GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 30, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Wiley has his birthday party at the Metro Court pool and Willow takes the opportunity to thank Nina for helping get Michael a meeting with Congressman McConkey.

Alexis advises Molly to back off Kristina and show Kristina that she and TJ trust her.

Anna is surprised to see Jack Brennan is free and at WSB headquarters. Anna figures out the WSB needed to distance itself from Pikeman, so they let the FBI shut down Pikeman. Valentin and Charlotte are in a country without extradition.

Brennan tells Anna to be patient, John Cates may just go away.

Diane asks the court to dismiss Carl’s case and is shocked when the U.S attorney agrees to dismiss the case. The U.S attorney explains to the judge that the recording that was the evidence against Carly is gone. The judge dismisses the case against Carly and everyone wonders how the recording went missing.

John tells Sonny he will put him in prison and he will make sure Carly and Jason are in prison with him. Sonny is hurt that Carly and Jason didn’t trust him enough to tell him about the problem sooner but that is okay because he can take care of John himself

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GH Short Recap Friday, July 26, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Kristina refuses to sign the papers to terminate her parental rights over the baby. Kristina tells Molly she is afraid she and TJ will break up and she has to protect the baby. Molly doesn’t believe that and insists that Kristina admit she wants to keep the baby. Kristina tells Molly that, right now, she thinks that she and Blaze would provide the baby with a more stable home. Molly is angry and she leaves because she has to go to work.

Natalia arrives and thanks Kristina for being so generous with her during the interview. Natalia tells Kristina she respects her principles and will try harder to live by the “live and let live” attitude.

Michael asks Nina to get him a meeting with Senator McConkey so he can ask him to open an investigation into John Cates in hopes of keeping Carly from going to prison. Michael tells Nina if this meeting with the Senator helps Carly go free, then, he will tell Willow that she is the person that helped Carly go free. Nina calls Senator McConkey so Michael can talk to him.

Carly tells Sonny that the FBI has a recording of her telling the five families that she is the head of Sonny’s organization when everyone thought he was dead. Carly tells Sonny that John was using that recording to force Jason to be an FBI informant.

Sonny figures out that John was only using Pikeman as an excuse to get information to put him in prison. Sonny leaves Carly to find John and kill him. Carly asks Dante to find Sonny and stop him from killing John.

Anna tells Dante that Brennan has disappeared and they need to find him because he has information about John that could help Carly go free.

Jason thinks Diane should find information on John that could tarnish his reputation when he testifies at Carly’s trial.

John tells Jason he will let Carly go if he gives him information that will put Sonny in prison.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Blaze and Kristina go on the Perez Hilton show and talk about the scandal involving Natalia’s recording that was made without her consent. Blaze and Kristina tell Perez that Natalia is the victim because she was recorded without her consent. Blaze is hopeful that she can repair her relationship with her mother.

Nina helps Willow with another public service announcement to promote bone marrow donation.

Ava asks Nina and Willow to testify on her behalf at the custody hearing but they both say no because they don’t want to get involved in the situation.

Anna asks John to let Jason go because Jason fulfilled his part of their agreement. John refuses to do it so Anna tells him she won’t rest until she ruins his career. Anna won’t allow John to twist the law in order to get revenge on Sonny.

Jason manages to persuade Carly that he needs to go do his next assignment for the FBI because she can’t turn herself in because her daughter Donna needs her. Carly goes to the Metro Court and tells the desk clerk that John Cates is checking out so he should send two bellhops upstairs to his room to pack his things and bring his suitcases downstairs.

Jason calls Danny to tell him he has to go away to his next assignment. Jason tells Danny he is a good son whom he is proud of and loves very much. Jason gets on the bus to Quantico headed for his next assignment.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Carly tells Sonny that John is after him and he won’t stop until he is in prison. Sonny tells Carly that John has no evidence to put him in prison. Sonny is more concerned about his custody battle with Ava. Sonny asks Carly to smooth things over with Michael and persuade him to talk to him again so he can apologize for their earlier argument. Carly tells Sonny to smooth things over with Micheal on his own because she won’t clean up his mess for him.

Michael talks to Kristina about her testifying for Sonny at Avery’s custody hearing. Kristina doesn’t think she would be a good witness for Sonny because she saw him beat up Dex at Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding.

Jason tells Anna about his new assignment and he asks Anna to use her contacts at the FBI to get him out of the assignment.

John tries once again to persuade Ava to give him evidence against Sonny, but she is scared that Sonny will kill her. John tells Ava he will find another way to get Sonny. Ava is touched by John’s gesture to protect her that she gives him a kiss.

John gets called to his boss’s office because Anna called John’s boss and told him he needs to stop John because he is out of control. John later went to Anna’s office because he is upset that she called his boss. Anna tells John to stick to his agreement with Jason or she will bury him.

Jason tells Carly about his new assignment and she decides to turn herself in to the FBI.

Sonny and Tracy share memories of Luke on his birthday.

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GH Short Recap Friday, July 19, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

James sneaks out of his house and goes to the Quartermaine stables to talk to Cody. James tells Cody that his Grandpa Mac told him he can’t take riding lessons with him anymore. Cody calls Maxie and Spinelli to come get James. Maxie explains to James that she is the person who decides where he takes riding lessons not Grandpa Mac. Maxie and Spinelli tell James that Grandpa Mac is going through something private and they need to give him time to work things out. Maxie tells James he may have to go someplace else for riding lessons for a little while, but she will work it out for him. Cody tells Sasha he is heartbroken that James is hurting because of his situation with Mac.

Jason tells Carly that John is determined to put Sonny in prison and he has to find a way to get through to Sonny so they can work together to keep him out of prison.

Josslyn gives Trina the turtledove figurine Spencer gave her. Trina grieves Spencer once again.

Gio and Tracy talk in the Quartermaine’s kitchen. Gio tells Tracy his favorite places in New York.

Dante and Laura go to visit Lulu and they have a long talk and Laura advises to let Rocco decide when he wants to visit his mother.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, July 18, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Nina makes Mr. DeWitt apologize to Blaze and Kristina for publishing the article in The Invader that outed Blaze. Nina agrees to give Blaze and Kristina Media training so they will be ready for the interview Brook Lynn has set up for them to do.

Cody tells Tracy that Mac is his father, but Mac is upset with him because he didn’t tell him that he was his son. Tracy also tells Cody not to leave town and give Mac time to get used to the news.

Natalia agrees to let Brook Lynn and Blaze handle the artistic side of Blaze’s career and she will handle the business side of her career.

Chase tells Dex to do the best job he can at the academy and he will earn the respect of his fellow policeman.

Jason intended to spend time with his boys and keep working at Corinthos Coffee. Jason is also going to tell Sonny the truth about Why he became an FBI informant. Jason hopes that Sonny will let him back in the organization so he can keep him out of trouble.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Lois tells Carly the love story of Gio’s parents. Lois explains to Carly that Gio’s mother Camila was a talented violinist who came to the United States from Italy to play for the New York Philharmonic and six months later she met and fell in love with Francis. Camilla and Francis were married before he left for the army. Francis was killed in battle before Gio was born. Camilla gave birth to Gio and returned to the philharmonic, but Camila died when Gio was 10 years old, so Lois asked Sonny to help with Gio. Sonny paid for Gio’s education until recently when Gio got a scholarship to PCU. Carly wonders why Sonny never mentioned Gio to her at all.

Sonny and Nina apologize for hurting each other in the past and wish each other the best.

Nina tells Maxie that, after her talk with Sonny, she realizes that she and Sonny were never right for each other and now she thinks it’s time she moved on with her life.

Natalia persuades Sonny to start a private record label so Blaze can release new music. Natalia wants to be in charge of the record label, but Sonny tells Brook Lynn to be in charge of the record label.

Anna tells Valentin that she can’t go on the run with him and Charlotte because she won’t leave her family. Valentin tells Anna that, after they broke up, he didn’t have a reason to try to be a good person, so when she arrested Brennan, he became the head of Pikeman. Anna and Valentin kiss goodbye and she leaves Valentin’s house.

John tries to persuade Jason to give him information on Sonny, but Jason reminds him that was not part of their deal. Jason gives John Valentin’s satellite evidence on Pikeman phone and John goes to Valentine’s house to arrest him, but he and Charlotte are already gone. Jason goes to the Metro Court to tell Carly he gave John evidence on Pikeman and this long ordeal has ended.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

John Cates asks Ava to testify against Sonny in the case he is building against Sonny. Ava tells John she will think about it and contact him when she has made a decision.

Willow once again asks Sonny to forgive Michael and repair their father-son relationship. Sonny tells Willow he will think about it because he admires her for being tenacious and kind.

Sonny asks Nina to testify on his behalf if Ava should subpoena her for Avery’s custody hearing. Nina doesn’t think Ava would call her as a witness because they are no longer friends but, if Ava did call her as a witness, she would tell the court that Avery was a wonderful father and that Avery adores him. Sonny wonders if Nina would be willing to bury the hatchet with him just like she has buried the hatchet with Drew.

Gio turns down an opportunity to play violin for a Broadway soundtrack in New York because he likes PCU and doesn’t want to go back on his commitment to play violin for the college ‘s summer concert series.

Drew promises Nina that the kiss between him and Willow will never happen again.

Anna makes Jason promise not to give the FBI Valentin’s satellite phone with the proof that he is head of Pikeman until she has time to warn him because she doesn’t want Charlotte to lose her father. Jason gives Anna the two hours she asked him for to warn Valentin.

John gets a call from his boss who tells him they have gotten word that Pikeman is sending a big shipment and they must know the head of Pikeman tonight.

Anna tells Valentin that he must leave town with Charlotte tonight because she told the FBI he is the head of Pikeman. Valentin asks Anna to go on the run with him.

John pounds on the door of Jason’s room and tells him he must tell him everything he knows about the head of Pikeman right now or he loses his deal and Carly will go to prison.

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GH Short Recap Friday, July 12, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Sasha tells Cody that she saw Willow and Drew kissing on the 4th of July. Cody promises to keep her secret. Cody tells her it’d best she forget about what happened because when you work in someone’s house you are always going to see things that happen in the house.

Laura tells Kevin she has decided to honor Heather’s wishes and not try to get her case reopened. Laura later tells Trina she is going to honor Heather’s wishes and Trina tells her that she thinks Heather isn’t responsible for what she did because she was mentally ill.

Curtis tells Portia he went to visit Heather and she told him she is going to tell Laura not to reopen her case.

Elizabeth tells Jason that Jake has been accepted to art school in Barcelona, Spain and Jason offers to pay for Jake’s tuition. Elizabeth tells Jason that is fine with her if Jake accepts his offer.

Anna tells Jason she is going to dinner with Valentin tonight and she intends to take the satellite phone he uses to give orders to the Pikeman employees.

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GH Transcript Friday, July 12, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


Felicia: Oh, thank you for returning my phone, Cody. Thank you. We are just about to have dinner. You should join us. –

[ Gasps ] Great idea! -Yeah! Look, I appreciate what the two of you are trying to facilitate here. I’m sure your hearts are in the right place. But… Mac knows where to find me if he wants to talk. Okay. Sorry. Not sorry. Look, I know this wasn’t the most honest way to get the two of you in the same room, but my mom and I felt like you guys needed to talk face to face, and then we should all have a conversation — as a family. See, that’s just it, Maxie. We’re not a family. You guys are. I’m just the guy who gives your son riding lessons. Maybe it’s better we keep it that way.

Care to explain the point of that humiliating exercise?

Hey. Hi. Uh, I was just on my way to the gatehouse with this. Oh. Thank you. I — I didn’t expect you to be my delivery service when I put out the SOS. I figured I’d just pick up the food when the nanny was, uh, packing up things to go. No problem. I was bringing a basket to Cody anyway. So, um, there’s chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans sautĂ©ed with garlic inside. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. I just got home and found out I have the kids for the evening, so, uh, thank you. Oh, uh, well, there’s enough for Willow, too. Where is she tonight? Uh, she’s working late with Drew. Ace went down? One book, and he was out. Wow.

[ Chuckles ] Are you reading that article? Yeah. What do you think? Uh, well, first of all, thanks for sending it to me. Um, I’m not sure that it’s a good comparison to Heather’s case because this guy got cobalt poisoning from an industrial exposure. True, but he suffered from extreme neurocognitive disorders, dementia, and uncontrollable rage. Which is exactly how we would have described Heather not too long ago.

[ Sighs ] I don’t know. Do you think this article could help people to understand how Heather could have changed?

Who is this stranger in my house? Kind of looks familiar. Kind of like someone who used to live here. What are you doing home already? Mom said that you’d both be working late, and Marshall’s at the club. So you thought you’d have a romantic dinner here at the house? Is there something I should know? No. This is actually a surprise dinner for you and Mom. It was from the Metro Court, and the sommelier said that he recommended the wine. Which he didn’t sell me. It was a gift from the hotel owner. You’re adorable. Honey, you didn’t have to do this. It’s an occasion that needs to be marked on the calendar. It’s been a year. Since I was shot and almost lost everything. It’s been a year… since your family rallied around you. And you found everything. And look at you now. I don’t have a lot of time. Alright. So, I’m — I’m on my way to Valentin’s right now. I’m gonna drop by unannounced, and I’m gonna walk out with the satellite phone that he uses to communicate with Pikeman. Assuming it’s still there. Well, why would he move it? I mean, he doesn’t know that I found it. It’s — It is the best way we have to prove that Pikeman is trafficking illegal arms… and that Valentin is in charge of that. So where am I gonna be able to find you once I’ve secured the evidence? Well, that’s not gonna be a problem. I’m gonna be parked two cars down from his house like I was before. That would be a problem. No. I’m going it alone this time.

Dialysis restored the patient in that article to baseline behavior. No more decreased mental functions or rage. Wow. Now, that’s a good indicator for recovery. Yeah. Possible. And that seems to be what’s happened with Heather. Yeah. You know, ironically, the best argument for Heather’s transformed state of mind is the fact that she doesn’t want her case reopened. Based on what I’ve learned, from a medical and a legal standpoint, a strong argument could be made that there was a rush to judgment and that the case should be opened. If that were to happen, Heather could even get a new trial. Yeah, maybe she could. But that’s not what Heather wants. I thought I was the only one that kept track of my shooting at the Metro Court. No, the whole family is aware. And I asked Aunt Stella if I should mention it to you or not, and she said, “To heck with mentioning! We should celebrate!” So…ta-da! I am celebrating… not only you being alive and well, but standing and walking. Thank you, baby. Yeah. Being able to walk again means everything. But what I am most grateful for… is spending time with my family. But I did notice only two, uh, place settings. You’re not joining us? Nope. I just want my mom and dad to celebrate privately. I mean, the way you two just pulled together, it was really inspiring. So you just — just observe this. That’s, uh, very thoughtful of you, but we are putting a dinner or a cookout on the schedule, so it doesn’t matter how busy you are. Well, you had me at “cookout.”

[ Both laugh ] Yeah, the meeting came up suddenly, but it’s for the New Tomorrow Institute, so Willow could hardly say no. Oh. For sure. Yeah. So, how’s it been for you, with Willow’s new job? Well, I’m happy as long as Willow’s happy. I know she’s pretty conflicted with the long hours she was working at G.H. and not having the valuable time to spend with the kids, but, luckily, Drew came up with a solution. Drew? Yeah, yeah. He pitched Willow as a spokesperson of the New Tomorrow Institute and he got her on board. So Willow can spend more time with the kids and still do work she can be proud of. A win-win. Yeah, the kids sure think so. So does Willow. She — She does seem happier, though, don’t you think? No question. Okay. I should get this to the troops. Thanks for dinner. And have a good evening.

Well, last time you went to Valentin’s alone, you came out empty-handed. I was searching the place. I-I didn’t — Now I know where the evidence is. Did you mean to spend the night last time? That just happened. Alright? It’s none of your business. And it won’t happen again. Okay, I-I’m not trying to call you out, but I am a little concerned. I know how complicated this is — Noted! I still don’t want you there. Valentin has security cameras. He will notice if the same car with the same driver is parked outside each time I visit. So, no! This is a solo operation! I will meet you back here once I have acquired the phone.

Alright. Use this when you do. It’s a key to my place. Okay. I’m on my way, then. And I’ll see you back here when I have the phone.

[ Door closes ]

[ Knock on door ]

Hey. Hey. Sorry for just stopping by. I hope it’s okay. No, no. It’s okay. Is everything okay with Jake? See for yourself. Escuela de Arte en Barcelona? Is that Barcelona Academy of…Art? Well, my Spanish is not good, but is — is this an acceptance letter? Jake has been accepted into the Drawing and Painting Program. Anna. Hi. Surprised? I am. Yeah. But it’s my favorite kind of surprise. Please come in. I’m not a wine aficionado like you are, but I hope I did good. Yeah, yeah, you did well. Yeah? Good. I’m happy. Are we gonna share this? Shall I get us some glasses? Are you in a hurry? Would you like to stay for dinner? I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t hoping you’d ask. You’re such a good cook. And I’m just a lowly small-town Police Commissioner in need of a hot meal and some good conversation. Well, then you’ve come to the right place. Because I would never want you to waste away… or be bored. Well, hey. Hey! You didn’t come up to pester me about dinner, so I figured you might be busy, so I brought it to you. Have you eaten? No. Thanks, but I don’t really have an appetite right now. That’s impossible to believe. Hey. What’s going on? Nothing I really want to get into right now. But I’m — I’m glad you’re here. I could use the distraction. Well… There’s a lot of that going around. Hmm. So keeping me fed isn’t what drove you out of the kitchen and down here. I mean, of course, I always care for your nourishment, but, no. What’s going on? If I tell you, I have to swear you to secrecy. This — This has to stay between you and me. I am not going to apologize for scheming to bring you and Cody face to face. I was hoping that you would let reason take hold in that stubborn brain of yours… and maybe, just maybe, you and your son could actually talk with each other. I think stubbornness is an inherited trait, uh, because Cody’s really digging in now. I don’t get it! You and Cody liked each other just fine before he told you the truth. He’s the one who had to live with the secret. And now it’s out in the open. He — He came to you of his own volition, Mac. Nobody forced him to do that. Nobody was twisting his arm. Why can’t you just let this bring you closer together instead of driving you apart? Maybe I liked the liar better. No. Don’t you do that. Don’t you play this off like you don’t care. What you like better is your own pride. And, you know, Maxie’s right. Cody is just like you — too proud to beg to be accepted as your son. And maybe, deep down, you want him to — as penance for lying until you can forgive him. Cody jerked all of us around with his lies. I’m not letting anyone — anyone — do that to my family! Not a would-be relative. Not anyone. Funny. Now you’re the one that’s lying. Alright. Send her up. Bad dream. He’s gone back down. Good. Yeah. And then I stayed to watch him sleep for a while. He’s just so beautiful, you know? Like an angel.

[ Sighs ] And I realized that Heather is never going to get to see that unless I take a photo of it — and I will. I’ve made a decision. I’m going to honor Heather’s request and let this go. It just feels like such a shame, though, you know? Now we will never know whether or not she could have gotten a reduced sentence.

[ Knock on door ] Oh, uh, the doorman called. Ah. Trina’s here to see you. Yeah. Okay.

[ Sighs ]

Hi. Hi. I’m sorry just to show up, but, um, it’s important. Um…

[ Door closes ] Oh, my goodness! Ooh.

[ Soft jazz music playing ]

[ Chuckles ] Curtis, honey. Did you do this? I cannot take credit. This is all 100% our beautiful daughter’s idea. When I came home, she was putting on the finishing touches. The food, this amazing bottle of wine, it’s all from the Metro Court. She thought that, you know, after the year we had that we needed some time with each other. She is so incredibly sweet. I have to call her right now and thank her. -Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. -She’s so cute. You can call her tomorrow. Tonight… Tonight is about us. Oh… Well, you know what? That’s perfect. Because I’ve been thinking about you all day. How happy I am that you’re here and that we’re still together. Ugh! I was so afraid of losing you. Look, why don’t we celebrate what’s ahead a-and we can leave all the fear, all the pain behind. The pain, yes, maybe. But, uh… the fear. I’m having a hard time leaving that behind.

[ Sighs ] Look, I hate to admit this, but it’s really hard for me to celebrate when I’m worried about the safety of my family. he wanted to apply to Barcelona. Now, it’s such a prestigious school, I didn’t want to discourage him, but I had no idea he would actually get in. And not because I-I don’t recognize his talent. I mean, his portfolio is amazing and his teacher references are glowing. But you never know if someone else is gonna see your kid the way you see them. Is Jake excited? He’s trying to be low-key about it, but I can tell he’s — he’s over the moon. I actually made a point of not talking about it after he applied because I didn’t want to get his hopes up, but I guess I worried for nothing ’cause they think he’s the real deal. Well, that’s great. I’m gonna have to take your word for it. Does Jake even speak Spanish? He’s had six years — two years in middle school and then all through high school. This is a dream come true for him. Jason, our son is going to study art in Spain!

