Y&R Update Monday, May 9 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Recap written by Christine

Victor was at Society with Nikki. He was delighted that Victoria intended to restore the company’s original name – Newman Enterprises. He asked Nikki if she wanted him to speed the process along by going to HR. She said she’d mention it to her co-CEO. She shifted gears and said they had to discuss Diane’s return with Victoria and the rest of the family. He said he told Diane that she wasn’t welcome here. Nikki hoped Diane would stay the hell away from the Newmans, since Victoria had enough to deal with right now.

Victor said Diane would have to deal with him if she harassed Victoria. Nikki didn’t think there was much chance of that, since Victoria didn’t get out much these days, and basically went from home to the office and back. Victor said he’d have to tell Adam not to mention Diane to his sister. Nikki asked how Adam found out. Victor said he warned Adam because Adam and Diane were once co-conspirators. Nikki assumed the Abbotts would let Abby know about Diane’s return. She said they’d have to tell Nick, so he wasn’t blindsided. She knew Nick would be bothered if he found out from someone else, especially since Victor told Adam. Victor said that it was different – Adam and Diane were co-conspirators, but Nick couldn’t stand Diane ever since he found out what she did to their family, and especially Nikki. Nikki said there was nothing Diane didn’t stoop to, back then. Victor doubted that changed.

Victor got a takeout order of Nikki’s favorite dessert for later. She brought up Ashland’s attempt to impress Victoria by offering to donate half the money he got from Victor to New Hope. Victor said that Nick could to a lot of good with the money, but Ashland was trying to buy Victoria’s forgiveness. Nikki said Victoria swore it wouldn’t sway her. Nikki was concerned because it was obvious that Ashland wasn’t giving up on the idea of getting Victoria back. Victor hoped Victoria made it clear she was through with Ashland. He wanted that bastard out of town.

Victoria and Billy ran into each other at Crimson Lights. She invited him to join her for coffee, but he said he was there to pick up dessert to apologize for being late to the Abbott family meeting. He lingered and asked if there was something she wanted to discuss. She’d heard the podcast, the Grinning Soul. Billy pretended that the podcaster was someone based in California, but Victoria knew he was lying and that her soon to be ex husband was the subject of the latest episode.

Billy said he listened to the podcast, and it sounded to him like a generic diatribe on the abuse of power. Victoria said the podcast was about a greedy mogul who betrayed the woman he loved by lying to her about being sick. “Gee, I wonder who that could be,” Victoria said. Billy stuck to his story that the podcast could be about anyone. Victoria said Billy could change his voice, but she knew the cadence of his speech and the phrases he used. She told him to admit he was the host. He scoffed and said he already had a podcast. She thought the name fit him – soul implied depth, while grinning undercut it with sarcasm and self-deprecation. She asked when he was going to stop sticking his nose where it belonged and leave her in peace. She noted that the last time this happened, he lost ChancComm. He said that if the Grinning Soul was actually talking about Ashland, would he have a problem with that?

Victoria thought Billy had a family meeting. He suspected she was trying to dodge the question, so he repeated it. He said Ashland was a monster who wouldn’t face legal consequences, because he didn’t really break the law. He suggested it was fair for the public to hear Ashland get called out. Victoria said she was a private person, and Billy was exploiting her pain for his overblown ego. She thought that he’d broken his promise to be there for her.

Victoria went to work and stared at her new portrait, commissioned by her father. She then took off the necklace that was a gift from Ashland and looked at it. She remembered what Billy said in his podcast – that there was a mogul who had everything and still wanted more – a liar and manipulative person who took and took until he sucked everyone around him dry. The person caused pain by everyone around him. Nikki and Victor arrived and learned Victoria didn’t have lunch. They said she could’ve joined them. She was sure they wouldn’t have wanted her there, because they wouldn’t have been able to talk about her over their meal. Nikki said they’d discussed all the kids and some of the grandchildren – their family was their favorite subject.

Nikki praised Victoria for taking off the Valentine’s necklace from Ashland. Victor wanted to know why Victoria had been wearing the necklace in the first place. She said it was just jewelry. Nikki had been concerned Victoria was wearing it earlier because Ashland tried to buy her forgiveness. Victoria said Ashland hadn’t gotten in touch with her about that, which was good because it would be a waste of their time. She thanked Victor for the portrait and for supporting her hiring Nikki as co-CEO. He thought Victoria and Nikki would make a hell of a team. She knew he’d wanted her to come around on Adam. He still hoped she would, and he thought Adam had a lot to contribute, but it would be premature to appoint Adam co-CEO now. Victoria was glad Victor recognized that. Victor was thankful Victoria made the company bigger and stronger than it was a year ago, in spite of that bastard, Locke. He reiterated that she and Nikki would make a hell of a team.

