GH Short Recap Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Carly’s flight to Aruba has to land in Florida because of a storm and Carly leaves her phone on the plane and isn’t allowed to go back and get it since they have already been moved. Carly is told later that the flight has been cancelled due to the storms, but she has to spend the night in Jacksonville. Drew calls Carly twice and his call goes to voice mail so, he thinks she is on the plane to Aruba.

Dante tells Jordan that a large hook used for fishing is missing from the Quartermaine stables. Jordan tells Dante that the hospital report says Ava was attacked with, an object similar to a hook so, they deduce it is the fishing hook.

Nik tells Ava that he is a rat for sleeping with Esme, but he would never kill her because he loves her very much.

Kristina sees something moving in the alley outside Charlie’s pub, and she sees someone swinging the hook and attacking Brandon, but she can’t see the face of the attacker because it is raining. Brandon is rushed to the hospital and Sasha pleads with Brandon not to leave her because she loves him and needs him very much. Brandon gets to the hospital and is taken to surgery.

Sonny tells Ava and Nikolas that Brandon was attacked with a hook.

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