[ Chuckles ] Thank you for letting me know. Do you think Jake will mind if I reach out to him about this? Well, that’s why I’m here. You might want to spend whatever time you can with him before he leaves. It’s sooner than you think. I’d like to do one more thing. Let me cover Jake’s tuition and his expenses. You are always welcome, Trina. Please, come in. Tell me. What’s going on? Um… It’s an Ace emergency.

[ Gasps ] Oh! I found this in my car. I was at my mom and dad’s house trying to grab some clothes to take to my place, and this must have been there from the last time I babysat Ace. I-I hope he hasn’t missed it too much. Oh. Thank you. That’s so thoughtful of you. You know, I’d have you give it back to him yourself, but he’s already gone down for the night. No, that’s okay. I-I figured. Well, it’s good to see you, Trina. I have some cases I still need to review tonight. Thanks. Would you like to sit down for a minute? I would really like the opportunity to catch up with you a bit. I heard that you had moved on to the Quartermaine grounds. Um, I, uh — I thought maybe I would have seen you at the Fourth of July. Yeah, well, I’ve just been keeping a low profile. I mean, I think it’s important to vote and all, uh, but I’m just not into the political scene these days, and it’s just a little too chaotic and overwhelming. And, I mean, I know what I’m for and what I’m against. Not saying that I’m not interested in those issues. I just — I’ll make sure that I’m up on them before I vote in November. I’m sure you will be. Your mother’s very invested. Yeah. Because of Heather Webber. Has she said anything to you? Um, for years, I lived in apprehension because Taggert was pursuing his career in law enforcement. And I was so happy that you had left that job when you and I finally got together. Because I knew that you would be safe. No risk of life or death every time you walk out the front door. And then this mad woman who was fixated on our daughter, she was finally captured and put in prison where she belongs. And I thought I could actually have some peace. You know, and I was doing real, real good for a while there. But now this madwoman might just be casually walking our streets again? I seriously doubt that will happen again. See, and I know that you think I’m being paranoid, but I think the lesson over the past few years is that — that maybe I haven’t been paranoid enough. Because I didn’t listen to that scared inside voice. I tried to quiet it. And — And what happened? Trina almost died in France. Spencer did die.

[ Scoffs ] And that’s why I’m sounding the alarm about Laura trying to reopen Heather Webber’s case. Because I just fear that the worst… Curtis, I know it. The worst — it’s yet to come. Valentin: Well, you’re actually in luck, because I just made a caprese salad, and I was about to sautĂ© some fillets of sole that I picked up earlier. Why do you enjoy cooking so much? It relaxes me. Oh. But, you know, Charlotte’s gone now, and I’m not used to cooking for just myself, so I almost always have too much. So it’s gonna work out. So uncork the wine, and I will finish dinner. Wine opener’s over there. Okay. Hey. I’m really glad you’re here. Me too. Right. So, one dinner for two coming right up.

Can I help you find something? You found it! Oh, yeah. It was in the kitchen with me. Oh! Great. I’m sorry. I gotta get back to the fish.

Crack that open! Let it breathe! Dinner’s pretty much ready! Okay!

Wow! Nobody has lied more to this family than me. Well, Maxie, that was different. Yeah, it was different because you forgave me. A-And when it was my turn, I wasn’t so quick to forgive. I remember clinging to some sort of misguided pride and pushing my mother away, saying I didn’t want her in my life. And even though it didn’t happen overnight, I realized that my pride was not nearly as comforting as my mother’s love. Look, the moral of this story is… you never turned your back on me. Why can’t you do that for Cody? We’ve been over this, Maxie. I raised you. I always knew your intentions were good. Cody is a stranger who I happen to share biology with. I don’t know what you expect — that I suddenly forgive and forget? We’re not suggesting that, Mac, but we’re also not letting you give up on your only child — your son. You know that Michael and I dated, right? Yeah. And you’ve managed to be friends afterwards. Right. We’re better off, actually. Mm-hmm. But now I have stumbled into something that might blow up Michael’s life, not to mention his business with Aurora and ELQ. Sounds ominous. You promise to keep this between us, right? Yeah. Like I said. What is it? It — The other day, Nina confided in me that she was having a — “Affair” isn’t really the right word. She — More like a situation-ship with Drew. Okay. Why would that bother Michael? Because they all work together? Oh, right, right, right. Him and Willow. They have bad blood with Nina. I gotcha. Am I telling the story or — or do you already have it figured out? No, no, no. Proceed. Proceed. During the fireworks on Fourth of July, I walked into the Solarium… and I saw Drew and Willow kiss! No. Yes. You — Are you absolutely sure? I wish that I wasn’t, but it was Drew and it was Willow, and they were lit up by the fireworks, and they were too into the kiss to even notice that I was there! Whoa. I mean, that’s a — that’s a curveball. Right?! I mean, I just had a conversation with Michael and I was squirming inside the entire time. He — He clearly has no idea. And Drew and Willow are working together, a-and they’re out tonight at a meeting. I-I don’t know what to do. That’s really generous of you, but I’m already looking into loan applications. No, no. We’re gonna forget the loans, okay? Please. Just let me do this for Jake. It’s something I can do. And you’ve been carrying the load for way too long. Okay.

[ Chuckles ] Thank you. That’ll — That’ll be a really big help. I’m still paying for Cameron, and I know I’ve got Aiden coming up, and I’m looking at a lot of expenses with Jake, with traveling. He’s got to go there for orientation and got to update his passport and get a student visa and the books and the art supplies and… Yeah, you know, all that’s — all that’s — all that’s fine. Do you think Jake will be okay with me helping him? Well, I guess that’ll be up to him. But I got the impression that when you guys went to the game, things went well. Yeah, I thought so. Good. Um… I really appreciate the effort you’re making and for wanting to help me shoulder the cost. I guess there’s just one problem left. What’s that? How much I’m gonna miss him. Your mother has a right to all her feelings. Heather does evoke a lot of fear and rage in people. Rightly so. If I were your mother, I would also be very protective of you. I mean, after all, Heather did target you. But when I came to see you in the office, you were so great. And I understand why you feel the way you do. I appreciate that, sweetheart. I really do. But I have to tell you something. I have just come from visiting with Heather today, and she made it abundantly clear to me that she would like me to drop the whole thing. Are you going to? It’s Heather’s life. It is her decision, and I think I have to respect that. Well, I’m glad to hear that, but you do raise an important question. If Heather wasn’t in her right mind and she had no control over her actions… should she be locked up for the rest of her life? I honestly don’t know what the right thing is here, but I do know that I am going to respect her wishes. I’m curious, though. What do you think should have been done with Heather? I need to find out how many names I need on a petition to have Laura recalled as mayor. Honey, that’s been tried before. It didn’t work then, and I doubt it’ll work now. Well, then, I’ll just have to make it an issue. I don’t think the public would take too kindly to their mayor’s attempts to try to overturn Heather’s conviction. Okay. I-I get it. You’re fired up about this. Yeah, and you’re not! And I get that Laura’s your friend. I get that, And, hopefully, that woman will come to her senses. But I can’t afford to take that chance. And, more importantly, Trina can’t.

I hadn’t told you this before, but, um… I went to Pentonville… to visit with Heather. I had to see for myself. So we’re just not telling each other things? Is — Is that what’s happening now? I was still processing the whole thing, and I didn’t know how to talk to you about it until I had. Why?

[ Scoffs ] Was it that bad? It’s not that bad. Look. After, uh — After talking with Heather, I can see what Laura sees. You know, from a legal standpoint, maybe Heather doesn’t deserve to be behind bars for the rest of her life.

[ Groans ] how disappointed you were when Cody told you he wasn’t your son… and, even afterwards, how you couldn’t let go of the connection that you felt with him. Do you deny that? I’m not denying I like the guy. He lied to me, Felicia. And he kept up that lie. Every interaction we had, every conversation, every laugh we shared, he was lying to my face! How do you expect me to accept that?! Cody grew up with people he wasn’t close to. They never treated him like a son. Are you gonna continue that and not treat him like one, either? You two are ganging up on me. No. We’re loving you, Mac. We know how difficult it is for you to welcome Cody with open arms. Because you’re angry. And for good reason. He lied to you. He cost you a year of your lives. But ask yourself, Mac — how much time are you willing to let your anger cost you now? I don’t know what Willow is thinking. I mean, Michael loves her so much, and I know that she loves him. They have two small children! All you saw was a kiss. Right? Right. So maybe that’s all it was. I mean, they were probably drinking. Fireworks were going off. Maybe they just got carried away. So it was a one-time thing? I don’t know. I mean, you know these people better than I do. Do Willow and Drew seem like the type of people to sneak behind Michael’s back? No. Absolutely not. Okay, well, then… my advice is you forget that you saw it. Unless you want to blackmail ’em. My recommendation would be Drew. He’s got deeper pockets. Uh, I need to go finish cleaning up. Hey. Forget I said anything. Okay. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Okay? I was just joking. It was supposed to be a joke. I was just trying to lighten things up for you in my own clueless way. You really are clueless, aren’t you? Yeah, about most things. But with this, I see pretty clearly. And how is that? People can be reckless and crazy. I totally include myself in that, but that doesn’t really matter right now. One of the hazards of working in someone else’s home is sometimes you’re gonna find out things that you wish you hadn’t. And the fact that the Q’s are stinking rich only magnifies that problem. No, no. Mnh-mnh. She’s still Heather, but not cruel or violent. Nothing like the maniac I remember. It’s just — It makes me crazy to sit there and think that you’re sitting across from someone who is an absolute threat to our family. But I-I had to see it for myself. And I’m glad I did. Because if Laura makes some effort to try to free Heather — and I’m not saying she has, because she hasn’t — But if she does, we don’t have to fight her. Why are you even saying this? Because Heather made it clear to me that — that she doesn’t even want her case reopened. She told me that she’s right where she belongs and she would tell that to any judge or parole officer who reviewed her case. Oh, Heather said that, so… She did. And she was adamant about it, babe. So no matter what Laura does, I am 100% confident that Heather Webber will stay right there in that cell where she is for the rest of her days. The house is gonna be so empty. Cameron’s already gone. A-And now Jake. It’s good. It’s all — It’s good. I’m gonna be — I’m fine. And Cameron is loving California. And I-I would never deprive Jake of this opportunity. Do you remember when I wanted to be an artist?

[ Chuckles ] I do. I do remember. You were good. But I gave up on it. I kind of went back to it a little bit after I met Franco. I know how you feel about him, but he did a lot for those boys — and for me. You — You get the credit for the boys. You’ve done an amazing job raising them. Thank you. Well, like I said, um, it’s gonna be up to Jake if he allows you to pay for Barcelona.

Um, y– I just want to say that I-I do see that you’re trying to make up for lost time with him. And Jake sees it, too. You’re making good on your word to be a better father. I appreciate that.

You’re right. The best thing I can do is ignore that it ever happened. And whatever’s going on between Willow and Drew will hopefully work itself out. Just don’t try to blackmail them. What’s it worth to ya?

[ Chuckles ] Cody wanted me to believe that he wasn’t my son, and now he wants me to know that I’m his father? If his circumstances have changed, that’s on him. But I don’t have to automatically fall in line. And neither do you, Maxie. Cody can go through whatever he’s going through, but that has nothing to do with us. I have to tell you that, to a degree, um, I have compassion for what Heather is going through right now. As she becomes more lucid… …maybe she can get some counseling. I don’t know. Maybe I can arrange for her to have a psychiatrist see her in Pentonville. You know, somebody who can help her to deal with the things she’s done. Because I believe that she is truly remorseful. Well, I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Is it fair that someone who’s mentally ill gets punished for something they have no control over? Should they be treated the same as someone who knew what they were doing? I don’t think so. Heather couldn’t help that she was sick. She didn’t choose it. It’s easy for me to see why Spencer loved you so much. You have a very loving, compassionate heart. And you asked what I — what I think should be done to Heather. Mm-hmm. And I think that she should get justice according to the law of this country. Because that’s what I’d want anyone to get. Me too. I wish I could believe that Laura will do what Heather asks and just let this whole thing go. I still believe in Laura’s integrity. She will do the right thing. Well, I think that we’ve talked about Heather Webber enough for one night.

[ Both laugh ] Yeah. I certainly don’t want her to derail this absolutely lovely celebration that our daughter has planned for us. Before the first course… Oh?

[ Soft R&B music plays ]

May I have this dance? It would be my absolute pleasure.


Have you given any thought to my proposition? Of leaving Port Charles with you and going… Wherever we feel like. I have thought about… how hard it would hit me… if you were to disappear without me.

Then don’t let me.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Short Recap Thursday, July 11, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Portia talks to Jordan because she wants to start a petition to recall Laura as mayor. Laura visits Heather in Pentonville and Heather tells Laura to stop trying to reopen her case because she wants to serve her time for her crimes.

Blaze and Kristina decide to do an interview to tell her fans her side of the story.

Brook Lynn decides to work from home so she be home to take care of Violet.

Chase decides to work at the police station three days a week so he can be there for Violet.

Felicia talks to Cody and tells him to give Mac time to forgive him and he will have the family that he has always wanted his whole life.

Maxie talks to Mac and tries to persuade him to forgive Cody because Cody has changed since he first came to town. Mac thinks Cody can’t be trusted and he has a hidden agenda. Cody arrives at Maxie’s house to return Felicia’s phone which she left at the stables on purpose so Cody would have to return it to her so he and Mac would talk to each other.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Sasha makes Cody promise not to leave town without first talking to her if he decides to leave town.

Sasha tells Felicia and Maxie that she knew that Cody was Mac’s son and she switched Cody’s hair sample with hers when Felicia ran her own test, that is why the test Felicia ran come out negative.

Ava talks to Sonny’s pharmacist and tells him to switch Sonny’s bipolar medicine for placebos or she will tell Sonny that he has been giving him a quarter of the bipolar medicine his doctor prescribed.

Willow tossed and turned all night and Michael is worried something is off with her. Michael asks Drew if he has noticed anything off with Willow. Drew tells Michael that Willow is fine and he shouldn’t worry about her. Drew tells Willow that the kiss between them shouldn’t rain their friendship or make things awkward between them because they will be so busy they will soon forget about the kiss.

Jason can’t shake the feeling that there is something strange going on with Sonny’s medication although Carly tells him that she checked and Sonny is taking his medicine. Carly tells Sonny she will testify for him at Avery’s custody hearing.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Cody tells Mac he is his son and he tries to explain why he lied to him but Mac doesn’t listen because he is angry that Cody lied to him and his family.

Cody tells Maxie the truth and he explains that he lied at first because he wanted Leopold Taub’s money but, when he changed his mind about the money, he lied because he didn’t feel worthy to be a part of Mac’s family. Maxie makes Cody promise not to leave town until he gives Mac time to process how he feels about being a father.

Drew tells Willow that if they had met, before she met Michael, their relationship may have led to romance, but she loves Michael so nothing can happen between them. Drew and Willow agree that the kiss that just happened between them will never happen again and the kiss only happened because they were excited about the holiday and they had two drinks.

Curtis persuades Nina and Michael to put their past differences aside and work together to make Aurora Media a better company. Nina thanks Drew for building a bridge between her and Willow. Nina is happy because Willow told her she is glad that she and Michael put aside their differences.

Portia is angry with Laura because Laura is having Heather’s case reopened and she tells Laura she will do everything possible to make sure Heather stays in jail.

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GH Transcript Wednesday, July 10, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


Good morning, Sasha. Good morning. May I interest you in a cup of coffee? Yes. Yes, that would be amazing.

Oh, thank you. Thank you. I got to warn you, though, I’m kind of dragging a little bit this morning, so this might be the first of a couple. Yesterday was a long day. But your speech, I mean, the part that I heard, it was really inspiring. Oh, well, thank you for saying that. I mean, I’ve given other speeches before, you know, to shareholders or whatever, but I was surprised at how different last night’s felt. Last night was, uh, full of surprises. Willow, hi. Good morning. Um, coffee, beignet? Uh, yes, to both, please. I, uh… don’t want to brag, but Wiley says that these are his new favorites. He calls them bayonets. [ Laughter ] Well, I made a bunch of them, so help yourself. Bless you. All right. Well, um, I should get going and, uh, see Cody at the stables and talk about house stuff. Well, is there anything I can do for you while you’re gone? No, no. Uh, coffee pot is full. There’s milk and sugar. You guys just, uh, enjoy your morning. Thank you, Sasha, for everything. No problem. Thank you.

I can’t believe it. I always thought there was this connection between Cody and Mac. I could feel it. Yeah, well, your Spidey senses have always been borderline terrifying. And then when my off-the-books DNA results came back negative, I — We thought it ended there. Yeah. Could something have happened to the DNA sample you sent in? No. I’ve used this lab a hundred times. They’re the best. But even if the lab did contaminate my sample, which they didn’t, the contamination would only add to the DNA results. It wouldn’t take anything away from it. Right. Contamination wouldn’t overwrite Cody’s DNA. No. It wouldn’t. Look, I know you’ve gotten to know Cody as a friend, and… Yeah, Mom, I have. Spinelli, Sasha, and I, we’ve all spent a lot of time with him together lately. And you’ve seen him around here, assembling furniture, fixing cabinets. Not to mention the riding lessons he’s been giving James. Cody’s been wonderful. Which is why I don’t want you to get mad when I say what I’m gonna say. But I desperately want to be wrong about this. Cody was lying before. Could he be lying now? Right. Why should we believe him now when he says Mac is his father?

Scott! [ Grumbling loudly ] Briefcase is 40 years old. Let’s get you a new one. Because that does not exactly inspire confidence. Who you looking for? Oh, um, a certain FBI agent had me followed. It’s an unfortunate circumstance of spending time with Sonny. Well, would that be, uh, Agent Jagger Cates? Or — Or, his name is John Cates now. Yeah. Yeah, that’s the one. I knew him since he was in high school. He’s a good guy. Well, the best thing I can say about him is that he appears to despise Sonny. Like I said, he’s a good guy. What’s wrong with that? So, what are you doing here, Scott? And are you billing me for it? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I got Diane’s countersuit here. Sonny wants sole custody of Avery.

I’m glad that, uh, you know, I’m able to bring Avery over here to play with Donna. Oh. Well, you know, they’re doing crafts with Pillar, so I — don’t be surprised if they’re covered with glitter, right? Well, I’ll blow it off right before she gets in the car. [ Chuckles ] Well, good luck with that. And you know what? Uh, thank you. ‘Cause it’s nice to spend time with Donna. And, you know, she’s growing up so fast. Yep. Kids do that, huh? Don’t you think it’s a little too fast? Yeah. But I think that’s why we need to enjoy these glitter-filled days. Yeah. So, now that Ava’s moved out, is there any way you can reconsider having, you know, Donna spend overnights? I mean, Avery would love it. I would love it. [ Knock on door ] Hey –

I, uh, didn’t come up here looking for you. Oh, no, no. I know you didn’t. But I am glad I ran into you. I want to be clear. I love Michael with all my heart. I know you do. It was wrong for us to — to kiss. It never should have happened. That’s not — That’s not who I am. It was — It was a… It was an accident. Like, a result of too many drinks, too many fireworks. Look, I… I love Michael, too. He’s my nephew. I would — I wouldn’t — I would never hurt him any more than you would. Too late. We already did. We did something impulsive, something…stupid, really. But we both regret it, and… I mean, one kiss doesn’t have to change anything. Anything for anyone. You, me, or Michael. Mom, I talked to Cody last night, and I don’t think he’s lying. I really like Cody, too, but I saw the DNA results that proved that Mac wasn’t Cody’s father with my own two eyes. Right. But those were the results from the top-secret, “Don’t tell anyone I did this” test. Cody claims that the results from the first test prove he and Mac are related, and although he lied about it at the time for reasons that are not so great, he’s convinced that Mac is his father. Could Cody be working an angle or making a play of some kind? Like what? A big payout? I don’t know. I’m asking you. Who’s writing the check for this big payout? The father that he lied to or the wife of the father that he lied to? Oh, stop making me sound like I’m crazy just because I asked a question. Mom, you’re not crazy. When I talked to Cody last night, I could tell he was ready to bolt. How could you tell? I recognized the look of panic in his eyes. And I know what it feels like to want to run as far as you can from the mistakes you’ve made. Because if you can’t see them, then you can pretend they never happened. I don’t remember his exact words, but he said something about James being wonderful. James is wonderful. I know James is wonderful, Mom. Cody was trying to say goodbye without actually saying it. I knew it, he knew it, and I had to threaten him into staying. He cannot leave town right after telling Mac he’s his son.

