Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Bonnie goes to leave the Brady Pub but Nancy breaks down crying, so Bonnie goes back and hugs her. Bonnie asks her to talk to her about what’s wrong. Nancy doesn’t think she wants to hear it but Bonnie insists and swears that it will stay between them. Nancy declares that it’s her big fat gay husband.
Will and Sonny show up at Craig’s door. Craig asks if he can help them. Will says actually they are here to help him. Craig doesn’t understand and asks who they are. Sonny introduces he and Will then says they are here to talk about his boyfriend, Leo Stark. Craig says thanks but no thanks and shuts the door on them.
Brady finds Chloe at the bar and asks where Leo is. Chloe says he is on his way and asks about Will and Sonny. Brady says they should be at Craig’s room now. Chloe hopes that they can talk some sense in to Craig. Brady says they just have to buy them some time. Chloe remarks that she’ll need several drinks to make nice with Leo. Brady encourages that they will get through this whole thing together. Brady adds that it will be worth it just to get Leo off of Craig’s back. Chloe hopes it works. Brady asks if she thinks Leo suspects anything. Leo then appears and questions what is going on here. Chloe didn’t realize he was right there which Leo calls obvious. Leo asks Brady what he’s not supposed to be suspicious of.
Paulina goes to see Eli at his home. Eli notes that she looks like something is wrong. Paulina asks where Lani is. Eli responds that she took the twins to see her dad.
Lani walks through the town square with her twins. TR approaches and greets her. TR asks where they are off to. Lani responds that she’s taking the twins to spend the night with their grandfather.
Bonnie is surprised to learn that Craig is gay. Nancy says she just found out but has been suspicious of him for awhile. Nancy adds that a couple months ago, she went through his briefcase and found some condoms. Bonnie can’t imagine what she’s going through. Bonnie says she would never compare their experiences but she might know more than she thinks about this. Bonnie tells her about having a crush on a boy, who turned out to be gay, and it made her sad that he was ashamed of it. Bonnie says she loved him no matter what and they became closer because he was honest with her. Bonnie adds that they are still friends and talk all the time. Nancy points out that unlike Craig, he never had to live a lie or feel he had to marry a woman. Bonnie says her marriage ending doesn’t mean that what they had wasn’t real and wonderful. Bonnie encourages that they had fun and two beautiful children. Bonnie adds that relationships end for all sorts of reasons. Bonnie encourages her to treasure all the good memories. Nancy thanks her. Bonnie asks what they are going to do now. Nancy responds that Craig has already gotten himself a boyfriend. Nancy notes that was fast. Nancy points out that he’s younger and someone that Craig says he’s crazy in love with. Nancy calls it a big adjustment to be all alone after sharing 30+ years with someone who was her husband and best friend. Bonnie declares that if Craig has a new boyfriend, Nancy can get one too. Nancy doesn’t think that’s the answer but Bonnie thinks it is.
Sonny knocks on Craig’s door again and shouts that they aren’t going anywhere until he hears what they have to say. Craig then answers the door and invites them in. Craig assumes Chloe and Brady sent them which Will confirms and says is because they care about him. Sonny adds that they don’t want Craig to get hurt by Leo the same way he did. Craig knows Leo is far from perfect. Will says about as far as it gets actually. Craig says it still doesn’t change how he feels about him. Sonny says he knows what it’s like to be taken in by Leo and he learned the hard way that he is always out for himself.
Brady asks Leo how long he was standing over there. Leo doesn’t think he needs to explain himself right now. Chloe says they just ran in to each other. Brady claims he was meeting a client and Chloe just happened to be there. Leo says he knows exactly why they are here and points out that it’s a bar. Leo calls Brady a raging alcoholic and guesses he fell off the wagon again.
