Days Transcript Thursday, January 27, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Craig: Yeah. I know. I know. I miss you too, sweetheart. But just think about it this way. It won’t be that much longer till you see me.

[Twig snaps]

[Soft dramatic music]

Nancy: This is wonderful.

Brady: Well, the pub always has the best food.

Nancy: It’s true. That’s not what I meant. Yesterday. Yesterday, brady, I would have been absolutely convinced that, well, craig was lying to me about that being a work call. But today, today I’m perfectly calm because I know that my–my husband, my loving, wonderful husband, has gone out of his way to show me how much he loves me. And even though I came to salem for being terribly upset, then needing my daughter to talk me off the ledge, I’m really happy to be here, to be here with both of you.

Brady: It was wonderful to spend time with you and craig.

Nancy: Even though we sort of surprised you and disrupted your entire lives.

Brady: No, you didn’T. No disruption at all.

Nancy: You know, as happy as I am, there’s only one thing that would make me happier.

Brady: What would that be?

Nancy: Getting you and chloe back together again.

Ava: That’s what you get for cheating on me with that cheap slut.

[Knock at door]

[Suspenseful music]

Nicole, hey. What a coincidence.

Nicole: Coincidence? Why?

Ava: I was just thinking about you.

Shawn: Peace offering. Listen, I’m really sorry about this.

Rafe: Oh, man, come on. You got nothing to be sorry for, shawn. You know, a third con came forward and said that I had falsified evidence. You–you had no choice but to make the arrest, and you got trask breathing down your damn back.

Shawn: Yeah, well, a few ticked-off thugs claiming to be railroaded isn’t exactly an ironclad case.

Rafe: Yeah. The thing is, I’m not out there in the street making collars. I’m usually here, I’m behind the desk. So for these guys to come out of the woodwork saying what they said. It doesn’t look good.

Shawn: Yeah. Well, it’s obvious you’re being framed. I mean, I–I spent hours trying to–to find a connection between these losers, but I know I’ve got nothing. Except maybe…

Rafe: What?

Shawn: The last time we spoke, you said that you think that ava might be behind this. You still think that she’s the one that set you up?

Lani: There’s no way.

[Knocking at door]

[Melancholy music]

Abe: Hey!

Lani: Dad. Hi. Come in.

Abe: Thank you. Thank you. You know, I was in the neighborhood and I thought I would stop by and say hello. And I brought a little something for jules and carver.

Lani: Just passing by, huh? Well, the kids are asleep, but will you settle for me?

Abe: Absolutely. Where’s–where’s eli?

Lani: He’s in D.C., Visiting his mom, so it’s just me and the twins, and I am dying for some adult company.

Abe: Oh. It’s perfect. That works out for both of us.

Lani: You know, you don’t have to have an excuse to visit the twins.

Abe: I do know that, but I was in the neighborhood. And since seeing you always lifts my spirits…

Lani: Bad day already?

Abe: Yeah, I had a–had a run-in with paulina.

Paulina: Ray? Oh, my god.

Tr: Hello, paulina.

Paulina: Stay the hell away from me. Stay the hell away from me. I’ll–I’ll lay you out flat right here and now.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “days of our lives.”

[Soft orchestration]

Lani: So…

Abe: Ah, thank you.

Lani: What did paulina do this time?

Abe: You know, maybe “run-in” is too strong a word. We–we were civil. Friendly, even. There’s always going to be tension between us.

Lani: I’m so sorry.

Abe: At least things are better between you and paulina, aren’t they? I mean, you saved her life. Those are her words.

Lani: She is so dramatic. But, yes. I mean, I will probably always have my guard up with paulina, but we are on better terms. And I do hope that happens for you, too, someday.

Abe: I-I don’t think that’s possible. Not when she wants me to… do something I can’t do for her.

Lani: What do you mean?

Abe: Well, I-I don’t– I don’t think I’d ever be able to trust her again, especially after letting me think that I was your real father. And she always knew otherwise.

Tr: You got some fight in you now, I see.

Paulina: I always did. Just got beaten out of me by you.

