Days Update Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Kate tells Abe about Roman allowing them to use the Brady Pub for filming and that he’s going to talk to Kayla about using the nurse’s station as well. Abe informs Kate that he’s left messages for Johnny and Chanel, hoping that they would get back to him. Kate asks if this was what Paulina was talking about in regards to causing problems for the show. Abe clarifies that it’s more like problems in their personal lives as he forgot to inform Chanel of her acting partner.

At the Body and Soul office, Johnny is surprised to learn that Alex is auditioning for the role of Arrow. Alex mentions that he was up all night rehearsing his lines. Chanel questions him being an actor. Alex admits it never crossed his mind until Abe suggested he auditioned. Chanel questions this being Abe’s idea. Alex says that Abe told him that he told her but guesses he did not which Chanel confirms.

“Abigail” is in the living room of the DiMera Mansion and tells herself to get back in to character as Chad calls. Chad says he just wanted to see if she survived the night at the DiMera Mansion alone. She assures that she’s fine and says she is surrounded by DiMeras. Chad worries about her getting caught in the middle of his family always being at war. She thanks him and says she had a wonderful and peaceful evening last night.

Gabi has a dream of being back in bed with Stefan, but then she wakes up in bed with EJ. Gabi puts on her robe as EJ wakes up and greets her. EJ jokes that before he woke up, he thought what happened between them was just a dream but he guesses not. Gabi confirms that it definitely happened. EJ asks Gabi what now.

Chad asks if “Abigail” has plans for the day. She hoped to catch up more with Gabi over breakfast, but when she knocked on her door, she didn’t answer. Chad offers to come over so they can have breakfast together if Gabi is busy. “Abigail” claims she’s not that hungry and will just grab a yogurt. She encourages him to focus on the kids anyway. Chad mentions they have some back to school shopping to finish up, so he will check in with her later. She thanks him and hangs up. Stefan then enters the living room and greets her, asking how she’s doing as he heard Gabi gave her an earful yesterday. “Abigail” confirms that Gabi told her how she took advantage of her when she was mentally unwell. Stefan explains that Gabi may have been badmouthing him because they are in a bit of a rough patch right now. She asks if he’s saying it’s Gabi’s fault that he’s a creep.

Kate asks if Abe is saying that Johnny and Chanel have something against Alex. Abe points out that Alex did have a part in Chanel and Allie’s breakup. Kate calls that a long time ago and notes that Chanel got over it since she’s happily married to Johnny. Abe says it’s still a sore spot and that Chanel still has some resentment towards Alex, which is why he wanted to cast them together. Kate questions using her real life animosity for the character. Abe notes that Paulina feels their director could have a problem if Johnny gets jealous since Alex is a very attractive guy. Kate doesn’t see how it’d be any worse if Johnny was directing Chanel with any other hot guy. Abe then reveals that any other hot young actor wouldn’t be someone that Chanel had a threesome with which shocks Kate.

Chanel questions if Johnny knew about this. Johnny assures that Abe never told him who his choice was. Alex asks if this is going to be a problem. Chanel says it is because they would be playing love interests and they aren’t exactly getting along. Alex points out that Abe said that would add some spice to their chemistry because he saw them bickering in the town square and said they had sparks. Chanel argues those weren’t romantic sparks but I hate your guts sparks and declares that them working together is not going to fly. Alex thinks she’s being a bit overdramatic and questions her hating his guts as he thought they got along fine until yesterday. Chanel argues that’s because they barely saw each other but then she realized how unremorseful he was for sleeping with her girlfriend. Alex disagrees and says he apologized for hurting her many times after. Alex doesn’t understand her holding this grudge, especially since she married Allie’s brother, feeling that’s enough payback. Chanel argues that her marriage has nothing to do with Allie and questions Abe actually thinking she and Alex would work as a couple. Johnny then reveals that he thinks Abe’s instincts might have been spot on.

Kate is surprised to learn that Allie and Chanel had a three way with Alex. Kate jokes that she never thought she’d be having a conversation with Abe about a threesome. They call it a new world. Kate thinks everyone should do some sexual adventuring as long as all parties are willing. Abe worries that it might be awkward for Johnny. Kate agrees that it could be pretty uncomfortable.

