Days Short Recap Thursday, December 30, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Ava met with Rafe at the station. She was guarded as they talked about New Year’s plans. She narrowed her eyes as she suggested inviting Nicole to hang out with them. Rafe balked but Ava insisted she be there before she left. Brady shocked Chloe by being at work. She was emotional over Philip. She assured him that she didn’t think he did anything to Philip. Brady apologized for Philip being missing because of Kristen. She hoped Kristen had Philip kidnapped somewhere he could escape. Brady promised to do what she could to help him. Chloe wanted him to be careful. He knew Kristen wouldn’t hurt him. Brady blamed himself for not taking Philip’s feelings into consideration. She blamed herself too because she knew her relationship with him drove Philip crazy. Chloe talked to Brady about Kate thinking they were the ones who had sex on the conference table. Ava showed up as Chloe told Brady how she was forced to tell Kate that Nicole was the one having sex on the conference table with Rafe. Ava was upset when she heard what Chloe said. Chloe and Brady started talking about New Year’s. They decided to leave early. Ava snuck back in the office and found Duke. She said their shared custody arrangement was over. She was reeling over their betrayal. She cut off Duke’s head. She was certain they weren’t going to get away with it.

EJ told Sami and Nicole why he was convinced Lucas was the one who kidnapped Sami. Sami didn’t buy it. She let it slip that she and EJ were back together. She was happy that Nicole didn’t know. Nicole couldn’t believe it. Nicole and Sami went back and forth. Nicole asked EJ if it was true. He confirmed he was back together with Sami. Nicole told her that she could have him because she never really wanted him anyway. Nicole walked out of the house. Chad wanted to know why Lucas was using his computer. Lucas showed him the money trail that proved EJ was Sami’s kidnapper. Chad didn’t recognize the fund transfers being sent to Jason Smith. Chad thought it was unbelievable. He said it was a little too unbelievable. Chad accused him of trying to plant evidence against EJ. He told Lucas that he was the one who had Sami kidnapped. Lucas tried but failed to deny it. He thought setting EJ up would him out too. Lucas told him that he could run DiMera by himself. Chad wanted to think about it. EJ and Sami went back and forth about her kidnapping. Chad walked in while they were talking. He showed Sami the paper trail linking EJ to Jason. Sami’s eyes got wide. EJ denied kidnapping her. Sami cried while she talked about how it felt being kidnapped. She knew Lucas would never do that to her. She thought EJ would do that to her. She stormed out of the mansion.

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