Y&R Short Recap Friday, August 6, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Moses gives Faith a white album recording of the Tiger Lily benefit concert they saw live from backstage.

Nick tells Adam the only thing that could ruin their new friendship is if he continued to interfere in Sharon’s marriage. Adam leaves a message on Sharon’s cell phone telling her he won’t interfere in her life anymore.

Victor offers Rey a job as head of his security team but Rey turns down the job offer because he loves being a cop. Rey tells Sharon that his unofficial investigation into Mariah’s disappearance didn’t turn up any information.

Lauren, Nick and Phyllis team up and discover that Tara has been stealing money from the investors in her shoe company and depositing the money into her personal account. Nick persuades Tara’s accountant to give the evidence to the police. Phyllis and Lauren arrive at the Abbott Mansion just before Tara carries out her threat to take Harrison away and not let Kyle see him again. Tara is arrested by the police and taken away in handcuffs. Jack, Kyle, and Lauren apologize to Phyllis for doubting her about Sally and Tara.

Kyle flies to Milan to bring Summer home.

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