Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Chloe warns Adam to stay away from Sally and Chelsea on a personal level because the battle between them for his attention is hurting their work for the Newman Media fashion platform. Sally and Chelsea discuss her ideas for the fashion platform and Chelsea doesn’t like any of Sally’s ideas for the fashion platform. Adam puts Chelsea firmly in the friend zone but doesn’t answer her question when she asks him if he has feelings for Sally.

Chelsea demands that Chloe fire Sally because she just can’t work with her.

Lily isn’t happy that Victoria has taken over Billy’s plan and she will not stand by and let Victoria use them both as pawns in her game.

Traci tells Billy, Lily, and Victoria that Jack told her what they are planning and pleads with them to stop the plan now before things get worse. Traci goes to Victoria’s office and makes it clear that she will do everything in her power to protect Billy from himself and she will not let her use him to further her hidden agenda.

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