Nikki and Victoria had a meeting with PR about changing the company name coming up. Victor said killing Newman Locke couldn’t happen soon enough. Victoria hugged her father and quickly left go grab some food before the meeting. Victor thought it was amazing that Victoria was so happy after everything that happened. He wouldn’t have blamed Victoria for falling apart – she was stronger than he realized. Nikki thought that having Victor’s support really helped Victoria. During the day, Victoria could lose herself at work, Nikki said. Victor wondered how Victoria was doing when she went home to a big empty house. Nikki didn’t know. She said that Victoria was heartbroken – she’d adored Ashland, and she was still grieving that loss.

All the Abbotts stared at Diane. Jack offered her water, since she looked a bit pale. She smiled and said she was fine, just a bit caught off guard. Kyle admitted he probably should’ve warned her what he’d had in mind. She said it was okay. She knew she’d have to face Kyle’s family at some point, but she didn’t imagine having to do it all at once. Diane had kept track of Traci Abby and Ashley over the years, and she knew they were living successful lives. “No thanks to you,” Abby shot back. Ashley added that if Diane had her way, Ashley and Abby would be in prison for a murder they didn’t commit. Diane said she wouldn’t have let that happen. Ashley didn’t think Diane would’ve come to their rescue. She noted that, before Diane’s death, she had been blackmailing Ashley and Abby. Traci shifted gears and said she was sure Diane knew how they felt about the terrible things she did in the past, but Kyle didn’t bring her here to re-litigate it all.

Diane thanked Traci. Diane knew she was here to answer any questions about why she ran away, what she’d been doing since then and what her intentions were now. That was alright with her. She was looking forward to this, if it helped convince them she’d changed. Ashley asked why they should believe Diane. Kyle apologized to his paternal family and said it would be okay if they wanted to forget the whole thing. Diane didn’t think Kyle should do this. She was sure the Abbotts must see that Kyle needed this. Abby was annoyed that Diane was trying to be Kyle’s protector, when she’d left and the Abbotts were the one who’d been there for Kyle. Jack thought Diane had the most to benefit from this. Diane agreed, but she said that more than anything, she wanted to prove to her son that she’d changed, and this might be the only opportunity he’d give her to do that. She could take it if they needed to lash out at her or go over her sordid history.

Ashley told Kyle that Diane was trying to set the agenda and manage the Abbotts and make it seem like she was so brave to be facing them. Ashley said the reality was that Diane had no choice but to face them, because she had a lot riding on this. Diane was adamant that she wasn’t manipulating her son, and she didn’t need anything from him but forgiveness. Ashley was sure that would change. While Traci was as skeptical as everyone else, she thought they should hear Diane out, like they told Kyle they would. Kyle told Ashley that it was up to her, and she decided to stay.

Diane understood why everyone was suspicious. She also used to see herself as someone vindictive and incapable of change. She gradually realized she was lying to herself and saying she couldn’t change as an excuse not to do the hard work of becoming a better person. It was pathetic, Diane sad, and it was costing her a chance to reunite with Kyle. She realized she had to redeem herself and earn some scrap of self respect – something she never had. As Abby recalled, Diane always had a high opinion of herself. Ashley agreed that Diane put her needs above everyone else’s. Jack said woe to anyone who got in Diane’s way. Diane said that was arrogance and self-entitlement, not self-respect, and it took her years to learn the difference. Traci asked if Diane had these revelations on her own. Diane found a great therapist who forced her to take a look at her life. Kyle asked if the therapist was in favor of Diane returning to Genoa City. Diane said she and the therapist discussed the risks at length. Ashley thought that meant no. Jack didn’t think a reputable therapist would support Diane luring him to LA and using his granddaughter. Diane noted that she’d already explained her intentions. Ashley said they didn’t buy Diane’s explanations. Abby asked how they knew Diane wasn’t lying about going to therapy because she thought that was what Kyle wanted to hear.

Abby and Ashley asked Diane more questions about her treatment, and she answered. The therapist was a psychologist, and Diane hadn’t had a session since she left LA. Abby asked how long Diane had been in therapy. Ashley asked why Diane didn’t have phone or video sessions. Jack thought that was a fair point. Kyle asked if Diane was going to have more sessions once things settled, and she said yes. Traci repeated Abby’s question. Diane said she’d been in therapy for about six years, give or take. Abby asked which was it – give or take. Ashley asked when Diane stopped arguing with this psychologist and realized she needed real help. Diane said things really started rolling about 4.5 years ago. Abby was skeptical that it only took four and a half years for Diane to shed her sociopathic tendencies. Diane said she couldn’t give an exact timeline – it was a gradual process. Ashley wanted to see Diane’s bank statements. Diane said they were welcome to – she wasn’t wealthy, but she could take care of herself – she just bought a home in LA.

