Days Update Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Philip exits the Brady Pub and bumps in to Nick. Philip apologizes as Nick tells him not to worry about it, wishes him a Happy Halloween, and keeps on walking. Philip stops and thinks to himself that it’s weird that the guy in the zombie costume looked exactly like Nick Fallon, but questions how that could be when Nick is dead.

Gabi digs up the grave where Nick said he buried Jake.

Shawn goes to the police station. Eli apologizes for calling him in so late. Shawn says it’s no problem and asks what’s going on. Eli informs him that All Hallows Eve has brought out the goons, goblins, and crazies, starting with Gabi, who apparently busted Jake out of holding. Eli says that doesn’t even compare to the murder suspect they have in the interrogation room; Ava Vitali. Shawn asks what happened. Eli thinks Ava just snapped.

Ava sits in the interrogation room, wondering how it’s possible that Charlie is back. Ava tells herself that she shouldn’t have run, she should’ve stayed and stopped him. Ava pleads for Charlie not to hurt Tripp.

Tripp bursts in to Nicole and Allie’s apartment to find Charlie holding Allie hostage. Tripp orders Charlie to get the hell away from her. Charlie says he’s not surprised to see superman Tripp come to the rescue. Tripp is shocked and says that Ava was right that he really is here. Charlie asks what he’s going to do about it.

Gabi continues digging up the grave, yelling for Jake not to give up.

Shawn questions Eli about Ava stabbing Carmine. Eli tells him that all the talk about Ava breaking free from her past, it seems like those ties run deep as she was apparently hiding Carmine at Rafe’s house. Shawn asks if she admitted that. Eli notes that she’s not admitting much of anything and not even making sense, so he’s heading out on a few leads to find out what happened. Eli asks Shawn to try to get Ava to tell him exactly what she knows. Shawn agrees to try. Eli hopes he can get her to talk to him about something other than people rising from the dead.

Rafe goes to the Basic Black office to see Nicole and says it better be good. Nicole informs Rafe that Deimos was here and he came back to get her, so she killed him by stabbing him with a pair of scissors. Rafe tells her that Deimos Kiriakis is dead. Nicole responds that he is inside, dead on the floor with a pair of scissors in his chest, so he can go look for himself. Rafe then opens the door and tells Nicole that she needs to come in. Nicole enters the office and sees nothing but a pair of scissors on the floor and no Deimos, leaving Nicole shocked. Nicole doesn’t understand, insisting that Deimos was right there.

Gabi continues digging the grave and opens the casket to find Jake inside. Gabi tells Jake that she’s there.

Charlie guesses Ava filled Tripp in and warned him that he was back in town. Tripp asks Allie if he has hurt her. Allie says no. Tripp tries to get Allie but Charlie says he’s in charge and she’s not going anywhere. Tripp encourages that everything will be okay. Charlie mocks her. Tripp says to let her go since he’s the one that Charlie hates, not her. Charlie says he’s right about that and this is finally his chance to do something about it.

Shawn enters the interrogation room. Ava asks if Eli told him what happened and says he has to find Charlie. Shawn promises to look in to it, but first he wants to talk to her. Ava just wants him to find Charlie before it’s too late. Shawn says he can’t help her until he knows the facts. Ava argues that she told Eli the facts. Shawn tells her to tell them to him now and start with what happened between her and Carmine. Ava calls this a waste of time because she didn’t kill Carmine, her son Charlie did. Shawn argues that Charlie is dead because Jan Spears killed him so she could not have seen him. Ava recalls everyone in town being a suspect. Shawn says it doesn’t matter who killed Charlie, the fact is that he’s dead.

Gabi tries to wake Jake up. She pulls him out of the casket and gives him CPR which successfully revives him. Jake asks what the hell happened. Gabi asks if he’s okay. Jake questions being in a coffin and says he’s much more alive than he was a few minutes ago. Gabi hugs him and says she almost lost him. Jake tells her to let him breathe for a second. Jake asks her what the hell is going on. Gabi tells him that she saw what she saw and still doesn’t know what happened. Gabi asks if he knows how he got here. Jake remembers a cop taking him to lockup in jail and then someone grabbed him from behind which is the last thing he remembers until just waking up. Gabi blames herself and says Nick Fallon came after him because of her and buried him in his grave. Jake asks if Nick is the guy that she killed.

