GH Transcript Monday, March 7, 2022

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Anita

Finn: That showerā€™s got great water pressure.

Elizabeth: Yeah, Franco just put in a new headā€¦

Finn: Oh.

Elizabeth: ā€¦Right before he was killed. Sometimes it feels like heā€™s still here, all around us.

Finn: Or so someone wants you to believe.

Sasha: Itā€™s so beautiful here. So peaceful. [ Sighs ] I really donā€™t want to go back to the real world. I never want this trip to end.

Brando: I wish I could give you that. But what I can try to do is make the real world just as special.

Sasha: Mm-hmm. And how do you plan on doing that?

Brando: By planning to spend the rest of my life with you.

Sasha: Letā€™s do it.

Brando: Do what?

Sasha: Letā€™s get married ā€” today.

Brando: Right, weā€™ll just elope somewhere. Youā€™re not kidding, are you?

Sasha: The aisle, the rings, the ā€œI dosā€ ā€” the works. You and me going to the chapel.

Brando: Today.

Sasha: Today.

Brando: [ Laughs ] Um, I ā€” I donā€™t know what to say.

Sasha: Hereā€™s a hint. Say yes.

Lucy: So, four bedrooms, four bathrooms, high-end finishes everywhere, state-of-the-art appliances, and, wait for it, your own dock. This lot is so private, you have no neighbors close by and total waterfront access.

Portia: Does the dock come with a yacht?

Lucy: Oh. No, no, I am sorry. Luxury watercraft sold separately.

Portia: Okay, good, ā€™cause that would make it just a little too good to be true.

Lucy: Hey, it is too good to be true. Believe it. This place is amazing. But I do need to, um, just mention one little thing. Uh, a smoking hot [Chuckles] legal eagle did divulge to me that a certain dimpled don is also in the market, maybe, for new digs.

Sonny: Is it okay that Iā€™m here?

Carly: Yeah, itā€™s a public place. Iā€™ll make sure the hostess gets you a seat.

Sonny: I donā€™t need a table. I-Iā€™m just here to see you.

Carly: Here to see me. Um, Sonny, weā€™ve talked about this.

Sonny: No, no, itā€™s not about us. Itā€™s ā€” itā€™s ā€” itā€™s about today.

Carly: Itā€™s about Courtney.

Sonny: Yeah, Courtney.

Trina: Spencer? What are you doing out of Spring Ridge?

Spencer: Itā€™s a long story. Are you alone?

Trina: Why? Are you planning to take me hostage while you make your getaway?

Spencer: I hear you got my gift.

Trina: Thatā€™s what you want to talk about right now? I guess weā€™ll cover the jailbreak later.

Spencer: Excuse me for being glad to see you. Please tell me youā€™re not with anyone.

Trina: Anyone that might rat you out ā€” besides me?

[ Devices chiming ]

Professor Khan: Alright, alright.

[ Laughter ]

Professor Khan: Exactly what is more important than Jeremy Bentham?

Male Student: See for yourself.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Josslyn: What?

[ Gasps ]

[ Students murmuring]

[ Laughter]

[ Student whistles ]

[ Laughter continues ]

Josslyn: Turn it off!

Professor Khan: Oh ā€” oh, yeah. Yes ā€” yes, of course. Um, uh, Bryan, shut it down now!

Portia: Wow, you really have a handle on all the details. I mean, between your real-estate career and deception, how do you even keep it all straight?

Lucy: Itā€™s crazy, but I do, because, truthfully, I am waiting for the impending IPO for deception. If that comes through, then maybe I can let go one of my two revenue streams. But until then, Iā€™m not letting go of my precious leads.

Portia: Well, we appreciate you showing us this.

Lucy: Of course. Oh, you know, Jax did call me right away and say he wanted to put this property back up, and I thought, I do not want you two to miss out. I couldnā€™t live with myself.

Portia: We thank you for that. Thank you.

Lucy: Youā€™re welcome. Itā€™s my pleasure. It is amazing. I think that it is a perfect spot to start a family.

