Days Update Thursday, March 10, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Justin sits at home in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion, reading a book. Bonnie walks in wearing a robe. Justin thought they were going out to dinner but Bonnie informs him that Victor and Maggie went to Chicago on an overnight trip, so they have the whole place to themselves and she’s always wanted to make love in the light of a roaring fire. Bonnie then removes her robe right as Justin’s son, Sonny walks in to the room.

Marlena finishes a call at the hospital and comments on it being her third patient this week to cancel. Her grandson Will then arrives, surprising her with his return to Salem.

John and Brady eat together at the Brady Pub. John tells him about Marlena running in to Steve and Kayla at the hospital. Brady asks how they are doing. John says they are in pretty good shape considering what Kristen put them through. Brady says they never would have been on that island if he hadn’t hired Steve to find Kristen and he knew it would be dangerous. John argues that Steve knew what he was getting in to, he’s just sorry Brady didn’t get the answers he was looking for. Brady mentions that Steve said Kristen swore she had nothing to do with framing him for Philip’s death. Brady adds that now that Kristen has escaped again, he’s at square one and doesn’t even know if Philip is alive or dead. John points out that until then, he can’t move on with Chloe.

Chloe and Nancy sit together in the town square. Chloe tells Nancy that she has to tell her something about last night. Chloe reveals she wasn’t working late. Nancy says she knew that and guesses that she and Brady went out for Valentine’s Day. Chloe confirms that she did go out with Brady, but it wasn’t a date as they had dinner with Craig and his new boyfriend.

Craig and Leo have room service in their hotel room. Leo says he likes having him all to himself but Craig says he’s not sure about their relationship.

Brady tells John that he’s right since Chloe and Philip were together when he disappeared. Brady admits he would love to start something up with Chloe but he doesn’t feel right pursuing a relationship with her while they don’t know what happened to Philip. John asks what if they never find out. Brady notes that Nancy asked the same question and he guesses that he and Chloe would stay in limbo. John questions that being forever. Brady talks about Nancy being determined to play cupid but she’s backed off recently since finding out that her husband has been cheating on her with a man. John questions Brady meeting Craig’s boyfriend. Brady reveals that John has met him too.

Nancy asks Chloe about the man Craig is seeing being in Salem. Chloe confirms that he flew in last night and he did it before Craig could even stop him. Chloe mentions his name is Leo Stark. Chloe admits she was reluctant to do it, so she took Brady for emotional support. Nancy questions them having a double date. Chloe says it wasn’t like that and apologizes for not being upfront with her but she didn’t want her to feel like she wasn’t being loyal to her. Nancy declares that Chloe totally betrayed her.

Leo questions Craig having doubts about them but guesses he shouldn’t be surprised after Chloe and Brady attacked him at dinner. Leo admits it was awkward, horrible, and a complete disaster but says it wasn’t his fault because Chloe and Brady never even gave him a chance as they were determined to belittle him in front of the man he loves. Craig brings up Brady saying that Leo tried to screw him over. Leo argues that Brady is a total drama queen, who made a big deal out of nothing and poisoned Chloe against him. Leo asks if Brady has turned Craig against him too.

Justin and Bonnie are surprised to see Sonny back home and not in Arizona. Sonny guesses he should’ve called first as he turns away. Justin checks on Bonnie, who says she’s just totally mortified. Justin tells Sonny that he can turn around now as Bonnie puts her robe back on.

Will informs Marlena that they dropped Arianna off with Gabi and Sonny is seeing Justin. Marlena is so glad he’s there since he doesn’t get a chance to visit very often. Will says he’s sorry it’s been so long, especially considering everything Marlena has been through. Marlena says it’s just so good to see his face and he’s a perfect pick me up. Will asks if something is wrong. Marlena explains that her professional reputation has taken a hit and her career might be over.

John is shocked to learn that Craig is dating Leo Stark. Brady talks about how it was supposed to be a nice dinner but instead it was he and Chloe trying to convince Craig to dump Leo, but Craig wasn’t having it. Brady gets that Craig is in love and it’s an important relationship since he’s willing to throw away his marriage to Nancy. Brady reveals that he and Chloe have devised a plan to rescue Craig from Leo’s clutches but John warns that he thinks that’s a really bad idea.