Tr: You put your fist down now, paulina. I am not going to hurt you.

Paulina: Too late for that. What are you doing here, ray? What do you want from me?

Tr: I go by tr now.

Paulina: Yeah? Well, you can slap on an alias to run from all the skeletons in your closet, terrell raymond, but you’ll always be rotten ray to me.

Tr: Some things never change. Like that mouth on you.

Paulina: I asked you a question. What do you want?

Tr: I don’t want anything.

Paulina: Well, then why did you track me down after all these years?

Tr: I didn’t “track you down.” I didn’t even know you were in this godforsaken little backwater.

Paulina: So, what the hell are you doing here in salem, usa, of all places?

Craig: I’ll be back later today. I’ll talk to you soon. What are you doing here, chloe?

Chloe: I brought your coat. Mom thought you’d be cold. But you sounded like you were pretty hot to me. For rob, it took years to find out

Brady: Chloe and I already told you, we’re just friends.

Nancy: Uh-huh.

Brady: Mm-hmm.

Nancy: Brady, ever since the two of you were singing duets in the park way back when, I’ve known that you are the only man for my daughter.

Brady: Well, she didn’t know that, obviously.

Nancy: And it’s not obvious to me. And in my opinion, the only reason that she went back to philip this time was because you were entangled with kristen dimera.

Brady: Nancy, she and philip were together when he disappeared. And we don’t know if he’s–he’s alive or dead, so there is no way that I can pursue something with chloe right now.

Nancy: But you do have feelings for her?

Brady: Yes, I do.

Nancy: So brady, then you’re–you’re basically in limbo.

Brady: That’s a good way of putting it.

Nancy: But what–but what if we never find out what happened to philip? Are you okay wallowing in limbo forever?

Brady: That might be the way it has to be, nancy, yeah.

Nancy: No, no, it’s not. Not the way I see it.

Craig: I don’t know what you’re talking about, chloe.

Chloe: Come on, dad. I just heard you. “Baby, I miss you”? I hope you don’t talk that way to your co-workers, or someone’s going to slap you with a sexual harassment suit.

Craig: Okay. It’s not what you think–

Chloe: It’s exactly what I think. And mom’s “ridiculous meltdown” when she first came to salem makes total sense. You lied to her, and you lied to me. You are cheating on her, aren’t you?

Craig: Yeah. Yeah, I am.

[Melancholy music]

Rafe: Like I said, I’ve got no proof that ava’s behind this. It’s just my gut. And what happened with duke?

Shawn: The teddy bear that got the–

Rafe: Yeah. That’s right. First, that happens. And then right after that, these guys come forward, and here I am.

Shawn: Yeah. Well, it wouldn’t be difficult for ava to orchestrate a frame-up, you know, given her mob ties.

Rafe: Well, exactly. Yeah. I’m right there with you. Well, she was just so damn proud of leaving her old life behind.

Shawn: And what about the dead mobster you found on your kitchen floor not that long ago? I mean, that shows that her life isn’t that far behind her, but I still don’t get motive. Or you mentioned that ava’s got an issue with yours and nicole’s friendship, but you also mentioned that you and ava have been solid for months.

Rafe: Yeah. That’s not exactly true.

Ava: Nicole, please, come–come on in.

Nicole: Thanks. So you were thinking about me, huh? Why?

Ava: Well, the eggplant parm. You know, I should’ve sent you home with some last night, but I was just too upset to even think straight after rafe was arrested.

Nicole: Well, it is safe to say that neither one of us had an appetite after that.

Ava: My stomach’s just– it’s full of knots. Anyway, I’m–I’m surprised to see you back here so soon. What’s up?

Nicole: Don’t you think you’re being a little paranoid here thinking that ava is setting you up? I came to check on you. How are you doing?

Ava: You know, you really are the sweetest. You–you–you are–you are–you are the best friend. Well, you know, I mean, I couldn’t really sleep a wink last night, right? I just–I kept thinking about what’s going to happen if rafe is convicted and he ends up in prison. It was enough to keep me up all night.