Sasha: Surprised?

Brando: Maybe a little. [ Chuckles ]

Sasha: Is this completely crazy?

Brando: Yes, absolutely. I mean, can we even do this? Donā€™t we need, like, a license?

Sasha: People elope all the time, right? They just hop on a plane to Las Vegas and do it.

Brando: So you want to go to Vegas?

Sasha: Well, actually, we donā€™t have to. Niagara Falls is right here, and itā€™s notorious for quickie weddings.

Brando: Okay, so ā€” so youā€™re not gonna regret rushing this? I mean ā€” I mean, none of our friends will be there. No family.

Sasha: Iā€™m sure weā€™ll get an earful from them, but thatā€™s fine with me.

Brando: Okay, so just us, then.

Sasha: Good. Because you are my family, Brando. Youā€™re all the family I need.

[ Students murmuring ]

Professor Khan: Alright, alright, everyone, calm down. Clearly, weā€™re not gonna get anything more done today. So for the next class, weā€™re taking a detour from the syllabus. The case is Lord vs. Chandler. Look it up. Class dismissed.

Josslyn: Professor Khan, we donā€™t ā€” we donā€™t know what to say.

Professor Khan: No, really, you donā€™t need to say anything. Allow me to apologize.

Cameron: For what?

Professor Khan: One, for not thinking faster and just closing the laptop to stop the video, and for two, losing control of the situation. I am so sorry everyone had to see that. Look, the student, Bryan, the one who chose to share it with the room, he will be disciplined. But, having said that, I would advise you to keep better track of your intimate personal files.

Spencer: Youā€™re not gonna get in trouble.

Trina: Is this a jail-sanctioned field trip? Or did they let you out of Spring Ridge early for good behavior?

Spencer: How would you know whether or not Iā€™ve been well-behaved? Itā€™s not like youā€™ve visited.

Trina: First of all, your sentence is 30 days.

Spencer: Itā€™s still prison.

Trina: Secondly, and most importantly, do not make this about me. Iā€™m not the one who snuck out of country-club jail so I could tool around some old cemetery.

Spencer: This is where my mother is buried.

Trina: It is?

Spencer: This is her grave, and visiting her on the anniversary of her death isnā€™t exactly my idea of ā€œtooling around.ā€

Trina: I didnā€™t realize that was today.

Spencer: Itā€™s my first time in years visiting her in person. I sent flowers every year that I was at school. Even far away, I could always feel her presence. At least, I thought I could. Not that itā€™s stopped me from completely screwing up my life.

Trina: At least now youā€™re making an effort to clean up your act. Jailbreak notwithstanding.

Spencer: I actually am. Itā€™s just that, on this day, of all days, I wanted my mother to know that. So were you ever gonna visit me, or what?

Trina: [ Sighs ] Spencer, Iā€¦

[ Vehicle door closes ]

Spencer: Donā€™t give me up. If anyone finds out that Iā€™m here, theyā€™re gonna send me straight to Pentonville.

Trina: [ Sighs ]

Jordan: Trina.

Carly: Would you like a drink?

Sonny: Uhā€¦

Carly: Sure feels like a Bloody Mary kind of day.

Sonny: No, Iā€™m actually trying not to drink too much these days.

Carly: Oh. Well, thatā€™s good. Iā€™m sure Courtney would be happy about that.

Sonny: You miss her, huh?

Carly: Yeah. I mean, the Metro Courtā€™s named after her. I think about her every day.

Sonny: Yeah. But you know what I mean.

Carly: Yeah, she was my best friend. Best friends are hard to come by these days.

Sonny: Yeah. I know how you feel.

Carly: Do you really?

Sonny: Maybe it was a mistake. Iā€™ll just go ahead and ā€” Iā€™m gonna go ahead and go.

Carly: Maybe it was a mistake, Sonny.

Sonny: No, I was just thinking that, you know, with Courtney, we ā€” something we could share, that connects us together.

Carly: Weā€™re always gonna be connected.