Nancy cries that Chloe always took her father’s side against her which Chloe calls not true and says she’s not taking sides. Nancy complains that she spent last night alone while Chloe and Brady were out celebrating Valentine’s Day with her father and his new boyfriend. Chloe apologizes for hurting her feelings. Nancy doesn’t think she should have gone. Chloe cries that she doesn’t want to hurt Craig’s feelings either as she loves both of them and she doesn’t like being stuck in the middle of this. Nancy cries that she’s so sorry and agrees they have put her in a terrible position. Nancy feels so displaced, thinking of Chloe and Brady being out with Craig and his new boyfriend, bonding and having a great time. Chloe assures that’s not exactly how it went as the whole evening was a complete disaster.

Craig admits he wasn’t thrilled to hear about all the schemes Leo has pulled but says he has no right to judge since he’s done his share of underhanded things. Craig says the problem is that his daughter can’t stand him. Leo argues that Chloe doesn’t even know him so that’s unfair. Craig has reservations about moving forward in this relationship if that means there’s a chance of losing Chloe over it. Leo argues that he can’t let Chloe dictate his love life. Craig says that his daughters are very important to him. Leo asks if he’s breaking up with him then.

Justin and Sonny hug, talking about how much they missed each other. Justin hopes that they are in town for awhile. Sonny says it’s all kind of up in the air right now. Sonny guesses he should’ve given some notice but asks if he minds if they stay here for a little while. Justin assures that this is his home. Bonnie jokingly promises to lock the door next time her and Justin are alone together. Bonnie then goes to change clothes. Justin apologizes to Sonny for that. Sonny understands they are still in their honeymoon phase. Sonny apologizes if he’s a little awkward about Bonnie because she looks so much like his mom but is so different. Sonny says he’s tried to let it go to support their marriage but he can’t forget about all things Bonnie did to Adrienne. Sonny tells Justin that he’s sorry. Justin says there’s no need to apologize as he understands this is difficult for him. Justin knows Sonny and Adrienne were very close and it was a terrible loss for all of them. Justin thought maybe Sonny had moved beyond his animosity towards Bonnie but guesses that’s not the case.

Marlena tells Will about all those years ago when she was possessed and how she lost all her patients then while now it’s happening all over again, so she shouldn’t be too surprised. Will points out that she’s not possessed anymore and she’s better. Marlena says it’s not that simple since the Devil was giving out very bad advice to her patients. Marlena notes that she apparently encouraged one of her patients to cheat on her husband in the form of self care. Will argues that they didn’t have to take that advice. Marlena responds that she did take her advice and now her life is in shambles and she’s switching to another doctor like half of her patients. Marlena expects that the board will want her to resign.

Brady asks John how it’s a bad idea to keep Craig from being used. John asks how he knows Leo is using him. Brady calls Leo bad news and says he’s after Craig for his money because he’s a scam artist. John suggests people can change. Brady questions why John is defending Leo. John reveals he doesn’t think Leo is as bad as Brady is making him out to be.

Chloe tells Nancy that she told Craig that he was making a huge mistake and she knows she upset him and that he was freaked out, but she didn’t care, and then she and Brady stormed out of the bar. Chloe tells Nancy that she thinks Leo is a lying snake, using Craig for his money. Nancy declares that if Craig is being taken advantage of, she can’t do nothing. Chloe feels she shouldn’t get involved. Nancy points out that he’s still her husband. Chloe reminds her that she asked him for a divorce. Nancy says that was before she knew that he was being duped by a gold digger. Nancy then rushes off to the Salem Inn.

