Y&R Short Recap Friday, June 18, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Victor and Nikki think that Ashland is an interesting man once they get to know him a little better after having drinks with him and Victoria. Nikki would feel more, at ease if Ashland’s divorce was final before Victoria got involved in such a high-profile relationship. Victor thinks that Ashland and Victoria have a secret and he intends to find out the secret. Victoria tells Ashland she hopes that they will find a treatment for his illness but in the meantime he should prepare for the worst. Victoria tells Ashland that Newman Enterprises and Locke Communications should merge so his legacy will live on after he is gone.

Tara tells Summer that she will soon get an offer from the fashion house in Italy and she should take the job and leave town. Summer has no intention of taking the job, but Tara tells her that if she doesn’t take the job Kyle will never see Harrison again.

Nina and Abby ask Christine to call her contacts and find out if Chance is okay. Mariah accidentally tells Abby and Nina that baby Chancellor is, a boy and Abby and Nina are very happy about the news. Christine calls her contacts and gets ready to tell Nina what she found out about Chance.

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