GH Short Recap Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Brandon and Sasha search for a house or maybe a condo to start their new life.

Sasha continues to put on a brave face and pretend she isn’t grieving the loss of baby Liam.

Sonny sells Charlie’s Pub to Phyllis for one hundred dollars.

Phyllis goes to the bank to make the nightly deposit accompanied by Sony’s bodyguard.

Sonny and Nina stay at the pub to close up and a thief comes in and tells Nina to give him all the money or he will shoot.

Cameron gets a call and is told he can’t be a counselor at Liam’s kids camp this summer because of the video. Cameron and Josslyn are determined to prove Trina’s innocence and Esme’s guilt.

Britt gets some matches from the Society Setups Matchmaking Service to see which one she liked best.

Esme tells Nikolas her parents gave her up for adoption when she was born and when her adoptive parents died her nanny Maggie took care of her until she was sent to boarding school. Esme also tells Nikolas her nanny Maggie got another job and they have not kept in touch. Esme goes to her room and reads a letter from her nanny Maggie advising her not to go to New York with Spencer because it is dangerous for her to be so close to her father.

Spencer talks to Trina at the gallery and thinks about telling her the truth that he is only pretending to believe Esme so he can get evidence that she posted the video of Cameron and Josslyn. Spencer decides not to tell Trina the truth and she is hurt that he believes Esme instead of her and screams at him to leave the gallery.

Ava tells Nikolas she cancelled the vow renewal ceremony.

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