Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Chad talked to Jack about Abby. He wondered if he heard from her. Jack let him know when he talked to her. Melinda ripped into EJ for getting the charges against Xander dropped. He told her he was better than her. She thought he used his family influence to get what he wanted. She was determined to make him pay for getting Xander off. He wasn’t afraid of her threat. Chad told Jack that he missed Abby. He said she wouldn’t make a plan for him and the kids to see her. He wanted to know if Jack could get in touch with her. Jack said she was treating him the same way. Chad said it seemed as if she didn’t want to see him. He was worried that his marriage was over. Chanel was surprised when she found out Allie and Johnny were siblings. She couldn’t get over it. Melinda told EJ how Kristen killed her daughter. EJ didn’t want to hear what Melinda had to say and told her to get out. Xander was with Gwen when EJ called him. He told him that he was off the hook. Chad continued to talk to Jack about Abby. Xander wanted to keep his relationship with Gwen a secret. She didn’t think it could stay a secret
Calista thought Bonnie was after Justin. She wasn’t sure she believed her. She told her that she wasn’t going to marry Justin until she paid her the money she owed her. Bonnie said she didn’t have the money. Calista said she was going to tell Justin that she killed her husband Harrison. Bonnie got scared and thought she was shot when Justin opened a champagne bottle. She had to come up with a lie to get Justin to believe what happened. Chanel told Allie that Paulina was the one who told Johnny that she kissed her. Johnny said it sounded like they were still into each other. Tripp didn’t see to like the idea of them being interested in each other. Melinda told Xander he was free to go. She told him about the money that was in his case. Johnny told Tripp that he was just wondering if something was going on with Chanel and Allie. Allie got upset with Johnny and wondered when he became EJ. EJ told Melinda that she would waste her time if she went to a judge about the money. She decided to give him the money and pay for the tickets. After Melinda left, EJ reminded Xander that the money was his. Calista wanted to stay at the Kiriakis mansion, but Bonnie told her that she would have to stay at the Salem Inn. Chanel still couldn’t get over the fact that Johnny was Allie’s brother. He thought things would get complicated. Tripp wanted to know if Allie was upset that Johnny was dating Chanel. Jack begged Chad not to leave Abby. EJ wanted his money from Xander. He said that he wouldn’t give it back until he got him the job at Titan. EJ told him that he came through for him with everything else.
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