Days Transcript Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Eli: Baby.

Lani: Happy valentine’s day.

Eli: Wow, you look amazing. All of this does. How did you have the–

Lani: How did I have time to get dressed up, make you this amazing dinner, and bake a red velvet cake for dessert?

Eli: Mm-hmm.

Lani: The twins went down early, so I got kinda lucky. Sit, sit. Relax.

Eli: Okay, wait. First, I, um… I have to make a confession.

Lani: What–what confession?

Eli: I lied to you.

Paulina: “I know things aren’t going great between us, but I wanted you to know I’m thinking about you today.”

[Chuckles] Aww. This must be from abraham. Mm-hmm. “Fondly, tr.” Oh, hell no.

Tr: Are you sure the flowers I sent were delivered? Great. Thank you.

[Phone beeps]

[Sighs] I had a feeling this film would change my life. I had no idea just how much. Johnny, my man, I owe you.

Allie: Johnny? Aren’t you going to say something?

Johnny: Like what?

Allie: I don’t know, like maybe “congratulations”? You can’t be a little happy for your twin sister?

Johnny: No, I am. I’m just curious to find out if you told tripp before you accepted his proposal.

Tripp: Told me what?

Johnny: That she slept with my wife.

Tripp: What the hell are you talking about?

Johnny: Ooh, guess you didn’t tell him. Oops. My bad.

[Dramatic music]

Craig: I don’t know what could be holding him up. There’s no message from him.

Chloe: It’s okay, dad. He’s only, like, a few minutes late.

Craig: I’m gonna text him again. There’s probably a ton of traffic at the airport.

Brady: Yeah, that’s probably it.

Chloe: Before he gets here, I just realized I don’t even know what his name is.

Brady: Leo stark.

Craig: How did you know?

Leo: Happy valentine’s day.

Craig: Oh, I’m so glad you finally made it.

Leo: Oh, babe, me too. I missed you so much.

Craig: Mm.


Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “days of our lives.”

[Soft orchestration]

Craig: Mm. Leo, this is my daughter chloe. Chloe, this is–

Chloe: Leo stark.

Craig: Oh. You two know each other.

Chloe: Well, we haven’t officially met, but I’ve heard all about him from brady.

Craig: Oh, and how is it that you two know each other?

Leo: Oh, well, bb and i go way back. In fact, for a hot minute we thought we were brothers. Thank god that wasn’t true, or that kiss we shared would have been all sorts of awkward.

Craig: You kissed?

Brady: Leo kissed me. It wasn’t mutual.

Craig: Right. Well, I’m– I had no idea that you all knew each other. What a small world.

Chloe: So leo never mentioned to you that he once lived in salem?

Craig: No.

Leo: Well, only because craig and I haven’t gotten around to sharing everything about our respective pasts yet. So I hadn’t mentioned yet that I was once a resident of this city. Not that memorable a time, truth be told.

Brady: Not that memorable? Leo, you had so many adventures here.

Craig: Adventures?

[Tense music]

Tripp: You know this is a new low, johnny, even for you. You know, spreading rumors about your own sister?

Johnny: Well, it’s not a rumor, it’s a fact.

Tripp: Oh, the hell it is. Come on, just grow up already. Find something else to do besides making trouble for once, okay?

Johnny: Oh, come on, man. You can’t be that surprised. These two have been lusting after each other for months. They can barely keep their hands off each other.

Tripp: They’ve kissed twice and that was a long time ago.

Johnny: And recently they did a lot more than that. You see, the night that i dumped chanel, allie went over to her place to comfort her, my wife, and ended up in her bed.

Tripp: Allie?

Chanel: Don’t listen to him. Everything he just said is a complete and total lie.

[Tense music]

Tr: Johnny wasn’t lying. This town really is full of surprises.

[Knocking on door] Paulina. I see you got my flowers.

Paulina: [Giggles] Oh, I sure did. And here’s what I think of them.


[Glass shatters]

[Dramatic music]

Life’s been hard enough.

Leo: Sweetheart, I’m sorry I neglected to tell you I once lived in this insular little town. I don’t like to talk about it, frankly, because… well, salem holds so many unpleasant memories for me.