Nicole: Well, I have complete faith that that’s not going to happen because rafe is innocent. And you know that better than anyone, don’t you?

Lani: Please. When you say things like that–

Abe: Like what?

Lani: That paulina let you think that you were my “real father.” You are my “real father” in every way that matters.

Abe: I should’ve chosen my words more carefully. What I meant was that you have a biological father out there. And ever since you found out, I’ve barely heard you mention him. Look, lani, I understand, and believe me, I appreciate that you think that I would be threatened by you seeking out information on him, but you are connected biologically. And I would think that you would be somewhat curious about him.

Tr: I have business here in salem.

Paulina: What kind of business would that be? Waste management?

Tr: Actually, I’m a movie producer now.

Paulina: Movie producer? I can only imagine what kind of movies you make.

Tr: It’s all totally legit.

Paulina: You don’t even know the meaning of that word.

Tr: But apparently, I have a talent knowing what the public likes. And one of the filmmakers I’m working with just happens to live right here in town. He’s a young man from a fine, upstanding family. Perhaps you’ve heard of him. Johnny dimera?

Paulina: Johnny– johnny dimera? That’s the son of a bitch that broke my daughter’s heart.

Tr: You have a daughter? Life’s been hard enough.

Tr: I had no idea you had children, paulina.

Paulina: Well, my family is–is none of your damn business. My daughter has nothing to do with you.

Tr: I didn’t say she did.

Paulina: For the record, I had–I had chanel years after we split, with my husband george.

Tr: Is she your one and only?

Paulina: Yes, she is.

Tr: Well, she is a very lucky young woman to have a woman such as yourself for her mama. And george is a very lucky man.

Shawn: So you and nicole slept together. But ava doesn’t know about this, right?

Rafe: Well, I don’t think so. And ava, she’s–she’s been so sweet and loving and extra thoughtful, really, and not just to me. To nicole too. She’s always inviting her over to dinner and to just hang out. But I have seen this act before.

Shawn: I don’t follow.

Rafe: A few months back, gabi and ava were at each other’s throats, and I mean bad, right? And then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, ava is super sweet. I tell you, it turns out that that was one hell of an act, because while she was smiling to gabi’s face, she was stabbing her in the back. She was trying to screw her out of gabi chic.

Shawn: Okay, so you– so you think that maybe ava does know about you and nicole.

Rafe: And that destroying my career is her revenge.

Ava: What is that supposed to mean? That I would “know better than anyone” that rafe is innocent?

Nicole: Well, because you’re the closest person to him. You know what a great guy he is, how honest he is, how seriously he takes his work.

Ava: Yeah. Rafe is nothing if not honest.

Nicole: So then you know he’s being set up.

Ava: I very much want to believe that.

Nicole: Why wouldn’t you?

Ava: Well, for one thing, the police would not arrest one of their own–the commissioner, nonetheless– without a mountain of evidence.

Nicole: But it’s fake, ava. And I’m sure that’s something else you know.

Ava: What I know is that when I needed rafe to believe in my innocence, he didn’T. So why would i automatically believe in his?

Nancy: Brady, I’ve seen the way chloe looks at you. She loves you too. Now all I have to do is convince her to admit that to herself.

Brady: Nancy, it’s sweet of you to want to try to help, but I-I think chloe and i should handle this on our own.

Nancy: Brady black, do you want to be with my daughter or not?

Chloe: You stood in my office and you swore to mom that she’s the only woman for you.

Craig: She is, chloe.

Chloe: How can you possibly say that when you just admitted to having an affair? Who is she? Do I–do I know her? Does mom know her?

Craig: There is no other woman.

Chloe: Damn it, dad, just tell me the truth.

Craig: I am.

Chloe: You’re not making any sense. You just admitted to cheating on mom, but you deny there’s another woman–

Craig: Because it’s a man, chloe. I’m cheating on your mom with a man.

Brady: Look, nancy, it’s not that simple.

Nancy: Of course it is. You love chloe; she loves you. Now, you just have to man up and put it out there.

Brady: You know, sometimes “manning up” means taking a little step back.