Paulina questions Eli letting Lani take the babies to see Ray Coates. Eli clarifies that she knows they don’t think of Ray as the kids’ grandfather or Lani’s dad and he meant Abe as the twins are spending the night at his house. Paulina apologizes and says Ray being in town just makes her nervous. Eli understands she has good reason but notes that TR hasn’t been back over since Paulina ran him off. Paulina is surprised since he never took no for an answer. Paulina says the other night, he was determined as ever to make sure he’s part of Lani’s life.
TR questions Lani taking the kids to see their grandfather and guesses that is Abe Carver, noting that he did his research. Lani says she should get going. TR invites her to join him for a drink after dropping the twins off. Lani doesn’t think that would be a good idea because Paulina wants her to stay very far away from him. TR understands and says he won’t push but he’ll be at the Brady Pub. Lani responds that she already had dinner. TR says he won’t keep her but she knows where he will be if she changes her mind. Lani tells him not to count on it. TR tells them to have a great night and walks away.
Leo tells Brady that he won’t tell anyone that he’s drinking again. Brady assures that he is sober and just happened to run in to Chloe, but he will get going. Leo invites Brady to join them on he and Chloe’s bonding session. Brady doesn’t want to intrude but Leo says that Brady is important to Chloe, so he’s important to him. Brady says he just made his day. Leo encourages Brady to stick around. Chloe agrees so Brady decides to stay. Leo sits with them. Chloe asks Leo to tell them everything about himself. Leo says they already know the bad stuff. Chloe wants to know the side that Craig knows, the real Leo, so she tells him to start from the beginning.
Craig tells Will and Sonny that they are wasting their time because he knows who Leo is and they are very happy together, so nothing they say can change that. Will says he has nothing to lose by hearing what Sonny has to say then. Craig agrees to listen and they sit down. Craig asks how Sonny met Leo. Sonny explains that he joined a dating app when he and Will got divorced. Sonny says he and Leo eventually met up for drinks and hit it off. Sonny says it all went really well until he found out it wasn’t an accident that they met on a dating app and that Leo was paid to pull him in and seduce him.
Bonnie tells Nancy that the best way to get over somebody is to find somebody new. Nancy cries that she doesn’t want somebody new. Bonnie encourages that being a little uncomfortable with somebody new is a lot better than moping over someone you can’t have. Bonnie says her life is not over and she knows there’s another man out there for Nancy. TR Coates walks in to the Pub, so Bonnie tells Nancy that she thinks he just walked in the door. Bonnie says he’s gorgeous and calls TR over which Nancy questions. TR asks if he can help them. Bonnie hopes he can and introduces herself and Nancy. Bonnie says she is happily married but Nancy is single and ready to mingle. Bonnie suggests TR buy Nancy a drink.
Eli questions Paulina saying that TR told her that he intends to be part of Lani’s life. Paulina reveals that it was in his hotel room on Valentine’s Day. Eli questions what she was doing in his hotel room. Paulina says he sent her flowers so she took them back. Eli thinks she should’ve just dumped them in the garbage. Paulina didn’t want him to think she kept them. Eli doesn’t like Paulina being alone in a room with a guy who used to beat her. Paulina felt she had to go give him a piece of her mind and to warn him to stay away from Lani. Eli asks what he said. Paulina says that TR blamed her for hurting Lani. Eli says that’s how guys like him work. Paulina argues that TR tried to say her lying to Lani about him is the same as him hitting her. Eli assures that Lani knows she only lied to her to protect her from an abusive father. Paulina hopes that Lani gets that. Eli asks if she’s going to stay away from TR now. Paulina says that’s what she was planning on, but then something happened. Paulina tells Eli that TR started telling her how he had changed after time in prison. Eli asks what she’s thinking. Paulina remembers her plan to turn the Horton Town Square in to Price Town. Eli asks what that has to do with anything since she realized she was wrong and apologized. Paulina points out that they all forgave her, so she wants to believe in second chances because they all gave her one. Eli says that was because she realized what she did was wrong, was genuinely sorry, and she apologized. Paulina wishes there was a way that to make sure that TR Coates and her low life ex are not still the same man.
