GH Short Recap Thursday, July 14, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Diane takes over Trina’s case because Scott had to go to Denmark to get his daughter Serena out of jail for trying to save the dolphins.

Curtis and Marshall find the guy that sold Esme the burner phone and tell him he might have to testify in Trina’s trial. The guy is so scared he gets on a launch headed to Cassidine island to ask Esme why so many people want to know why everyone is asking him about the phone he sold her. Curtis and Marshall follow the guy to the launch but don’t want to get on it because security will tip off Esme they are coming to Cassidine Island.

Trina tells Jocelyn Spencer is her alibi, but she doesn’t want to get him in trouble for violating his sentence to Spring Ridge because then he would get sent to Pentonville.

Valentin saves Laura from being shot by a sniper who Victor ordered to kill Laura. Valentin finds another way to control Laura without killing her.

Laura gets a call from her mother’s housekeeper and the housekeeper tells her there is a problem.

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