Nancy: You know, that kind of thinking is going to get us absolutely nowhere. Now, are you going to let me help you make this happen or not?

Brady: Well, it’s going to be a little hard considering you and craig have to leave today.

Nancy: Nope.

Brady: Nope?

Nancy: Nope. I’m going to stay right here until I make sure that you and chloe are on the road to happily ever after, just like craig and me.

Chloe: A man? You’re–you’re sleeping with a man? But you–you and mom have been married for so long. I just–I don’t–I don’t understand.

Craig: I don’t either, chloe. Oh honey, come here. I’m sorry. I-I didn’t want you to find out this way.

Chloe: Well, anyway. You don’t want me to find out any way, obviously. I mean, my–my god, dad. I knew that you and mom had problems, but all couples do from time to time, right? I guess I always just thought that maybe mom was just a little bit crazier about you than you were about her. And I just sort of assumed it’s because she’s a more demonstrative person than you are, but… dad, are you–are you trying to tell me that you’re gay?

Lani: I know everything that I need to know about paulina’s ex. Apparently, he was abusive, controlling, cruel. So yeah, I did wonder about who my father was when I was growing up. But now that I know the truth, I have zero interest in meeting him.

Abe: Well, you might have other relatives out there you’d like to know.

Lani: Zero interest in meeting them, if they even exist. Look, I’m convinced that biology is overrated. You are the father that I have always dreamed of when I was a little girl. So why would I want to have anyone else as a dad when I have you?

[Warm music]

Paulina: Don’t you try to sweet talk me. That might have worked when I was an innocent young girl–

Tr: Paulina, you were never an innocent girl. But I didn’t mean to be inappropriate. I know you’re taken.

Paulina: A woman is never “taken,” ray. You know what? That is not a concept I expect you to understand.

Tr: Again, I didn’t mean to offend. Is he with you? Your husband?

Paulina: My george is dead, god rest his soul.

Tr: Oh, I didn’t realize. My condolences, paulina.

Paulina: I’d rather be in a grave right beside him than anywhere near you.

Tr: Look, I don’t blame you for feeling that way. The way I treated you, it–it was unforgivable. And I’m truly sorry.

Paulina: You’re what?

Tr: You heard me. But I don’t expect you to forgive me. And I know this might just sound like words to you, but I’m not that man anymore.

Paulina: So you’re trying to tell me you’ve changed? You got the lord, and you got sober?

Tr: Both.

Paulina: Well, it’s going to take more than a miracle for that. A man like you doesn’t change, ray coates. And never will.

Find your rhythm.

Brady: Look, nancy. I appreciate your enthusiasm. I really do, but I mean, you have to get back to new york, right?

Nancy: For what? Parker’s in boarding school, joy’s in grad school–

Brady: What about craig’s job?

Nancy: Well, he’s been in so many medical conventions. He’s got about a bazillion days of vacation. So, oh, it would be so fun to be able to stay here and visit with my girl. I mean, we could–we could do things like we used to. Get our nails done. Go shopping. It would be so much fun. Oh, please, brady. Come on. I can’t wait to see her face when I tell her.

Brady: Me neither.

Nancy: Oh. Though it’s taken an awful long time for her to get craig his jacket. I wonder what could be keeping them.

Craig: Chloe, I–I love your mother very much, very much. I had two beautiful children with her.

Chloe: I–I’m aware of that. You didn’t respond to my question.

Craig: If I’m attracted to men. Well, yes, it seems that I am. If that makes me gay, then I’m gay.

Chloe: Okay. Well, have you had these feelings forever, and just never acted on them, or what?

Craig: I don’t know. I just–I met this guy. We had great chemistry together. Both of us.

Chloe: Okay. I don’t want to hear.

Craig: Chloe, you have to believe me. I never–I never meant to hurt your mom.

Chloe: Well–well… well, then, you need to call this guy back, whoever he is, and tell him that you’re not rushing back to see him. You have to end this, dad.

Craig: I can’T.

Chloe: Why not?

Craig: Because I’m in love with him.