Craig tells Leo that he’s feeling so conflicted and it’s been complicated from the beginning. Leo argues that Craig is just afraid of being with a man and is looking for an excuse. Craig assures that’s not it. Leo argues that they hit one tiny bump in the road but they love and understand each other. Leo knows this is overwhelming and says he was very young when he came out, but for Craig, he’s turning his entire life upside down. Leo calls that a good thing because Craig lived his life until now for his wife and daughters while denying his true feelings. Leo encourages that now it’s time for Craig to be his true self and he cannot let Nancy, his daughters, or anybody stop him from doing that. Craig asks what if his daughters cut him out of their lives. Leo assures that won’t happen and promises they will come around when they see how happy he is. Craig tells Leo how much he loves him. Leo says he loves him too as they hug. They then remove each others shirts until Nancy walks in and orders Leo to get his paws off of her husband. Chloe follows her in and apologizes to Craig, saying it was all her fault. Nancy says that Chloe was just telling her all about Leo and how he’s taking advantage of him. Craig says this isn’t the time or place. Nancy accuses Leo of being after Craig’s money. Leo talks about hearing what a wonderful person and mother Nancy is. Leo understands this must be difficult for her, but he assures that his love for Craig is real with no hidden agenda. Nancy calls Leo the man who stole her husband. Leo wants them to be friends which Nancy laughs off. Leo says Nancy and Craig will still be in each others’ lives because of their children so he wants them to get along. Leo proposes a toast to new beginnings.

Brady reminds John of the horrible things that Leo did to their family. John acknowledges that Leo had problems but when he and Leo thought they were father and son, he saw a different side of him. John calls Leo just a kid who was desperate for love and acceptance. Brady doesn’t think that excuses his behavior. John suggests maybe Leo has found that love and acceptance with Craig and it’s possible it made him a better person. Brady sticks with his doubts and says John can defend Leo, but he knows damn well that Leo is going to break Craig’s heart in two unless he does something to break them up.

Will asks Marlena if the board has asked her to resign. Marlena says no but they have been dropping hints. Marlena adds that it won’t help that “Possessed: The Marlena Evans Story” is coming out soon. Will is surprised to learn that Johnny is still making the movie. Marlena is surprised that Johnny didn’t tell Will because he’s still giving Will story credit. Will questions how Johnny could go forward with it. Marlena explains that his producer is making him fulfill his contract and he couldn’t get out of it. Will feels there has to be something they can do since it’s Marlena’s life story. Marlena says unfortunately, she had already signed the release so she doesn’t have any options. Marlena declares that when the movie does come out, she expects to be fired if that hasn’t happened already.

Justin asks Sonny if he didn’t come to their first wedding because he didn’t approve of Bonnie. Sonny assures he did have a work emergency and couldn’t take time off. Sonny adds that he would have given his blessing but some things that happened at the ceremony gave him pause. Justin argues that he wasn’t there. Sonny says he heard all about Bonnie shooting a woman, leaving the bloody corpse in their bed and then came down to marry him like nothing happened and then Xander walks in to collect a million dollars that she stole from him and she left in handcuffs. Sonny asks if he can blame him for having been a little concerned. Justin calls it a long story as none of it was Bonnie’s fault. Sonny points out that wasn’t even the end of it. Justin knows he nearly lost his law license but that wasn’t her fault either. Sonny argues that Justin tried to extort a judge. Justin admits he did it for Bonnie and he would do it again. Sonny remarks that it’s not very comforting. Justin gets what happened at their wedding gave him pause, but he needs to know if Sonny is not going to move on from that. Justin asks Sonny if he still has a problem with his wife. Sonny admits that Bonnie is not the wife he would’ve chosen for Justin, but if she makes him happy then he will give her a chance and support this marriage 1000%. Justin hugs Sonny and says it means so much to him. Bonnie, having overheard from outside the room, rushes in with tears in her eyes to hug Sonny and tell him that it means so much to her too. Bonnie thanks Sonny for not hating her. Sonny assures that he doesn’t hate her and he just needed to hear directly from Justin that he is happy, so they are good. Bonnie declares that she’s so relieved as now they can be a family. Bonnie tells Sonny that he can call her mom if he wants. Sonny says not to get carried away.

John knows Brady is trying to protect Craig but warns that he and Chloe just need to stay out of this. Brady appreciates John’s input but says it’s kind of too late as the plan is already under way. John questions what this plan is. Marlena arrives with Will, surprising John and Brady. They get up and hug Will. John asks Marlena about not telling him that Will was coming. Marlena calls it a complete surprise to her as well. John asks what brings Will here. Brady then reveals that it was him who asked Will and Sonny to come to Salem.

