Y&R Short Recap Monday, July 4, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Christine

Phyllis refused to let Diane use the hotel spa until Summer intervened. Allie took the internship at Jabot, but she told Jack she didn’t want any special treatment because of her DNA. He assured her she got the internship based on merit. Noah and Allie nearly kissed. Mariah and Tessa told Kyle that Tessa would need surgery on her vocal cords to remove nodules. Tessa had to postpone her tour. Mariah and Tessa put their adoption plans on hold so Tessa could heal. Mariah was disappointed Kyle would be working at Marchetti and not Jabot. Mariah and Tessa sought Elena’s advice. Elena was optimistic that Tessa would make a full recovery. Jack told Kyle what ended his relationship with Phyllis. Phyllis simultaneously gave Summer the details of the split with Jack. Diane overheard Summer tell Phyllis that Jack deserved to be treated better than Phyllis had treated him.

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