the moon? Quite frankly, I don’t give a damn how Gabby feels. What I don’t care about Gabby, Chloe
woman, I care about is you.
Hmm, Stefan must, uh, run off before I arrived. That that doesn’t make any sense. I mean, you said that Ava fainted and you arrived and you caught her before she hurt herself, right? She fainted because she saw Stephan. If he ran off before you showed up, I mean, how did you catch her? Wouldn’t she have just fallen to the floor.
What exactly are you accusing me of? Do you think I’m lying to you?
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to see you here. You and Ali are together now. Um, Anyway, can I come in? I need to talk to my sister. Oh, she’s not here right now. What’s with a bag. I need a place to crash and I was hoping Allie might let me stay here. I, I thought you were staying with Ava at the Salem in not anymore.
Why? Why are you making such a big deal about this? Come on, Ava. You cannot blame me for being protective over my brother, especially since, since what? Since I know what you’re capable of, when a relationship goes wrong, you’ve threatened to kill my aunt. Kayla. If my uncle Steve didn’t sleep with you, you tried to frame Ray for a crime.
He didn’t commit. All right. Well, just rest assure you. Don’t have to worry about that with Johnny, because you say. Well, first off I care about him. And second, we are not in a relationship Chanel and I saw you two going into the Salem Inn together. Yeah. Okay. Johnny stayed with me overnight in my room, on the floor.
Okay. We’re buddies. That is it. See worry. You’re pretty little head about me hurting your brother.
I’m not. I’m not accusing you of anything. I’m just, I’m really trying to figure out what happened just because Stephan’s alive. Doesn’t mean Ava stopped having hallucinations of Jake. She still could have seen Jake when I opened the door. That would be quite a coincidence. I don’t know what to tell you.
Gabby. I didn’t see Stephen that night, but I did see him a little while ago. Where here,
Chloe, you must remember that we, we had something special. When you were living under my roof, I know it started out as me just giving you a safe place to stay, but we were building a deeper connection, something that went far beyond friendship and gratitude. Wait clearly don’t remember that you were sleeping with Gabby behind my back guessing I was an idiot to fall for her tricks.
It clearly she was trying to seduce me to get revenge for her going back to prison. And if I had my way that two face sadist would still be there. Stefan, come on, Chloe. What Gabby did makes my blood boil. She wanted to destroy. But in the end, she destroyed you and me
if opposing counsel’s plan is to continue making slanderous statements about my client, asking questions, Mr. Damara apologies, your honor.
The last place that Philip KIIS was seen alive was at the river bay. Yes. And Chloe left him there and when she returned, he was gone, but you were there isn’t that, right? That, yes. And isn’t it true that Chloe found you. Passed out drenched in Phillip’s blood and a bloody knife next to you with only your fingerprints on it.
Answer the question, please. Yes. And speaking of blood, wasn’t your blood alcohol level determined to be more than three times the legal limit. Objection, relevance. The fact that Brady. Was blackout, drunk and slaughtered. A member of his own family is very relevant in determining whether he’s a fit parent.
No, that is not a fact those charges were dropped ultimately. Yes, but everything leading up to those charges being filed in the first place is a matter of police record. And since Mr. Black refuses to answer my questions, I would like to enter those records into evidence
when Allie and I saw you and Ava. The other night at the Salem end, we thought you were getting a room together. Yeah. I, I only stayed one night. Um, when my dad kicked us out, it was pretty late and neither of us had anywhere else to go, so, oh, okay. I, I thought that you two were sleeping together. no, no. Um, it, it was headed in that direction, but, um, Ava had second thoughts because she just lost her husband.
Right. She’s still grieving. So you wanted to sleep with her, but you didn’t because she had, she couldn’t handle it. Yeah. Eva is a very attractive woman, obviously. And when she was staying with us, she and I, we, we really bonded. So maybe someday when she’s ready, who knows. Right. Who knows Stefan was.
Sitting right there in your chair. He told me he’d been here all night. My office, why? He said he wanted to be somewhere familiar where he felt in control. Wonder if he was looking for me, he wasn’t. How do you know that? If you’re worried about me coming in between you and Gabby, you don’t need to be
quite frankly the thought of her turns my stomach. He made that pretty clear. I see. Do you have any idea where step went? Maybe he, uh, went looking for Chloe lane.
So Stephan, you got past what Gabby did to you. You fell in love with. You married her that all may be true, but I realize now that that was a huge mistake. Look, Chloe, I never should have gotten involved with Gabby and I certainly never should have let you go.
Now. I know this is all very overwhelming for you. But it’s a good thing. It’s a wonderful thing. We can be together. Now we can pick up where we left off.
