Y&R Short Recap Friday, February 25, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Nate tells his family he has decided to leave medicine and go into the business world. .Nate tells Devon that even though Lily offered him a job at Chancellor Industries and he offered him a job at Hamilton Winters he is taking the job Ashland offered him at Newman Locke.

Abby, Chance, and Devon are relived when the doctor tells them that Dominic’s recovery is going well.

Chance makes an appointment to see a therapist Sharon recommended to him.

Phyllis helps Jack find out more information about Keemo and Jack is heartbroken to learn that Keemo died.

Ashland tells Victoria that since he is feeling better, he wants to take a more active role in the company. Ashland thinks that in order to get the respect he deserves he should be named Co-CEO of Newman Locke. Victoria is hesitant to give Ashland more work to do at the company because she is worried about his health but Ashland assures her that work makes him feel better. Victoria ignores Victor’s advice to be on her guard with Ashland since he is feeling better and, she agrees to name Ashland Co CEO of Newman Locke.

Victor tells Nikki everything Michael found out about Ashland. Nikki worries that Victoria will be angry with Victor, and it will cause a rift in the family. Victor assures Nikki he intends to protect Victoria.

Adam tells Victor he has decided not to quit his job at Newman Media. Victor is happy to hear that because all hell is about to break loose.

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