Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
At the hospital, Sarah guesses that Anna is trying to stop their wedding but she needs to admit that she lost. Sarah declares that she and Tony are in love and getting married as soon as they find someone in the hospital to stick her with a needle. Anna decides she should do it. Anna then grabs the antidote from Maggie and injects Sarah. Sarah calls Anna a bitch as Tony wonders what she has done.
Gwen sits at the Bistro, figuring Sarah should’ve got the drug by now so she wonders why Xander hasn’t called yet. Gabi arrives and questions Gwen drinking alone then asks if there’s trouble in paradise.
Jake brings Ava to his apartment over the garage where she will stay with him. Jake knows it’s nothing special but Ava says it’s fine and she’s grateful for him giving her a place to stay. Ava says she finally let herself believe she would have a real home with Rafe but now that’s over.
Rafe joins Shawn at the police station and suggests Shawn go home to his wife since it’s kind of slow. Shawn thanks Rafe for the offer but says he wants to get these reports off his plate and notes that Belle is at the prison because a prisoner wanted to see her.
Belle goes to the prison and meets Jan Spears, who thanks her for coming. Belle says if she knew the prisoner that wanted to see Jan, she would not have come. Belle says they have nothing to talk about. Jan stops her and stands up, revealing that she is pregnant.
Maggie argues that Anna had no right to do that. Anna says someone had to take action. Tony argues that it wasn’t her decision to make. Xander asks Sarah how she feels. Sarah asks what was in the needle. Anna tells her that she did her a favor and now Sarah will get her memory back so she can stop living life as a dead woman. Sarah shouts that her memory is fine and she will report her attack to the police. Sarah calls Anna a menace that needs to be stopped. Sarah exits through the elevator while Xander chases after her. Maggie asks Anna if she’s completely lost her mind.
Shawn assumes that EJ was asking to see Belle since he might be released soon. Rafe questions that but Shawn says it’s a long story but Belle planted evidence against him while possessed. Shawn isn’t sure the judge will go for it but they have pretty good reason to believe it’s true. Rafe wonders why the Devil would frame EJ. Shawn explains that their theory is that Satan wanted to destroy Rafe and Sami’s relationship like he did to Abe and Paulina, Jake and Gabi, plus he and Belle. Rafe remembers that the Devil sent Jan Spears after them. Shawn says it pretty much ruined their wedding anniversary.
Belle questions Jan being pregnant and doesn’t understand how it happened. Jan mocks her. Belle asks how she got knocked up in prison and who could be the father of her baby. Jan responds that it’s her beloved Shawn.
Ava tells Jake that she feels like an idiot for thinking she found true love with Rafe and they were going to build a life together while he was pining for her best friend the whole time. Ava jokes that Nicole gets the white picket fence while she gets a room above a garage. Ava adds that she had the crazy idea that if she tried to be a better person and change her old ways, that somehow she’d be worthy of Rafe’s love but it was all for nothing. Jake relates that he tried to change who he was for Gabi but all he got was heartache.
Gabi asks Gwen what’s up with her and Xander. Gwen questions what she’s doing because she doesn’t want her company. Gabi remarks that Gwen looks pathetic sitting alone so she’s doing her a favor. Gwen asks if she has a business to run. Gabi says she finished her meetings and decided to get a drunk. Gabi asks why Gwen is so hostile when she should be the one holding a grudge since Gwen spiked Abigail’s drink and let everyone think it was her. Gabi wonders why she didn’t let Abigail inject Gwen with the syringe full of crazy juice. Gwen responds that Gabi may have saved her neck, but she ended up sealing Sarah Horton’s fate.
Anna tells Maggie that there is no reason to be upset. Maggie asks how she can not be upset when she just injected her daughter with a drug that hasn’t been fully vetted. Tony asks if that’s true. Anna says not exactly since Chad said the lab’s unofficial opinion was that the drug is safe while a full panel would’ve taken months or years. Maggie doesn’t care since they are talking about her daughter’s health and well being. Tony is sorry for what Anna has done. Anna shouts that she’s not sorry at all since Dr. Rolf swore on Stefano’s grave that the drug would work. Anna declares that Sarah could be getting her memories back right now. Tony says that would be great but that doesn’t excuse Anna’s reckless behavior. Tony doesn’t blame Maggie being furious as he thinks she’s suffered enough. Maggie decides to go check on the lab techs so they can tell her what her options are now that Anna has put her daughter’s life at risk. Anna argues that she was only trying to help. Maggie complains that what Anna did was selfish, so if something happens to Sarah then it will be on Anna’s head. Maggie walks away as Tony asks Anna how could she.