Um, I’m sorry, Stephan, but that isn’t gonna happen. I’m with someone else now
who Brady.
Your honor, I can assure you that whatever is in those records, there’s no bearing whatsoever on what kind of a father I am, that it was an isolated incident in which I harmed no one. Now this woman on the other hand has been terrorizing people for years. Objection. She has not only gone after me. She has gone after almost every single member of my family.
Your honor, she stabbed my grandfather. She raped my brother. She was caught. Single-handedly trying to kidnap our own daughter. The list goes on and on. I can keep going. I served my time. Who’s granted a full pardon for everything I did. Yes. And that, that doesn’t change the fact that you did it, that’s it.
You drug people, you held people hostage, you poisoned people. Kristen, Ms. Black, please remind your client that Ms. Dara’s past crimes are inadmissible. Fine. Let’s talk about her recent crimes. What about the fact that she threatened Chloe? Just a couple days ago in my office with a letter opener Brady, please.
I’m just, I mean, don’t be a fool, your honor. I mean, this woman is still the violent psychopath. That she’s pretty much always been your honor. I apologize for my client’s outburst, please disregard it. He has nothing further to add. Please Dira. I’m sorry, just need a moment, please.
Your honor. I believe that after reviewing those documents and considering Mr. Black’s outburst here today, frightening volatility that you just witnessed. I believe that you will get a full understanding of why I don’t want my daughter being raised by a homicidal alcoholic.
Don’t get me wrong. Ava. And I, we do have a real connection. So you said, but like I also said, she’s just, she’s not ready to jump in anything serious. She’s just started a new job. She’s trying to find a place to live. So, and she’s old enough to be your mother. She actually is trip’s mother. And did you think about what he, what he think if he knew, knew what I just told you?
She and I didn’t sleep together yet. But you said it’s because she isn’t ready and that it still could happen. It could. Yeah. But right now it’s just, what, what are you thinking? Just that, even the fact that you wanted to have sex with Ava and that is still might happen. You know, I’m, I’m starting to wonder if this is about what trip would think or if it’s about what you think
Well, I must admit I am relieved. Ah, I am sure you are Johnny. And I had had our issues and our relationship right now. It’s strained. Like I said, But he’s a really good person and he’s just been through a lot lately. Yeah. I mean we all, yeah. Um, I’m, I’m sorry. I did not mean to come across as insensitive I’m I am really sorry for your loss.
Thanks. So, um, Johnny’s not staying with you anymore? No, no. I told him he needed to either move. Home where he needed to find a new place to live.
What are you talking about? Lee? Why would Stephan go see Chloe? You remember what he said yesterday at the crypt? How you ruined his chances with her? Yeah, but that, that couldn’t mean anything. Their relationship. If you could even call it, that was a big pet, nothing. That’s not the impression I got from Stephan.
Stephan’s been unconscious for four years and Ralph has been watching over him. We don’t know what that nut job did to his brain. Clearly, he’s confused. So you’re saying Stephan didn’t have feelings for Chloe. He took pity on her for like one minute. He helped her out of a jam that she got into with a drug Lord.
That’s. The only woman he’s ever wanted was me. Actually, the only woman he ever really loved was me. Are you sure about that?
You’re with Brady. Yes. I’m in love with him.
I don’t understand.
He was in on the plan with Gabby to break us up he’s as deceitful and manipulative as she is, that was a long time ago. And we’ve moved past that. Oh, listen, Stephan. I I’m, I’m glad that you are alive. I, I really am. We are not going to be together. So I, I think you should. I think you should go
I’m not giving up on you, Chloe. I was given a second chance that life. And I’m hoping you will give me a second chance at love.
I am sorry about this Brady and I know what you did to Phillip. Wasn’t your fault. He didn’t do anything. I understand your denial bell. You love your brother very much. And a part of me will always love him. He used to be such a good and decent man. It’s true, your honor. He was such a wonderful person until he got involved with Chloe.
Again. Objection, your honor. Earlier you said that your only concern was the best interest of the child. And to that end, you allowed me to question Ms. I simply am just trying to paint a full picture so that you understand how dangerous that woman is. Go ahead. Earlier, Chloe admitted to being a kidnapper.
Now, is she learned from this or changed her wicked ways? I mean, we wouldn’t be here right now, but sadly and tragically, she did not. And it breaks my heart cuz you were doing so. You worked hard on your sobriety and he was stable. He was thriving even. And then along came glowing. She used your jealousy of Philip to work her way back into your life.