Nicole cries that this doesn’t make any sense since Deimos was dead on the floor with the pair of scissors in his chest. Nicole asks how he could just disappear. Nicole asks if Rafe thinks she’s crazy. Rafe asks her what happened. Nicole tells him that she was working and heard a noise, then she looked up and Deimos was at the door. Nicole says Deimos was so angry and told her she was going to pay, so she grabbed the scissors and stabbed him. Nicole insists that he was right there when she called Rafe. Rafe goes over Deimos coming back from the dead, she killed him, and now he’s gone. Rafe points out there is no blood on the scissors but they say zombies don’t bleed. Nicole says she’s never been so terrified in her life. Rafe says that if Deimos came back from the dead, he has a lot of enemies, so he questions why he would come after her. Nicole responds that he said he wanted revenge. Rafe asks what it would be revenge for. Rafe asks Nicole why Deimos would want revenge on her. Nicole claims it’s because she rejected him and he was obsessed with her. Rafe questions that being why Deimos came back from the dead to try to kill her tonight and if he never got over that even after dying. Nicole understands if he doesn’t believe her. Rafe says she was here alone in the dark on Halloween and everyone’s thinking of ghouls and goblins, so it’s natural if her mind was playing tricks on her. Nicole insists that wasn’t the case but then admits maybe it was all in her imagination. Nicole apologizes for bothering him. Rafe says it’s okay but Nicole wants to just forget what happened here and says she was acting like a crazy woman. Nicole tells Rafe to just go home to Ava. Rafe responds that he’s actually not going home to Ava, because Ava is being questioned about a murder.

Ava tells Shawn not to speak to her like she’s an idiot because they all know Jan Spears killed Charlie, but that doesn’t change the fact that Charlie showed up in her kitchen tonight and killed Carmine. Ava says that Charlie started ranting about how she would never love him and came after her with the knife, so she ran. Shawn goes over Carmine wanting her dead and now he’s dead. Ava repeats that Charlie killed him. Shawn knows that’s her story. Ava calls it the truth. Shawn thought she changed her ways, living with Rafe and starting a new life. Ava asks what he’s trying to get at. Shawn notes that she had a good thing going but then her past comes back to bite her. Shawn wonders if things got out of hand and she’s latching on to this crazy story because she doesn’t want to take responsibility for killing Carmine.

Eli goes to the Kiriakis Mansion. Philip jokingly asks if he’s out trick or treating. Eli says he’s here on police business. Philip asks what he can do for him. Eli informs him that Carmine was found dead earlier this evening. Philip says he heard about that on the news and asks if he was the man who shot Abe. Philip questions what he wants with him. Eli tells him to cut the innocent act since he knows that he’s up to his eyes in this, because Carmine was in town because of Philip to dig up dirt on Jake, that he was going to use to get Gabi to hand over her company to him but instead he ended up shooting Abe. Philip calls that quite a tale. Eli asks Philip when he last saw Carmine. Philip flashes back to Carmine showing up at the mansion to confront he and Ava. Philip admits that he learned some unsavory details about an employee and fired him for it but says that’s not a crime. Philip adds that if Carmine is an associate of Jake then maybe he should talk to Jake.

Jake reminds Gabi that she killed Nick Fallon twice, so he asks how the hell he’s alive enough to try to kill him. Gabi says all she knows is that Nick was dead and buried until tonight and now he’s walking around Salem as creepy as he was when he was alive. Jake questions if she’s saying Nick’s a zombie and says that’s crazy. Nick then appears and says they should’ve left well enough alone because now they’re going to have to do this all over again.

Nicole asks Rafe why Ava is being questioned about a murder. Rafe informs her that he went home and found Carmine dead on his kitchen floor. Nicole recognizes Carmine as the man suspected of shooting Abe. Rafe guesses that Ava had been hiding him in his house even though it put he and his family at risk. Nicole asks if he thinks Ava might have killed Carmine. Rafe admits he doesn’t know but there is definitely a connection between them. Nicole guesses he’s thinking Ava is reverting to his old ways. Rafe adds that according to Gabi, Ava hooked Philip up with Carmine to get dirt on Jake, so they could blackmail Gabi and take over Gabi Chic. Nicole can’t believe Ava would do that. Rafe talks about Ava being nice to Gabi for weeks when the whole time she’s been plotting to take over her company with Philip. Nicole says she’s so sorry. Rafe declares that it looks like he’s been played for the fool as apparently Ava hasn’t been honest with him for a very long time.