Cody? Have you got a second? For you — and Comet? Yeah. Sure, whatever. Thanks for that compliment. I never thought I’d be in Comet’s league. Okay, uh, I was gonna keep this to myself, but I can’t. And you’re the only person I trust to tell. So, last night — Yeah, last night, I told Mac that I’m his son. I told him. Oh, wh– why? I mean, good. But why last night? I just kept thinking about what you said, and I hated lying to him, so, I don’t know, it just — just came out. And how did it go? I should’ve kept my mouth shut. Cody… Yeah. It was just like I thought. No, it was worse. It was worse. Mac’s furious with me. I’m so sorry. He said that, uh, he had given me plenty of chances to tell him the truth, and I didn’t, and he’s right. He did, I didn’t. It wasn’t exactly that cut and dry. No, it kind of was. I also told Mac about the whole Taub/WSB stuff with Scott. Okay. D-Did that help? Did Mac understand? [ Scoffs ] What Mac understands is that he opened himself and his family up to me, and I betrayed them all. The reasons why don’t matter. Look, it’s a lot to take in for both of you. Yeah. Well, Mac stormed out of here, so it seems like he took in enough. Only person he was madder at than me was himself for believing that I could be anything other than a grifter. Okay. That — that is harsh and wrong. Give him some time. You dropped a lot of information on him that he wasn’t expecting. He’s probably in shock. He seemed pretty clear at the time. Well, for what it’s worth, I’m really proud of you for telling him. You must feel a little better having that secret off your chest. I feel like garbage, and there’s still a weight on my chest. It’s just for a different reason. So what do you want to do now? I want to get the hell out of town.

It’s no surprise that Sonny is suing for sole custody of Avery. It’s exactly what we thought he would do. Yes. Yes, it is. But, you know, you pay me for my legal expertise. And after reading Diane’s filings, I think your expectations should be a little lower. Is Diane really that formidable an opponent? No, I’m not afraid of anybody in the courtroom. No one. But I don’t like the facts of this case. Avery’s father is a dangerous man working in a dangerous business with other dangerous people. What other facts do you need? Well, but you’ve been living with him for a while now with Avery. I was at Sonny’s to keep Avery safe and to be a sort of loving touchstone for her in an otherwise stressful time. Yeah, well, I’m just saying that, uh, Avery has been ping-ponged around here, back and forth, and, you know, judges, they like stability. They don’t like seeing kids being ping-ponged around. I don’t, either! That’s precisely why I want Avery here with me, full-time. Yes, Ava, I know it is, but you’re at the Metro Court. You’re in a hotel. It’s a nice suite. But at Sonny’s, Avery has a routine. She likes living with her father. So do you think a judge is gonna take a kid away from that? Didn’t you say that if Sonny had a public meltdown… Well, yeah, yeah, all bets would be off. But I doubt that Sonny is gonna have a public meltdown during a custody battle. He’s not that stupid. Good morning, Sonny. Uh, um, I got personal matters to discuss with Carly. Uh, Sonny and I are talking about the kids. I love Avery. Everybody does. She is welcome to be here with Donna any day. Well, I appreciate that. Um, well, um… I got — I got something I gotta take care of, so… Like this garbage right here. Ava, you know, served me because she thinks she deserves to have sole custody of Avery.

Well, I’m really happy I don’t have to wade into this mess. Well, you could be called to testify. Why? Because you and I share custody of Avery’s sister. Right? And I need to know what you’re gonna tell the judge as far as my suitability as a parent.

had our problems, and, uh… I-I-I just need — I just want to know that you’re not gonna go into the courtroom and say that I’m a terrible father. It’s true. We’ve had our problems. It’s no secret that I’ve had issues with you, Sonny. Right. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry. But if I’m gonna walk into a courtroom and trash anyone, it’s gonna be Ava. Well, that’s not exactly what I wanted to hear, but I’ll take it.

So, uh, did you and your FBI buddy, Jagger Cates… find anything about me?

You’re leaving? I said I wanted to leave. No, it would be a hell of a lot easier to disappear than to face Mac again. But, no. Maxie made me promise not to leave. Oh, good for Maxie. Yeah, well, Maxie’s not the reason I’m not leaving. You are. At least for now. Hey, you — you have to stop doing this. You want a connection so bad with something, with someone, but… every time you feel like getting close, you — you make up some reason to bolt. You and I, we’re — we’re building something.

You can’t go.

If you do, you will have a lot more than Maxie to worry about. I will hide Tracy’s secret cashbox, and I will tell her that you took it. And she will have anyone with ICE looking for you, and they will have badges. Wait. Tracy — Tracy has a secret cash box? Not a very well-kept secret. [ Both laugh ] Promise me you won’t go. Okay. How about this? You will talk to me before… if you decide to go. I can do that. Great. Well, should be getting back up to the house. You have no idea what could be going on up there.

You’re not supposed to be back here. What can I say? I’m a rule-breaker. You, more than anybody, should appreciate that. I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. I have a staff meeting in 15 minutes. Oh, I have time to sit in. I’m sure I’ll find it fascinating. And I bet your staff will find it fascinating, the special way you fill the bipolar medication of a certain Sonny Corinthos. So is there gonna be coffee at this meeting, or…? I know you’re not Mr. Corinthos’s wife. He doesn’t even have a wife. Give him time. He will. But for our purposes, it doesn’t matter. Because, wife or not, I happen to know you’ve been filling his prescription with less than a quarter dose prescribed. I think that’s frowned upon in your profession. But then you’re the pharmacist, not I. You have to understand — No, you have your reasons, I’m sure. I don’t care what they are. I do care about Sonny’s dosage, though. I’ll change it to the proper dose immediately. You’ll change it to zero. Zero milligrams? You want me to give Mr. Corinthos placebos? What’s in the placebos? Sugar powder, sometimes starch. Yep. Give him that. But — Oh, I don’t care who’s paying you off or threatening you. Unless you want Sonny Corinthos to know what you’ve been doing, you’re gonna do what I want. What you want is dangerous. Well, I think that we’re willing to take that risk. And Sonny’s going full placebo until I tell you to stop.

We… We kissed, and we regret it. And we both agree that it won’t happen again. Absolutely not. So… So then, the worst thing that we could do is — is to dwell on it, you know, like, let it make things awkward between us, let it affect our friendship and our work together, and, most of all, how either of us are with Michael. You’re right. Michael and I are so happy right now, I — I don’t want to compromise that happiness for any reason. Least of all a kiss on July 4th. So let’s just put it behind us, okay? Like in a week, in a month, I’m sure it’s not gonna, um… feel as big of a deal. In a year or two years, we probably won’t even remember it. Our mind will be too crowded with a bunch of other stuff. Hey. I knew I smelled beignets.

you before you headed out. Um, did you get the — the budget proposal for the wellness division that Curtis worked up? This conversation sounds like it’s going to be too exciting for me, so…

So… The budget? Oh, yeah. Right. Um… If you’ve got the time right now, sure, let’s, um… Let’s take a look at that. So maybe Cody isn’t lying or trying to pull something. Maybe he’s just mistaken about the first set of DNA results. I don’t know, Mom. It seems like DNA test results are pretty conclusive. You either are or you are not related to someone. I mean, I know they give you percentages, but there’s no real room for interpretation. Maxie, my results were 0% match for Mac and Cody. Zero. I don’t know what to tell you, Mom. I can’t explain it. [ Knock on door ] Oh, Maybe Mac is looking for you. Oh! Hi. Hi. Um, come in. I’m — I’m sorry to just drop in like this. Uh, is this a bad time? No, no, no. No, it’s just a — a time. I would have called, but, uh, this is important. I know that Cody is Mac’s son. If you’re mad at Cody, then you should be mad at me, too. Cody told me the truth months ago.

I understand completely, and I’ll take care of it. There’s something about you, Clement. I knew I could count on you. Thank you. Oh. Has anybody come around here asking about me? No. Why would they? I don’t know. But if anybody does, tell them I was here for a consultation. About what? Doesn’t matter. Drug interactions, side effects, my annual flu shot, whatever. Just make it believable. Got it. Good. And I hope your staff meeting is… What do you hope it is? Informative. Efficient. Supportive. Then I hope it’s that. I also hope you don’t do anything that’ll make me have to come back here.

I’m not working against you, Sonny. Okay. I hope it stays that way. I gotta go. Um… I’ll be back to pick up Avery. Okay.

He’s not wrong.

You’re working with Cates. Yeah, I am working with Cates but not to take Sonny down. Then tell him that. Why don’t you tell him the only reason you’re working with Cates is to protect me?

are going to be a variable — gas, electricity, depreciation on equipment, but… You want to put a pretty nice chunk of capital at Curtis’s disposal, I see. Oh, yeah. We’re launching a new division in an expanding but very highly competitive market. And you’re going to be campaigning all summer, and if you win, well, Curtis is gonna have to bring on some new C-suite stuff. Yeah, that’s true. But in the meantime, I’m, uh — I’m guessing you’re gonna take full advantage of last night’s momentum and get out there, huh? I was thinking about that, yep. All right, um, just one more, uh thing before you go, you know, sort of shaking hands and kissing babies. Um, this morning, before I showed up, did Willow seem — I don’t know — off to you?

Cody. I — I’m sorry. I hope it’s okay that I’m down here. Yeah. Yeah, of course. I mean, I’d be jealous of all the friends that Comet’s made, but used to it by now. He is — He’s so sweet. [ Both laugh ] Yeah, he gets me, too. I was wondering how the horses are doing after all the fireworks last night. Oh, they — they did all right. You know, I left the lights on so that the flashes didn’t scare them and gave them some extra hay. That seemed to help. Really? Yeah. Yeah, some people say you’re supposed to play, like, classical music or something like that to soothe them, but I know these guys. They’re metalheads.

[ Fireworks exploding ]

Everyone says fireworks are beautiful, but they’re kind of disorienting. You get so distracted, you kind of lose your bearings. I knew that Cody had lied about the DNA test, and that Mac was — is his biological father. I’m sorry. You knew about this months ago? I’m so sorry for not saying anything, but it — it didn’t feel like my secret to tell. I understand. Okay. I guess I do, too. Felicia: I just don’t know how you can be so sure. I ordered my own DNA test results, and they came back negative. Well, you remember, Sasha. You were there at Deception. When I told Cody that I did that test behind his back. I was also at the “Home & Heart” set when you ordered the DNA test. I saw you take a strand of hair from Cody’s brush, and I, uh… switched it out for my own hair.

I don’t get it, Jason. Why can’t you tell Sonny the truth from start to finish it? I can’t. Because? Because Sonny despises Cates, and if he finds out that Cates is threatening you, God only knows what he’ll do. [ Sighs ] Well, you’re right. I mean, he’s already had Cates beat up. Who knows what’ll happen if he goes after him again, especially with how volatile he’s been these past few months. Anything with the meds? I checked. He’s taking them. And Sonny has a lot of faults, but he is always disciplined when it comes to taking his medication. I know, but something — something is off. I agree. When Sonny was sitting here, in my kitchen, for a minute, it was like Sonny was his old self. It must’ve been nice to see. It was a relief. It means that the old Sonny is still in there somewhere. I mean, for a minute, I thought we were turning a corner. Until I walked in. Yeah. And that’s when the Sonny I don’t recognize showed up. I just — I can’t — I can’t tell Sonny the truth. Not yet. What if he goes after Cates again, and this time, he kills him?

[ Knock on door ] Is this garbage supposed to mean anything to me? Uh, I don’t know. Scott put it together. Right. You allege that I am — I’m unstable? Emotionally unstable? Is that what you said? I’m not talking to you when you’re like this. Should I call security? Taking a page out of your book. [ Beeps ] Just in case something’s, you know, uh, misinterpreted later on. Don’t do it, Ava. I will bury you.

Not a fan of fireworks? Not last night, anyway. Yeah. Yeah, me too. The view from here wasn’t great. You should’ve come up to the house. No, no, I wanted to stick around here, make sure these guys were okay. What, I miss a good time? Well, obviously you were in better company, but the people were pretty good, too, and the mood was nice. People are really upbeat about Drew’s run for Congress. Yeah. Uh… You think the Quartermaines are gonna get behind him or…? not try and sabotage him? [ Chuckles ] Someone in the family is actually running for Congress. Even Tracy is on board. You, uh, think you’re gonna campaign for him? Me? Yeah. I mean, why not? You’re beautiful. You’re warm, sincere, you got P.R. experience. I know I’ve done a couple of PSAs for the New Tomorrow Institute, but that does not make me some savvy campaigner. Well, you are also a teacher, so you have experience talking to large groups of people. Of children, about geography, not town meetings full of would-be voters. Children are people, too. [ Both laugh ] I’m just saying, okay, Drew is running as a Quartermaine. It would probably help out if the Quartermaines supported him. You know, get the family involved. And let’s be honest, aside from the kids, you are one of the more appealing family members. Cody has been wrestling with his decision to tell Mac, and I knew that if he just had more time, he would get there. So I switched out the hair samples to buy him that time. But I really hated lying to you both. Please believe that. I do. Okay, okay. Um, I don’t understand Cody’s need to wrestle with the decision to tell Mac. I mean, Mac is a great guy. Oh, he is, and Cody knows that. But Cody has this whole thing about not being good enough, and he’ll have to tell you the rest, but I owed you an explanation and an apology. I accept, and so does my mom. What? You are much nicer than I am and way more forgiving. And we appreciate your honesty. Well, now that it’s out in the open, what — what happens next? Well, this could work out to be a wonderful thing for Cody and Mac. It could, but Cody said that Mac was really hurt and angry. Yeah, he is, and it’s gonna take some time for him to trust Cody again. He was really hurt that Cody put off telling him all of this time. He might never have known that he had a son. I know. I was trying to help, but by delaying the inevitable, I — I only made things worse. You’re peddling some kind of bull about me like I’m, you know, emotionally unstable. No wonder Scotty Baldwin is the only lawyer you can get. Unlike you, I don’t need to keep a lawyer on retainer. Well, how do you think that’s gonna match up once Diane starts revving up? It’s the strength of the case that matters, not the strength of the lawyers. Is that what your slip-and-fall guy told you? I’m not sure all the time you and Diane have racked up in courtrooms together over the years is gonna be the big advantage. you seem to think. Defenseless mothers tend to do well in family court. Oh, you got a defenseless mother to stand in for you? ‘Cause that’s something that you’re not. Then you’ll be right at home in court. Respectful. Polite. Stable. Unless, of course, somebody says something you don’t like or looks at you funny. Then all bets are off. Diane can find 20 witnesses that will testify that you are an unfit mother. And you think what? That your reputation is off-limits? Irrelevant? Really? What judge is going to award custody of an innocent child to a notorious mobster who used to run a strip club?

ard on yourself. This whole thing was gonna be rough on everyone the second Cody decided to lie about the first test results. You were just trying to give him time to figure out how to tell Mac. I appreciate you understanding, but I don’t know what to do anymore. Cody is devastated, and he’s talking about leaving Port Charles. Oh, I know. I made him promise that he wouldn’t. So did I. Okay. Well, his promise to you definitely carries more weight. Although I threatened him, and I’m more dangerous than you are. Mm. Not really. You’re so sweet. You could be related to my mom. These days, for all we know, maybe you are. I would know. Mac is devastated, too. But neither one of them is going to approach the other, at least not for a while. Like father, like son. Yeah, it does seem like they share the same stubborn gene. Okay. So, what are we gonna do about it?

Okay. Don’t get me wrong. I like all of the Quartermaines, but, uh, let’s be honest, some of them are more approachable than others. Like, uh, can you — can you — can you picture Tracy on the campaign trail? No. No, not so much. Mama Q, yeah, totally. I mean, she’s salt of the earth. And, um — And Brook Lynn, Chase, to a point. What’s the catch? Well, Chase is a hero cop, so some people are gonna want to vote for him. You don’t want to split the vote, right? Definitely not. Right? Exactly. Now, all kidding aside, though, I do think Drew should run as a part of a family. I mean, ’cause that’s the dream, right? Be a part of a family? Be surrounded by people that love you, care for you, want the best for you, even sometimes when you don’t deserve it. Yeah, you’re right — about being part of a family. The Quartermaines have done that for me, and especially Michael. He’s given me… everything.

What do you mean Willow’s off? Like, sick? Because she seemed fine to me. Oh, okay. Good. What? Did she say that she wasn’t feeling well? Like, did she say something? No, no, no, nothing like that. It’s just, um… Willow doesn’t always tell me when she’s not feeling well. She doesn’t want me to worry, so she just, you know, muscles through. Yeah. Yeah, that sounds about right. And maybe I’m just being oversensitive, but every single time she comes down with something, I’m, uh… I get afraid that, um… the cancer came back. Yeah, no, um… I mean, that’s, uh… that’s a very normal human reaction for someone that’s been through what you have. Oh, Willow’s the one who actually went through it. I mean, I just… You just witnessed the person that you love go through a terrible disease, and you witnessed her fear and your own, and… and you got to give yourself a break. I’ll try. You know, just, like, last night, though, she — she was tossing and turning all night. She probably didn’t even get an hour of sleep. Well, yesterday was a big day. Maybe she just had a tough time kind of winding down. You’re right. Yeah, you’re right. I mean, it was a big day. It sure was. All right. Well, if you tell me that she seems fine to you, I will take a breath. I’ll stop worrying. It’s probably nothing. All right.

What happens to Donna and Avery if Sonny’s in prison for killing a federal agent? I get it. And I hear you. Especially now that there’s a possibility that I could go to prison. Well, no, that’s not — that’s not gonna happen. I’m not gonna let that happen. Jason, I know you believe that. And if there was anyone who could stop that from happening, it’s you. But it may not be up to you.

I’m glad you’re recording this. I think anybody who listens to it will find it quite illuminating. I know I have, and I thought I’d seen the worst of you. Not even close. Keep talking, Sonny. Howl at the moon for all I care. And then go home and listen to yourself. Then you can judge how suitable you sound as a parent. I’m not going anywhere. Man: Is there a problem here?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Thursday, July 11, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


[ Footsteps approach ] Felicia. What brings you by? I am going to guess I am the last person that you want to see today. Or maybe the second to last. Uh, yeah. No. I-I didn’t expect to see you. But, you know, thinking about it, that’s pretty foolish, considering you now know that I’ve been lying to your entire family for the last few months. So, uh, go ahead. Let me have it. Yeah, well, I have plenty to say. And I want you to promise me that you’ll hear me out. Absolutely. I totally deserve what’s coming. Obviously, you’re conflicted about your relationship with Mac. Don’t give up on him. I always say the best way out is through. So, please, don’t even think about leaving. -Hi! -Hi! It’s so nice to have you home and available to stop by like this. It’s unusually quiet around here. Where are the kids? Oh. Um, I asked Spinelli to take them to the pool so they could blow off some steam and we could talk without any interruptions. If this is about Cody — No one ever said you weren’t perceptive. Of course, this is about Cody. Mac, you always forgave me when I messed up. Now you have to forgive Cody.

[ Knock on door ] Jordan, am I interrupting at all? No, no, I was just responding to some e-mails. Come on in. Okay. I know that you’re very busy, so I will get straight to the point. I’m thinking about gathering some signatures so that I can put a measure on the fall ballot. What kind of measure? I want a recall vote to remove Laura Collins from office. And if it passes, Port Charles will have a new mayor — you. Thank you so much for coming. I know how busy you are. I-I just really needed to talk to you. Oh! Before I forget, uh, this is for you. It’s a photo of our beautiful grandson… Ohh! …taken just a few days ago.

[ Chuckles ] Will you look at this little guy! He is just getting more and more adorable every time I see him. Is this for me? Can I keep it? Yes, of course. That’s why I brought it. I-I know how much you treasure the photos, and I’ll try to bring one to you every time we visit. Um, speaking of visit… I had an unexpected one — from Curtis Ashford. Curtis? That surprises me. Yeah, he told me that you were looking into my case and maybe even thinking of challenging my sentence. Oh, for —

[ Chuckles ] All I’ve done is request your transcripts. That’s it. But… There’s a possibility that a lawyer might find grounds to petition the court to reopen your case, but that is still a long way off. Yeah, but, see, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about, Laura. I really appreciate you caring about me. But don’t do it. I need to stay locked up. Kristina, hi. Come on in. I’m sure it’s obvious why I asked you and Blaze to meet me here. Look. Natalia’s words are all over the Net. I think that it is time that we explore some strategies about how to deal with the fallout. Is there a strategy for un-canceling someone? I think that we can mitigate some of the negative publicity, but, first, has Blaze spoken to her mother? Not that I know of, no. But I have. …And? I told Natalia exactly what I think of her bigotry and her hateful words towards her daughter — for all the good it did. I know that this is a sensitive situation, but do you think that Blaze would be willing to make a public statement denouncing her mother’s words? Look. What Natalia did is wrong, but she’s still her mother. Yeah. I get that.