Rafe: Truth is, I fell into this relationship with ava, and then I convinced myself that it was real. But the whole damn time, I’ve been thinking about nicole.

Shawn: All right. So why didn’t you break it off with ava a long time ago?

Rafe: You know, nicole, she–she didn’t want a rebound relationship after what happened with eric. And then she started dating ej. I was living with ava, you know. I was living with her. She was–she was making me home-cooked meals, and she was being so sweet, and I didn’t want to hurt her. Then I–I just kept telling myself what we had was real.

Shawn: I understand. So now that nicole and ej are over…

Rafe: I realized that I want to be with nicole, that I’ve always wanted to be with nicole, and… I told nicole that I was going to tell ava, that I was going to break things off with her, but I didn’t get the chance because that’s when you showed up and arrested me.

Shawn: Well, I’m sorry for my characteristically lousy timing.

Rafe: It’s not your fault.

Shawn: So what are you going to do now?

Nicole: What do you mean innocence? What did you do?

Ava: Well, I was innocent. Which means I didn’t do anything, boy, but did rafe think that I was guilty as hell.

Nicole: What are you talking about?

Ava: Your precious plushie. Rafe was convicted that I went into your office and chopped its head off. Can you believe that? I mean, what possible reason would I have to go and do something like that to my best friend? Or the man that I love. Who wouldn’t hurt me any more than I would hurt them.

[Eerie music]

Trelegy for copd.

Rafe: There’s not much I can do while I’m in here.

Shawn: Right. Well, give me orders. I mean, you’re still my boss. What’d you need?

Rafe: [Laughs] Yeah, right. Not for long. No, I can’t imagine abe’s gonna leave me in this position, at least until I clear my name.

Shawn: And I’m going to do my best to make sure that that happens. So do you want me to–you want me to dive deep into–into ava’s priors and, you know, figure out the link between these clowns that are accusing you and her?

Rafe: Oh, I still do think that’s the best way to get to the bottom of this. But be careful.

Shawn: Yeah. Always.

Rafe: Shawn, I’m serious. I’m damn serious. I mean, if ava is using her connections–her mob connections, to make this all happen, there’s no telling what she’ll do.

Nicole: Of course I would never hurt you, and neither would rafe.

Ava: No? I did wonder there for a while.

Nicole: Wonder what?

Ava: About the two of you. And sharing custody of that silly little bear. And I will admit, I–I was a little jealous at first. And the old me might’ve gone in there and chopped the poor guy’s head off. Hell, the old me would have aimed for some other body part if he’d have been anatomically correct. The old me. You know, the one who sabotaged steve’s plane and kidnapped kayla. Might have thought about framing rafe. Hell… I may have even thought about how good it would feel to bring him down. The old me might’ve thought once I can’t have him when he’s rotting in prison, then neither can you. You have to admit, it would’ve been perfect revenge.

Nicole: Yeah, it would have been.

Ava: But, of course, I am not the old me. I’m the new and improved ava vitali. Yes, I am perfectly sane. I am a law-abiding citizen who would never believe that her best friend and the man she loves would go behind her back and hook up.

Nicole: Of course not. Listen, I have to go. But please tell rafe I said hi. How’s he doing?

Ava: I have no idea. I mean, I–of course, I would love to see him, but I just think that it’s probably best if stay away right now because I wouldn’t want my… past connections to make anything worse for him. You know what I mean.

Nicole: I think I know exactly what you mean.

Abe: Mmm. Hey, can I help?

Lani: This? One of the perks of being a mom. I am glad I’m not on duty today. The idea of melinda trask on one of her self-serving crusades and had rafe arrested for charges that everyone know are bogus? If I saw the woman, I’m afraid of what I might say to her.

Abe: You know, I completely believe that rafe is innocent. But until he’s exonerated, I still have to find someone to run the department. I don’t suppose you’d be interested.

Lani: Thanks, but I’ve got my hands full.

Abe: Yes. Indeed you do. You know what? I–I’ve got to get down to the pd.

Lani: I’m sorry carver and jules stayed asleep through your visit. But now I just hope that they will stay asleep through me getting them into the stroller.