Rafe still can’t believe the Devil transformed Jan in to looking exactly like Belle all to lure Shawn in to bed. Shawn talks about being suspicious from the beginning and did everything he could to test her but unfortunately Jan made him believe that she was his wife. Rafe then asks if Belle came in before anything happened between them. Sarah then arrives at the police station and announces that she’s here to report a crime.
Belle questions Jan thinking Shawn is the father of her baby. Jan says she doesn’t think, she knows. Belle asks if she’s having another mental break. Jan says she’s perfectly sane. Belle argues that it’s not possible that Shawn is the father of her baby as they did not have sex. Jan reveals that they did and reminds Belle that she walked in on them.
Anna asks Tony not to be angry. Tony argues that Anna just put Sarah’s life in danger and for all they know, the drug could kill her. Anna insists that the lab would have warned them if that were possible. Tony repeats that she had no right to do what she did. Anna questions whys he doesn’t have a say in all of this. Anna complains that their lives have been turned upside down by Sarah’s delusions. Tony understands she is frustrated and angry, but repeats that she had no right to assault Sarah and now she’s gone to the police. Tony declares that she upset Maggie and has infuriated him. Tony adds that Anna could be in very big trouble.
Sarah tells Rafe and Shawn that Anna stabbed her with a syringe at the hospital just now because she’s jealous of her and wants to be with Tony. Xander arrives to try and bring Sarah back to the hospital but Sarah tells him to get his hands off of her. Rafe questions Sarah calling Xander “Alex”. Xander explains that Kristen injected Sarah with the same drug that Gwen used on Abigail, so she’s hallucinating. Rafe asks if Anna didn’t assault her then. Xander admits that part did happen. Sarah says she is demanding justice.
Gwen explains to Gabi that the drug made Sarah think she was Stefano’s dead daughter and Dr. Rolf has produced an antidote, so Maggie and Xander are at the hospital with Sarah now. Gabi gets why Gwen is in a bad mood then since Sarah will be herself again soon, meaning her and Xander will get back together. Gwen tells Gabi to gloat about her losing the man she loves somewhere else. Gabi responds that she’s not gloating, but sympathizing because she has already lost the man she loves.
Jake tells Ava that he jumped through hoops to be with Gabi and it seemed to work for awhile. Ava admits they seemed pretty happy. Jake talks about the corporate backstabbing moving in to the bedroom. Jake says after awhile, he realized that’s not who he is or what he wants. Jake declares that at the end of the day, he’s just a simple mechanic. Jake adds that it doesn’t seem Ava was cut out to be a domestic goddess as she’s more bad ass than that. Ava asks if she’s meant to be a mob boss. Jake points out that she likes being in control and gave up power for a fairy tale. Jake feels they never should have tried to be people they aren’t.
Jan reminds Belle about how the Devil turned her in to Belle on Christmas Eve, allowing her to get Shawn in to bed. Belle argues that she got there before they had sex. Jan informs her that she got there before round two, but before she walked in, they jingled all the way. Belle calls it impossible and argues that Shawn would have told her. Jan admits that she was surprised he didn’t but figured he wanted it to be their little secret. Jan declares that the secret is out now.
Jake finishes showing Ava around the apartment and jokes that he doesn’t want her to stop cooking. Ava acknowledges that as a way she can contribute. Jake decides to let her settle in. Ava stops him and points out that he has one bed and no couch, so she asks what kind of sleeping arrangement he is thinking.