[ Groans ] I cannot imagine being in Blaze’s position right now. There is no question about it — what Natalia did did a lot of damage. But Ava is the one who’s responsible for releasing that recording, so Ava is the one who should have to pay. Keep talking, Sonny. Howl at the moon for all I care. Then go home and listen to yourself. Then you can judge how suitable you sound as a parent. I am not going anywhere. Is there a problem here? Mind your own business. Yes. As a matter of fact, there is a problem here. I’m having some difficulty getting this man to leave. He threatened me. And if you don’t believe me, you can confiscate Sonny’s phone and you can listen to the whole conversation.

Is this true? Sonny… Did you threaten Ava on tape?

[ Beep ] Why would I record Ava when she has nothing to say? So, what are you doing here, Jagger? The FBI wants you to go door to door looking for handouts? I’m staying here.

[ Sonny chuckling ] I heard raised voices as I walked by. Surprise, surprise — it’s Sonny fighting with someone, who, if I’m not mistaken, he was living with just a week ago. A mother to another one of your children. I care about my kids. I fight to keep them safe. What about you, John? Where’s your son? To be continued.

How could you not be angry with me? Well, I like to hear all sides of an issue before I make up my mind about something. But this is your chance to tell your side of things. But, please, just be honest. You’ve wasted enough of everyone’s time already by lying. Well, what’s the point? Mac made it very clear there’s no place in his life for me. Well, Mac is very hurt, and he’s lashing out, and, you know, well, that doesn’t really surprise me. I wouldn’t take what he says at face value.

[ Sighs ] As wonderful a father as Mac is to my children, he never had a biological child of his own, and I think he came to accept the fact that, you know — that was just something that life was going to deny him. But then when he thought that you might be his son, can you imagine how delighted he was? I know he didn’t want to get too invested in it, but I knew he was thinking about it a lot. And then when you told him that the DNA test results were not a match, it was a crushing disappointment.

Now that he knows that you lied to him, what is he supposed to think? He certainly doesn’t feel wanted. And who can blame him? Mac thinks the only reason you came forward is that you have an agenda.

[ Scoffs ] What? Like hustling him for a kidney? Are you? No. Well, then maybe you just don’t want to accept a blood connection to Mac? It was never that. Kristina: I am so sick of Ava and her petty B.S. She released that recording as a way of hurting Natalia because she was upset that my dad invited her to your wedding. Seems like a bit of an overreaction, huh? A-And just to be clear, there are no circumstances, not a single one, where Ava ever would have been welcome at that wedding. She murdered Connie Falconeri, and every one of the Falconeris knows it, plus all of the Cerullos know it, too. I know! But do you think Ava cares? She likes to pretend that it never even happened, and she assumes everyone else will, too. Unbelievable. Please. It’s Ava we’re talking about. She plunked herself down in my father’s apartment and in his life, and when he wised up and kicked her out, she retaliated. She had dirt on Natalia, and now she used it. And Allie is the collateral damage. She is suffering. She’s devastated that the label dropped her. No. It’s their loss. Okay? They are idiots for giving up on Blaze, especially after all the money that she’s made for them. Well, is there anything we can do to turn it around, to — I mean, is that even possible? Hi, everyone. Hey. Sorry I’m late. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Perfect timing. I was just telling Kristina, um, that I am trying to set up an interview to give you an opportunity to respond to everything that’s happened — not just Natalia’s words, but, you know, the public’s reaction. Online cancellation. I think it’s a great idea. I’ll do it. Okay. That’s not the whole idea. It would actually be a joint interview. Kristina, you’d need to be there, too. t have to play detective here to know why you’re considering this. Laura is trying to get Heather’s convictions overturned. Have you logged on to any of the community message boards recently? The people are outraged that a convicted murderer might be set free, that she might be roaming the streets. And are they wrong? You may disagree with Laura’s position on this, but you have to acknowledge that she is the epitome of fairness. And, besides, she’s just asking questions at this point. I don’t think she has any specific goal or outcome in mind. Yeah, but, see, that’s precisely my point. Laura isn’t thinking. She isn’t thinking about consequences. She’s not thinking about the lives that are gonna be put at risk if Heather goes free! Well, we now know that Heather’s judgment was impaired at the time she committed those murders. So can she be fully held responsible if she didn’t know what she was doing? That’s such an interesting response. That sounds like something that a politician would say. Not someone that used to be the Police Commissioner. Thank you for stepping in when you did. I appreciate the assistance. Right place at the right time. I’m still getting used to this particular place. I’ve only been here a couple of nights. But, of course, you already know that, seeing as you’re having me followed. Right? Well, let’s just say that… when I’m following somebody, a tail, and it reaches the point where they’re not giving me anything relevant or useful, I tend to suspend it. Do you think Sonny’s gonna come back? Do you want me to call security? I haven’t seen this side of you, Agent Cates. You’re almost sounding… chivalrous. I think I know how to discourage Sonny from returning. Stay for a bit. Have a drink with me. I started asking myself some very tough questions, starting with, um, who would want a son like me? “No one” was the obvious answer. Hmm. No, no, no, no, no. You couldn’t be further from the truth. The very first thing I noticed about you is how alike you and Mac are. You both have this sense of decency. Such kind and patient people. And like Mac, you’re both very good with kids. They love you. I think the two of you are both teachers at heart. I’ve spent most of my life trying to make a buck.

[ Chuckles ] Not working on decency. Played it pretty fast and loose with the truth. Oh, well, you’re not alone. Mac can play that kind of game, too, when he really wants to.

[ Chuckles ] No. No, I don’t believe it. Oh? That’s because you haven’t known him very long. When he was your age, he used to get in all kinds of trouble. Maybe I do take after him. It’s not complicated. Cody hid the fact that he was my son! It doesn’t sound like someone begging for a relationship! Okay, look, I am not saying that Cody is a saint who never screws up, but he certainly doesn’t screw up as consistently or as frequently as I did. It’s not the same thing, Maxie. But every time I messed up, you never decided that what I did was irredeemable. You always gave me your loyal support. Why are you taking such a hard line with Cody? Just got served. Ava’s suing me for sole custody of Avery. She’s coming at it. First me, then our daughter, now you. Well, you’d think she would be smart enough not to come after me. So I’m gonna — I’m gonna countersue. Because I don’t want her seeing Avery again. Don’t you think that’s a slight overreach? Well, I-I had sole custody of Avery before. I can do it again. She’s gonna come after you with everything she’s got. All I need to know… Will you support me? Heather? That you want to stay in prison? Do I want to? Of course not! T-This place is like some kind of hell. I hate that I will never get to see my grandchild again. I hardly ever get to see the light of day. Most of the inmates are people I can never talk to. I mean, they’re here because they’ve done something horrendous — like me. But at least I know that what goes on inside here is real. Okay. What do you mean, Heather? Laura… I can’t remember why I killed those people. I know that I did it. I remember doing it. I remember all of it. I even remember thinking that it was somehow justified. But it wasn’t! Heather, you were suffering from cobalt poisoning. Right. From a bad hip replacement, which has now been removed, and I’m feeling better and, theoretically, I’m thinking more clearly. Yeah. But I can’t sit here and tell you that if I was let out tomorrow that I know I wouldn’t hurt anyone or do all those crimes again. Because I don’t know! And I don’t want it to be put to the test. Okay? Kristina isn’t a public figure, and it wasn’t her mom who was put on blast. It also wasn’t her idea to keep our relationship a secret from the fans. I feel guilty enough without dragging her into the spotlight. Oh, I just want to clarify that there’s no blame here, guys. We are not on an apology tour. Your personal life is nobody else’s business. And the people who are attacking you for not being fully out, they can think whatever they want to think, okay? This interview is to engage people who haven’t fully made up their minds yet, mostly Blaze’s fans who just want to know what’s really going on with you. We want to show the world who you really are — sweet and loving and completely at ease with one another. I have a few contacts, okay? I feel really confident that I can find the right interviewer. Let’s do it. Really? Are you sure you’re okay with being in the limelight? Telling the truth is a lot easier than hiding it.

We’re in.

I loathe Ava with the heat of a thousand suns for what she did to our daughter, to Blaze, and to me. But as a mother, I am uncomfortable keeping a mother away from her child completely. Now, is visitation out of the question? Ava takes every chance she can to poison my daughter against me. I am not letting her do that anymore. You know that I can’t agree to help you unless you act within the confines of the law. Are you willing to take the stand… …and say that I’ve been a good father to Kristina? You don’t have to say anything about Ava. Diane will figure that out. If you’re asking me to testify that you love your daughter, I can do that. But if they ask me if I approve of what you do for a living, I’m gonna have to tell the truth. You made a mistake, and you’ve made the same mistake more than once. But that doesn’t mean it’s the end of everything. Unless you can stand right here, right now, and tell me that you don’t want any part of the Scorpio-Jones family. I can’t say that. We’ll be in touch. Thank you. Hey! You have to taste these. Ohh. Mhm. Mmm! Oh, my God. They are so sweet. I’m surprised they’re ripe already. Yeah, they came early this season. I think it’s ’cause we had such a warm spring. Violet and I were out picking blackberries all morning together. And where’s Violet now? She went down to the gatehouse. She wanted to impress Wiley and Amelia with her fruit-picking skills. I’m just so glad that all the kids are getting along so well. Yeah. I think it definitely takes some of the strain off her. She obviously misses her dad, but having all these kids here, having so much to do, keeps her engaged. I mean, she was really quiet initially, and now she seems really happy. Was she sleeping when you checked on her last night? Oh. I’m sorry. Did I wake you? Not enough to keep me up, but I did feel that you were up a couple times, and I just figured you went to check on her. How’d you know? Cause that’s the kind of guy you are. I’ve been alone for so long. I, um… I don’t really know how… it’d feel like to suddenly become a part of a family. Especially one that I already know. But I’d like to find out. You know, getting to know Maxie and her kids, it’s kind of felt like I’ve been… I’ve been watching life through a window, you know, observing, not — not participating in something I wish I had. Well, you’re not so far removed from the family. Whenever Maxie needs help, you’re there. And you love kids, particularly James, who loves you already.

[ Chuckles ] He even told me how he asked you to be his big brother… and how you accepted… and how you spit on your hands and you shook on it. Yeah, yeah. About that — That was — But that’s a sacred bond. There’s no way you can go back on that. I have here… an adorable picture of you and James at the Fourth of July party eating hot dogs. Yeah, I-I couldn’t believe it when James asked me to be his big bro. But that was before I told Mac that I was his son. Mac’s furious with me now. He told me to stay away from James. He’ll — He’ll never trust me again. Well, you know, Mac will be fine. Just give him a little bit of time. He’ll find his way to forgiveness. That’s exactly what Maxie said. Right. Maxie and I both know Mac inside and out. And although it will never happen overnight, he always forgives the people that he loves. Well, Mac doesn’t love me. Mac doesn’t know you. But I truly believe with all my heart that if you’re willing to give Mac time, to give your father time, that you’ll both get what you really want. Maybe if things had been different, Cody and I might have had a chance at being father and son. Maxie: This is that chance. Why aren’t you taking it? I-It’s not too late, Mac. I don’t understand what’s stopping you. I wanted to love and accept Cody, but he didn’t want that love and acceptance from me. I wanted to make up for lost time, but he denied being my son! He made a mistake. Just like I made mistakes. Cody has changed. Has he?

[ Sighs ] Look. I think that Cody wants to be your son. Why now? Why now? What does he really want? There must be some ulterior motive. Because if there wasn’t, Cody’s already proven he wants nothing to do with me! Where’s Avery? My daughter is still at Sonny’s. I’m not happy about it. He’s doing everything in his power to turn Avery against me. And now he’s trying to take her away from me. Which is — It’s cruel. To me and to her. She’s a little girl. She needs her mother. It seemed like you and Sonny were getting along pretty well there for a while. What’s caused this rift between you? You know, I don’t have any idea. It’s just — It’s been very difficult dealing with Sonny lately. He’s become so volatile. I mean, haven’t you noticed? You saw how he was behaving just now. It’s been like walking on eggshells with him. And I will do everything I can to keep Avery safe and to get her away from Sonny.

How do you plan on doing that? I’ll have to prove in court that he’s an unfit parent… which, of course, you know firsthand. Look at the terrible way he treated your late wife, Karen, when she was so young. Surely you’d agree he has no business having sole custody of a child. Especially not a little girl like Avery. No question. As someone who’s known Sonny for decades… would you be willing to make a statement to that effect to my attorney, Scott Baldwin? Laura has done everything in her power to undo all the hard work you’ve done, all the hard work that the PCPD has done to get Heather off the streets! Well, I’m sorry, but I don’t see it that way. I was proud to play a role in getting Heather Webber off the streets and into prison, but as a cop, I realize that evidence is evidence, even if it comes at an inconvenient time. Okay. Wait, wait. So are you telling me that you support Laura’s actions? I advised Laura against pursuing this because I know Heather is a lightning rod. She invites scrutiny, and questioning her sentence could hurt Laura’s political career. And unlike most politicians, Laura’s main concern is and has always been fairness.

[ Portia scoffs ] Was it fair for Heather to target Trina because Spencer fell in love with her and didn’t fall in love with Esme? Was it fair to the five people that she murdered?! Was it fair to their families?! Heather had a medical condition that compromised her judgment, and in light of that, it may be fair to reconsider her sentence. Because the law isn’t just for people we like or approve of, any more than medicine is. so much fun picking berries with Violet. I wish I could have joined you guys. Well, you have a lot going on with Blaze. It must be challenging knowing everything you advise her to do is being scrutinized. Yeah, it’s a lot to navigate. Do you have any strategies to help restore her image? Of course, I do! I’m her manager. I’m actually in the process of setting up an interview with a major outlet. It took some convincing, but I think Blaze and Kristina are both on board. So just hope it works. Yeah. You know, speaking of work… my bereavement leave ends tomorrow. I’m wondering what that will mean for Violet. Well, childcare isn’t a problem. We got Melanie and Sasha. And there’s always Cody. And he’s really great with kids. Yes, they are all great, but they’re not Violet’s aunt and uncle. It’s important that we are physically present for her. I totally agree. We have to make Violet our priority, make sure she feels secure, like she really belongs here with us. And it’s really great that I can do most of my work from home. And I can pitch in, too. Oh! I see. What are you gonna do? Detecting from the boathouse? Are you gonna interrogate your suspects on video conference calls? What I am gonna do is talk to Anna — and Mac, now that he’s back as Chief of Detectives — and see about working three days a week. I can do whatever it takes to make sure that Violet is in a loving home with family here. Hi. I think I left my phone here. Have you seen it? No. I’m sorry, Mom. I haven’t. When was the last time you had it? Well, I’m not sure. Maxie, please call it. Maybe we can hear it. Maxie: Okay.

[ Line ringing ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Maxie. It’s Cody. Maxie? Uh, do you guys hear anything? No, nothing. Maybe it’s really lost! Well, no. You know, we’re not giving up. Uh, maybe you left in the kids’ room. I’ll go check.

Dad. Hi. I’m glad you’re here. I need to speak to both of you. Did something else happen? No, not yet, but it’s going to. Should we be worried? I hope not. Ever since the recording went viral, I have been talking with Allie and we’ve been debating how or even if we should respond. We have together mutually decided that we are not going to address Natalia’s comments directly. So that’s it? Well, instead we are gonna just — We’re gonna show the world who we are. We’re people who are very much in love. And, you know, there’s something wrong with the world if it can’t accept love in whatever form. So, if you don’t address Natalia’s comments, you’re just hoping the scandal dies down and the cancel mob moves on to somebody else? Well, we are gonna — We’re gonna approach this head-on. And Brook Lynn is setting up an interview for myself and Allie to just present ourselves as we are, you know, two people who are very much in love. It’s a good strategy. You guys, you know, got nothing to hide. Nothing. I think it’s great, as long as it’s handled right. You’re really brave. And if you can’t control what happens to you, at least you can not let it diminish you. It’s really thanks to both of you because you’ve always taught me to know who I am and to stand up for myself and what I believe in. So thank you both for that.

Laura… my blood runs cold whenever I think of Heather Webber, the killer! But, Heather, do you think you would ever want to kill again?

[ Sighs ] No! Yeah. But what if that all changes? What if I find myself in a situation and suddenly those feelings all come back again and consume me like they did? And before I know it, I’m doing terrible things again. I can’t risk that, Laura. So, please… whatever you’re thinking of doing, don’t. I’m in here for a reason. This is where I belong. But, Heather… what if those feelings were triggered by a medical condition, one that you have no control over? Heather, listen to me. I’m trying to help you. I know. I know. But if you really want to help me, take care of our little grandson. Come and visit me every once in a while. Bring me pictures when you do. But just… let me pay for my crimes in peace. Well, as much peace as one can get in a joint like this. Okay? Okay. If that is what you want. e procedure that removed and replaced the hip that was streaming toxins into Heather’s bloodstream. You mean doing my job. Yes. I agreed that Heather should receive appropriate medical care. Absolution? No. If the courts find that her sentence was inappropriate, they can alter it. Heather has rights just like anybody else. Yeah, well, you know what? I have rights, too. And I have rights to question the legitimacy of our mayor. At this stage, it’s just an inquiry. Laura is just asking questions. So give it a little more time, and we’ll see where they lead. If you think that I’m just gonna sit around and wait for Heather to be released… Oh, no. You got another thing comin’. You know what I wonder? If Heather targeted your son and if Heather murdered him… how you would feel about this conversation then.

[ Scoffs ]

[ Door slams ] Lucky for me, I have parents who are just a little bit experienced with dealing with press, so I’d really appreciate any advice or guidance you have to give me. Of course. You have raised an outspoken daughter, and we all know I have a tendency to step in it and say the wrong thing at the wrong time, but I really — I can’t afford to make any mistakes. That’s a good plan. In the heat of the moment, let’s just say you don’t hold back. Yeah. But I really — I mean, Allie’s not worried about this, but I am. I-I can’t get anything wrong. I have to get this right. You know, her whole career is at stake. You know what? You’re gonna be great, honey. Come here. Thanks, Dad. Uh, also, I wanted to ask you. I don’t know how you’re gonna feel seeing my name on the screen. “Kristina Corinthos-Davis.” I don’t want it to bring you any sort of negative attention or — I don’t know — any bad exposure that I’m doing an interview on national TV. Don’t even give it a second thought. You know how I’m gonna feel? I’m gonna feel even more proud of you than I already am. Okay. Okay.

[ Chuckles ] How about we play some croquet with Violet? We can even ask Wiley and Leo if they want to join us, too. Well, I’d love to, but don’t you have to stay here and work? Oh, I’m just waiting for some people to call me back. Just be warned. I am a fearsome croquet player. Oh. Bring it on. And for the record, you have been absolutely amazing with Violet. Well, it’s not difficult. Violet is a wonderful kid, and I absolutely love having her here with us. You know… I’m a very lucky girl. Most brides don’t get a preview of what their husbands gonna be like as a father, but I watched you take care of Bailey Lou, seen how sweet you are with Violet. Just makes me more certain that I picked the right guy. You know, maybe we should schedule a little time for, after croquet, to, uh… you know, argue about who picked who.

[ Chuckles ] Of course, I know Scott Baldwin. I know him very well. He’s Karen’s dad. And apart from being a really accomplished attorney, Scott’s a great guy. He has spoken highly of you, too, as a matter of fact. Just to be clear… I’m in Port Charles in a professional capacity, and although I have some…history here, it’s not in my brief to get involved in custody battles. I understand that. But I’m not asking you as an FBI agent. I’m asking you as John… as a father. I fear for Avery. Because, as you and I both know, if Sonny remains in her life, she’s the one who will ultimately be hurt. I just want to keep her safe. I’m sure you can relate. You have a son. Wouldn’t you want to protect him from Sonny? I can’t promise anything. But I will think about it. I hope you will. Because I need all the help I can get keeping him away from us. I don’t think you’re gonna have to worry about it for too much longer. Sonny’s gonna be far away from Avery soon enough — behind bars, where he belongs — if I have anything to say about it. Okay. How’d it go with Cody? He definitely wants another chance with Mac. How about Mac? Not much. Stubborn as a mule. Okay. Have we considered — Felicia, you know, there are two kind of people in this world — people who, uh, lose things that are not really lost… and people who lose things that are gone forever. You know, I always thought that you were in the first group. But after all these years being together, I’m starting to think you’re in the second.

[ Knock on door ] Oh. Um… -Oh! -Hey, uh, Felicia left this at the… Quartermaines’.