Ava repeats to Shawn that she did not murder Carmine, Charlie did. Ava says this isn’t just about her but about keeping everyone in town safe. Ava tells Shawn that Charlie is on the loose and wants Henry back, so he could be going after Allie as they speak.

Tripp calls Charlie a pathetic loser. Allie warns him not to make it worse. Charlie threatens Tripp. Tripp tells him to pick on someone his own size instead of Allie. Charlie mocks Allie as innocent and says she wanted it that night. Tripp warns him to shut up. Charlie asks if he’s going to kill him when he’s already dead which he blames Tripp for. Tripp says he’s not the one who put a bullet in him. Charlie argues that Tripp was there on the night that Jan shot him, but he walked away. Tripp says he didn’t know he was inside. Charlie argues that if Tripp busted down the door or called an ambulance, he’d still be alive. Charlie then remarks that he’s glad Tripp didn’t try to rescue him because then Jan might have killed him and now that pleasure is his. Charlie declares there’s no better way to repay Tripp for taking his life than to take him back down to Hell with him. Charlie then tackles Tripp as Allie screams.

Gabi tells Nick that she doesn’t know how the hell he came back from the dead but says he’s not going anywhere near Jake. Nick reminds her it’s payback as they flashback to Gabi killing Nick. Nick says if he kills the man she loves, they are even. Jake tries to go after Nick but he can’t get up. Gabi tells Nick to leave him alone. Nick then shoves Gabi down. Jake calls Nick a bastard. Nick calls Jake hard to kill but says at first if you don’t succeed, try a stake through the heart. Jake thinks Nick is confused since he’s not the undead one. Nick thinks it will still get the job done. Nick says it might be overkill, but whatever it takes. Gabi then recovers and hits Nick with a shovel to the back of the head, knocking him out.

Tripp and Charlie fight until Allie grabs a frying pan and hits Charlie in the back of the head. Allie says she should’ve done that a long time ago. Charlie calls her a bitch and warns that she will regret that. Tripp and Charlie punch each other. Tripp pins Charlie down on the couch and tells him it’s over. Charlie argues that Tripp thinks he won because he got their mom, his son, and Allie. Charlie remarks that Tripp can play house all he wants but deep down he knows Allie will always be damaged goods as all he got was his sloppy seconds. Tripp then attacks Charlie and beats him with the frying pan.

Gabi confirms that Nick is dead again. Jake didn’t know zombies had heartbeats. Gabi remarks that Nick didn’t have a heart when he was alive. Gabi hopes Nick is dead for good this time. Jake thanks her for killing Nick before he could kill him. Gabi notes that she’s already killed Nick twice so she guesses third time was the charm. Gabi asks if they should put him back where he belongs. Jake calls that a good idea. Gabi helps Jake up and they put Nick back in his casket in his grave. Jake brings up Gabi putting this maniac out of his misery three times and questions how Nick got out and climbed out of his grave. Gabi says she has no clue and doesn’t even think she wants to find out.

Eli tells Philip that he would like to talk to Jake but he busted out of jail tonight. Philip says Eli’s higher ups must not be pleased and asks if there are any leads. Eli admits Jake may have had help. Philip guesses he means Gabi and that Gabi busted her mobster boyfriend out of the slammer. Philip says he knew they were bad news and he’s glad he fired Jake. Philip questions Eli not being out hunting for them instead of harassing innocent citizens. Eli argues that the innocent part is still up for debate, but he does have to get back to the station. Eli decides they are done for tonight but he may have more questions. Philip knows not to leave town and says Eli knows where he’ll be if he needs him. Eli then exits the mansion.