Sonny: Yeah, I know, through the kids.

Carly: Not just the kids.

Sonny: What?

Carly: We ā€” we have a history together. You know, w-we had a life together. I just donā€™t think Courtney is a good enough reason to seek me out.

Sonny: What are you saying?

Carly: Iā€™m saying it hurts when I see you. So I should see you less.

Brando: You are my family, too. It ā€” itā€™s justā€¦sudden. Thatā€™s all. And we havenā€™t really discussed marriage. I meanā€¦not in our current circumstances.

Sasha: You were here for such a short time, but you made quite the impact. [ Sniffles ] And you were so, so loved. I have to believe that you have felt that. And I hope with everything in me that you still do. I love you forever, Sweetheart. [ Sobs ]

Sasha: I know that we havenā€™t discussed marriage specifically, but we were planning a life together, and we know what we mean to each other. Unlessā€¦ have your feelings about ā€” about me or about us, have they changed?

Brando: N-no, no, of course not. I ā€” I ā€” theyā€™ve only gotten stronger.

Sasha: Itā€™s just that you ā€” you donā€™t seem 100% sure.

Brando: Itā€™s ā€” itā€™s more like I feel that Iā€™ve missed an episode. Iā€™m not opposed to us getting married.

Sasha: Good.

Brando: Thereā€™s just one thing that I donā€™t understand. Why now?

Finn: Howā€™d you sleep?

Elizabeth: Thanks. Tossed and turned all night. You? Howā€™s the couch?

Finn: Oh, yeah, weā€™re old pals by now.

Elizabeth: [ _Int_sYh1f6iX”>Chuckles ]

Finn: Although, it did take a moment for me to turn my head off, though.

Elizabeth: This is gonna sound crazy, but did you feel like you were being watched? ā€˜Cause I did.

Finn: No, not exactly, but I know what you mean. Um, finding out that Betsy wasnā€™t behind any of this, it was, uh, unsettling.

Elizabeth: Mm, to say the least.

Finn: Mm. So, I stayed up most of the night trying to work the problem, but, hey, this, um ā€” this trouble sleeping, itā€™s ā€” itā€™s been going on a while?

Elizabeth: What gave it away? Circles under my eyes?

Finn: Youā€™re beautiful.

Elizabeth: [ Chuckles ]

Finn: No, I was just, um ā€” I was asking ā€™cause I thought, have you spoke to your G.P. About maybe taking something?

Elizabeth: I have, and I am. I donā€™t want to take anything stronger. I just really need to turn my screens off earlier.

Finn: Donā€™t we all.

Elizabeth: Mm.

Finn: How about the boys? Theyā€™re okay?

Elizabeth: They say they are, not that they would tell me if theyā€™re not. Theyā€™re all about projecting strength.

Finn: Theyā€™re worried about their mom.

Elizabeth: And Iā€™m worried about them, especially Jake. He needs help, and I donā€™t think he can get it from me.

Trina: Jordan. Commissioner. Hi. My mom told me you were back.

Jordan: Live and in person. Am I interrupting?

Trina: Interrupting?

Jordan: I heard voices. Were you talking to someone?

Trina: Myself. Iā€™m taking voice notes, uh, for a course Iā€™m doing on art and death.

Jordan: Sounds cheerful.

Trina: It is. Youā€™d be surprised. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m here. Thereā€™s so much more to cemeteries than just death.

Jordan: Mm. Well, things sure are different than when I was in college. They just showed us some slides and called it a day.

[ Both chuckle ]

Trina: So, how have you been doing? All better?

Jordan: And ready to get back to it.

Trina: The bad guys are officially on notice.

Jordan: Damn right.

Trina: Well, Iā€™ll let you get back to it.

Jordan: Trina, are you ā€” are you sure youā€™re okay?

Trina: Positive.

Jordan:Ā  Alright. Well, itā€™s good to see you.

Spencer: Thanks. I knew I could trust you. That story about being here for school, that was quick thinking.