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GH Transcript Tuesday, July 9, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


[ Fireworks popping ] It’s amazing how much more elaborate fireworks are since I was a kid. I’ve never seen one that looks like rain before. [ Popping continues ] I’m your son. I’m sorry. What did you say? Mac, you’re — you’re my father. So you say you’re just asking questions. But isn’t that just a signal to your handpicked DA Robert Scorpio so that he can take the onus off of you? Robert Scorpio holds an elected office. He doesn’t answer to me. Even if Robert doesn’t petition to reopen the case, some enterprising defense attorney looking to make a name for themselves absolutely will. But that’s your goal, isn’t it? What? I-I’m sorry. My goal is to see that justice is served. I am also living up to an oath. Now, look. If new evidence comes to light after a conviction, the guilty party has the right to have their case reexamined. And if a mayor is indifferent to crimes committed by a family member, the people in her city absolutely have a right to ask questions, no matter how much you wish that we wouldn’t. Curtis is right. You’re gonna be spending a lot more time together at Aurora, and I think it’s best that we try to remove as much awkwardness as possible. Good. I know that we’ve had our problems, Michael, and I’ve done a lot of things to harm our relationship, and I truly regret it. But because of Drew and Willow’s big heart, I feel like I’m getting a second chance to make things right. [ Fireworks popping ]

I-I am so sorry. Why are you sorry? Because we — I shouldn’t have done that. Why did I do that? Willow, Willow, it’s — it’s okay. No, it’s not. It was just one kiss. I am married to your nephew, who I love, by the way. Yeah. No. I-I — Nobody’s questioning that, least of all me. Now I’ve put you in this hugely uncomfortable position. Yeah, the uncle-nephew thing makes it a little bit more complicated. I’m sorry. I-I’m just — I’m just trying to make you smile here. Look. We gave in to a random impulse. Doesn’t have to mean anything more than that. I just… What? I’m starting to wonder if it was completely random. On my part, at least. Are we being honest here? I guess so. ‘Cause in a different world, with vastly different circumstances… I really think there could have been something between us. How do you know? I ran a DNA test. Which said you and I weren’t father and son. That’s, uh — That’s the part I lied about. Why? The reason sounds — sounds so stupid now. Tell me anyway. Okay, well, you remember all that stuff with the Ice Princess necklace going down on that ship in Greenland? Yeah. Well, I had a claim to the necklace, but in order to file damages, I had to [Sighs] sign an affidavit swearing I was Leopold Taub’s son. Which, by that time, I’m assuming you knew to be false? But you signed it anyway. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, fraud, prison, all that stuff. You kept this secret out of greed? I’m not proud of it. You found out over a year ago. Yeah. And in all that time — in all that time, I’ve done everything I possibly could to reach out to you. I’ve opened my family to you. I’ve opened my heart to you. I know. And at every turn, you slammed the door in my face. Finally have the boathouse to ourselves. And we deserve it after wrangling all those kids. We sure do. To you. [ Bottles clink ] To me? What did I do? You spent your day off from lifeguarding at the Metro Court lifeguarding at the Quartermaines’ instead. Well… Blessings. It’s a small price to pay. It is a really pretty setup, though, living here. Yeah, it is. And our rent is more than fair. And, I mean, we have full run of the place. And it really pays having your doting big brother as the landlord. How does that work, by the way? How does what work? It’s Monica’s house. But next to her, isn’t Tracy the senior Quartermaine? And then Ned and then Olivia. And Olivia seems to be the one who runs the house. So why did Michael get to decide that we could rent the apartment? Well, Michael is Monica’s grandson. Ohh. Mm-hmm. So he is a direct descendant of the owner. Mm-hmm. This is like the War of Roses. [ Chuckles ] Pretty much. You know the Quartermaines. They’re always at war with one another. Um, but anyway, Monica gave responsibility of overseeing the house to Michael because Michael’s a businessman and responsible, and Olivia oversees housekeeping and the staff. So lucky us, Michael gets to decide who lives in the apartment. Hm. Well, then I congratulate you for your good taste in brothers, and I congratulate myself in good taste in roommates, I will cheers to that. [ Both laugh ] [ Bottles clink ] Before we move forward, let me be clear. Your family business is your business, and I’m not trying to intrude. This is strictly about Aurora and how to move the company forward. I… agree. I will, uh, try for the sake of the company. But previous attempts for me and Nina to reach a truce has not ended well, and I own my part in that. I haven’t been willing to trust Nina, but she hasn’t really given me much of a reason to. I know that I’ve broken too many promises to count, Michael, and I don’t expect you to accept my apology on face value. But there’s something that you can believe in, and that’s my motivation behind my desire to make peace. Which is? My own self-interest. You have the right, along with any other citizen in Port Charles, to ask all the questions you want. But I’d like to be clear about something. I am not indifferent to Heather’s crimes. New evidence has come to light about why she may have committed them. Heather already pled guilty. I’m not okay with some sort of “friends and family” discounted sentence. That is not what’s happening here. If Heather’s case is to be reopened, and no one is saying that it will be, it would be up to the court to review it, just as they would for anyone else in Heather’s situation. Anyone else? Heather isn’t “anyone else.” She murdered five people. And if given the chance, she will do it again, Laura. We don’t know that. Okay, let’s go there. Let’s say Heather goes free and she goes after Trina. What are you gonna do? You gonna admit you’re wrong after the fact? No, this is my kid that we’re talking about here, and I will not stand for this. more than anything in this world is to have a relationship with my daughter and her children. And if I continue to be at odds with you, that won’t happen. So that’s motivation enough. But on top of all that, I love my job at Crimson, especially after the stint at The Invader, and I would be an idiot if I continued to antagonize Aurora’s CEO. Look, I realize you’re both — you both share a family, and not always comfortably. But I’ve also realized in the last month or so that you share similar work ethic. You’re both professionals. You’re both damn good at what you do. Your work is interdependent. The simple fact is… you guys need each other. And Aurora needs you both. Yeah, I’m starting to believe that, too. You really are? I’m — I’m willing to put down the past and focus on the here and now. And hopefully the future. And look, it doesn’t just apply to Aurora. Yes, I’m committed to the company and I want it to succeed. But I am a husband and a father, and I don’t want Willow feeling torn. So whatever she decides regarding you, I’m on board, because my top priority is always Willow’s happiness. You can defend Heather’s rights so easily, knowing that she won’t come after your family. I don’t have that luxury. The law is for everyone, Portia. Even people we don’t like. Did you just say “don’t like”? Okay, then people we hate. This is not about the law, Laura. This is about you feeling bad keeping one of your family members locked up. That’s not true. You are uncomfortable. And sitting in discomfort, it’s hard. Well, so is fearing for your daughter’s life. Has anyone seen Aiden? Oh, sorry. I’m obviously interrupting. You got your backup here. Oh, come on. She’s here just in time to take your side.

I’m sorry. That — That was a, uh — That was a rotten thing to say. That if we’d met someplace else, under vastly different circumstances, that we might have… meant something to each other? That’s — That doesn’t sound so rotten. It’s just a trap to think about things that might have been, you know, ’cause it’s not real. The people in “might have been,” they don’t mess up. They say and do all the right things. They don’t doubt their choices. The only way that you and I were gonna meet is the way that we did, and — and when we did, you were already in love with Michael. And I-I do love him so much. That’s why I-I can’t believe what I did. Willow, I was right there with you. Please d-don’t put all this on you. I just don’t know what I’m doing. Hey. Hey, listen, we — we just — Look, we just had a couple drinks and — and we got caught up in — in — in the fireworks and in the proximity and probably a little bit of election enthusiasm. I don’t know. I just — Things happen. It’s not the end of the world. Not even the end of the day. It happened. It’s over. It’ll never happen again. Ever. You see, we’re already on the same page. Well, what a coincidence. Us too.

I think we’re gonna be able to see the fireworks from the country club soon. Mm. Gio, hey! Hey. How was the concert? It was really good. Uh, my Aunt Lois said that there’s food in the house if anyone’s hungry. Oh, boy. I’m still so full. Yeah, me too. Why don’t you have a beer? Thanks. How was the barbecue? It was very eventful. In a good way, bad way? In a good way. Uh, Drew Quartermaine announced that he’s running for Congress. I thought he was Drew Cain. He was about 24 hours ago. According to my dad, Quartermaine has a higher recognition factor. [ Sarcastically ] No, I never would have guessed. So he brought a bunch of people back to the house, including the mayor and another congressman. But it wasn’t all business. There were friends and family here. But my Uncle Sonny wasn’t here, right? No, I-I didn’t see him. Why wasn’t he invited? Well, maybe he was and then couldn’t come. I don’t know. You’d have to ask the Quartermaines. I wanted to be your son, Mac. I… I wanted to be a part of your family. You have an interesting way of showing it. I wanted to — I wanted to tell you. I just didn’t know how. So you decided to actively lie. Like I said, I’m not — I’m not proud of it, Mac. You know what upsets me the most? I would imagine the list is long. I hate that you couldn’t be honest with me. Or you felt you couldn’t be. Mac, no, it wasn’t because of you. [ Stammers ] The worst part, Cody, is that you lied to Felicia. And Maxie and Georgie. You lied to James and Bailey Lou. Everyone you keep claiming you give a damn about. I-I do give a damn about them. I love those guys. You don’t give a damn about them. You know why? If you gave a damn, you wouldn’t treat them like that. Does it help at all that this has been killing me? No. No, it doesn’t help me. That I’m eternally sorry, Mac? It doesn’t help at all, Cody, because I don’t trust you. For all I know, you being sorry [Sobs] is just another lie.

in-law, right? Well, technically, yes, but that’s a — Of course you’re gonna agree with Laura. This conversation is over. Okay, okay, fine. But let me leave you with this. Heather Webber is a serial killer. And there’s every reason to believe that Trina was her real target. You think I’m gonna allow her to be placed at risk again? You continue this campaign to set Heather free, and I promise you this next conversation that you and I have, oh, it’s gonna be in public.

We’re not interrupting, are we? No. Not at all. Curtis: Good. No, no, we were just, uh — we were just watching the fireworks, talking a little politics. Yeah, which you’ll be doing a lot more of with this campaign ahead of you. Drew: Yeah. [ Claps ] So what’s up? You said something about being on the same page. Yeah, we just had an impromptu meeting about Aurora. And? Michael and I have agreed to put aside our differences and move forward. Yes, it’s counterproductive to keep rehashing old grievances. So, uh, yeah, it’s — it’s time to move forward. So you’ll be happy to know that Aurora is in capable and cooperative hands. No infighting or backstabbing. Or secrets. Everything aboveboard and all of our agendas put to bed. Wow, that — that is such a relief to hear. It really is. Yeah, it feels like the, uh — the beginning of a whole new era, doesn’t it? Like a…clean slate. With endless possibilities. So, how did it all come about? Well, talk to the head of the Wellness Division. You know, it occurred to me, while you’re on the campaign trail, in order for things to move smoothly, I think the CFO and the editor in chief of Crimson should be able to stay in the same room for more than two minutes at a time. Mm. Curtis, I need to go home. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Portia so angry. Yeah. I understand how she feels. She went through hell with Heather and then Esme, and she is genuinely concerned for her daughter. Yes, but Esme’s gone. And as strange as it is, Heather’s situation has changed. Oh, thank God you can see that. Portia can’t at all. A-And it — it surprises me. Why, because she’s a doctor? Yes, she knows. She knows that Heather was sick. She knows what caused it. She knows what the medical ramifications of it are. She was right there with all of us as we were trying to figure it all out, you know? But she won’t even consider the possibility that once the faulty hip has been taken out and the poison has left her body that perhaps — perhaps Heather is no longer as dangerous. But, Laura… Laura, it’s easier for you to see the possibility that Heather has changed and she’s not a threat. All Portia sees is the monster who tried to hurt her child. It’s kind of like my experience with Franco. I was able to look past what the brain tumor made him do. But the victims of Franco the serial killer, they couldn’t. And they certainly never forgave him. Do you think it’ll be the same way with Portia? I hope not. I hope she realizes that you’re not trying to set Heather free, that you’re just asking questions only a court can answer. And it’s not up to you or me or Portia to decide what happens to Heather. That’s why we have laws in place. And it’s supposed to be justice for all. Oh, my goodness, this is all I’ve been saying. Thank you for being able to hear it. Thank you. Now, you go along and you find Aiden and you guys get on home. Not before I give you this. Oh, it’s okay, really. [ Crying ] And tell you that I’m proud of you. And so are your grandkids. Thank you. [ Exhales sharply ] Oh, good. You’re here. Hey, have you seen James’s new riding gloves? He said he left them behind on accident, and he needs them for his next lesson, which he is obsessed with, by the way. He keeps asking me to come by and watch. Maxie. Well, he’s asking everyone to watch. He even asked the grocery bagger at the store the other day. Maxie. You might need to get some stadium seating. Maxie! Yeah, what’s up? I don’t think that I should keep giving James riding lessons. Why not? Did he say something or do something? Because I can talk to him. No. No, no, no. No no. It’s — It’s nothing like that. Cody, you cannot take these lessons away from me. It’s my only leverage. James will clean his room and help with the dishes as long as he gets to come to the stables. Mac’s furious with me. Mac? My Mac? That doesn’t sound like him. Yeah, well, uh… actually, it’s our Mac. Please explain. I’ve been lying to all of you for a while now. Everyone was right. I am Mac’s son. But the DNA test… Yeah, I told you, I lied. You? And Mac. I mean, I can see it. I can totally see it. But you lied. And now Mac knows the truth? I told him tonight. And to say that he is not happy would be a massive understatement. You know, this is my first boathouse party. Well, hopefully not your last. You ladies keep inviting me, I’ll keep showing up. Oh, we will. So, what do you normally do for the Fourth? [ Exhales deeply ] We have this huge block party in Bensonhurst. The Cerullos, Falconeris. [ Chuckles ] And everybody within a 10-block radius. Everyone within a 10-block radius is a Cerullo or a Falconeri. Of course. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration, but not much. These are big Italian families. For every one kid who grows up, moves out of town, there are three kids who stay in the neighborhood. Not to mention all the cousins who come from Italy, like my mom. Your mom’s Italian? Like, from Italy, Italian? She was. Yeah. She always used to tell me that one of her proudest moments was officially becoming an American citizen, that I should never, ever take it for granted. So I never do. Neither do any of my relatives, which is why the Fourth of July is such a big deal. Wow. I love that, that it’s not just an excuse to have a picnic or fireworks, that it means something to your family. Is everything okay? Look, I’m sorry to barge in, but I really need to go home. Okay, that’s what we’ll do. Um, Drew, congratulations again. The future looks bright, man. Thank you so much. Yeah, I hope so. Drew, you want my vote? I’m gonna need you to pledge to keep Heather Webber in prison where she belongs, no matter what our mayor has to say.

Well, that was, uh… Yeah. Portia’s a mom. She’s entitled to her feelings. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. We’ll, um — We’ll go with that. I’m exhausted. Should we round everyone up? Well, the kids are staying here, so we can head back to the gatehouse whenever you’re ready. Ready. Okay. Good night. Good night. Good night. I’m really happy that you and Michael have made up and that you’re helping Drew with his campaign. It’s nice being on the same side again. I couldn’t agree more.

[ Chuckles ] There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere. You found me. What’s wrong? Cody’s my son. N-No, he’s not. Yes, he is. No, he can’t be. I did my own DNA test. I’ll give you the details later. Well, Cody must have found out and doctored the results. Better than the first paternity test, I guess, Where he just straight-up lied. How do you know this? Cody told me. He confessed at the stables not 45 minutes ago. And he’s known all this time? And he’s never said a word. Just gave me some convoluted excuse, but I was barely listening. Mac, this is — How do you feel? I’m furious! I have a son. I have a son. He knew it. And he lied about it on purpose. [ Exhales sharply ] You were right about him. You were right about Cody. He’s nothing but a grifter. A grifter who has some agenda, some reason that this had to come to light now. Come on. You don’t think he came clean because he needs a kidney or some points removed from his driver’s license. Well, I can’t think of another reason. Can you? e Cody doesn’t need an internal organ. I’m guessing not. But I’m telling you, Felicia — I’m telling you, that kid’s coming at me from some kind of angle, and I’m not having it. That kid is your kid. On paper only. Well, I think it’s Cody’s loss for him to not recognize a beautiful thing that’s right in front of him. Well, it’s sad, really. I would have welcomed him into the family. You did welcome him. It would have taken some adjusting. You don’t just become someone’s dad. I would have found a way to love him. Of course you would. Why are we talking about this now? It’s too late for that. Hold on a second, ’cause I feel like my brain is melting. You — Wait. Why did you lie? I mean, Mac is, like, hands down, the best father in the whole world. Why — Why wouldn’t you want to be his son? Uh, at first I thought that I wanted money more than I wanted a family. I know, I know. Pathetic. And by the time I changed my mind, the lie had been going on so long, I didn’t know how to take it back. You tell the truth. That’s easy for you to say. I was afraid that Mac would hate me. And guess what. I was right. No, Cody, Mac is upset. He doesn’t hate you. Anyways, um, I just want — want you to know I’m really sorry I messed all this up, because you guys are all — I mean, you’re a really terrific family. Uh, yeah, we are. Especially me. I am a fantastic sister. You do know we’re not related, right? Yeah, by blood or whatever, but Mac is my father in every way that counts. And that kind of makes you my brother and my kids your nieces and nephew. I have really loved teaching James how to ride. Not as much as he’s loved being your student. And when he finds out you’re Mac’s son, he’s gonna be over the moon. Might hold off on telling him, at least till after you’ve talked to Mac. I just want you to know that James is — He’s a really, really smart kid. And he — he’s actually — he is a good rider. I mean, it wasn’t much of a jump the other day that he went over, but he stayed in the saddle. And, I mean, you can’t beat James for enthusiasm. So, I don’t know. I just — I just want you to know that, uh, I’m really grateful for all the time that we’ve had together. Okay. I can see what you’re doing, Cody. And if you think you’re gonna get rid of us that easily, think again. It’s definitely patriotic, but even more than anything, Fourth of July is a reason for everyone to get together, to see each other. Thanksgiving, Christmas, it’s — it’s the same thing, but it’s cold. Fourth of July, you’re out in the street, even though it’s so hot, you feel like you’re just gonna melt into a puddle. Gee, I wouldn’t know anything about that. Have you been to the classic soft-serve truck yet? Not yet. Oh, boy, I should have warned him first. Look, it’s easy to overlook, but once you tried it, it’s — Oh, there’s nothing else like it. It is so good. It’s a classic old-school soft-serve truck. It’s usually parked on Van Ness, kind of by the west entrance of Rice Park. Okay. They only do chocolate and vanilla, no other flavors. They only serve in cones, no cups, utensils, anything. Yeah, they make sure that nothing’s in a landfill. They don’t even do milkshakes. Sometimes I wish they did. It’s just a classic cone, but, oh, my God, on a hot day, there’s nothing like it. It is so good. It’s my afternoon treat when I’m at work. I’ll take my break at the gallery, and then I’ll walk up to the park and just go to the soft-serve trailer. I’ll make a point of finding it, then. Are there any other Port Charles traditions I should know about? Well, one’s about to start. Country club fireworks. Usually starts an hour after the city fireworks, which you probably missed because you were playing. Yeah, I was maybe a little bit distracted. Well, now you can relax and enjoy the view. The company’s not bad, either. Honey, you want to tell me what’s going on? I had a chat with Laura. I gathered that when you stayed behind. I also gathered that it didn’t go so well. As long as Laura is continuing to help Heather go free, she’s the enemy. Whoa, whoa, don’t you think that’s going a little overboard? And so is anybody that decides to support her. And that includes Drew and the Quartermaines. Let’s be clear. I want Heather Webber to stay locked up till the end of time, and I’m gonna do everything I can to advocate for that. But that’s not my call to make any more than it is yours. Why aren’t you as angry about this as I am? What good is it gonna do? Because it’ll make me feel like you’re on my side. I am on your side. But if the court decides to reopen that case, that’s their decision, not ours. And that sounds like spin. That sounds like something straight out of a press release. Trina is your daughter, and you don’t even care. Okay, it’s one thing to fight Heather. It’s another thing to fight me. You know I want our daughter to stay safe. I know. I’m sorry. You’re not the one — You’re not the one that I’m mad at. I’m sorry. Okay. Gio: Beautiful. So, how do they rate compared to the ones in Bensonhurst? Let’s just say these are more tame. That tracks. Gio? Do you miss home? Be totally understandable if you did. I-I do miss my family, of course. I miss the neighborhood, how everyone knows me and how I know everyone. But I needed a change. To branch out, try something new. I really like it here in Port Charles. Feels like the perfect fit. Well, to finding your place. And making new friends. Together: Cheers! [ All chuckle ] [ Fireworks popping ] Admit it, in your mind, you’re already packing up your stuff, saying your goodbyes. Don’t do it. I don’t really see what other choice I have. Um, stay. Trust me, I have lots of experience with huge lies and life-wrecking mistakes. Running away is only gonna make things worse. I don’t think things can get worse. [ Laughs ] Okay. Uh, remind me to tell you sometime about how I pretended to be pregnant so I could get a guy to be in a relationship with me. What? My point is, you need to stay and process things. Give Mac time to figure out how he feels. Give us time to adjust. But don’t leave. For Mac, for Sasha, but mostly for you. Promise me, Cody. Okay. I’m gonna need you to say the words. I promise. That’s too vague. What exactly are you promising? I promise not to leave. Thank you. You won’t regret it. Maxie? Yeah. Aha. Thank you. [ Fireworks popping ]

Was I dreaming just now? I mean, Willow said “happy” and “you,” meaning me, all in the same sentence. Mm. She did. I never thought this day would come. I’m really happy for you, Nina. I — Look — Look at that. There it is again. Yeah, happy. Mm-hmm. Maybe I’ll start spending time with Wiley and Amelia, and I don’t know, maybe I’ll… be part of their family. It’s, um — It’s — It’s looking that way, yeah. Thank you. You, um, built a bridge between me and my daughter, and I’ll forever be grateful. You’re welcome. [ Fireworks popping ]

[ Fireworks popping ]

It’s a beautiful night. Yeah, it really is. Too bad Wiley’s missing the fireworks. Yeah, he was so zonked out from all the running around and swimming, he barely even budged when I came in to give him a kiss good night. Yeah. Amelia either. She looks so cute sleeping with her mouth wide open. So do you. I do not sleep like that. How do you know? You’re sleeping. I’m kidding. You do not sleep with your mouth open. But, you know, even if you did, you’d still look gorgeous.