Stephanie goes to see Chad at the Horton house and hopes it’s not a bad time, saying she should’ve called first. Chad says it’s fine and asks what’s up. Stephanie asks if it’s okay if she visits “Abigail”. Chad thinks it’s a great idea. Stephanie brings up all the pressure she must be feeling and says she can’t imagine what it would be like to not remember everybody. Chad says that “Abigail” is stoic and doesn’t like to admit how difficult it is, but he thinks it would be really good for her to see familiar faces as far as getting her memory back. Chad knows Stephanie always puts people at ease. Stephanie brings up how stressful it must be for Chad as well to suddenly have his wife back after all this time. Chad says there are no words and it feels like such a miracle. Chad brings up he and Stephanie’s relationship ending because he still had feelings for Abigail, so he is sure this must be complicated for her too. Stephanie says not to worry about her and feels some part of Chad sensed that Abigail wasn’t really gone. Chad says at the time, he couldn’t let her go as he felt like he was still married to her and now he knows why. Chad adds that he never thanked Stephanie enough for everything she did for him and the kids, helping the kids through a tough time. Stephanie responds that she loves the kids and still treasures the memories of taking care of them. Stephanie asks about Chad spending the night here last night since she heard he was at the DiMera Mansion with “Abigail”. Chad explains that he was, but she asked him to move out.

Stefan admits to “Abigail” that he was a total creep and never should’ve gotten involved with her alter, Gabby. Stefan says it was no excuse, but he didn’t know much at all about dissociative identity disorder when they were involved. Stefan states that just because Gabby gave consent to be with him, doesn’t mean Abigail did. “Abigail” admits it all sounds very complicated. Stefan talks about thinking he was in love and making stupid choices that he will regret for the rest of his life. Stefan adds that Abigail, Chad, and the kids didn’t deserve any of that, so he’s really sorry. “Abigail” senses this isn’t the first time he’s asking for forgiveness for this which he confirms. Stefan says that Abigail eventually forgave him, not that she remembers. “Abigail” says she doesn’t remember anything that happened between them and he seems genuine, so she says she forgives him again. Stefan thanks her and says if only Gabi could do the same thing.

Gabi tells EJ that he doesn’t have to offer her breakfast in bed or anything. EJ says he wasn’t planning on it. Gabi points out that last night had nothing to do with romance or feelings. EJ says it still hasn’t slipped his mind that she destroyed his marriage to Nicole. Gabi adds that EJ sent her to prison for a crime that she didn’t commit and she only let EJ put his grubby paws on her to get back at Stefan for sleeping with Ava. EJ argues that Gabi is the one who seduced him and practically begged him to put his grubby paws all over her. Gabi says his are the last paws she’d ever want on her body, but she knew that sleeping with EJ would hurt Stefan the most. EJ agrees with that and says that once Stefan finds out about their night of passion, he will be absolutely destroyed.

Stephanie asks Chad why “Abigail” wanted him to move out and if they weren’t getting along. Chad says it’s not that, but they are strangers so it’s a little awkward. Chad adds that the kids were asking why he’s not staying here and he’s not ready to tell them the truth since “Abigail” doesn’t even remember them. Stephanie acknowledges that would be very difficult. Chad remarks that “Abigail” just seems like such a different person in her personality and the way she talks. Chad adds that if it wasn’t for the DNA test, he doesn’t know if he would believe it was even her.

“Abigail” tells Stefan that she gets why Gabi won’t forgive him since he cheated on her while she was in prison. Stefan knows how bad it sounds. “Abigail” guesses he regrets that too. Stefan says he does and knows it sounds weak and stupid, but it was a one time drunken mistake with no feelings involved. Stefan adds that Gabi sees it as the ultimate betrayal and he has never seen her this angry. Stefan says they’ve had their fair share of fights as it’s kind of their thing. Stefan feels they are passionate as they would blow up at each other and then make up. “Abigail” suggests maybe they will make up this time too. Stefan doesn’t know since this is a lot worse and she said she wants a divorce. “Abigail” encourages that could change when she cools down and advises Stefan not to give up hope yet.