TR tells Nancy that it’s nice to meet her but he’s waiting for someone so he walks away. Nancy tells Bonnie that was so embarrassing and thinks he was totally turned off. Bonnie argues that he just had plans. Bonnie calls her an attractive, charming woman. Bonnie tells her to just wait until she gets her on a dating app. Nancy doesn’t think those things are for her but Bonnie thinks they are. Bonnie tells Nancy to come to her house with her.
Craig questions why some woman would pay Leo to seduce Sonny. Sonny explains that she was trying to get back at Victor through his company, Titan, where he was CEO, so when he and Leo started dating, Leo got a job at Titan as Sonny’s assistant and that was Vivian Alamain’s doing. Craig questions why he’s telling him all of this. Sonny says he knows where he is as he had just lost the love of his life, so they were both vulnerable and Leo knew it. Sonny doesn’t want Leo to use Craig, the same way he used him. Craig questions what Leo did other than saying he liked him and taking a job. Sonny explains that he would either have to give up the job or they would have to stop seeing each other so as to not mix business and pleasure. Sonny adds that Leo chose the job and then they ended up having sex in his office where Leo planted a camera and planned to sue him for sexual harassment in a scandal to take down the company which Vivian wanted. Will points out that Leo was happy to do it if the price was right.
Leo talks to Chloe and Brady about being an artist and having a few gallery showings. Chloe asks about his art. Leo says he was a painter and did it all. Brady asks more questions. Leo asks if they are really this fascinated by his love of art or if they are stalling to give Will and Sonny more time to hate on him to Craig. Chloe claims to have no idea what he’s talking about. Leo tells her to save the innocent act and asks if she really thought he was dumb enough to think that she suddenly wanted to hang out with him. Leo insults them and says he’s had enough. Brady stops him to ask how he knew what they were up to. Leo says he was suspicious, so he hung around the Salem Inn long enough to see Sonny and Will arrive and ask for Craig’s room number. Leo is sure they are giving Craig an earful right now.
Sonny asks Craig if Leo told him that he blackmailed him in to marrying him. Craig confirms he’s well aware that they were married. Sonny argues that Leo was dying to be Mr. Sonny Kiriakis and bets he’s dying to Mr. Dr. Wesley, but it’s always about the money with him. Craig questions how Leo was able to blackmail him into marriage. Sonny calls it complicated but says it all started when Will found out about Leo’s past as a male escort, which would destroy his sexual harassment case. Sonny says when they confronted Leo with the information, he attacked Will, so he pushed him off and he hit his head. Will adds that they thought he was dead, so they rolled him up in a rug to get rid of the body. Will admits they are not proud of it. Sonny says they made a horrible mistake but Leo was alive and healed just fine, but when he got back to Salem, he said if he didn’t marry him, he would have him charged with attempted murder. Craig feels Leo is the victim here, not them, and says it was in the past. Craig says they have all done things they are not proud of, but Leo has changed. Craig then opens the door for them to leave. Sonny responds that he’s sorry but he’s wrong, and he can prove it.
Eli wants to know the truth about TR Coates just as much as Paulina does, so he can make a background check because he has a contact at the ISA. Paulina says he sounds like the solution to her problems. Eli assures that he’ll start digging tomorrow and if there’s anything to prove that TR hasn’t changed, he’ll find it.
Chloe tells Leo that she won’t try to apologize for trying to protect her dad. Chloe doesn’t trust Leo and never will as she thinks he’s after Craig for his money. Leo only cares about what Craig thinks and says that Craig has never been happier. Leo adds that Craig hasn’t been happy in a really long time. Leo assures that he loves Craig with his entire heart and soul. Leo decides he’s going to be with the man he loves but jokes they should do this again sometime. Leo then exits, leaving Brady and Chloe disappointed in their plan.
