Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Sharon’s friends and family help her get ready for the wedding. Rey’s mom Celeste can’t be at the wedding in person because she couldn’t get time off from work but she has a video chat with Rey and Sharon before the wedding. Connor video chats with Chelsea because he is worried about r her surgery the next morning. .Chelsea assures Connor she will be okay and she will go see him as soon as she has recovered from surgery,. Tessa’s agent calls her asking her to fill in at a New Year’s Eve concert so she heads to New York but leaves a recording of her song to be used at the wedding. Abby forgives Arturo for hurting her because now they are both happy with their true loves.. Arturo officiated the wedding since he took a course so he would be able to do it. Abby is brought to tears when Arturo tells her how much having a son has changed his life. Chance and Abby skip the wedding because Chance wants to show Abby how lucky he feels that Arturo never appreciated the wonderful woman that Abby is when he was with her. Phyllis goads Adam about Sharon’s wedding and how happy she is with Rey which makes Adam crash the wedding and stand at the back of the room just as the wedding begins.

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