Trina: I am here for school. Unlike you, my being hereā€™s not a felony. You should try it sometime.

Spencer: Well, Trina, I canā€™t thank you enough.

Trina: Ugh!

Cameron: What the hell just happened?

Josslyn: How is there a video at all?

Cameron: And how did it get sent to our entire class?

Josslyn: [ Cellphone chiming ] Everyone is texting me. All of my friends. I donā€™t think it was just this class.

Cameron: Me, too. D-do you think this was sent to the entire school?

Josslyn: Stop. Itā€™s in my e-mail. Thereā€™s no message. Itā€™s just the file.

Cameron: Me, too. But I donā€™t recognize this e-mail. Do you?

Josslyn: Of course not! What do you think?!

Cameron: Why are you yelling at me?

Josslyn: Our entire class just saw us having sex. Our professor saw this. God knows who else.

Cameron: Okay. Wā€“ this is freaking me out, too, Josslyn? Itā€™s not like I made the video and sent it out to everyone.

Josslyn: [ Sighs ]

Cameron: Wait. I-is that what you think I did?

Sasha: Why get married now? W-why wait? Huh? I-I mean, I-I know what I want, and that is ā€” that is you. So I-I see no reason why we should wait.

Brando: Okay, look, I-I-I want to marry you more than anything, but, you know, a-a part of me wonders if ā€” if ā€” if youā€™re asking now because itā€™s what you truly want or because you might be distracting yourself from something that weā€™re both missing. Is getting married, is that about us, or is it about Liam?

Finn: Donā€™t sell yourself short. You are single-handedly raising three amazing young dudes.

Elizabeth: One of whom may be taking a page out of Spencer Cassadineā€™s playbook.

Finn: What does that mean? Trying to break us up?

Elizabeth: And unnerving the entire family in the process.

Finn: We donā€™t know itā€™s Jake.

Elizabeth: But we both think it could be.

Finn: I-Iā€™m just trying to approach this as logically as possible. That way, we can rule Jake out sooner.

Elizabeth: And if it is him, we can put a stop to things before it goes any farther.

Finn: Well, at least weā€™ve eliminated the most obvious suspect.

Elizabeth: Betsy.

Finn: Mm.

Elizabeth: Jake has been through so muchā€¦ mm-hmm. ā€¦Losing Franco and Jason within the same year, not to mention all the years he spent on Cassadine island.

Finn: Yeah, I know. I mean, his history and his behaviorā€¦ may lead you to believe heā€™s involved, but itā€™s not a given. I mean, it could ā€” it could be someone from Francoā€™s past. I mean, he wasnā€™t exactly a saint.

Elizabeth: Thatā€™s putting it mildly.

Finn: Iā€™m sure there are some people out there that he ā€” he wronged and are still angry. I mean, it could be someone completely unknown to us.

Elizabeth: Uh, believe it or not, the thought of a complete stranger in my house, messing with my things, setting fire to Francoā€™s studio, bringing that in here, itā€™s not comforting.

Finn: Sorry. Sorry. My bedside mannerā€¦

Elizabeth: is horrible.

Finn: Yes. People have complained. Lots and lots of complaints. [ Sighs ] We should do something about this.

Elizabeth: Such as? Such as I don’tā€¦ how do you feel about a ā€” a road trip, a change of scenery? You know, we go somewhere warm. I mean, thereā€™s good therapists everywhere. Maybe find somewhere by the beach. We take off for a few weeks, you and the boys, me and Violet.

Elizabeth: Finn.

Finn: Huh?

Elizabeth: I canā€™t go anywhere with you.

Curtis: Great spot.

Portia: It’s stunning.

Lucy: [ Giggles ]

Curtis: Iā€™m just not sure I want to go to a bidding war with Sonny Corinthos.