Brady: Not to mention the people you’ve terrorized, leo.

Leo: What is that supposed to mean?

Brady: You know, I’m not too comfortable going into this in front of craig.

Craig: No, no, no. Brady, go right ahead.

Chloe: Yeah, brady. Please do.

Brady: Fine. You need to know that he’s responsible for making my family’s life a living hell.

Leo: What? Exaggerate much?

Brady: You know damn well I’m not exaggerating.

Chloe: He’s not, dad. This man tried to bring down brady’s family business with some bogus lawsuit.

Craig: Is that true? Hmm?

Leo: Yes, it’s true, but it is not the whole story, and these two know it. Not to mention that in the end, I was the victim.

Brady: You were the–mm. Were you a victim when you listened in on my personal business calls to try to sell titan secrets to stefan dimera?

Leo: I sure as hell was. You fed me bogus intel. Some people have no scruples.

Brady: Scrupl– craig, you need to know that my brother paul did a deep dive into leo’s past. This man has been involved in scam after scam and it looks like you’re his latest mark.

[Tense music]

Lani: What did you lie about?

Eli: Yesterday I said that i was going to see my grandma and doug. But I went to go see tr.

Lani: Eli.

Eli: Baby, I had to put him on notice. He needed to know that if he– if he messed with you or paulina, he was gonna have to deal with me.

Lani: [Sighs] Babe, I appreciate you looking out for me, but you didn’t have to go all caveman.

Eli: I’m your husband. Baby, it’s my job to protect you.

Lani: So how did tr take it?

Eli: I mean, he– he seemed to get the message. I think he knows that from now on, he’d better treat you and paulina with respect.

Tr: I knew I should have gone with the roses.

Paulina: I thought I made myself clear. I want you to stay away from me and my family.

Tr: I’m sorry I showed up at lani’s unannounced, but once i realized that she was my child, I just couldn’t help myself.

Paulina: Well, then allow me to help you. What you did was unacceptable. Appearing on her doorstep from out of nowhere?

Tr: All right, I know. It was the wrong approach. I know that now. That’s why I sent the flowers, to apologize.

Paulina: There was no apology on the card.

Tr: It was implied.

Paulina: Well, then let me be explicit in my response. Apology not accepted.

Tr: Look, I don’t wanna upset you.

Paulina: Then leave town, ray.

Tr: It’s tr. And I can’t do that, because I’m shooting a film. And I want to get to know my daughter.

Paulina: You know, if you hurt her, I swear…

Tr: You know, with all due respect, paulina, I don’t think I possibly could hurt her any more than you already have.

[Dramatic music]

Tripp: Okay, I’m confused. So you didn’t go over to chanel’s that night?

Chanel: No, she did. I was a wreck that night, obviously, and allie comforted me like the good friend she is. We talked, then she put me to bed and left, end of story. Just like she told you.

Johnny: Now, that’s funny, because that’s a much different story than I heard you two telling in the square yesterday.

Chanel: What are you talking about?

Johnny: I overheard you and allie discussing your night of passion, how you two got down and dirty between the sheets. And I could go into more details, but I think you’ve heard enough to know that I’m telling the truth. I just… I thought you deserved to know before you married allie. And you accused me of being a player.

Chanel: Tripp–

Tripp: I want to talk to allie.

Chanel: Please.

Tripp: Alone.

[Tense music]

Are you one of the millions of americans

Chloe: I’m sorry, daddy, but brady’s right. This man is a con artist.

Leo: Don’t listen to them.

Chloe: He’s just using you.

Leo: What the hell would I be using him for?

Brady: Money. Is it just a coincidence that you fell for a wealthy doctor? I fell for craig because he is brilliant and charming and wickedly funny.

Craig: This is very uncomfortable to take in right now.

Leo: Even more so for me. But craig, you are the only one here whose opinion matters to me. I’m sorry I wasn’t more forthcoming. I didn’t want to scare you off. But I am not like that anymore. And that’s because of you. I wanna be a better person because of you. You believe me, don’t you?

Craig: [Sighs] It’s just–gotta take this in.

Brady: I’m afraid there’s a lot more to take in. A couple months ago, leo was involved in a major scam in arizona. He double-crossed the isa to get his hands on a stolen gemstone.