Leo acknowledges this is an awkward situation because he’s dating Nancy’s husband, but says they don’t have to be at each others’ throats. Leo remarks that he is what’s best for Craig and how happy he is. Nancy says it’s one thing for Craig to ask her to accept that he’s gay, but not to deal with this piece of trash Leo. Leo argues that he’s trying to extend an olive branch. Nancy tells him to stick it where the sun don’t shine. Nancy then takes the glass of champagne and tosses it on Leo. Nancy then walks out of the room. Craig asks if Chloe is going to go after her. Chloe feels Nancy wants to be alone right now and since she’s here, she wanted to apologize to Leo which surprises him. Chloe says she felt like she was out of line the other night and hoped they could start over.

Justin and Bonnie sit together. Bonnie is so happy things went well with Sonny. Justin calls him a good man. Justin points out that Sonny and Will are going to be out for awhile, so they can pick up where they left off. Bonnie feels the mood is broken now and she’s hungry so she offers to go get something to eat. Justin asks if she’s sure she wants the roaring fire to go to waste. Bonnie suggests they have a picnic right in front of it. Bonnie tells Justin to resume reading and she’ll be home before he knows it.

Craig questions Chloe suddenly being willing to give Leo another chance. Chloe admits she would be skeptical of anyone Craig is dating and she was just thinking about what she said, so she felt like she was being unreasonable. Chloe says they all have a past and whatever Leo’s is. Chloe adds that all that matters is that Leo clearly makes Craig happy, so she hoped they could start again. Leo agrees so Chloe offers to take Leo out for drinks tonight just the two of them. Leo agrees and says he’ll go get dressed. Chloe says she will go get them a table at the bar to have their do over from the other night. Craig thanks Chloe for doing this and tells her how much it means to him as he hugs Chloe.

John asks Will if he and Sonny didn’t mind just dropping everything to fly here, just to talk to Craig. Sonny arrives and calls it the perfect chance to see family and friends. Brady explains that he was just filling them in on their plan. Sonny is glad Brady called because he wouldn’t want anyone else to go through the hell that Leo put he and Sonny through. Will asks when they talk to Craig. Brady says he’s waiting to hear from Chloe as it’s all about making sure Leo isn’t around. Brady gets a text from Chloe that step one is green lit. Brady declares that Operation: Free Craig is a go.

John and Marlena go to the Kiriakis Mansion to see Justin. John says they are sorry to drop by so late. Marlena hopes they aren’t intruding on Justin’s evening. Justin says not at all as Bonnie just left to pick up dinner. Justin asks what’s going on. John reveals that they need a lawyer. Justin asks why they didn’t ask Belle. Marlena explains that Belle is awfully busy with EJ’s appeal. Justin asks what he can do for them. Marlena is afraid the hospital is going to ask her to resign. Justin questions why they would do that. Marlena informs him that they didn’t like some of the things she did when she was not herself. Justin calls that unfair since those things were not her fault. John states that they don’t see it that way and they worry that Marlena might be in for a real fight. Marlena hopes that Justin will represent her if that happens. Justin agrees and says he’s always happy to help a friend.

Nancy sits at the bar of the Brady Pub and thinks back to her relationship with Craig. Nancy takes a drink and tries to tell herself not to cry. Bonnie enters and recognizes Nancy as Chloe’s mom. Bonnie introduces herself as Mimi Lockhart’s mom. Bonnie tells Nancy that it’s nice to see her and asks if she’s okay. Nancy claims she’s fine and everything is great as she blames allergies. Bonnie says it was good to see her and to have a good evening. Bonnie goes to leave but Nancy breaks down crying, so Bonnie goes back and hugs her.

Will and Sonny show up at Craig’s door. Craig asks if he can help them. Will says actually they are here to help him. Craig doesn’t understand and asks who they are. Sonny introduces he and Will then says they are here to talk about his boyfriend, Leo Stark.

Brady finds Chloe at the bar and asks where Leo is. Chloe says he is on his way and asks about Will and Sonny. Brady says they should be at Craig’s room now. Chloe hopes that they can talk some sense in to Craig. Brady says they just have to buy them some time. Chloe remarks that she’ll need several drinks to make nice with Leo. Brady encourages that they will get through this whole thing together. Brady adds that it will be worth it just to get Leo off of Craig’s back. Chloe hopes it works. Brady asks if she thinks Leo suspects anything. Leo then appears and questions what is going on here.

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