Lucy: Oh, hey, that can be absolutely avoided. I mean, I have this listing exclusively, and I havenā€™t even publicized it. And I can tell you for certain that Jax would literally rather sell it to anybody else but Sonny. So clear your heads. I want you to picture a hot summer day. [ Inhales deeply ] Smell that sea air. Itā€™s so wonderful. And picture yourself lolling in a hammock, drinking a lemonade, or perhaps a beverage of your choice, and youā€™re watching the boats go drifting by. And, oh, my goodness, it sounds so good. I just might buy this place myself.

Curtis: [ Chuckles ]

Lucy: Take your time. Enjoy.

Portia: [ Chuckles ] Well, Iā€™m not really a hammock type of gal, but this is a nice house.

Curtis: Very. Itā€™s a lot of space.

Portia: Isnā€™t that a good thing?

Curtis: Well, Portia, I mean, thereā€™s only two of us. You sure we need three extra bedrooms?

Portia: Well, I-I mean, we could make an office, maybe a home gym. Trinaā€™s gonna need a room at least for a few more years, right?

Curtis: Thatā€™s true. Okay, so then that leaves two extra bedrooms.

Portia: Or just one. Maybe we could leave a room for your father.

Jordan: Hello, mark. Howā€™s my old partner doing? Iā€™m sorry I havenā€™t visited in so long, but Iā€¦ Iā€™ll tell you the same thing I told Bob. Never again. I donā€™t just mean the time between visits. I mean, I promise to do the job we all sworn an oath to do. To protect and serve and uphold the law. Iā€™m back. And the bad guys are on notice.

Sonny: I donā€™t like being the reason that youā€™re hurting.

Carly: Well, youā€™re not the only reason.

Sonny: Well, I mean, there was a time when you didnā€™t see me at all. Maybe we should go back to that, where Iā€™m, like, dead to you.

Carly: Well, Nina would love that, right?

Sonny: [ Chuckles ] Alright, you know what? Whatever you want, just say the word. Iā€™ll make it happen. If you donā€™t want me here, Iā€™ll be gone. If, when I pick up Donna or drop her off, you donā€™t have to be there. When you want to visit Morgan at the cemetery, weā€™ll pick the dates. I wonā€™t have to, you know ā€” Iā€™ll do whatever you ā€” whatever you want, weā€™ll do.

Spencer: Trina, Iā€™m sorry that I put you in that position.

Trina: Good luck with life on the lam.

Spencer: I didnā€™t escape. Okay, itā€™s kind of ā€” itā€™s kind of a furlough.

Trina: If this was on the books, then you wouldnā€™t have pressured me into lying for you. My uncle arranged it, okay, so that I could visit my mother. Have a heart, huh? They never would have let me come out here to see her, not with such a short sentence.

Trina: Exactly. You couldnā€™t have waited? No. Because youā€™re a spoiled, rich brat who doesnā€™t know just how good heā€™s got it. I couldnā€™t imagine skipping out on my prison sentence. Doesnā€™t seem very ā€œrehabā€ to me. But you do as you please without any regard to the rules or the consequences, because itā€™s second nature to you. Instinct.

Spencer: I know. Privilege.

Cameron: How could you think that I could do something like that?

Josslyn: I donā€™t think that, okay? Right now, I canā€™t think about anything.

Cameron: B-but youā€™re wondering, arenā€™t you? That, what, I set up some hidden camera so I could secretly record our first time? Why would I do that?

Josslyn: I donā€™t know.

Cameron: But I wouldnā€™t do that. Do you really think thatā€™s who I am?

Josslyn: No, of course I donā€™t think that.

Cameron: You sure?

Josslyn: Look, Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™m sorry that I made you feel like I doubted you. My brain just froze because someone recorded us without our knowledge in my stepfatherā€™s cabin, none of which should be possible, by the way, and itā€™s really freaking me out.

Cameron: Okay, everythingā€™s gonna be fine. Do you think that your brother and Nelle could have done it? They used the cabin, right?

Josslyn: No, that was years ago. And Michael? No.

Cameron: What about your stepfather? Could Sonny have some kind of secret camera setup?

[ Bag thuds ]

Josslyn: You going somewhere?