Leo: Okay, that’s true. But right after that, I met this wonderful man who cares for me more than anyone has in my entire life. And that’s why everything has changed.

[Tense music]

Lani: So what did you think of tr? I mean, do you think that he’s a changed man?

Eli: It’s tough to tell. I mean, I was only with him for a few minutes.

Lani: Kay, well, what does your gut say?

Eli: That, understandably, you have a lot of complicated feelings about your biological father. But… right now, I think that we should focus on us.

Lani: Your instincts are excellent, detective grant.

Eli: Then I’d like to propose a toast. To my incredible wife, who not only worked a full shift today, but managed to get the kids down early and prepare this wonderful meal.

Lani: [Chuckles]

Eli: Baby, I am in awe of everything you do.

Lani: Mm.

Eli: And by how beautiful you look doing it. Happy valentine’s day.

[Glasses clink]

Lani: Happy valentine’s day.

Eli: I have an idea.

Lani: What?

Eli: All right.

[Phone beeps]

Lani: [Laughs]

[Romantic music playing]

Eli: May I have this dance?

Lani: You certainly may.

[Laughs] Aww.

Singer: Every fantasy

that’s in my head

Paulina: May I remind you that the only reason I lied about being lani’s mother was to protect her from you? It kills me that I hurt her by keeping that a secret.

Tr: I was talking about price town.

Paulina: How do you know about that?

Tr: I did some research. I wanted to learn some more about my daughter, and I came across your plan to bulldoze the horton town square, which is a tribute to her husband’s family.

Paulina: For your information, I realized I made a huge mistake and I just called off the entire project. I also apologized to each and every person I hurt.

Tr: And they forgave you? Even lani?

Paulina: Even lani.

Tr: Hmm. That’s wonderful. Gives me hope.

Paulina: About what?

Tr: That if our daughter could forgive you for such a huge betrayal… maybe you can do the same for me.

Chanel: What the hell is wrong with you? How could you do that to your sister?

Johnny: All I did was tell the truth.

Chanel: It wasn’t how you made it sound, like we’ve been having some torrid affair.

Johnny: Weren’t you?

Chanel: No. I was a mess that night because of what you did to me. Allie and I just– we just got caught up in the emotion.

Johnny: Oh, so it was the sweet kind of cheating, not the sleazy kind. Well, I’m sure in that case tripp will totally understand.

Tripp: You were pretty quiet before. Kind of let chanel do all the talking.

Allie: I–I didn’t know what to say.

Tripp: How about the truth? Don’t you think you owe me that? Allie, just talk to me, okay? Chanel said johnny was lying. Was he? Please just– just be honest with me. Was johnny lying?

[Tense music]

Allie: No. He wasn’t lying. I did sleep with chanel.

[ Mid-tempo music playing ]

Tripp: I called you that night, and you said you were going home.

Allie: I was, but chanel was a mess and I couldn’t leave her alone.

Tripp: So the only way to make her feel better was to have sex with her?

Allie: We were lying in bed and it just happened.

Tripp: The next morning i called you again and you told me you were home. I wanted to come see you before work, but you said you were on your way out… to go check on chanel. But you were already with her, weren’t you?

Allie: Yeah, I spent the night. But I woke up and I felt so horrible. I felt so guilty. I hated lying to you. I wanted to come clean.

Tripp: But you didn’T.

Allie: I went to the hospital and I saw you and I was going to tell you, but I–I just– I didn’t want to hurt you.

Tripp: Then maybe you shouldn’t have slept with chanel!

Allie: Tripp, I love you, okay? I love you so much. It was a mistake.

Tripp: Yeah, right.

Allie: No. No, I wouldn’t have said yes to your proposal if I didn’t love you, okay? You, you are the one I wanna be with. You’re the one I wanna marry.

Tripp: Are you kidding me? I mean, you don’t seriously think that we’re still getting married?

Chanel: If you knew that me and allie hooked up, why didn’t you say anything earlier?

Johnny: What do you mean?

Chanel: Instead of telling me what you overheard, you gave me this big speech about how we could still be friends even though we were going through the divorce. Why would you do that?

