Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Phyllis uses her pass key to get into Sally’s room and steal her computer. Phyllis looks at Sally’s browser history and sees that Sally has been researching Jack and the Abbott family. Nick catches her and tells Phyllis that Jack and Summer are adults and can handle Sally. Phyllis gets upset with Nick because he suggests that Phyllis isn’t happy unless she is in conflict with someone. Nick later tells Jack that Phyllis has made it her mission to protect both him and Summer. Summer asks Kyle if he has anything else to tell her about his affair with Tara Locke. Kyle can’t bring himself to tell Summer about his son. Sally promises Kyle she won’t tell Summer about his son if he keeps her secret. Phyllis warns Lauren that Sally is dangerous but Lauren doesn’t think that Jack and Sally being friends isn’t a problem. Adam talks to Dr. Cavet and asks if he can take Chelsea to visit Connor. The doctor doesn’t think it is a good idea since she hasn’t made any progress. Chelsea improves the movement in her hand, but she hides it from Adam. Chelsea gets a visit from Chloe and manages to type out Adam and Sharon together on Chloe’s phone.

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