Craig informs Sonny and Will that he knows all about Leo stealing the emerald and from what he understands, several major cities would’ve been vaporized if Leo didn’t switch the emeralds, so in his book, Leo is a hero. Will questions thinking Leo stole the emerald to be a hero. Craig responds that he is a hero to him. Craig asks if they read anything about Leo’s parents. Sonny reveals that he did meet Leo’s mom. Craig asks if they knew Leo’s father used to physically and emotionally abuse him and ridicule him because he was gay. Craig adds that Leo stood up to his father by embracing who he was and he wishes he had that strength at his age. Craig assures he’s not naïve and gullible as he sees Leo Stark for exactly who he is and he makes him happy. Craig tells Will and Sonny to get out of his room. Sonny tells Craig that they didn’t come because they think he’s naïve, but because he wishes that someone had warned him about Leo. Sonny and Will then exit the room as Leo arrives and tells them, “nice try, bitches”.
Bonnie brings Nancy to her room for a makeover. Nancy says she doesn’t have to do this. Bonnie says it’s no trouble as Justin had a last minute meeting with a client. Bonnie says they have to stick together and when they are done, Nancy will love looking in the mirror. Bonnie says before she knows it, dudes will be eating out of her hand on the dating app. Bonnie suggests also doing something with her hair.
TR sits alone at the Pub and tells himself to give up as it’s not happening, so he asks for the check. Lani then enters the Pub, surprising TR. TR says he’s so glad she came. Lani says it’s just one drink and tells him not to look too much in to it. Lani clarifies that Abe Carver is her father and that is not up for discussion. Lani adds that she will never okay with what he did to Paulina as it’s never okay for a man to put his hands on a woman. TR swears to never do anything that horrible again. Lani warns him about if she finds out this new him is an act and reminds him that she is a cop. Lani admits part of her is curious about him but she doesn’t know where this will lead. Lani says against her better judgment, she’s here. TR calls it a start and thanks her. TR asks if she’s sure she’s not hungry. Lani agrees to eat so TR calls for the waitress.
Nancy asks Bonnie if her hair scared TR off. Bonnie recalls Nancy having gorgeous red hair back in the day and goes to get hair dye.
Will and Sonny meet Chloe and Brady at the bar. Chloe hopes they were able to get through to Craig. Will says unfortunately, not even close. Sonny adds that Craig is even more convinced than before that Leo loves him.
Leo returns to Craig’s room and they kiss.
Eli begins researching TR Coates as he calls Agent Billie Reed. Eli informs her that Shane Donovan told him that she is the one to speak to if he ever needed help from the ISA. Eli says he’s going to need everything they’ve got on a guy he’s investigating. Eli says it’s TR Coates, who used to go by Ray as well.
Lani orders mayonnaise with her fries and acknowledges that everyone thinks it’s gross. TR points out that he was just about to ask for the same thing and says it must be in the genes.
Bonnie has Nancy dye her hair red and a new outfit. Bonnie praises her look and assures they will get her a young, hot hunk.
Craig and Leo lay in bed together. Craig asks about Leo’s time with Chloe. Leo says it was fine and mentions that Brady was there. Leo claims that Chloe asked him questions and seemed interested in getting to know him. Craig informs him that it was only pretend because she sent Will and Sonny to pay him a visit. Leo mentions seeing them on his way out and figured they were there to see him. Craig questions Leo knowing they were her and asks if he told them. Leo says that Chloe is his daughter so he doesn’t want to get between them. Craig doesn’t know what he did to deserve him but says he did it right.
Chloe complains that this was all for nothing but Brady encourages that Craig still got to hear about Leo from the two that Leo hurt them most. Will brings up that Leo made sure Craig knew about his rotten childhood with his homophobic father. Chloe laments that it would get to Craig. Will assures they didn’t get to him. Chloe refuses to give up, feeling she has to make Craig see Leo for who he really is. Sonny thinks he has an idea…
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