Nicole tells Rafe that she knew Ava and Gabi didn’t get along but Gabi’s company means everything to her. Rafe tells her not to feel too bad for Gabi since it looks like Gabi may have helped Jake break out of jail tonight. Rafe thought he would spend the night confiscating toilet paper and shaving cream. Nicole apologizes for calling him over to deal with a pair of scissors. Rafe acknowledges that she was obviously very shaken up. Nicole says it was over nothing and apologizes again. Rafe tells her to stop apologizing and that it’s okay. Rafe is glad he was there because he was worried about her. Nicole assures that she’s fine, so he can go solve the case. Rafe informs her that Eli is working the investigation because he’s a little too close to Gabi and Ava. Rafe is glad that he’s here because he doesn’t want to leave Nicole alone on a night like tonight. Nicole responds that she’s not alone and points out that she has their teddy bear Duke. Rafe asks what if he wants to be the one who is there when she needs him. Nicole says he is there for her and always has been because they are friends. Rafe jokes that maybe he’s jealous of all the time she spends with Duke. Nicole reminds him that they agreed to stay away from each other so he could give his relationship with Ava a chance. Rafe points out that it’s not working for him anymore. Nicole asks what about him and Ava. Rafe says after what happened tonight, he doesn’t know if there is a he and Ava. Nicole argues that they haven’t even talked and there may be an explanation. Rafe questions an explanation for screwing over his sister and finding a dead guy on his kitchen floor. Rafe states that he’s tried with Ava, given her the benefit of the doubt, and defended her to his sister. Rafe adds that he avoided Nicole and pretending that donuts and coffee is enough is not because of every time he sees her. Rafe then kisses Nicole.

Shawn reminds Ava of when Charlie drugged her and she was seeing people that weren’t there. Ava notes that Tripp said the same thing but insists that Charlie was not a hallucination or else Carmine wouldn’t be dead. Ava stops Shawn and wants to speak to someone who is actually going to listen. Shawn asks if she wants a lawyer. Ava says she wants Rafe. Shawn says he’s sorry but Rafe isn’t here. Ava points out that she’s entitled to a phone call so Shawn agrees to call Rafe for her.

Rafe and Nicole continue kissing as Rafe’s phone rings on the desk nearby.

Shawn informs Ava that Rafe is not picking up. Shawn leaves a message that he’s at the station with Ava and she wants to talk to him, so he asks him to call when he gets the message.

Allie stops Tripp and says that’s enough as Charlie can’t hurt her anymore. Tripp assures that Charlie will never hurt her again. Tripp turns back to the couch but Charlie has disappeared.

Jake asks Gabi if they should re-bury Nick. Gabi says she’s dug up enough dirt tonight and doesn’t want to wait around for someone else to get reanimated. Jake is ready to get out of here too. Gabi tells Jake that they should get him to the hospital. Jake reminds her that he’s an escaped prisoner. Gabi argues that he did not escape and did nothing wrong. Jake says he still needs to set things straight with the cops. Jake adds that he’d like to get Gabi home and in bed, but he has to get back to jail.

Shawn tells Ava that he’s sorry Rafe didn’t pick up. Ava urges him to call again. Shawn says Rafe is obviously busy. Ava asks Shawn to call again if Rafe doesn’t call back. Shawn says he has places to be right now but assures that Rafe will call back when he gets the message and then he will let her know. Shawn then exits the room.

Rafe and Nicole continue kissing. Rafe removes his jacket as they kiss onto the table in the Basic Black office.

Eli goes back to the police station and asks Shawn if he got anything out of Ava. Shawn says no and that she’s sticking to her story that her dead son did it. Shawn asks if there’s any news on Jake. Eli responds that he’s still at large. Gabi and Jake then arrive at the station. Gabi knows what they are thinking but says they can explain. Shawn accuses Gabi of busting Jake out of here. Gabi says that’s not how it happened. Eli wants to hear every detail of how it happened and asks who is going first. Jake says not to blame Gabi because she had nothing to do with his escape. Jake then claims he did it all on his own.

Tripp searches the apartment but Charlie is gone. Allie argues that he couldn’t have just disappeared. Allie asks if this was real. Tripp doesn’t know what’s going on but says it’s not just them and tells her that Ava saw him too. Allie guesses that’s why Ava called him. Tripp explains how Charlie killed somebody right in front of Ava then came after her but Ava barely escaped. Tripp admits he didn’t believe Ava at first and just blew it off. Allie asks how he knew to show up here. Tripp tells her that Ava was afraid that Charlie would go after her. Allie worries about if Tripp didn’t show up and Charlie took Henry. Tripp assures that they are safe. Allie thanks him. Tripp says the only reason he’s still breathing is because she’s good with a frying pan and thanks her. Tripp hugs Allie as she cries. Allie then says “I love you” to Tripp for the first time. Allie tells him that she wants to say it because it’s true and repeats that she loves him as they kiss.

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