Gwen questions Gabi about her and Jake breaking up. Gabi knows how much Gwen hated her for stealing him away from her. Gwen admits she had a vivid dreams about setting Gabi on fire and pushing her off a cliff. Gwen says that she had gotten past all that anger, so she’s sorry it didn’t work out for her and Jake which surprises Gabi. Gwen admits that Gabi and Jake were a much better match and she made him happy. Gabi questions why she’s being nice to her. Gwen acknowledges that Gabi did save her from the syringe and if she didn’t torch her relationship with Jake, she wouldn’t have fallen in love with Xander. Gwen declares that with any luck, Xander will be the man that she spends the rest of her life with.
Anna questions why she would be in trouble when Sarah is a total lunatic, so nobody will take her ranting seriously. Sarah returns to the hospital with Xander and Shawn. Sarah orders Shawn to arrest Anna. Anna asks what for when she was trying to help her. Shawn asks if Anna admits to injecting Sarah with an unknown substance. Anna argues that it was an antidote, so Sarah is going to get her memory back any second now. Anna guesses it hasn’t started working yet and encourages them to give it time, then everyone can thank her. Sarah complains that Anna just admitted to injecting her without her consent, so she wants her arrested. Shawn decides he has no choice, regardless of her motives, he still has to take her in. Anna argues that Tony can’t let them do this to her. Shawn then handcuffs and arrest Anna. Tony tells Anna that he’s sorry but his hands are tied.
Belle accuses Jan of lying and trying to get under her skin. Jan says it’s fun to watch her freak out, but she’s telling the truth that she and Shawn made passionate love that night and he gave her the best gift of all. Belle questions why Jan didn’t say something sooner. Jan says she wanted to make sure she could get through her first trimester and she wanted to tell Belle first. Jan asks if Belle is going to congratulate her.
Gwen doesn’t get why Jake was so upset when Gabi had every reason to believe he had stabbed her in the back. Gabi explains that Jake thinks she should’ve confronted him instead of double crossing him. Gwen says she would have done the same thing but she’s surprised that Jake didn’t give her a second chance. Gabi admits that it didn’t help that he walked in on her almost having sex with Johnny DiMera. Gabi calls it a stupid mistake as she doesn’t even like Johnny but she was lonely and felt betrayed. Gwen says she gets it. Gwen adds that it’s funny because they are actually a lot alike, they get hurt, lash out, and react impulsively as they toast their drinks together.
Sarah tells Tony that now that Anna is in police custody, they can get back to business of getting married. Sarah asks if they should go back to the exam room to wait for the blood test. Tony says he’ll find out what the delay is and meet her there so Sarah heads back to the exam room. Tony asks Xander what now. Xander suggests they keep playing along to see how she reacts to the drug. Tony agrees that she is safest here. Xander prays that she will get her memory back. Tony walks away as Maggie returns and asks where everybody is. Xander explains that Sarah just had Anna arrested for assault and now Sarah and Tony are waiting for the supposed blood test. Maggie is glad Sarah is still there. Xander asks what Maggie learned in the lab. Maggie responds that the drug is probably safe but they do want to flush it out of her system just in case. Maggie guesses they can do that. Xander asks if she’s sure that’s what she wants. Maggie asks why she wouldn’t. Xander points out that there is a chance that the drug might work, so maybe they should wait to see it if has the desired effect. Xander tells her to imagine the relief it would be to have their Sarah back.
Shawn brings Anna to the interrogation room and tells Rafe that she’s a handful. Rafe jokes that Shawn should have clocked out early. Shawn says he will now since Belle might be home now. Rafe points out that they didn’t finish their conversation and it seemed like he had something on his mind. Shawn responds that it’s not important. Shawn thanks him and tells him to have a good night as he exits the police station.
Jan tells Belle that she has a second chance at motherhood. Belle starts to leave but Jan talks about what Nicole’s father did to her in high school and she wanted to terminate that pregnancy but Shawn convinced her not to. Jan talks about Shawn being willing to marry her and raise her child as his own which began their love story. Belle argues that Shawn never loved Jan. Jan says she did but she lost the baby and Shawn too, but this time the baby is his, so they have another chance to raise a child together. Jan calls it full circle like a dream come true. Belle calls it a nightmare. Belle adds that even if this is true, Shawn won’t want to raise the child with her but he will be horrified and disgusted as he thinks Jan is evil and crazy like everyone else who has crossed paths with her. Jan knows it’s a lot to take in, but she thinks they should try to get along since her and her child are going to be in Shawn’s life from now on. Jan hopes that won’t be a problem for her. Belle then storms out of the prison. Jan remarks that she thinks Belle took the news quite well.