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GH Transcript Monday, July 8, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


I will always be proud of the many things we were able to accomplish for New York’s storied 28th district. All the much needed infrastructure updates we completed, building more affordable housing and bringing so many well-paying union jobs to the area. Serving this district has been the honor of my life, and I did it all for you — the hardworking citizens of this great city we all call home, Port Charles. Port Charles has everything you could want in a place to live — a booming economy, culture and for families, great schools and a renowned university. Hazel and I have raised our children here. You know, McConkey is a good man. But he wears too much pomade. I swear, the man could stick his finger in a light socket, his hair wouldn’t move. I’m sad to see him go. It’s the end of an era. He’s been a fixture here for so long and everyone speaks so highly of him. The man could insult you to your face and still make you think you were his best friend. He’s gonna be a tough act to follow. I don’t know. Drew is looking pretty sexy in that suit. Don’t tell my husband, but I think so, too. Then again, if people around here wanted sexy politicians, they’d move to Canada. [ Laughs ] If Drew’s elected, Canadians might start moving here. [ Both laughing ] McConkey: And I’m here today to announce my retirement from Congress. It’s time for me to enjoy my golden years with my wife and family. But I will miss representing — Well, we can turn that off. So this right here is what you use to pick out the horse’s hooves. It kind of looks like what my mom gardens with. It does, yeah. Doesn’t it? Um, but you have to be really careful because you don’t want to accidentally hurt the horse. You know a lot about horses. Did your father teach you? Nope. Your brother? I don’t have one. Me either. Just sisters. There’s so many girls in my house. [ Chuckling ] Yeah, it sounds like you wish you had a brother. Not really. I see you a lot, and you’re just as good. As I say farewell to you in my role as your representative, please know that I do it with my deepest gratitude and respect. -Mac Scorpio, did you bring work with you to a 4th of July party? It wasn’t me. Portia wanted to see McConkey’s announcement. Really? Mac’s right. I brought the laptop because I was hoping to get a glimpse of Curtis in the crowd. Well, Drew is probably keeping him backstage because their two handsome faces would pull focus from McConkey. Oh. Excuse me? Well, if you were there, it would be three handsome faces. Nice save. I’m bored. When can we leave? Well, we just got here. It’s still warm out. Why don’t you go for a swim? Oh, no way. No. There are way too many boys at that pool. Boys you’ve known your whole life. Yeah, exactly. So I’ve spent plenty of time with them already. McConkey: The man I’ve hand-picked to run for my seat is beyond reproach. He is a Navy Seal, a successful businessman, a loving father. Why can’t I rewind this? I want to see that close up of Larry McConkey again. Oh, sometimes with live events, you can’t. Or it’ll only let you go back a few seconds. Oh, so we carry around expensive technology, and all it does is allow people to track us down wherever we are. I would prefer my old TV and VCR any day. Preach it. Port Charles already knows and loves him. So I know you’re going to be happy when I say that I am endorsing Drew Quartermaine. What? Did he say Drew Quartermaine? I am confident he can continue to do great things for you all. So without further ado, I present to you the man your votes will make New York 28th’s next representative to Congress, Drew Quartermaine. Thank you very much, Congressman. Thank you, everybody. [ Cheers and applause ] Whoo!

Everything looks, uh, pretty great. Are you sure? You sure it doesn’t look too bare? I think maybe if we move some of this, uh, bric-a-brac, we could hang up some more decorations. No, you don’t. If you want more bunting, hang it outside. Okay. Sam: You know, we’ve got sparklers. Who’s gonna want some? Oh, the kids love that. I’ll take some. So, are you excited for Drew’s campaign? Thrilled. Oh, I’m sure anyone would have reservations about a family member going into politics. I’m sure you’re not looking forward to all the scrutiny coming the Quartermaines’ way. Don’t worry, Tracy, I’m sure all the skeletons are out of the Quartermaine closet by now. Uh, yeah, one would certainly hope so. Well, one way or another, Tracy, it’ll all be over in a couple of months. Well, unless he wins. And then we have at least two years of this, and all eyes will be on the Quartermaines. Is that really such a big deal, Mother? I mean, haven’t we been through this before when I was mayor? Yeah. That’s right. We have dipped our toe into politics before. Is that ill-fated adventure supposed to make me feel better? And by the way, being the mayor of a mid-sized city is not the same as being a member of Congress. Well, I guess we’ll just have to take it as it comes. Here, Tracy. Maybe this will get you in the spirit. Drew’s announcement looked great on camera. How was it in person? It was fantastic. Drew is a natural. He had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand. I agree with Willow. Seeing Drew up there, I really like his chances. Same here. It looks like you’re gonna have your work cut out for you at Aurora with Drew campaigning. Yeah, well, Michael and I will keep the company afloat. No, not just afloat. Thriving. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s not a foregone conclusion that Drew’s gonna win. He’s got a hard road ahead of him. Laura: That’s true. Chelsea Grimes is a formidable opponent. She’s a shameless self-promoter. But, uh, she does have a following. Willow: Grimes is a scaremonger. All she does is exploit people’s worst fears. Drew appeals to people’s better nature. He’s been through hell more than once, and he still came out the other side smiling. I mean, who wouldn’t want a man that strong representing them in Congress? I’m with Willow. Drew’s charming, smart, successful, and he has a compelling life story to tell on the campaign trail. My money’s on him. Good. Because anyone who bets against this man is either a fool or a cynic. Thank you! Thank you. I love you guys. Honestly, I appreciate this so much. You know, I could not have done this without you. Thanks to those that came out to the announcement. Thank you for those that helped keep the ball rolling through all of this and to this man right here. Are you kidding me? Representative McConkey. Thank you, sir, for your wisdom, for your friendship. Certainly for your endorsement. That definitely helped a lot. I couldn’t have done it without him. Or her. Who the hell invited her? My brilliant idea to convince Drew to run was sparked by Nina’s timely introduction. Tracy: Nina, I applaud your commitment. You didn’t completely ruin Drew’s life serving him up to the SEC, but pushing him into politics may finally do the job. Ned: Mother, Mother, this isn’t the time. Learn to read a room. Enough shop talk! Everybody, the grill is open. Who’s hungry? Huh? I’ll be right back. [ Indistinct conversations ] You know, now that you’ve got that speechifying thing down, maybe you need a bigger gut, you know, and buy a pair of American shoes and you’ll be a fine representative, I’m sure. So what’d you think, Sam? Well, far be it for me to question the congressman’s judgment. Yeah, I think it’s time for me to get a drink. So how’d it go with Scout? It went really well. I mean, she’s a little vague on what it means to run for Congress, but she’s just so excited about the name change, she can’t wait to start telling people she’s Scout Quartermaine. We’re actually doing this. Yeah. No, I’m gonna have my lawyers handle her name change as well. So the passports, school registration, all the legal documents, I mean, it’s done. Sam, you know Cain was just a placeholder. It was a name given to me by the state. No, I know. It — It — Quartermaine is your family name, and I’m glad that you get to claim it. And I’m glad that Scout gets to have it, too. It’s just gonna take a little getting used to. That’s all. Okay. Hey, man. That was, uh… good job. You got my vote. Alright. Thanks, man. Yeah, I’m really happy the announcement went the way it did, but tonight is your night, so enjoy. Alright. Thanks, guys. Yeah. See ya. [ Sighs ] You okay? Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine. [ Sighs ] Sometimes I forget how I’m held with such universal contempt in this town. And then someone comes along, like Tracy, to remind me. You’re wrong, you know? [ Laughs softly ] Wrong about what? About the contempt for you being universal. I’m glad to hear that. So, hey, how did it feel participating in the whole political process today? Surprisingly good. Yeah? I’ve gotten really disillusioned by politics. The mudslinging, the infighting, the way no one seems to care about the important things. I think most politicians only pretend to listen to their voters when their jobs are on the line. But Drew’s made me feel hopeful about the possibility of change. Good, important change that could really help people. Yeah. You might be surprised to hear this, but I think the same thing. Yeah, I know. It is surprising because we didn’t really like each other much, was impossible for us to be in the same room without us making little digs at each other, which would spiral into knock-down, drag-out fights. I’m aware. But, um, he is building a bridge between the two of us, and that really changed the way I think about him and the way I think about myself, actually, because I realize that I have a habit of clinging on to grudges way too tightly. I’ve been guilty of that myself. Yeah. So, Ned, does Drew’s big announcement have you missing your mayoral days? No, no, no, not at all. As far as I’m concerned, the good people of Port Charles made their choice. And Laura is an excellent mayor. Thank you. I cannot imagine having to deal with some of the baloney that you do. Some days I can’t believe it either. [ Laughter ] Is there room for two more in this conversation? -Hey. -Hey, Mac. Welcome home. Thank you. It’s good to be back. Jordan: It’s so good to see you. I understand you’re doing a wonderful job as deputy mayor. Ah, well, you will have to talk to my boss about that. I couldn’t ask for a better second in command. That’s fantastic. Ned, Olivia, thanks for having us. -Thank you. Good to see you. -Thank you. Yeah, we all missed you so much. Ditto. [ Sighs ] I’m sorry about Spencer. Thank you. It’s — It’s all kind of — It’s still unreal to me. I’m sure. When someone so young is taken from us, it’s hard to make sense of it. Yeah, it’s been difficult. But today is a happy occasion, a celebration. I’m so glad that you made it back in time for the party. Me too. It’s been too long. That’s what I’ve been telling him. Well, it seems like everyone’s kept things together pretty well without me. Now, it hasn’t been all sunshine and free parking, Mac. I’ll take the back-stabbing that goes on at ELQ any day over the craziness of local politics. Thank God I don’t have to deal with the Heather Webber business. What Heather Webber business? Maybe that’s something we save for tomorrow. Mac is gonna find out soon enough anyway. It’s come to light recently that Heather may not be legally responsible for the crimes she committed. You really think of me like a big brother? I actually don’t know what it’s like to have one, but I’ll bet this is close. Is that okay with you? Yeah. Um… I mean, it’s a — it’s a little scary, to be honest. I don’t really know what it’s like to be anyone’s brother. Dante: Don’t listen to him, James. This guy’s been my brother since we were 12. I taught him how to pick up girls. He taught me how to ride horses and make cherry bombs. Cherry bombs are cool. You had to bring them up, didn’t you? So it’s okay for brothers to have different last names? Yeah. You know what? It’s kind of better that way. Why? Because it means that you’re not family by accident. Yeah, it’s like the family you want. You know, the family you choose. Want to be my brother? -Aw… -[ Chuckles ] Um… You know what? I think that would be really cool. Awesome. We need to do something to make it official, though. Something only brothers would do. [ Spits ] [Spits ] You’re right. Georgie would never do that. [ Laughs ] If Heather isn’t responsible for killing Britt Westbourne, who is? Felicia: It’s complicated. They’re saying Heather was sick. Well, you’d have to be sick to kill all those people. Hey, babe. It’s a day to celebrate. Honey, do not let yourself get dragged in to hypotheticals about Heather Webber. Ned, you know, I could use a hand in the kitchen. Oh, yeah. Of course. Heather was diagnosed with metallosis, which is a — it’s a kind of a blood poisoning which was caused by a faulty hip implant. You’re saying a bum hip made Heather a murderer? It’s a condition that causes psychosis, which no one knew about at the time that Heather pled guilty. So maybe her case should be reopened. Heather was a willing participant when Ryan nearly killed me and went after Felicia. You were there on Spoon Island. She knew exactly what she was doing. But the theory is she wouldn’t have made the decisions she made if that poison were not in her system. The world is full of toxins we all ingest. I mean, there’s always something new every day that we find out can be bad for us, but it doesn’t turn us into serial killers. Well, you don’t have a medical degree, neither do I. I’m putting all my faith in the experts’ opinions, whatever they may be. Have we met? I, um… I live in the same house as you. What’s your name? Drew Quartermaine. I have the court documents because I needed them for the FEC filing. Just in case you’d like to take a look. So tell me, Tracy, do you mind sharing a last name with me? A Quartermaine would always get my vote. And just for the record, my brother Alan would be very, very proud of you. Mmm. You couldn’t wait, huh? Yeah. Well, the cookies look amazing. I am so sorry. I couldn’t help myself. No, it’s totally fine. The food is here to be enjoyed. Please help yourself. How have we known each other for this long and I had no idea that you were a talented chef? I am full of surprises. Mm-hmm. I’m glad you are because I’m starving because… there was slim pickings at Drew’s announcement. You know, I’m actually kind of surprised that you went. I wasn’t the only one. The whole Aurora executive team went to support him. I get that. But by the way you’ve always talked about Drew, it was kind of obvious that you two didn’t get along. Yeah, I couldn’t stand him and I thought the feelings were mutual. But something changed when he hired me back to Crimson. I think we both realized that we have more in common than we thought. And Drew is the reason why my relationship with Willow seems to be healing. And I’m the one who introduced him to Congressman McConkey. So I guess you could say that we’re both seeing another side of each other lately. Go, Wiley. Drew: You mind if I hide out in here for a little while with you? No, not at all. hope I didn’t hurt your feelings earlier when I said I was nervous about the idea of being your brother. It’s just… I mean, it’s a real big responsibility. I don’t want to let you down. But you’re the best. You could never let me down. Thanks, James. That’s, uh — That’s a really nice thing to say. Do you like your hot dog? Yeah. Needs relish. For real. [ Laughs ] Hey, Cody. Oh. Hey, Mac. Good to see you. I told you James would be in here. Your grandma’s looking for you. The fireworks are about to start. Cody, are you coming? Um, no, I wish I could. I got to stay here. Make sure the horses don’t get scared from the loud noises. I could stay here and help. Oh, well, no. No way, dude, ’cause if you did, then who would record the awesome video of the fireworks to play and show me later? That’s true. I’ll get it all for you, I promise, brother. Thanks, brother. -Come on, let’s go. -Be back soon. You are really good with him. I just hope he isn’t too much. Too much what? Fun? I love having that kid around. He’s the greatest. Actually, it reminds me a lot of you. Wow. Well, that’s the nicest compliment I’ve gotten in a while. You know, you’ve had an effect on him, too. He keeps talking about the horses and your stunt-double days. Keeps telling Felicia and I he wants to do the same thing when he grows up. Oh, wow. Wow. I, uh, I didn’t realize that was his takeaway. Sorry. I’ll — I’ll walk it back a little bit. Don’t want to lead the kid wrong. No. James is way too smart for that. Uh, living above stables and mucking out stalls and wrangling Quartermaines isn’t for everyone. Maybe not, but I mean, I can see the appeal. Really? Your life seems pretty good to me. Don’t get me wrong. I know how lucky I am. I love my family. I wouldn’t do a thing to change my life with them. But if I had two lives, one might look a lot like yours. I’m sorry I brought the party down by talking about Heather. Clearly, Mac doesn’t really share my point of view, does he? Heather brings out strong feelings for people. It’s a complicated situation, and there’s no solution that is going to make everybody happy. Thank you for saying that. Okay, everybody, it’s almost time for the fireworks. Yeah. Let’s all head down to the water. Grab everyone you see. I don’t want anyone to miss out. Felicia: You coming down? Definitely. I’m gonna stay for a minute. Um, but I will be right behind you. It’s fine. Save me a seat. You got it.

Obviously you are angry with me. Would you like to talk about it? The only thing I want is your assurance that Heather will stay in Pentonville, where she belongs. Oh, well, look at that. We’re the first ones here. That means we get to, uh… pick a…spot. Lucky us. [ Sighs ] Those kids were having fun at the pool, huh? Yeah. Like they didn’t want to get out of the water for more than two minutes, I don’t think. Mnh-mnh. I’m really glad they were having a good time, especially Scout. And you know what? Drew was right. She’s really happy with the name change. Do you want to talk about it? Talk about what? My mother’s potato salad. Yeah. Or the fact that Drew dropped it on you that he’s running for Congress. You choose. [ Sighs ] You know what? I, um, I’m not gonna waste any time yelling at Drew for not telling me about running for Congress. You know, apparently, he and Jason really know how to compartmentalize. Yeah, I know that might not be easy for you. Eh. Whatever. It’s done now. Well, all I can — all I can do now is just, uh, be happy for Drew, and — and, I don’t know, maybe even show up to a rally or two and smile for the cameras. Yeah? And what if someone from The Invader calls you for an interview? I will refuse to talk to them. I have nothing to say to that sleazy rag after what that reporter DeWitt did to Blaze and Kristina. Right. But you should probably have a plan of attack as far as the press goes with Drew. I mean, maybe you do an interview with a friendly reporter or… I mean, saying no comment just might make it look like you got something to hide. You know what? That is Drew’s problem… Right. …not mine. The only thing I’m really worried about is Scout. Because this new would-be career of Drew’s could hurt Scout in all kinds of ways. Are you sure I’m not interrupting? No, it’s totally fine. I love this party, but it can get a little overwhelming sometimes, and I just needed a minute to myself. Wow. Overwhelming is right. I just had an honest to God moment with Tracy. Like, a positive moment. Kind of threw me for a loop. Wow. Yeah. If you can impress Tracy Quartermaine, there is no one you can’t impress. It bodes well for your campaign. Either that, or it’s just like Mercury in retrograde or something. No, that’s next month. Hmm. I am being serious about your abilities. It’s so impressive how quickly you’ve taken to politics. I saw it in your speech. Everybody did. People can tell that this isn’t just a vanity campaign, that you really want to carry on McConkey’s legacy and do great things for the people of our district. I really do. Thank you for saying that. I mean, I’ve said this to you before, but I was — I was blindsided when McConkey made that offer to me, you know? But the more I get into this, the deeper it goes, the more convinced I am I have a duty to do it right. And that right there is why you have to win. If I do get elected to Congress, you know some things are gonna change, including things for you and me. As a matter of fact, Drew and I… Say no more. I get it. You didn’t know, did you? I mean, did Maxie let it slip? No, she hasn’t said a thing. I did kind of pick up on a vibe between you and Drew earlier, though. I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what it was. Well, I guess I’m glad that we’re not being too obvious because neither one of us are interested in advertising it. I think the reaction would be less than ideal. So it’s just a casual thing then? I don’t even think that it — it reaches to that point. No, it just… It just happened a few times. A few very good times. Sounds like you’re enjoying yourself. I am, I am. I mean, it’s not gonna happen again… probably. Hey. No judgment. Drew is hot. Right, right. His body is amazing. You should see his abs. You could grate cheese on ’em. [ Both laughing ] I am so happy to see you laughing again. You really deserve it after everything you’ve been through. But now that you’ve had your fun, it’s probably time to stop, right? I mean, this is the kind of thing that can only end in disaster. s a pretty strong word, don’t you think? It’s just a little fling with Drew. I just want to make sure that you know what you’re doing. You are deeply in love with Sonny. And Drew was just as in love with Carly. And both your relationships ended abruptly and in ways that were heartbreaking. But the end of a relationship doesn’t mean the end of feelings. That much love is like a flood. It’s overwhelming and it takes time to recede. And until it does, it’ll try to find an outlet somewhere else. I get it. I don’t see anything wrong with wanting to have a little company sometimes, a human touch every now and then. It is really difficult to be on your own when you were used to being part of a couple for so long. You know what that’s like, don’t you? I do. And I might have been too careful with my heart since then, but maybe that’s better than having it be broken again before it’s had time to heal. If I do get elected, I’m gonna have to spend a lot more time in D.C. right after I lured you away from your job at GH to come work at the new Tomorrow Institute. I feel like I’m abandoning you. Really? Because I’m worried that you’ll think I’m exploiting you. What do you mean? When you’re a congressman, I plan on lobbying the heck out of you to further the institute’s efforts. And you’ll probably hear more from me in D.C. than you do living just up the drive. Well, I look forward to those phone calls. And as much as I’ll miss you, I don’t want you to feel guilty for anything. I loved working at the hospital, but I’m grateful for the change. I love the work I’m doing at the institute, and I get to spend more time with my kids. I’m glad. Yeah, it’s so funny. Wiley and Amelia are, uh, too young to understand now, but Wiley is fascinated by the fact that I smell like perfume now instead of antiseptic. The other day, he told me I smelled yummy. High praise. Yes. And it’s fun to dress up instead of spending all my days in scrubs. Pretty sure you could have won a beauty contest in those scrubs. Quartermaine stables, complete with an apartment upstairs, doesn’t exactly qualify as roughing it by any stretch. Uh, yeah. Being out here with all the horses reminds me of growing up in Australia. Really? Yeah. Something about the outdoorsy aspect of it, I guess. You know, it reminds me of the walkabouts Robert and I used to take with our parents. And the one time I flew over the outback in a prop plane, oh, man, you wouldn’t believe how beautiful the landscape is from up there. Wow. Yeah, that all sounds amazing. [ Sighs ] It really was. I didn’t realize how much I missed it. You know, I wouldn’t mind spending three months in a tree house or a year, or even just camping under the stars for a while. I got a little taste of it when I was away. It reminded me how much I liked it. Is that why you were gone for so long? You couldn’t tear yourself away? No, no, it just took a little longer than I expected. Came back as soon as I could. I hated being away from Felicia and all, but…I had to go… to honor a commitment I made so long ago, I don’t remember making it. Some things become such a part of your blood, you just stop questioning them. There’s a lot that I don’t love about Drew running for Congress. Especially the fact that if he does win, he’s gonna be living in D.C., probably. Which means he’s gonna be away from Scout. And Scout will miss her father so much. Hey, he’s got money and access to a jet. Drew can come and go as he pleases. It’s just so frustrating. How did I wind up choosing Jason and Drew to be parents when they don’t, like, prioritize their children? Okay, look, biologically, Danny and Scout have other dads, but we’re pretty good at this parenting thing. And I think that little crew that lives with us, they would agree. I don’t know, I think it would be hard to get that whole crew to agree on one thing. What I’m saying is, who cares what Jason and Drew are doing? Okay? Scott and Danny got us, and it’s not always gonna be easy, but it will — It will always be good.