Abe: Well, good luck with that and I’ll make sure I come see them when they’re awake.

Lani: Come back anytime you want, dad.

Abe: You know, it means a lot you still call me that.

Lani: Well, that is what you are to me, dad, always.

Abe: Aww.

Tr: I understand your doubts, paulina. But I bet I can prove to you that I’ve changed.

Paulina: I seriously doubt that. And I–honestly, I don’t give a damn.

Tr: At least let me take you out to dinner. I mean, for old time’s sake. I mean, I know that I can’t begin to make things up to you. But at least let me help you see that we were happy in the beginning–

Paulina: I don’t want to have dinner with you, ray. I don’t want to have another conversation with you. Now just–just–just get the hell out of my way and get out of dodge.

Nancy: You know, I better take chloe her coat. She is probably freezing out there.

Brady: Do you want me to come with you?

Nancy: Oh no, hon. I am sure everything’s okay. I just bet you anything that they went to the cart in the square to get a hot chocolate. Craig cannot resist temptation.

Chloe: So you’re in love with some guy you just met?

Craig: It’s been a few months.

Chloe: And it’s love.

Craig: I’ve never felt this way before, chloe.

Chloe: But you–you said you–you love mom. Are you still in love with her?

Craig: I never meant to hurt her.

Chloe: Are you still in love with her? Oh, my god. Oh my god, dad. Wow. So you’re–you’re not willing to break off things with this man?

Craig: I won’T. I can’T.

Chloe: Okay, well then at least respect mom enough to tell her the truth.

Shawn: All right, I’m on it, rafe. I’ll report back to you as soon as I know anything.

Rafe: Hey, thanks, man. I owe you.

Shawn: Listen, we’re going to get you out of here.

Rafe: Yeah.

Nicole: Hi.

Rafe: Nicole.

Nicole: I don’t suppose I could talk to rafe.

Shawn: No. Perfect timing. I will leave the two of you alone.

Nicole: Thanks.

Abe: Oh, hey, shawn. How’s rafe doing?

Shawn: About as well as expected. I’m doing my best to try to, you know, keep him out of population. Hoping he’s out from under these charges soon.

Abe: You and me both. But until these charges go away, I need to find someone to step in as acting commissioner. Now, with eli out of town, would you be willing to take on the most thankless job in salem?

Shawn: Do I have a choice?

Abe: Well, you know, if you’re worried about rafe’s feelings, I think he would be grateful to know that the department’s in the hands of someone he trusts.

Shawn: You know, I’ll do it. But when you talk to rafe, I want you to tell him that I can’t wait for him to have his job back.

Nicole: You look pale.

Rafe: It’s only been one night. I’m fine.

Nicole: Well, if it’s any consolation, I don’t think you’ll be in here much longer. I went to see ava this morning–

Rafe: Well, you didn’t say anything to her, did you?

Nicole: No. No, of course not. I played it cool. And so did she. And she didn’t admit to anything, not in so many words, but she didn’t leave a doubt in my mind that she is guilty as hell.

Ava: You’re lucky I didn’t chop off your unmentionables, rafe. Maybe someone will take care of that for me when you’re in statesville.

Chloe: I mean it, dad. You have to tell mom that you’re in love with someone else.

Nancy: There you two are. Is everything okay?

Craig: Yeah. Everything is fine. Everything.

Chloe: Yeah. Mom, dad has something he needs to tell you.

Nancy: Oh.

Craig: Nancy, the phone call.

Nancy: No. No, no. I hope they didn’t call you to ask you to come home.

Craig: Why not?

Nancy: Because we’re staying in salem.

[Tense music]

Paulina: Why are you still standing here?

Tr: Well, last time I checked, you didn’t own this town. Although someday you might, knowing you. But in the meantime, I still have business with johnny dimera, and I’m not going anywhere until it’s settled.

Paulina: Well–well, fine. Fine. But you–you–you stay out of my way. And if you go anywhere near my family, I swear– I swear I’ll–

Lani: Paulina? Is everything okay?

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