Trina: I never thought Iā€™d see the day ā€” Spencer Cassadine admitting to his own privilege. Well, I guess our previous conversations on this topic have not been totally lost on you.

Spencer: Nothing you say is lost on me. Being my friend must be exhausting.

Trina: Thatā€™s one word for it. Unfortunately, every time I think I can give up on you, you do something that shows that you might ā€” might be capable of evolving.

Spencer: Me man. You woman.

Trina: Okay, never do that again. And please do your best not to try my patience. I have friends that arenā€™t currently on lockdown that are taxing enough.

Esme: Oh, my god, Josslyn, Cameron, I hope youā€™re both okay.

Josslyn: Oh, I just bet you do.

Esme: I-I was just waiting in the hallway, but I figured you might need some time. But I stuck around to make sure that you knew ā€” both of you ā€” that you have my complete support.

Josslyn: Is that right?

Esme: Of course. I mean, what Bryan did? Playing your video for the entire class? That was heinous. You should complain to the dean, and if you need a witness, Iā€™ll be at the front of the line.

Josslyn: Youā€™re such a giver.

Cameron: The video wasnā€™t just played back in front of the class. Seems like whoever did it e-mailed a copy of the video to everyone.

Esme: I know. I got one, too. Do you think thereā€™s any way it could be, like, unsent or something? Or is it just out there for good for the whole world toā€¦enjoy?

Josslyn: Oh, thereā€™s only one person enjoying thisā€¦ the bitch right in front of me.

Esme: [ Scoffs ]

Finn: Youā€™re right, of course. Um, forgive me, thereā€™s no way we should be going anywhere together.

Elizabeth: I just donā€™t want to create any more upheaval for Jake or Cameron.

Finn: Mm.

Elizabeth: Especially if Jake is the one behind whatā€™s going on.

Finn: Right. Well, until all this gets settled, uh, Violet and I could hunker down here.

Elizabeth: I donā€™t want to uproot you guys, and Dante to has patrols coming by.

Finn: Iā€™d feel better being here.

Elizabeth: Well, I wouldn’t. Getting close to you has been amazing, and Iā€™m ready to move on from Franco, but Iā€™m not sure my boys are. I think they might need more time. And right now, they need their mom to put them first in her life.

Finn: I understand. Thatā€™s kind of been my life with Violet. She needs to be first. I just want to you know Iā€™m okay coming in second.

Elizabeth: That doesnā€™t work for me, either.

Brando: Did I ruin this? If ā€” if Iā€™m wrong, just say so, please. It ā€” I donā€™t mean to question you. It was just a thought that I had, and if putting it out there hurt you, I-I will do anything to take it back.

Sasha: I asked. You were honest. You deserve the same from me.

Brando: A $10 chip?

Sasha: My winnings from last night. Not much, right? Well, um, for a long time, not much was what I was used to. Money, people, things ā€” it all came and left. So I got used to going without, not becoming attached to anything because nothing ever lasted long. I came to Port Charles with nothing to my name and zero expectations, and, slowly, that changed. I started to see that maybe things could last. With Nina. With Michael and his family. With deception. And most of all, with you and Liam. I donā€™t want to live with all that impermanence anymore. Losing our son made me see thatā€¦ my life has become so full, and I want to hold on to every bit of it so hard. So, yes, asking you to marry me is about Liam, but itā€™s about you, too, and itā€™s about us. I want you, Brando. I want all the joy that you bring into my life, and I never want to let you go.

Sonny: However you want it to be, thatā€™s the way itā€™s gonna be.

Carly: Well, we agreed to be a team for the girls, so, I mean, letā€™s just see if we can manage that.

Sonny: Yeah, thatā€™s a good first step. So I got to go. I got to ā€” I got to ā€”

Carly: Okay. Jordan.

Sonny: Hey, welcome back.

Jordan: Same to you, Sonny. Carly.

Carly: Hey. You back on the job?

Jordan: Iā€™m getting caught up. Iā€™m sorry to hear about Jason.