I’m really glad we did that. I think Monica enjoyed catching up with you. Uh, yes. Uh, I enjoyed it, too. Um, how long has Dr. Quartermaine been laid up? She doesn’t like to talk about it, but it’s, uh… It’s been a very difficult year for her, and I understand it has been for you as well. Well, you and I have known each other long enough, so I don’t have to pretend. I have lung cancer. How advanced? Stage four. Oof. My father would be very annoyed. He didn’t believe in ill health. We thought it was a sign of carelessness. Like hitting a pothole that you could have missed. Yes, well, I share his annoyance. I mean, I feel like I’m in my prime. I think I’ve got a lot to do and more to give. My father felt the same way. Well, your father was a fine man and a giant pain in the ass. [ Laughs ] Yes. Well, that’s why we loved him. Listen, if you’re up to it, um, when all of this electioneering is handled, I would like to invite you and your wife over to dinner. Oh, I think that’s a lovely idea. I’ll have Hazel reach out to you, if, of course, I’m not six feet under by then. Well, if you are, I think I’ll just send a nice spread over to your wake. [ Laughing ] My family would appreciate that. Larry… take care of yourself. You too, Tracy.

-The fireworks are starting. -Oh.

Does Grandpa Mac know where to find us? Mac: Shall we? After you.

Wow, they really went all out. It seems like they get bigger every year. I know, right? Oh. It’s amazing how elaborate fireworks have gotten since I was a kid. I’ve never seen one look like rain before. I’m your son.

Trina told me you had some concerns about Heather. Actually, my concerns — they’re with you. Why go to bat for a convicted murderer instead of protecting your constituents from her? Portia, you were part of the team who diagnosed Heather. I mean, surely you can understand the questions that that diagnosis would raise. I treated Heather with the courtesy and professionalism that my oath requires, despite the fact that at one point, her entire mission in life was to murder my daughter. Hey, Nina. Want to join me to watch some fireworks? Hey, um, thank you, but I — I think I’m just gonna head home. Oh, you can’t miss the best part of the night. [ Stammers ] Nina. Michael. Thank you for the offer, but I’m gonna take off. Okay? So… happy 4th of July, gentlemen. Yeah. Nina, um… I don’t like to get in your guys’ personal lives, but, you know, as long as Drew is on the campaign trail, the three of us are gonna have to learn how to work together. Is that gonna be okay? Or is one of you always going to have to leave the room?

I hope I didn’t give you the wrong impression before. I believe in you… so much. You’ve always been there for my family, for my kids, for me. I wouldn’t even be alive today if you hadn’t risked your life in Greenland. You’re the reason I get to see my kids grow up. And everyone should be lucky enough to have someone like you in their corner. That’s why you need to win this election. And I will do everything in my power to help you. But selfishly, I don’t want you to move to D.C. I’d miss you. I’d miss you, too.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Short Recap Friday, July 5, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Josslynn and Trina finally finish moving in to their apartment with the help of Dex and Gio.

Trina finds the art book that Spencer gave her and starts missing him. Gio tells Trina his mother died when he was eleven years-old and he misses her very much.

Drew tells Curtis he plans to announce he is running for Congress at the Quartermaine 4th of July picnic. Drew is
happy that his name is officially Quartermaine.

Blaze gets dropped from her record label because of the bad publicity and she is heartbroken. Brook Lynn is determined to make sure Blaze doesn’t give up on her dream of being a famous singer. Maxie tells Blaze that they will resume the advertising campaign with her in the fall once the bad publicity goes away but Blaze thanks its best to quit Deception.

Dante tries to persuade Sonny not to retaliate against Ava for Avery’s sake but he says Ava went after Kristina
and she has to pay.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

The Deception team decides to support Blaze by running an ad in Crimson magazine which says ” no one cancels love ” with the Deception logo at the bottom.

Lucy tells Scott that if he doesn’t drop Ava’s custody case, he won’t get any romance with her. Scott goes to Ava’s place and tells her he is dropping her case because she can’t win against Sonny unless Sonny has a very public life so miserable breakdown.

Sasha tells Blaze to not talk to the press or look at the internet and the scandal will go away. Sonny tells Alexis that he is going to make Ava’s life so miserable she will wish she was dead. Sonny tells Alexis Diane will make sure Avery will never lay eyes on Avery again. Carly tells Josslynn the details of then evidence the FBI has against her and that Jason became an FBI informant to keep her from going to prison. Josslynn agrees with Jason that Carly should not turn herself in to the FBI. Nina almost fires Adrain DeWitt from his position as editor of The Invader but Maxie persuades her not to do it because Mr. DeWitt will have to print what she wants in the paper and if he disobey her orders she will ruin his reputation by exposing the role he played in this scandal.

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GH Transcript Friday, July 5, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


Well, who are you here for? ‘Cause if you tell me, I’ll keep my eye out for them. Well, a waiter would be nice, but I’m not sure that’s what you’re talking about. The Jordan that I know rarely leaves the deputy mayor’s office. So if you’re here, you got to be undercover. Does it look like I’m dressed for wearing a wire? Even my cell phone’s in my locker. So you really are here just to relax? I am, indeed. Laura asked me to take over one of her meetings for her. So many suits and so many horrible people wearing them. Mm. They were angry when we were done, but when the receptionist told them that we don’t validate, I thought they were gonna burst into flames. Make you miss your old job, I bet. Well, the prisoners did use nicer language. After subbing for Laura at the mayor’s conference in D.C. and that dumpster fire of a meeting I just had, she told me to take the rest of the day off. So for once, I actually took her up on it. What about you? I just took a chance to get some pool time in. I, uh, am trying to take advantage of the last few days before I make my announcement. Once I officially run for Congress, I’d better get my laps in at like 6:00 in the morning, ’cause the days are gonna be crazy. [ Chuckles ] Well, on the upside, at least you’ll probably have the pool to yourself. And I am thrilled for you, Drew. And for us when you win. The campaign trail awaits. Are you sure all this stuff is from the one dorm room? Most of it, yes. That’s why it was so comfortable. When I transferred units in the Army, I had one backpack and one small bag. I know that you’re making a point about packing light, but that just makes me sad for you. It really does. I mean, one cute pillow and your tent becomes a home. Well, sure, but only if it’s really cute. Well, I was thinking about turning one of my bedroom walls into a gallery wall. Yeah, you have the space. And the light. Uh-oh. Look at you appreciating light. And my work here is done. Alright, Gio said that there’s some tools that we might need in the garage, so Dex and I can go grab them. Okay. â™Ș â™Ș â™Ș I know that trolls live to be nasty, but some of these comments — Are over the top, even for a bunch of losers who don’t have lives. Yeah, some of the things they’re writing about Blaze and Deception… Makes you want to track each one of them down — And teach them a lesson. I don’t know what’s worse, the homophobic trolls that are spamming us or — The Deception customers who feel deceived and betrayed that Blaze wasn’t completely transparent. Because somehow they are entitled to know every single thing about her life, whether she wants them to or not. Oh, check this one out. “Deception. It’s all in the name.” I guess we kind of walked into that one. Well, judging from all the similar comments, I guess we did. Trolls aren’t a particularly imaginative bunch, are they? No. This is a bona fide disaster. I-I hate that any Deception customers think we would want Blaze to hide who she really is. Like Deception would be anything but supportive of the LGBTQ community. Yeah, it goes against who we are. Personally and professionally, or as a brand. I just feel so terrible for Blaze. Her mother knew the truth about her and still said those things. How much do you think that had to hurt? I can’t imagine. You know, I-I talked to Blaze about being open with her fans, but she just wasn’t ready. And you respected that. But let’s be honest, she wasn’t ready because of her mom. And if it was up to Natalia, Blaze would never be ready. Probably not. But you know what? Blaze deserved to decide if and when she wanted to come out. I remember a time when outing people was a thing. I hated it then, and I hate it now. Yeah, well, I hated every single word that came out of Natalia’s mouth. But this is between Natalia and Blaze, and they deserve the space to navigate through this privately. Someone took that away from them. You want to hate me? Fine. You can hate me. I don’t really like you very much either right now, so I will survive. But what you have just done to your daughter? To Allie, the person I love? Unforgivable. I didn’t know that I was being recor– You didn’t know what? You were being recorded? I didn’t know! Of course not! At the top of the list of the things you don’t know, you don’t even know your own daughter. Allie is amazing. She’s so special. And — And how could you do this, reduce her to the things that you said about her? You are her mother. You’re supposed to protect her. What is wrong with you? Hey. Hey. What can I do for you, Officer? Just wanted to check in on you, see how you’re doing. Well, you’ve checked in, did your duty. And you can tell the Commissioner that I’m doing nothing. So, uh, Natalia, huh? Yeah. I mean, come on, I know — I know you liked her. You took her to the wedding. Seemed like you guys were having a good time. Yeah, it doesn’t mean that I don’t hate what she said on that recording. Oh, no, that — That makes two of us. But who I despise is Ava. ‘Cause it was Ava’s fault. And I’m going to hurt her in ways she doesn’t even know. â™Ș â™Ș â™Ș To be honest, I’ve said some things I wouldn’t want recorded and broadcast to the world. Not me. I’ve always been thoughtful and kind. Yeah, you’re a real angel. Yeah. Even as a joke, it’s not believable. No. It’s not. [ Both chuckle ] What Natalia said, though, it’s — it’s out there on the internet forever. And she can’t take that back even if she wanted to. Yeah. I don’t know how she and Blaze move past this, you know, try to repair the relationship, if they even can. Well, we need to figure out how to turn this around. Otherwise, Natalia’s comments are gonna cancel Blaze and Deception. We need to shore up the company, figure out how to turn our public image around and save our customer base. Otherwise… Otherwise we lose everything, for everyone. Including us and our careers. We will do whatever we can to support Blaze. I’m sensing a “but.” But with everything going on, I just think maybe it might be a good idea to take a break from Blaze being the Face of Deception. Natalia: Are you done? Or do you need me to order you some room service so you can keep your energy up so you can keep yelling? Are you actually making a joke right now? No, I am taking this very seriously. Right. Only, in your world, gay people aren’t very serious about life. We’re not serious about it at all, right? That’s what you said. The “alphabet soup” that we call ourselves, we’re very flighty? I will give you this, though, Natalia. You packed a hell of a lot of homophobia into one sentence. No. Reckless, and it was wrong for me to voice my — my private thoughts to somebody that I barely knew. Voice them? How could you even think them to begin with? I didn’t grow up the way you did, Kristina. I didn’t. I can’t change that. I’m not going to apologize for having grown up in a different way than you did, okay? So, but part of your life, you lived with your daughter. Allie is none of the things that you said. She is the hardest working woman, and she is more serious about her career than anybody I know. And flighty? I don’t even know where you got that. Maybe I wasn’t referring to her. Must be some book. You looked like you were far away from here. Yeah, I was just caught up in a memory. A good one, I hope. Spencer gave me this book. He was really into art. And — And not the way that people say they are. He really understood how important it was. Art was something you shared, then. It really was. Spencer traveled, too. He’d actually been to places I’d dreamed of. And I used to imagine a future with him, and… now none of it will ever happen. And even though I know that he’s gone, sometimes I — I expect to look up and see him coming through the door. It’s like you can still feel the person you lost. Sometimes you can only feel their absence. What did Ava do now that’s got you out for her blood? Natalia showed up at my place, you know, to drop off something. She got to talking to Ava. Ava recorded the conversation and sent it to The Invader. Ava’s behind that recording? I mean, I get that she’s capable of worse, but why — why would she even bother doing this? Because she’s jealous that I took Natalia to the wedding. You were supposed to take Ava? So she’s gonna conveniently wipe her memory of all sorts of things? I’m telling you, the Falconeris wouldn’t be forgetting about them. I’m not gonna offend Connie’s family by bringing Ava to the wedding. I told Ava that, and I made it very clear. But now that she’s gearing up for a-a custody battle, she’ll do anything to hurt me. Well, you might be right about that. You want to come after me, you’re an idiot. You want to come after my daughters? You’re a dead man. Okay, look, I get that you’re furious right now. And what Ava’s done to you and Kristina, that definitely crosses a line. I’ll take care of it. You go ahead and go. Yeah, I’m not going anywhere. Do you have a warrant, Officer? For what? If you don’t have a warrant, then you need to get out of my place. You want me to make you leave? You know what, Dad? I’ve just been shot again and almost died again. So maybe we save the threats and the hitting each other for…never, you know? ‘Cause that’s not what we do with each other. You told me a long time ago that a guy like me couldn’t live in your law and order life. So get outta my life. Yeah, I’m sorry, but no. Who are you to come in here and say no to me? I’m your son, alright? And I love you, unfortunately, okay, Dad? So when you hurt, I hurt. I know you’re full of whatever it is right now — rage, aggression. You’re ready to pop. You feel like you need to do something. You don’t. The last thing I’m gonna do is walk out that door and let you do something that could come back and destroy you. Thank you. So what does Scout think about your campaign plans? Nothing. She doesn’t know yet. You don’t think she’s gonna notice something’s up when she turns on the TV and sees ads about you running for office? Yeah, I just want to make sure everything’s kind of lined up and under control before I tell her. It’s really, really important that my campaign disrupts her daily routine as little as possible. That could be a challenge. I know, but Scout isn’t the one running for office, right? It’s really important that she just gets to be a regular kid. You know, this could be a pretty unique opportunity for the both of you. You could take Scout on the road with you, and she could see a political campaign in action. And let’s be honest, the sooner she gets this experience under her belt, the better, because we’re gonna need her to run for office. Her smile could get me a few extra votes. Mm-hmm. And your policies and approach are gonna be great. But people vote with their emotions, and hearts are gonna melt when the voters see you and Scout together. I have no doubt that she is gonna be your secret weapon in this campaign. See, you already had my vote, and that was before I knew Scout was on the ticket. Yes. Ah. See? What did I tell you? Sorry I’m late. I was on the phone with the architect. But it is nice to see that the Deputy Mayor got started without me. Um, well, I’ll have you know that I am off the clock. And you never could resist a good strawberry daiquiri. Oh, my gosh. Well, why would I? They’re even delicious when they’re virgin. You and I got to get in there and start doing our laps before we end up with a margarita in our hand. [ Chuckles ] Okay, well, I am going to soak up the sun, enjoy my drink, and maybe order some chips and guac. Chips and guac? Now, see, that’s just playing dirty. Drew: Yeah, it is. Have fun. [ Chuckles ] I lost my mom. I was 10. I’m so sorry. Thank you. You know, she was a musician. A violinist. That sounds about right. She was my first violin teacher. She was great. But then, she was a great mom, too. You know, people always say that, but when you say it, I believe it. It’s really true. My mother and I were like our own little family inside this big Cerullo clan. And then one day, she was gone. And then you’re stuck wondering how someone who just filled up your whole world could just disappear all at once. That’s how it was with my mom. And I, uh, didn’t mean to get us so off track. No. Don’t apologize. I — I get it. I know you do. So, um… it’s pretty hot outside. I think I’m gonna just grab some waters from the house. Okay. Yeah. Thanks. That’d be great. â™Ș So I’m the flighty gay who’s not very serious? Well, if you think that about me, then you know less about me than you do your own daughter, which is saying a lot. Well, it’s funny, ’cause you have a whole lot to say for someone who has only seen a single, tiny snapshot of a decades-long relationship that I have had with my daughter. I carried her in my body. I loved her before she was even born. Then why can’t you love her right now for exactly who she is? I do. I do love her very much. That’s not how it works. You don’t get to — to do that. You don’t get to love somebody by picking and choosing pieces of them that you’re going to accept, and expecting them to hide away the parts of themselves that you don’t approve of. Pretty easy for you to just stand there and tell me, lecture me about things you know absolutely nothing about. What are you even talking about? Well, let’s just see where you’re at in about 20 years when that baby you’re carrying is hurting, and you would do anything, even if it means them hating you, anything to spare them the tiniest bit of pain. Now, I know that you are not having this baby because you want to be a mother, but I just think that you are in for some pretty big surprises. You don’t know anything about why I am carrying this child. I am doing this for my sister because I love her, and I have never been more serious about anything in my entire life. You know you gotta stay calm and take the emotion out of it. And you gotta think while the other guy’s reacting. You’re about to do something you might regret because of Ava? That’s not like you. Well, it’s not like me to let Ava live under my roof. The only reason I did it is because I needed somebody to talk to. Okay, look, you’re going through something right now. Okay? And she was there, and so was Avery. Maybe it felt like you had your little family. The Jeromes aren’t my family. My family’s dead because of them. Connie was murdered. Morgan… Ava messed with his medication. And I still, for whatever reason… …made sure she was safe. Yeah, that seems to be what you do. And what Ava does is stab me in the back again and hurt the people that are closest to me. while since we swam laps together, but you’ve become part dolphin. Well, you used to keep up just fine. You’re gonna get it back. Remember you said that, because I’m swimming laps with you from now on. I’m gonna get my strength back. I can’t, you know, have you flapping your pruney feet in front of me all summer. [ Laughs ] I love it. I love it. Well, you might love it less when I start lapping you. [ Laughs ] And I will deal with that when it happens. In the meantime, I just want to tell you that I’m gonna be announcing my congressional campaign at the Quartermaines’ July 4th picnic. I’ll be right there cheering you on. I know you will, and I appreciate that. I also just wanted to say how much I appreciate the extra work you’ve been taking on, with the Wellness Division rollout. That’s — That’s been pretty much all you. Alone is fine. Fewer people to butt heads with. Well, whatever you’re doing, it’s working. You locked in the flagship property, and you also narrowed the target markets for the rollout. Well, what can I say? I love the work. I love what I’m doing. But you, you need to focus on that congressional seat, you know? Does no good to run a great campaign only to come in second. Yeah, well, I only plan on doing the first part of that. Good, because the woman you’re running against, Chelsea Grimes, she’s a populist reactionary, okay? So I’m convinced that she’s only running to gratify her ego and, uh, to gain a few followers. So her idea of public service is to use the public services to get more of everything for her? Pretty much. And so when you accepted that nomination, you took on the responsibility of taking that woman down, and I’m gonna do everything in my power to make it happen. Thank you. Oh, come on. Oh! I got you. Thank you for the save. Happy to help. Uh, what are you doing? I’m — I’m changing the — the battery of the smoke alarm. You know, this one lasts five years, so that I don’t have to get up in the middle of the night and turn it off in four months. Okay, well, why don’t I go see if I can find us a real ladder somewhere? No, you don’t have to. I almost had it. You just have to spot me. Here to help. And thank God. [ Chuckles ] You know, when I said that Trina and I could do this move ourselves, I-I might have been a little bit overconfident. I mean, I think that we could still do it. We just might need another week. So, am I hearing that you’re happy for my help, even though you were too stubborn to ask for it? [ Scoffs ] Me? Stubborn? You sound crazy. Couldn’t be further from the truth. Hey. Blaze, hi. Did you text? How did I miss that? No, I just showed up. I hope I’m not interrupting. No. No, no, we’re just talking — Look, I’m — I just want to keep this brief. I am so sorry about the things my mother said, and I am so sorry for my decision to stay closeted for so long. Um, it’s pretty clear that I’m a liability to Deception, and that’s the last thing I want, so… I resign. Maybe you’re able to just have that baby and hand it off and move on with your life and be completely indifferent to it. But my babies were my life. They still are. I mean, there wasn’t a single day that I wasn’t grateful for them. Like not — not a single day. My children are — They’re the best part of me. I didn’t just stop loving them or stop caring about their happiness, even though they no longer needed me for their literal survival. But your love is limited. And — And you can’t love Allie for who she is. I’m struggling to accept something that I-I wasn’t raised to believe in. What? That — That gay people existed? No, that gay people were confused. That there was, like… something not right. [ Voice breaking ] And that they — They chose to be the way they were, and so it was wrong. Okay. But you have to know now that that’s not true. I mean, you know that, right? There’s science and — and genetics. I mean, it’s proven. It just — You know, it takes time, um, to reconcile a past with a present that is so different from what is ingrained, you know? So I’m sorry if I’m not doing that quickly enough for you. No, Natalia, it’s not that you’re not doing it quickly enough. It is that you are a bigot because you are choosing to be a bigot. You can blame your upbringing all you want, but the reason you are a bigot is you. And while you are working so hard to become a decent human being, your daughter is hurting, and she is in pain. And you are the reason for that. rn because I’m not. I’m not. Fine. Yeah. You win. You’re a human willow tree. Okay, well, let’s not go that far. I’m just saying that I can adjust my attitude to situations or new information as it presents itself. Good to know. I mean it. You know, I-I can write someone off, but I can also see when they’ve changed. And I can also notice when I have to change. And no one knows everything. And no one’s perfect. You come pretty close, though. Pretty close, huh? I am crazy about you just the way you are. â™Ș â™Ș I don’t want to rush this. Yeah, me neither. That’s not true. I do want to rush it, but I won’t risk messing it up. Trina: I’m so glad we don’t have — Ohh…Wow. [ Indistinct conversations ] Good afternoon, Madame Deputy Mayor. It’s good to see you out of your office. Yeah, I have to admit, it is nice being in sunlight for a while. Yes, I bet. I hope you’re enjoying the amenities and… …the view. Well, I would prefer a view with fewer ex-husbands in it, but I guess who can complain? Yeah, that’s right, that’s right. Well, I hope you enjoy yourself. You deserve it. Thank you. I think so, too. Nina: Drew. Sorry to interrupt, but something has come up, and I wanted to bring you up to speed. What’s going on? Blaze’s mother made some homophobic remarks and outed Blaze in process. Clearly, the remarks were made in private, but The Invader got ahold of them, and now they are everywhere. Social media has already piled on from every conceivable quarter. They are desperately trying to make this into a scandal. So what do you want to do? As publisher, I have already done it. I held the Crimson print run so I could give Deception time to pull the Blaze ad and replace it with a simple two-page statement — “No One Cancels Love.” What kind of a delay in publication are we talking about? 24 hours, give or take. â™Ș So, what do you think? Dante: Look, I hate what’s happened to Kristina. But I’m not worried about her. ‘Cause she’s a fighter. She’s a protector. I guess you could say she got that from you. All Kristina gets from me are mistakes, my mistakes. First mistake was, you know, letting Ava back in my life. Second mistake was letting her live in my house. All that matters is Avery. And let me tell you something. I could have found a different way to keep her safe. Okay, but if you’re saying your different way would have been something happened to Ava, how do you think that would work out for Avery if something happened to her mom? It would have been the best thing for every-everyone. What do you mean? Listen to me. [ Sighs ] Avery’s mom is like the rest of the family. But everybody, you know, they judge me. But I have a code. What do you want, blood on the streets? You want drugs everywhere? That’s the Jeromes. Okay, no one’s sad that the Jeromes aren’t around anymore. Olivia Jerome’s bomb could have been the one that killed Morgan, but it doesn’t really matter, because it was Ava who messed with the medication. Yeah, okay, but Olivia was a-a bona fide psychopath, Dad. So is Ava. She just puts a face on it. That’s what makes her more dangerous. Well, now we know everything she’s capable of, okay? Well, we don’t know for sure. Look what she did to Connie. Look what she did to Morgan. How do I know that she’s not gonna do something to Avery? Because she loves Avery. She’s not gonna hurt her. Ava is what she is — the last of the Jeromes. And I’m gonna take that last psycho down. You have every right to question the things that I said, but don’t you dare ever question my love for my daughter. Exactly where was that love in the things that you said about her? You have no idea what you have lost. Allie is amazing. And unlike you, I appreciate and accept her for the gift that she is. You know, I think I have seen and heard enough of you for a lifetime. And honestly, the only reason that I let you go on this long is out of respect for your father. Oh, but not out of respect for your own daughter? That’s — Hey, now, that is consistent. You are right. We — We are done. You’re a prisoner of your own prejudice. And you — You wouldn’t even free yourself if someone were handing you the keys. Enough, Kristina, okay? Come on. Tell my daughter I love her. Nobody needs the kind of love you have. And I’m going to make sure that Allie doesn’t need you again for anything. â™Ș ve nothing to be sorry for. We’re sorry you’re going through this. I mean, my heart hurts for you. I appreciate that. We were talking, though, and… just given everything that’s going on, we think it might be a good strategy for you to just pause being the Face of Deception. You know, we’ll hit the ground running in the fall and just let everything die down a little. I don’t think it’s — [ Cell phone chimes ] Oh, sorry. I’m sorry. No, it’s okay. Look, I appreciate you trying to keep me on, but I don’t think it’s the right move. Blaze, I’m so sorry. Your label just made an announcement. Um… They’re dropping you. So that’s it, then. No reason for me to be the Face. Not anymore. That’s not true at all. Absolutely not, okay? We believe in you. We know what you have to offer. Which is nothing without my music. You don’t want to say it, but you know it’s true. Okay, what I know is that we have been counted down and out several times. And Lucy has come back a miraculous and upsetting number of times, and she doesn’t have a tenth of what you have to offer. You can ride this out. Despite how you feel right now, we know you can come back from this, okay? And we will be here with you and for you. We’re gonna turn this whole thing into a triumph. People are gonna be sorry they turned their backs on you. And we’re gonna love when that happens. We live for payback. It’s not Deception’s official motto, but low-key, it really is. Thank you both. Really. â™Ș Yeah, this is a tough situation P.R.-wise, not only for Deception, but also for Crimson and Aurora. But, Nina, I think you made the right call. I was concerned that you’d be worried about the costs. Yeah, well, normally I would be, but, uh, in this case, I’m very impressed with the compassion you showed Blaze. And I think it’s a better business decision in the long run. I really do. I mean, it’s better to hold the run for 24 hours and issue a statement of tolerance than to kind of rush into it, make your deadline, and walk right into a firestorm. Thank you. Thank you. Curtis: You know, Nina, you’re real good with P.R., and that’s no small thing. This guy could use your help in his congressional campaign. You’d be a valuable asset. [ Cell phone chiming ] Sorry to interrupt your meeting, but, Drew, your phone is blowing up. [ Cell phone chimes ] You got five messages in the time it took me to walk over here. Are you okay? Yeah. No, no, I’m, uh — Uh, yeah. It’s all good. Drew, you’re not really selling the “all good” part. [ Chuckles ] It’s just that the, uh — the name change is now legal and official. So, uh, you are now looking at Drew… Quartermaine. â™Ș Trina: 7 Starlight and moon drops are waiting for thee 7 â™Ș Sound of the rude world 7 â™Ș Heard in the day Why’d you stop? That was great. You have a fantastic voice. [ Chuckles ] I don’t know about that. I mean, I love to sing, but I usually save it for my shower. Most showers have good acoustics. I mean, the selling point of mine is that it has me alone in it. [ Both chuckle ] You’re lucky. You can’t play the violin with the water running. Oh, give me a break. When it comes to music, you’re, like, on a completely different level. I don’t think that at all. Your voice is an instrument, and if your instrument gives you joy, that’s all that matters. Well, you have to say that because you’re my friend. I don’t say anything about music that I don’t mean. Okay. Um… So, who do you listen to? There’s so many. Uh, Hahn, Vengerov, and, of course, Perlman. Ah, the legend. And you? Legend category? Aretha. Hard to imagine anyone giving you anything but R-E-S-P-E-C-T. [ Both laugh ] time to officially christen the place. Josslyn: Yes. Absolutely. Who wants to do it? Trina: I’ll do it. Okay. Thank you! To good friends, independence, and new adventures. Cheers. I cannot believe Blaze’s label dropped her. They caved in to an anonymous mob. Yeah, a mob that’s gonna move on to somebody else’s mess in a few hours. I meant what I said, Brook Lynn. I’m not giving up on Blaze. And neither will Deception. Blaze doesn’t want to be a model. She wants to be a singer. She is a singer. I know. It’s her passion. I may have lost my chance to sing, but there is no way I am letting Blaze lose hers. Hi. [ Crying ] Hi. Oh. Did something happen? I — Sorry. Did something else happen? My label dropped me. Oh, my God. It’s over. Everything that I — I poured my heart and soul into my career for years. I mean, this was the thing that my mother wanted for me more than anything else, and now it’s just — It’s gone. â™Ș You go after Ava, you lose Avery. Simple as that. And that’s what she wants you to do. She wants you to do something stupid so that she can be standing there with a camera and a tape recorder and a lawyer to take the whole thing in. She’s gonna be sorry if she does that. Just stop. No! I’m not! I mean, look, you want — you want everything to be my fault? ‘Cause that’s what I’m hearing right now. I’m doing everything I can to make sure I do right. But I’m not the bad guy. I don’t hurt kids. I’ve never hurt a kid. But — But Ava hurt mine, and she wants to take another one of my kids. So you know what I’m gonna start doing? Here’s what I’m gonna start doing. I’m gonna start acting like what everyone thinks that I am. You lash out at Ava, you’re gonna cut your own throat. You want to beat her, you got to pull it together.