Johnny: Well, I guess I just got caught up in the spirit of valentine’s day.

Chanel: So you pretended that you wanted to get along with me and then we bump into allie and tripp and you just blow everything up?

Johnny: Look, I saw that poor sap about to make the biggest mistake of his life. I had to do something. I mean, I do know what it’s like to suddenly realize you married the wrong person.

Chanel: Oh, did you ever. Because I am going to take you for everything that you’re worth.

Johnny: Is that right?

Chanel: Si, giovanni. By the time I’m finished with you, you are going to wish you’d never been born.

Paulina: Let’s get something straight. I planned to tear down a beloved landmark. You? You abused me physically and emotionally for years! Now, they are not the same. Do you understand that?

Tr: Yes, I do.

Paulina: Well, then don’t compare my betrayals to yours. I may have been deceptive, but you were a monster.

Tr: You’re right. There’s no comparison. What I did was reprehensible. And I truly am ashamed. The drugs, the drinking, they turned me into somebody that even I didn’t recognize. I was on a downward spiral. I didn’t even know it. And after you disappeared, it got worse. I ended up in prison.

Paulina: For what?

Tr: [Chuckles] I started using my clients’ money to buy drugs. Once I got caught, my whole life fell apart.

Paulina: So I’m supposed to, what, feel sorry for you?

Tr: [Laughs] No. Because that’s when I finally realized that I needed to turn my life around. You see, hitting rock bottom is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Leo: After that little caper with the stolen peacock, my life took a nosedive. I was lonely, depressed, and forced into taking this thankless job handing out swag at medical conventions. As luck would have it… craig came over to my booth and inquired about my nuts.

Chloe: I’m sorry, what?

Leo: Oh, relax, would you? Your daughter did not inherit your sense of humor. Anyway, I was dressed up as a chipmunk handing out free nuts. You know, because they’re good for you. High in vitamins, minerals, good monounsaturated fats, which can help lower cholesterol. Anyway, we had a couple of laughs and I felt this immediate strong connection, like I had finally found my soulmate. You felt that too, didn’t you, craig?

Craig: Yeah. We did have a connection. He did make me laugh.

Leo: [Laughs] And, look, even though your dad was honest with me from the get-go, told me he had a wife, it was clear to me– and eventually to him– that his marriage was a lie. He was denying who he really was.

Chloe: Oh, so you coerced him into cheating on my mother?

Craig: Chloe, there was no coercion here whatsoever. Look… as completely thrown as this conversation has me, all I wanted was for you two to meet each other. And now I see that was not a good idea and it’s not working out, so my apologies to all of you.

Chloe: No. Dad, it’s not your fault.

Leo: May I just add something?

Craig: Sure.

Leo: Chloe, I understand your skepticism of me given my track record, and I know that you and your father have a very close and loving relationship.

Chloe: Yeah, we do.

Leo: Well, you’re very fortunate. My father was an abusive pig. He used to tell me that I was worthless and that I would never mean anything to anyone. And when you hear that over and over again, it creates a hole in your heart. So I tried to fill that with fancy things to– to make the pain go away. But it didn’T. And nothing made it go away… until I met your father. Finally, I was happy for the first time in my life. And not a day goes by, not a moment goes by that I don’t appreciate how lucky I am.

[Jazzy music]

Your mission:

Brady: Okay, look, I’ve heard enough. Craig, you need to be wary of this man because he’s a predator.

Leo: Hey, that is an unfair and cruel accusation.

Brady: It’s not unfair and cruel when it’s totally verifiable and true. I haven’t even gotten into what he did to my cousin sonny. It’s a whole thing there.

Leo: Okay, look, look. How about you two go and rake me over the coals somewhere else? It’s valentine’s day, for god’s sake. Craig and I would like to celebrate, to be left alone, not to hear some angry, self-righteous people distort the truth and tell us why we shouldn’t be together.

Brady: Craig, I’m telling you this because I care about you, okay?

Craig: [Sighs] Right, okay. Right. Look, um… I think leo’s right. I think it’s time that this conversation ends. You two should leave and we will talk about this later. Okay, chloe?

Chloe: We don’t want you to get hurt, dad. That’s what this is all about. How can you not know that?