Carly: Thank you.

Sonny: Big loss.

Jordan: I know. Cyrus Renault might be walking free today if it hadnā€™t been for Jason ā€” and you.

Carly: Well, youā€™re no slouch, either. Iā€™d say it was a team effort.

Jordan: It was. One that came of shared sacrifice. You put yourself on the line, let Cyrus know you were in charge of Sonnyā€™s business while he wasā€¦ out of the picture.

Sonny: Yeah, well, Iā€™m back, and, uh, Carly’s focused on the hotel.

Jordan: And your focus?

Sonny: Uh, well, the coffee business.

Jordan: Mm.

Sonny: But you know what? We can ā€” we could talk business, if you want. Thatā€™s fine.

Carly: Iā€™m gonna go run my hotel business. Leave you to it.

Sonny: As ā€” as I recall, we ā€” we got along much better when we worked together.

Jordan: We did. That was when we had a common enemy. Now Cyrus is out of the picture, and our collaboration is over.

Curtis: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I havenā€™t even made a bid on the house. You got Marshall moving in with us?

Portia: Well, I was thinking more of, like, maybe a dedicated guest room.

Curtis: [ Exhales sharply ]

Portia: It does seem like you and Marshall are getting along better these days.

Curtis: Yeah, we are, but more in a, you know, ā€œI no longer want to punch a hole in the wallā€ kind of better. Not, you know, ā€œcan you move in our dedicated guest room?ā€ Kind of better. We still got a long way to go. Heā€™s got 40 years to account for.

Portia: And maybe you can manifest some father-and-son bonding, maybe some bonfires on the beach, holiday barbecue now and then.

[ Both chuckle ]

Curtis: You really want this house, donā€™t you?

Portia: It is a lot of space. But we got a lot of life and a lot of love to fill it with. Thatā€™s the way I see it, anyway.

Curtis: So what about you? Tell me. What do you think?

Spencer: You must be referring to Josslyn. That one is always about the drama.

Trina: I am not getting into this with you. You need to get back to Spring Ridge.

Spencer: If we can both keep quiet about running into each other here, neither one of us have to get in trouble for it.

Trina: Unless Jordan doubles back.

Spencer: Yeah. [ Breathes deeply ] I guess I should go back to prison.

Trina: Spencer, be careful. Youā€™re so close to the end of your sentence. And I bet your mom would be the first to say not to mess it up now.

Spencer: I bet youā€™re right. Besides, I wouldnā€™t want to miss the party that youā€™re gonna throw me when Iā€™m released.

Trina: [ Scoffs ] Party? Youā€™ll be lucky if you get so much as a cookie.

Spencer: I like gingersnaps.

Trina: You would.

Spencer: Hey, Trina, you didnā€™t say if you liked my gift.

Trina: Finish your sentence, and then Iā€™ll give you my review.

Esme: Sorry, I donā€™t get my jollies from lo-fi amateur porn.

Josslyn: Oh.

Cameron: Maybe not.

Josslyn: But you do get off on sticking it to me and Cameron.

Esme: Youā€™re in a bad place right now, so itā€™s not surprising that you would take this out on me, but itā€™s a shame, really, because all Iā€™ve wanted was to be your friend, and from the looks of it, youā€™re gonna need all the friends you can get.

Cameron: With friends like youā€¦

Josslyn: Who needs pornographers?

Esme: You know, Joss, most people find it hard to rebound when their sex tape goes into wide release online for the world to see, so if you want my support, I will gladly give it to you.

Cameron: Is that why you did this? So that we would want your comfort and support after you completely screwed us over?

Esme: You know what? I tried.

Josslyn: What, to convince us once and for all that youā€™re a sociopath? Yeah, you succeeded.

Esme: I donā€™t have to take this abuse.

Josslyn: Oh, Iā€™ll show you abuse.

Esme: How can you be this cruel, Joss?

Josslyn: Because, Esme, you are the one who did this.