EJ tells Gabi that as happy as he is to stick it to Stefan, he admits he’s feeling rather unsatisfied which Gabi questions as she remarks he seems pretty satisfied to her. EJ says as far as hate sex goes, last night was quite enjoyable for the both of them, but it didn’t purge Nicole from his heart as the thought of her and Eric living happily ever after in Paris still feels like a kick in the guts. Gabi asks why not take out that pain in Stefan since if he hadn’t told her the truth about Jude, she wouldn’t have been able to expose his lies. EJ questions her not being to blame. Gabi thinks he’d get much more excitement and satisfaction by extracting revenge on Stefan instead of her. EJ agrees and asks what they are waiting for, suggesting they go tell Stefan the big news but Gabi stops him.

Kate thinks they are getting ahead of themselves since they haven’t seen Chanel and Alex audition yet, so maybe they’d only hire one of them or neither of them. Abe says that Johnny was going to record their auditions today so he thought if he could get there first, he could warn them about each other. Kate suggests it’s not too late to do that and offers to go with Abe, adding if they haven’t backed out then maybe they can see them audition live. Abe hopes they can see how great they can be together.

Chanel questions Johnny really thinking that she and Alex make a good couple. Johnny says in real life, hell no, but on screen, he kind of agrees with Abe that there is something intriguing about the dynamic between them. Chanel calls it a trainwreck. Alex agrees and thought maybe he could make it work, but he doesn’t feel like fighting all the time. Johnny argues that some of the best on screen couples in history couldn’t stand each other but sometimes pushing each others’ buttons makes it come alive for the cameras. Chanel questions Johnny wanting this to happen. Johnny says as long as they are both reasonably comfortable with it. Chanel questions him being okay with her playing Alex’s love interest. Johnny admits he’s not thrilled that they have history, but he’s a professional and truly believes that they can make magic together onscreen, so they can put their animosity to good use by putting the passion in to their auditions. Alex asks if Chanel thinks they should give this a try. Abe and Kate arrive. Abe notes that they are still there and in one piece. Chanel asks if Abe had something to tell her. Abe responds that he should’ve broken the news to her about Alex and mentions not knowing about their charged history. Kate points out that Abe did leave them messages which Chanel notes not getting in time. Abe apologizes but does believe that Chanel and Alex will make the perfect Arrow and Faith. Johnny declares they are about to find out because they are all setup for the audition. Johnny asks if they ready. Chanel says sure.

Chad tells Stephanie that he doesn’t know why he’s complaining when he should be grateful that he got his wife back. Chad says he just needs to respect her space. Stephanie feels it’s natural to be impatient and want to be close to her after missing her for so long. Chad says he has to keep it under control and not be so needy. Stephanie understands the love of his life suddenly came back and says not to beat himself up because “Abigail” is so lucky to have him and will realize that very soon.

Stefan questions why “Abigail” would tell him not to lose hope and if Gabi said something to her. She responds that Gabi said she was angry, but she thinks she’s mostly just hurt and focusing on the anger to not deal with still loving him. She asks why she’d be putting tape all over the house or still be there if she only felt apathy towards him instead of just moving out. Stefan responds that her lawyer told her to stay to not lose claim to his possessions. “Abigail” suggests it could be a cover for her true feelings. She says she’s not trying to give him false hope, but he said himself that they always work it out in the end, so she asks why this time would be any different.

Gabi tells EJ that she doesn’t know if it’s the right time to tell Stefan. EJ thought the whole point of them sleeping together was to rub it in Stefan’s face, unless it was just a ploy to get him in bed. EJ doesn’t understand since this was her idea as he thought she hated Stefan’s guts and wanted to punish him for cheating on her. Gabi says she still does. EJ questions why she’s suddenly dragging her feet then. Gabi clarifies that she just wants to make sure it has maximum impact and doesn’t give a damn what EJ thinks. EJ thinks Gabi suddenly changing her mind about punishing Stefan is because deep down, she’s still in love with him.