Jack noted that Diane bought Keemo’s house, and Ashley added that it was a pretext for getting close to Allie. Diane said the point was she was self-sufficient. She had a life, friends and a career in California. She didn’t come out of desperation – she came because she was finally strong enough to ace the backlash, and she finally felt like she had something to offer her son.

Billy walked in and was taken aback to see Diane. She noted that he looked well, and he replied that she looked alive. Traci brought Billy up to speed, and he told Diane to carry on. She wasn’t sure what else to say. She said at some point, they would have to decide whether or not anyone was capable of redemption. Diane assumed Billy did, based on the podcast she’d heard him do, and based on the changes he’d made in his life. Diane noted that Jack and Ashley had forgiven Victor and Phyllis, and the characters in Traci’s novels grew and learned from their mistakes. Diane knew that Abby had a little boy. Diane promised that she felt the same love for Kyle that Abby did for Dominic. Diane acknowledged that she failed Kyle horribly, but now she wanted a chance to make it up to him and be the mother he deserved. She asked why any of them would stand in the way of her doing that.

Traci was curious how Diane pictured a second chance with Kyle going. Diane said she’d welcome any of Kyle’s time and attention that he could spare – a phone call, a Christmas card. Jack didn’t believe Diane would settle for that. Diane said she’d gone so many years without being around her son, so just being able to look him in the eye and tell him she loved him would be a gift. Billy noted that Diane was telling them what she’d settle for, not what she wanted. Kyle said Diane already told him that – she wanted to be part of his life. Abby asked if Diane was talking about following Kyle to Italy. Diane said that if Kyle were comfortable with it, it would be amazing. “Here we go,” Ashley grumbled. Diane said her Italian was rusty, but she could practice with Harrison. Ashley asked what if Kyle and Summer moved back to Genoa City. Diane said she’d plan accordingly. Ashley asked if Diane was aware that literally every Newman hated her. Diane would just avoid them – she’d gotten used to living a quiet life. Abby was skeptical. Diane said she changed, just like Abby wasn’t going around riding naked on horseback anymore.

Diane said that there was always tension between the Abbotts and the Newmans, but Abby said that it wasn’t like that anymore. Billy agreed and said that things were calm, with the exception of him and Victor and him and Adam, and occasionally him and Victoria. Traci gave Abby a lot of credit in bringing the family together. Billy said that his kids were part of both families, and Kyle and Summer were married, so it wasn’t two feuding camps anymore. Ashley said Diane wouldn’t have the opportunity to pit the two families against each other, which used to be one of her favorite tactics. Diane had no desire to cause problems – if the Newmans gave her a hard time, she’d deal with it – it would be worth it. She said this was hypothetical because Kyle hadn’t agreed to anything. Diane said she’d make any sacrifice to be close to him again. Just being in the same room with him gave her joy. She decided to go and let them mull over what she’d said.

Kyle asked his family what they thought. Ashley was sorry, but she thought Kyle’s instincts were right when he said he wasn’t sure if Diane was giving him a bunch of rehearsed lines. Ashley thought they’d just watched a performance – an excellent one, but not sincere. Traci thought Diane sincerely loved Kyle and wanted to be part of his life again. Jack said Diane always loved Kyle – that wasn’t the issue. Kyle said that he needed help figuring out if he could trust the rest of what she said. He thought Diane came across as someone who’d grown as a person. Abby couldn’t be objective. Abby thought that Diane bringing up Dominic was calculated, and it felt like something the old Diane would do. Ashley asked what Billy thought. He wasn’t sure they needed his input since he wasn’t here for the whole interrogation. Kyle still wanted Billy’s take. Billy asked why – because he was a reformed screw up? Kyle smiled and said something like that. Billy thought Diane sounded convincing, and he’d probably give her another chance, but he was the king of second and third chances.

Kyle asked if Traci thought his mom sounded credible. Traci thought Kyle should be very wary of Diane’s claim that she was completely rehabilitated. Traci conceded that Diane might truly believe that was the case, but there was no way they could prove she really had changed. Ashley said the only way to know was to observe Diane over an extended period of time. Ashley didn’t think they should actually do that though – she said they should avoid Diane all together. Kyle noted that there were two people who were opposed, and two who slightly thought they should give her another chance. He asked Jack what he thought.

Jack said that this was Kyle’s decision – he had to weigh everything he heard. Jack would support Kyle either way. Traci encouraged Kyle to take as much time as he needed. Ashley added that Kyle shouldn’t let Diane make him feel guilty or let her run the show. Abby seconded that. Kyle wasn’t sure what to do. Billy said Kyle could flip a coin. The doorbell rang, and Jack answered. It was Allie. She was sorry to just show up. She didn’t call ahead because she wasn’t sure if she’d chicken out of visiting. She asked if her timing was bad. Jack beamed. He told her that her timing was excellent, and he said to come inside and meet her family.

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