Drove you to the bottle again. And then eventually to commit murder. Once again, your honor, this is pure fiction. She pushed you to kill and who knows where she’s gonna push him next. And that is why I very reluctantly ask you to grant me full custody until Brady rids himself of miss Chloe lane. I don’t want him go anywhere near my daughter.
If you’re implying that I’m jealous. No, no. I’m just surprised you’re being so judging. Judgey. How am I being judgey saying she’s old enough to be my mother. She is, it’s not a judgment. It’s a fact. Okay. You’re the one who was all I’m attracted to the person, not their gender. So if gender doesn’t matter, then why should age?
Okay. It doesn’t, or at least it shouldn’t. And as for my friendship with Ava,
she needed someone to be there for, to comfort her. So did I, we were both feeling kind of lonely and lost. You get that right? Yeah. I, I, I kiss
now that Ms. Damira has finished presenting nothing but wild inaccuracies and outright lies. I would like to present some truth. I have several witnesses lined up who would love to testify as to what a wonderful father Brady is. That’s enough for one day. We’ll resume in the morning. Thank you, everyone.
Court is adjourned.
Nice try Kristen.
You know, your little, uh, Your little smear campaign. It’s not gonna work. Really think that judge is gonna just forget about all the terrible things that you’ve done. It doesn’t matter, she can’t consider any of them. But what she can consider is that you acted like a total lunatic here today, combined with the documents that I gave her documents that clearly state that the charges against Bri were dropped only because his granddaddy went to bat for him.
It’s another thing I need to tell the judge about what are you talking about? Don’t play dumbbell, Victor and Kate signed a document declaring that Phillip was legally dead. And then all of a sudden they revoked. Why did they do that? Because the police never found Phillip’s body. Victor knew he was gone and that he knew it was too late to save him, but not Brady.
So he talked Kate into pretending that there was no murder so that his beloved grandson wouldn’t go to prison. You know, that I didn’t feel Philip. And you know that I would never put Rachel in any kind of danger. This is not about. This is about your pathological jealousy, Kristin. That’s what this is about.
No, no. Brady. This is about your deadly obsession with a home wrecking baby stealing horror. No, I didn’t wanna bring her up, but I had to, because it is my obligation to protect Rachel. And when that judge reads about you and the bloody knife and your drunken blackouts she’ll agree that I did the right.
That I had no choice, but to tell the truth about you and Chloe,
of course, I’m sure that Stefan loved me, but like I said, he’s just a little confused right now and he hasn’t fully regained his memory, but he will. I wouldn’t be so sure why not? When he realized we were engaged, he congratulated us, said he was glad you moved on and hoped we’d be very happy together. He was just being polite.
Okay. It doesn’t change the fact that there was only one great love in his life. And that was me.
Have you found Ste yet, then try harder dam it. My brother couldn’t have disappeared into thin air.
Hey, what’s going on? Oh, Johnny came by because he wanted to ask you if he could stay here, he needs a place to crash. I heard I’ll take the couch and I promise I won’t be any trouble. So what did he, SIS? I’ll have to think about it. I’m I’m your twin brother. You don’t really want me out on the street. Do you?
I mean, I’m sure you have plenty of other options besides my couch. You didn’t tell him that he could stay here. Did you? Of course not. This is your place. Look, Allie. You’ve got nothing to worry about between me and Chanel. She chose you. You shouldn’t feel threatened. I. But why should I help you with anything?
Because family helps family, right? Like how you tried to get your ex-mother-in-law to help you break up mean Dupre
does a part of you really still love Brady.
That’s what I said. Isn’t. and you know how much Rachel loves her father, right? He’s her whole world.
What is your point? The entire time that you were on the run? Brady raised your daughter all by himself and he was incredible. So what you’re doing, trying to cut her out of his life is. I don’t see it that way. No, I know. I know that you’re angry that Brady doesn’t want a future with you, but Brady and Chloe are going to be together no matter what, and cutting Rachel out of his life, isn’t gonna change that.
It’s just gonna traumatize her even more. I mean, do you know how stressed out she is? Do you want her to keep suffering? No, of course not. Okay. Then drop this suit and let’s work out a joint custody arrangement with Brady. Forget it, Kristen. He only wants what’s fair. He’s not trying to shut you out of Rachel’s life.
Brady is willing to, to forgive all the things you’ve done in the past, because he knows it’s in the best interest of your daughter to have a relationship with both of her parents.
Chris. And I know that it’s, it’s really hard to set aside your pain and your pride. I know that feels impossible, but if you love your daughter and I mean, I really believe you do, you’ll do it. You’ll do it for her.
