Days Short Recap Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Jake showed up during Gabi and Li’s date. He wanted her to sign some paperwork before he left. Ava wanted to apologize to Kayla about the way she reacted when she thought Tripp died. She said she waited a long time to have him back in her life. She said she shouldn’t have reacted the way she did. She had to leave to take care of something. Before she left, she thanked Kayla for saving her son. Rafe apologized to Nicole. She didn’t rush to answer him. He thought she didn’t want to marry him. He asked if it was because of Ava. Nicole said it wasn’t. He asked if it was Ava. Nicole said she didn’t give Ava a second thought. He wanted to know why she didn’t say yes. She wanted to know what was up with him. She said she was surprised. He asked if it was someone else giving her pause not to marry him. She asked who. He said Eric. Kayla told Steve and Tripp that Ava apologized to her for the way she reacted when she thought Tripp was dying. Tripp went to see Jake. She said thinking Tripp was dead was the worst time of her life. She said Jake made her feel better. He said he was glad he could be there for her.

Nicole wanted to know why Rafe was concerned about Eric. He said it was nothing. She said if that was true, she wouldn’t have brought him up. She said she and Eric were divorced. She said he was priest that she wasn’t pining after. Eric found out that he was being kicked out of the priesthood. He told Roman and Kate that they got rid of him because he performed two exorcisms without permission. Kate told him he could get back together with Nicole since he wasn’t a priest. Tripp told Steve and Kayla what was going on with him and Allie. Roman and Kate told Eric that he could get back together with Nicole. Nicole asked Rafe if he was threatened by Eric. She said he ws her passed. She asked if he proposed because Eric said he was staying in town to save Sarah. Rafe said he got the ring a while ago. He said he asked her to marry him because he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He said they didn’t have to get married. Li wanted to take things to the next level with Gabi.

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