Leo: Please don’t listen to them, craig. What I feel for you is real. This is not a con or a scheme or a ploy. I have left all of that behind me. Because like I said, for the first time in my life, I am honestly, truly happy. Because of you.

Chloe: Dad. He is playing you. You need to wake up and do the right thing. You need to end this farce of a relationship.

Tripp: You don’t honestly think that I’d still marry you after you cheated on me.

Allie: We can work through this. I will do whatever it takes to make this right.

Tripp: You must think I’m the world’s biggest chump, don’t you? And maybe that’s my fault. Maybe I let you think that you could just walk all over me, I wouldn’t care.

Allie: No.

Tripp: My mom warned me that your bff was a threat. And I pushed aside all of my doubts and insecurities and chose to believe in you, to trust in you. And look where that got me. Who knows, I probably deserved to have you cheat on me.

Allie: No, no. You did nothing wrong.

Tripp: I must have! Because in the end, you chose chanel over me.

Johnny: You’re nuts if you think you’re getting one dime out of me.

Chanel: Oh, we discussed this, okay? There’s no prenup, so the sky is the limit, baby.

Johnny: And I told you, my family’s loaded. I’m not.

Chanel: Tell it to my lawyer.

Johnny: Oh, I will. I’ll also tell him that you committed adultery with my sister–my twin sister. I’m sure that’ll go over well in court. Good luck convincing a judge that you’re the victim.

Chanel: God, you are such a creep. I can’t believe I ever loved you.

Johnny: Did you? Or were you just enjoying the perks that I could provide until you could get with my sister?

Chanel: God, you are disgusting.

Johnny: Does this mean we’re not hooking up tonight?

Paulina: You were glad you were in prison?

Tr: Saved my life. If I kept going the way I was, there’s no doubt in my mind that I would have od’D. Prison got me off that path. I stopped using drugs. I went to therapy.

Paulina: Mm-hmm. So poof, you were a new man.

Tr: It took a lot of hard work. I started at the bottom, climbed to the top.

Paulina: So you’re a hollywood bigwig now.

Tr: I have had a great deal of success. But I have never been able to fully enjoy it because there was always something that weighed on me. And that’s the guilt that I feel… over how I treated you.

Paulina: You should feel guilty. But look, you know what? I have moved on with my life. I’m fine now. I don’t need to stand here and listen to all this–

Tr: Yeah, but I need to say it. You know, over time there were so many times I tried to track you down to apologize. But I never wanted to upend your life. But now, fate has brought me back to you. And I finally have the chance to make things right. If you’ll let me.

Trelegy for copd.

Craig: Chloe, I appreciate your concern. Yours too, brady. But… like leo said, I think this conversation is over– for the time being, anyway.

Chloe: Dad, did any of what we said get through to you?

Craig: I admit, some of it is upsetting, yes.

Leo: Babe–

Craig: But… we all do things in our past that we’re not proud of. In fact… I’ve done something that I’m sure is very close to what leo did.

Chloe: What? What are you talking about? The mike horton thing?

Craig: Let me finish, chloe. Years ago, I was… quite desperate to become chief of staff, and I…

[Sighs] Manipulated a mentally unstable woman to file charges against mike horton–sexual harassment. It ended in disaster, and I deeply regret it as I’m sure you regret having what it is you’ve done.

Leo: Profoundly. If I could turn back time, I would.

Craig: It’s not about that, though. It’s about now. We don’t have to focus on the past. I just want to focus on what you and I have together.

Chloe: Oh, my god.

Craig: I am committed to this man, chloe. And I’m sorry that you don’t agree… but this is my life. And I am never letting him go.

Paulina: You think it’s that easy? That to hurt someone the way you hurt me, it can make it all better just by sending some damn flowers?

Lani: The flowers are beautiful.

Paulina: I’m glad you like them. Took me a long time to pick out the arrangement.

Lani: Yeah, well… I will be taking them to the hospital tomorrow and give them to someone who actually wants them. And as for this card…

[Paper tears]

Tr: What is it?

Paulina: I just realized that, um… it’s possible I might be a bit of a hypocrite. But I will tell you this– and this is from my personal experience– for true forgiveness, that’s got to be earned and that takes time.