Great. Thank you. Hey, Hey, how’d it go. After I left from bad to worse, Kristen tried to convince the judge that I killed Philip. What? Yeah. She even gave, uh, the judge a record of police record of all the gory details. And I, I blew up too. I blew up in court. I don’t think it helped my cause much. Aw, I’m sure bell can sort this out.
Yeah, I’m hoping she can too. Why don’t we call her right now and let’s start brainstorming. No, babe, I don’t want, I don’t want to brainstorm. I can’t, I I’m fried. I just have to hope that tomorrow is better. I wanna take a shower. I just want a shot. I would love for you to join me. Honestly. I would love that, but, uh, there’s something I need to talk to you about and I know it’s really bad timing, but it’s, it’s kind of a big deal.
Okay. Uh, tell me, well, um, Stephan Damara showed up here today. He’s alive.
my God. It is true. I heard you were back. What? Wonderful news. appreciate the warm welcome. Although we’ve never actually met before. In fact, the only other time I’ve seen you before today was when I went to visit you in the hospital and you were wrapped head to toe and bandages seems we’ve both made miraculous recovery.
Perhaps it’s something in our DNA after all we are brothers. We’re also strangers. So E. Why are you so happy to see me?
I know. Huh? It’s a shock that Stephan’s back.
Ha you two were in love. You, you were, you were married, but Gary, a lot of time has passed. It’s clear, Stephan doesn’t feel the same way about you as he did in the past. He just doesn’t remember how he feels about me.
Maybe it’s better that way. What do you mean you’ve moved on with your life since you lost him? You are in a really great place right now, Gabby, we are in a really great place. We’re engaged. We love each other don’t we? Of course. So imagine how complicated it would be. If, if he remembered his feelings for you this way, you’re both free to move on.
The slate is wiped. I know how hard this must be for you, and I’m gonna do everything I can to help, but you also have to do everything to help yourself by forgetting about the past and focusing on the future, your future’s with me, Gabby heavy. You need to let Stephan go.
Are you being so nice to me, us, I like having you around and I care about you AFA
a lot.
Did didn’t I apologize for teaming up with Paul. Not that I recall. Hmm. Well then I should have you two Chanel. I, uh, I’m very sorry. I know that that was a mistake and I’m trying to move past it. Mm-hmm with trip’s mother who is around the same age as our mother who just lost her husband about five minutes ago.
They relax Allie. Okay. I just finished explaining to Chanel and nothing happened between us. We’re just friends. Yeah. She told me that it was her decision that you pursued her and she rejected. . When did she tell you that? I just talked to her, but I know you Johnny, and I know the one, you want something, you go after her with a vengeance.
and you don’t, you wanted Chanel and you went after her, even though she’s my ex-wife. Okay. If you’re trying to convince me to let you stay here, you’re not doing a very good job. You’re right. You are right. And I am sorry again, but I still need a place to crash. So what do you say? Can I take the couch?
Hi, just don’t get too comfortable.
So Stephan told you that that marrying Gabby was a mistake. Yeah. And that he wants me back. Well, that’s, that’s insane. I mean, hold on. Unless, unless what do you think, well, who, who would benefit from this? Who, who would benefit from, from step and all of a sudden being alive and then pursuing you? What do you mean?
You remember? Not too long ago, Kristen knocking on the door and coming in here and saying, where is. As if she was expecting someone to be here with you, what if that person she was expecting to be here was Ste, oh my God. That must have been it. Yeah. Has to be. So you’re thinking, I’m thinking that Kristen’s up to her neck in this.
I love my daughter with all my heart and soul. I. She’s everything to me, that’s why I’m doing this. So you can tell your client that as long as Chloe is in his life, I’m not dropping this case. And given how things went today. I think I have a real good chance at winning. Wow. You won’t even consider making a deal.
You want a different outcome. You convince Chloe to let Brady go move on to someone else. Us plenty efficiency.
We may not know each other, but we are. Family is everything to me as it was to our father. And he would say that this occasion, his two sons reunited would call for a toast
to the return of Stephan O Damira.
I know we’ll do great things together at the family company. Thought you were no longer CEO. I was unceremoniously unseated by your widow, but she was voting the shares she inherited from you. Now that you are back, perhaps a situation might changed. How so? As I understand it, your feelings towards the former Mrs.
Taira have gone cold. Clearly I can’t stand the. So I thought perhaps the two of us could work together to take back the company and we could start by getting rid of Gabby.
I really appreciate your support, Lee.
This is it’s a. And I, I just, I can’t talk about it anymore right now. I just really need to be alone.
I understand. I’ll give you the time you need.
I love you Gabby. And when you’re ready, I’ll be here.
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