Ava asks Jake where she is sleeping. Jake tells her to take the bed and he will sleep on the floor. Ava argues that it’s his place so she can’t let him do that. Jake says it’s just for tonight and he’ll grab an air mattress tomorrow. Jake tells her to get settled while he takes a shower. Ava thanks him as she really appreciates what he’s doing for her.
Gabi tells Gwen that she thought Jake betrayed her and wanted to kill him but now that she knows the truth, she would do anything to make it right. Gwen encourages her to talk to him. Gabi says she did that but it didn’t go so well. Gwen says they used to have horrible blow ups and think it’s over for good but then they would have fabulous make up sex. Gabi says today when they parted ways, it felt pretty final.
Maggie knows how much Xander wants Sarah back but she worries they don’t know enough about the drug. Xander points out that Dr. Rolf was so sure it would work. Maggie doesn’t trust Rolf with her daughter’s life. Xander knows she’s right but it felt like they were so close. Maggie admits it’s frustrating but they have to be patient. Maggie says that Sarah will put up a fight when she realizes they want to flush the drug out of her system. Xander offers to stick around to make sure she’s okay. Maggie worries that he will just make Sarah more upset. Xander agrees. Maggie promises to keep him updated and tells him to hang in. Xander thanks her as Maggie then walks away. Xander pulls out his phone.
Gabi offers to get her and Gwen another round of drinks. Gwen gets a text from Xander wanting to talk.
Belle sits at home looking at her and Shawn’s wedding photo. Shawn comes home and says she’ll never believe what happened at work today but then asks if everything is okay. Belle responds that it’s not. Shawn asks if something happened at the prison with EJ. Belle reveals that it wasn’t EJ who asked to see her, it was Jan Spears.
Jake gets out of the shower and tells Ava the bathroom is all hers. There’s a knock at the door so Jake assumes it must be Ben and Ciara, but he answers it to see Gabi. Gabi then sees Ava in Jake’s bed and questions what the hell she’s doing here.
Rafe joins Anna in the interrogation room. Anna complains that this is wrong and he can’t keep her here as Sarah is not in her right mind, so something had to be done. Rafe argues that Anna confessed to stabbing her with a syringe with three witnesses. Anna cries that it’s not fair as she was only trying to help. Tony arrives and asks for a word with his wife, so Rafe exits. Anna is thankful that Tony is there. Tony informs her that he’s arranged an attorney for her. Anna doesn’t think she will need one since Sarah will get her memory back any second now and drop these ridiculous charges. Tony tells her to pray that’s true for Sarah’s sake and her own.
Sarah remains waiting in the exam room at the hospital. Maggie enters and asks where Tony is. Sarah claims he went to get his blood taken and asks where the nurse is. Maggie is sure someone will be in shortly. Sarah says she hopes so but then stops mid-sentence and responds to Maggie calling her Sarah. Maggie asks if she knows who she is.
Xander goes home to Gwen and talks about how Maggie wanted the drug tested but Anna was so angry and over it all that she grabbed the needle and jabbed Sarah with it. Gwen asks what now. Xander says that Maggie wants the drug flushed out of Sarah’s system, but he hopes she changes her mind so they can see if the drug works and if Sarah gets her memory back. Gwen then thinks back to dressing up as a nurse and sneaking in to the hospital to switch the antidote with another dose of the mind altering drug to alter Sarah’s mind even more. Gwen tells Xander that she thinks Sarah would be better off if they did just leave the drug in her system…
Maggie asks if Sarah remembers who she is. Sarah responds like a child that she’s Sarah Horton and that Maggie is her mommy as Maggie cries.
Jan sits in prison, talking to her baby about enjoying her visit with Belle and thinking she was still in denial when she left. Jan is sure that Shawn will set her straight.
Shawn asks Belle what Jan wanted after all this time. Belle then reveals that Jan is pregnant and claims that the baby is Shawn’s.
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