Tr: I will put in whatever time it takes because… no one as wonderful as you has ever come into my life. And instead of honoring you and treasuring you and treasuring everything we had… I threw it all away. And the regret that I feel has stayed with me over all these years. The truth is… I never got over you, and I don’t know if I ever will.

Eli: Why couldn’t we stay in bed again?

Lani: Do you know how long it took me to make this cake? I am not letting all this hard work go to waste.

Eli: [Chuckles]

[Knocking on door] Who could that be?

Lani: Hmm.

Chanel: [Sighs]

Lani: Chanel, what are you doing here?

Chanel: I needed to talk to someone and I cannot deal with mama right now. Oh, god, I totally forgot it’s valentine’s day. I’ll go.

Lani: No, no, chanel. It’s fine. Right, eli?

Eli: Of course. Yes, of course. What happened?

Chanel: [Sighs] It’s johnny.

Lani: What did he do now?

Chanel: It’s not what he did, it’s what I did. With allie.

Allie: Tripp, you are the one I wanna be with, okay? And I’m gonna keep saying it until you believe it, because it’s the truth.

Tripp: No, it’s not. It’s a lie, okay? It’s a lie you’ve been telling me and yourself, ’cause clearly the person you wanna be with is chanel.

Allie: No, no. Sleeping with chanel was a one-time thing and it’s never going to happen again, I promise. If you can just find it in your heart to forgive me.

Tripp: How could I ever trust you again? If your jerk of a brother hadn’t said anything just now, I’d still be in the dark, right? That’s what I thought. Face it, there’s– there’s no coming back from this.

Allie: Tripp–

Tripp: It’s over, allie. You and I are done.

Demon johnny: Ahh. Well, I may not have gotten lucky tonight, but screwing with those losers was almost as satisfying.

Johnny: You can’t do this! You need to stop hurting to people I love!

Demon johnny: Well, hey now. Look who’s awake.

Johnny: I have to let chanel know I still love her, that I would never hurt her like this.

Demon johnny: And how do you plan on doing that?

Johnny: By getting rid of you.

Demon johnny: [Chuckles] I would like to see you try–


Chloe: Dad, listen to me. You are making a huge mistake.

Craig: Chloe, that is enough.

Chloe: Enough? Enough of what? Trying to knock some sense into you? You want this snake to break your heart to same way that you broke mom’s? Is that what you want? Okay, I guess that’s what you want. You know what? I’m done. Brady, let’s get out of here.

[Jazzy music]

Tr: After what I’ve done, I know I don’t have the right to ask. But I would love to have the chance to make it up to you and to get to know my daughter. You don’t have to say anything. Just… think about it?

Paulina: [Clears throat] I better go. Sorry for the mess.

Tr: You don’t have to apologize to me, ever.

Paulina: I wasn’T. Um, I’m sorry for the housekeeper.

Tr: It’s my mess. It’s on me to clean it up.

[Dramatic music]

Lani: So you and allie…

Chanel: Yeah.

Eli: So what did tripp think?

Lani: Okay.

Chanel: I don’t know. I haven’t heard. Oh, god. Oh, what if I screwed everything up for them? You guys must think I’m a terrible person.

Lani: Chanel, no, we don’T. You didn’t mean to hurt anyone.

Eli: Yeah, unlike johnny. What the hell is up with that guy?

Demon johnny: [Grunts] You’re wasting your time. You’re no match for me.

Johnny: I’ll never give up. I won’t let you keep hurting the people I love!

Demon johnny: [Sighs] Stop fighting me or I will go upstairs and slaughter your little cousins in their sleep.

Johnny: No!

Demon johnny: Then stop fighting me.

[Mysterious whoosh] That’s better. Whew.

[Sighs] Your love for chanel and your sister is much stronger than I anticipated. It’s too bad they’ll never find out just how much you care.

[Eerie tone]

Allie: Tripp, I love you with my whole heart. Please, could you give me another chance?

Tripp: May I have my ring back?

Allie: What?

Tripp: It belonged to my great grandmother, and… I want it back. Allie.

Allie: [Sighs]

[Somber music]

I’m sorry.

Tripp: Me too.

Allie: [Sobbing]

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