Sasha: That was probably a lot for you, and if you need to take a step back and reevaluate, then ā€”

Brando: Done. And to answer your question, yes, I will marry you. Today, tomorrow, in Niagara Falls, in Las Vegas, whenever, wherever you want, I am yours.

[ Both chuckle ]

Sasha: Are we really doing this?

Brando: Not if we donā€™t get ourselves in gear, get over the border, and into a chapel.

Sasha: You hit the shower. Iā€™ll look for possible venues.

Elizabeth: My kids need my attention right now, my undivided attention.

Finn: No, I-I get it. And me being around, I get it.

Elizabeth: And Iā€™m not gonna ask you to wait for me.

Finn: You donā€™t have to, ā€™cause I was probably gonna do that anyway.

Elizabeth: Finn.

Finn: No, I mean, not forever. Maybe just like a 100 years, 200 tops. But then Iā€™m walking.

Elizabeth: [ Chuckles ]

Finn: In case I wasnā€™t clear, youā€™re worth waiting for. Iā€™ll see you.

Portia: So, Curtis, what do you think?

Lucy: No, listen to me. You better get home soon, because I cannot wait to gobble your cobbler.

Portia: Oh, hello.

Curtis: Youā€™re back.

Lucy: Uh, indeed, I am. So, do you have any questions?

Curtis: Just one. For Portia. You ready for that boat life?

Portia: Are you kidding me? Are you serious?

Curtis: Let the bidding begin.

Portia: Oh, my God![Chuckles ]

Sonny: I thought we were a good team, especially when I was helping you when Cyrus was blackmailing you.

Jordan: I thanked you for that thenā€¦

Sonny: Right.

Jordan: ā€¦And Iā€™ll thank you now.

Sonny: But your gratitude is limited?

Jordan: It is. Which is why Iā€™m offering this token of my appreciation. My noticeā€¦

Sonny: mm-hmm.

Jordan: ā€¦That I consider our slates wiped clean. As far as Iā€™m concerned, the past is just that.

Sonny: Whatā€™s the ā€” whatā€™s the future look like to you?

Jordan: We have a chance to move forward.

Sonny: As long as I behave?

Jordan: Hmm.

Sonny: [ Laughs ]

Jordan: Just be a good citizen, Sonny.

Sonny: Alright.

Jordan: That ought to be easier for you now that youā€™ve sampled a milder life.

Sonny: Well, maybe, you know, now that Iā€™m back in stride, I-I-Iā€™d prefer something a little moreā€¦ spicy.

Jordan: You do you. And so will I. Just knowā€¦ whatever happens next, I wonā€™t be looking the other way.

Spencer: Well, mother, the next time you see me, Iā€™ll be a free man. One you can be proud of.

Esme: How dare you blame me for this?

Josslyn: Because you did it.

Esme: Oh, typical Josslyn. Record your first time, share it with the world, and then blame it on me.

Cameron: We didnā€™t make the video.

Josslyn: You did.

Esme: How? Explain that to me.

Josslyn: How about we start with you constantly trying to push me and Cam into bed?

Esme: Wow. Youā€™re college freshmen. If you need to be pushed into bed, Iā€™d recommend seeing a doctor.

Josslyn: Oh, it was all you could talk about for weeks. You couldnā€™t have been more obvious.

Cameron: Actually, she could have. She went all in with it at the cabin.

Esme: Why did I have time? You basically forced me and Spence to leave.

Josslyn: Oh, you stayed long enough to piss everyone off with your drinking game.

Esme: Which I have apologized for.

Josslyn: The only reason you apologize to someone is so you can manipulate them again. And again. And again.

Esme: You know, Joss, Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s sadder ā€” that you canā€™t take responsibility for taping your revolting little spectacle and sending it out to the worldā€¦

Cameron: We didnā€™t even know it existed.

Esme: ā€¦Or that you canā€™t do a halfway decent job of blaming me for it. If you are so hell-bent on blaming someone, donā€™t look at me. I wasnā€™t there. Why donā€™t you ask someone who was?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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