Johnny films Alex and Chanel’s audition for Body and Soul while Abe and Kate watch along. At the end of the scene, Chanel stops and asks if they don’t really have to do the kiss. Kate explains that Arrow and Faith have a love-hate relationship and they just showed the hate, so now they have to show the love. Abe agrees as they have to know they can do this and sell this love story to the audience. Chanel questions that but Johnny says it’s part of the job. Chanel agrees to try as does Alex. Johnny has them continue the audition from Alex’s last line where he tells her to believe in love. Alex and Chanel then kiss which seems to make Johnny uncomfortable. Johnny then calls for them to cut and end the scene. Chanel asks what they thought. Kate thinks they have a super couple on their hands while Abe congratulates them and declares that they are both hired. Alex thanks Abe. Chanel hugs Johnny and asks if she was really good. Johnny tells her that she was great and that a star was born. Kate compliments Abe on his instincts as she thinks Chanel and Alex will have a lot of fans. Abe responds that he’s not sure Johnny will be one of them.

Stephanie asks Chad if he’s sure that she should go visit “Abigail” and that it wouldn’t add more pressure. Chad encourages that “Abigail” wants to see the people that remembered her and that they always had good memories together. Chad says they have good memories together, not like the other ones she had. Stephanie asks if she remembered something. Chad tells her that she suddenly remembered Clyde attacking her and how that’s the first thing she remembered. Chad wants to be hopeful that it’s just the beginning and she’ll start to remember more. Stephanie says she’s happy to help however she can and that she’s there for Chad and “Abigail” as Chad hugs her.

Stefan thanks “Abigail” for the pep talk. She says she’s just giving him her opinion. Stefan admits it gave him hope. She asks what his plan is then. Stefan guesses he could start by going back upstairs and begging for her forgiveness again and reminding her how great they are together and how strong their love is. “Abigail” says she likes it but notes that she’s not sure Gabi is around since she knocked on her door earlier and she wasn’t there. Stefan wonders where she could be.

Gabi tells EJ that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about as she declares that Stefan sleeping with Ava while she was rotting away in prison killed any love she had for him. EJ suggests they blow the whole thing up then and break his heart like he did to her. Gabi stops him and says she just needs a moment to think. EJ thought she learned something about being ruthless from Sami and Kate. EJ brings up Gabi seeking revenge on Lani by rigging Julie’s heart to explode and gaslighting Abigail in to thinking she was going crazy again, even locking her up in Bayview. Gabi asks what that has to do with anything. EJ says he’s just curious as to why she’s suddenly going soft as he imagines Stefan hurt her more than any of those women since she loved and trusted him, but at her lowest, he was tangled in the sheets with Ava. EJ adds that he would have to think she would want to punish him for eternity and then some. EJ tells Gabi that he gets it as if he had the chance to win back Nicole, he doesn’t think he would pass up that chance. EJ decides that if Gabi changed her mind, he’s fine with that and no one ever has to know about their secret dalliance.

Alex laughs and tells Abe that he didn’t realize how much he wanted the job until he got in front of the camera. Abe calls him a natural. Alex thanks him for believing in him and hopes to make him proud. Abe has no doubt that he and Chanel are going to be huge hits. Alex says that’s if they can put their differences behind them and actually work together.

Johnny and Chanel walk through the town square. Chanel excitedly talks about how she can’t believe this is happening and she’s going to be on TV. Johnny says he knew she could do it. Chanel thanks him. Johnny asks if she’s sure she can work with Alex. Chanel says that it’s like Johnny said, it’s part of the job. Chanel adds that the best part of the job will be getting to work with Johnny and says it will be so fun as they kiss.

Kate runs in to Chad outside of the Brady Pub and they hug. Kate says they haven’t talked since he found “Abigail” and that he must be over the moon. Chad confirms he is and calls it a miracle though not quite perfect, but he’s blessed. Kate talks about first hearing the news and being unsure it was true, admitting she first thought Clyde was lying.

“Abigail” calls Mark and tells him that she was able to convince Chad to move back home to be with the kids. She calls it a relief to not have him hovering all the time and now that she can finally breathe, she thinks they need to figure out the next step of their plan, right as Stephanie enters the room.

Gabi tells EJ that she doesn’t know why she’s suddenly getting cold feet as she really wants to get back at Stefan. EJ tells her that she doesn’t have to make a decision right away and advises her to think it through because once the cat’s out of the bag, there’s no going back. Gabi questions why EJ is being so nice about this. EJ supposes it’s because he recently had his own heart broken and he was angry but also hurt and he knows he would do anything to make his pain go away, even if it meant swallowing his own pride. Stefan then opens the door to ask if EJ has seen Gabi but is surprised to see them together.

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