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GH Transcript Wednesday, July 3, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


(Sorry, we’re missing the second half and will get it later)

I know, Diane. I just really need to know if there’s any news. Am I worried? Ha. A little worried, but I do know if there’s anyone who can keep me from going to prison, I know that that’s you and… Um, I have to go. [ Sighs ] Thanks for the update. Okay. Don’t make me ask. Okay. I really wanted to protect you from this. I know I don’t have to, alright? But this is one I really wish you were still little. Well, I’m not. So what is going on? Okay. Here’s the deal. The only way to get Jason out from under the FBI is if I risk going to prison.

Well, this is gonna surprise both of you, but I actually agree with Lucy. Well, thank you. See? Sometimes I am right. I’m not finished. I agree that Deception needs to make it clear we do not stand with Natalia and her views. But we’re not gonna fire Blaze. Ohh! Okay. But what does that say about our company if we keep Blaze as Face — Face — of Deception? By keeping Blaze on, keeping her as the face of our product, that will show the world that we stand by her right to define herself. Which means coming out on her own terms, in her own time. Absolutely, Maxie. I agree with you 100%. Thanks, Lois. T-That’s swell. But you know what? You are a spokesperson, not a partner. You don’t really get a say in this. Then make it 200%. I mean, come on! As for keeping Blaze on… [ Sighs ] …you’re right, okay? I’ve been sitting here thinking like a total corporation and not a person. Okay. Uh, now that we’re all on the same page, should we talk about damage control? Hey. I heard the recording. Oh. Well, your ears must have been burning. It’s a disaster, especially for Blaze and Kristina. And what does The Invader have to say for itself? I will get to that in a moment. Right now I’m here regarding your company. Another hit to Deception is the last thing that you need. We were just about to discuss damage control. Good. Then I showed up just in time.

Stop torturing yourself. I’m only getting what I deserve. What do you deserve? Oh, my God. Okay. Uh, so, people are garbage. And I’m a coward. I wanted to come out. I wanted to tell the world about us, about me, but, no. I’m a grown woman, a bad-ass rock star, but I let my mother pressure me into staying in the closet, and now my weakness ended up hurting you. You done? Kristina, I — No. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to be a question, actually. Uh, let me try this again. You’re done. You’re gonna stop apologizing, and you’re gonna listen to me right now.

We need to have a conversation, one that won’t be recorded. Alexis, you’ve already scolded me for telling the truth about your perjury incident. You can’t possibly have anything more to say. Stop it, Ava. DeWitt already gave you up. And all I had to do was threaten a lawsuit that would leave him destitute. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I know that you turned over that recording of Natalia to The Invader. Hurting me is one thing. Hurting my daughter is another. That was a big mistake.

You’re saying it was Ava? I had what I thought was a private conversation with her, but she evidently took great pains to edit out her part of the conversation, and then she used my words to ruin my daughter’s career. And Kristina. W-Why? What happened? You know how hard it was for Kristina to — to create this foundation for the kids? Did something happen to the center? Let me tell you something. Because of what you said, the activists, they don’t want her anywhere near what she created because they think that she’s, you know, ashamed of being gay. Oh, my God. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize. I’m sorry. No, no. You may have said the words… but it was Ava who delivered that recording. And now she’s gonna pay for it.

Your life is your own, and you are not obligated to share your personal business with anybody, no matter how many songs you sell. That’s easy to say, but — Allie. You owe them great songs. You owe them a great show. But you do not owe anybody anything else beyond that. Hell, neither do I. People don’t have a right to know who we’re dating or even if we are dating. So to the people who think that they have a right to say I am unworthy to run my center that I built from the ground up or the people calling you a “hypocrite,” they don’t know why we made the decisions we made, and they’re not entitled to know that. They are the ones who are in the wrong. I know you’re right. I do. But it’s just — But nothing. But nothing, Allie. You have nothing to be ashamed of, and neither do I. If anything, the person who should be ashamed is the one who violated your privacy and mine a-and leaked that recording of your mother to The Invader. That’s who should be ashamed. Tell me you know that. Out loud. Please tell me you know that. I know that. Okay. Okay. I still wish I came out the minute I knew that it was real between us. Well, you didn’t. You didn’t. But now we only move forward. Okay? Okay. [ Knock on door ] You don’t think the reporters got past the doorman, do you?

This issue of Crimson has a two-page Deception spread, as you know, and it features Blaze. Well, I was able to hold the print run as a favor to you, because I can’t imagine that you’d want Blaze for Deception on the newsstands this week. First of all, Deception 100% supports Blaze. But you’re right — it would be a disaster and probably just draw more outrage. Right. Lucy? Thank you. I get a say? Of course you do! You’re a partner. Look, you know that I support Blaze. I do. It’s just that — [ Chuckles ] You know, really, this is gonna take away from the product, which is what the spread was all about. Alright. You’ve already bought the space. What do you want me to run instead? Okay. What about this? We, um… We do a brief history of Deception. A-And, of course, I-I would be more than willing to give an interview. Oh. Would you? Or we could print a two-page transcript of your viral “Home & Heart” appearance where you talk about you, you, you, and you. Okay. Okay. You know what? I happened to be magnificent that day. I was articulate and concise and informative, charming — You were a talking test pattern. Lucy, the last thing we need is to not sell product in two mediums. You know what? I-I may be a lowly employee, but I do have a suggestion.

Oh, yes! I heard that recording. The Internet was all abuzz about it. I had nothing to do with it. Why would DeWitt lie? Who’s DeWitt? You know who DeWitt is. You know he’s the gossip columnist at The Invader, Ava. The Invader? Come on, Alexis. Connect the dots. Nina, the publisher, decided out of the blue that she hates me, and now she’s conspiring with this DeWitt person to frame me. Okay. Why don’t we prove it? Why don’t I subpoena your phone service provider? They keep all that data transfer. I mean, I’m sure that file you recorded on Natalia is pretty hefty. My lord, Alexis. A subpoena. Based on what? Has it really been so long since your dishonorable discharge from the law that you have forgotten how things work? Well, good. Good thing I’m taking all these refresher classes to catch up. Why? You didn’t know? Nobody told you? Oh, I got my law license back. Well, how long until you’re done with your remedial law school and you can hang your shingle? Well, I’ll be working at Diane Miller’s firm, but I won’t be taking on any clients yet. That’s alright. Baby steps. Yeah, because I’m gonna be so busy on this big case. It’s really — It’s big. It’s huge. It’s brutal. It’s bloodbath. Care to guess what it is?

iend, Special Agent John Cates, and his superiors have been pulling Jason’s strings for the past two and a half years by threatening me. With what? Is this about the insider-trading thing? [ Chuckles ] They have a recording of me. When Sonny was in Nixon Falls and we all thought he was dead, I went to a meeting and I announced that I was running the Corinthos organization. Oh, my God. Tell me you didn’t.

Sasha. Hi. Hi. I would ask if this was a bad time, but that’s… kind of why I’m here. Come in. Come in. Sorry. The reporters and paparazzi are outside. One of them recognized me. But not before your doorman did. He’s — He’s doing an amazing job. [ Sighs ] How are you doing? Better now, but still not great. Not that we don’t always love to see you, but — No. I get it. I get it. You’re not in the mood for company. This is just a drive-by. I, um, I was out shopping for the Quartermaines when the story hit, and… Well, as someone whose life has been blown up in the press more than once, I, um — I wanted to give you the benefit of my, uh, hard-won experience. Maybe instead of running the spread featuring Blaze, we give Blaze those two pages to make a statement, get her truth out on the record. I like the spirit of the idea, but — But the timing isn’t ideal. Lucy: No, it’s really not. And we’re also supposed to be spending, you know, our money on selling our products, those advertising dollars, not wading into some scandal that I know is gonna divide our customer base. Okay, whatever you decide to do, we have no time for anything as elaborate as a photo shoot. Okay? This issue needs to go to print now. I’m sure that you have old shots of Sasha that we could pull from your photo archives. No, no. Absolutely not. We do not want to make it look like Deception is dropping Blaze. No, we can’t, because the Internet would have an absolute field day. Okay. How about this? Across both pages, a simple message in bold type. “No one cancels love.” Underneath that, our company name, Deception. Black pages. White letters. That’s it. Nothing else. That’s perfect, Maxie. It is. It’s genius, if I do say so myself. Lois: I don’t like it. I love it! It takes the pressure off of Blaze, and we steer the conversation in the right direction! Uh — [ Clears throat ] Excuse me. What is this “we” again? The “we”? I mean, Maxie, you have thought of everything! Thank you, Lois. Okay, Nina. Let’s run with it. Yeah, I’m on it. Lois: Ooh! Wow. Okay. My work here is done. Okay. Wait. Again, what is your work here? I mean, why are you even here today at all? Oh, Lucy. Ohh! Ciao! Ciao. What’s next? Well, I can tell you who’s next. Adrian DeWitt. He’s gonna answer for what he’s done.

It was that day that I stopped by your apartment to bring you that single malt scotch as a thank-you gift. Yeah. I recall. Do you remember? And, um, you weren’t home, so Ava invited me in to wait, which — which should have been my first clue. And then she just started some small talk, and she wanted to talk about Brook Lynn’s wedding and the reception. And she — Then she started talking about Kristina. What about Kristina? Well, she was talking about how, you know, you’re very comfortable with Kristina’s sexuality. And so then I admitted to her that I’m struggling with Alison’s, um, which, I mean, obviously, you and I have talked about many times. Yeah, I remember. And I — Yeah. I should have known better than to… talk about my daughter’s personal life with a relative stranger, but how was I gonna know that she was recording the conversation? Who does that? There is no limit to how far Ava will go. I should have told you earlier. Yeah, well, I should have also trusted my gut instinct with her. But to be honest, I… [ Scoffs ] I just — I think I was too arrogant. I was too sure that I could handle anything that anyone threw at me. Until this morning. And I just… I don’t know why someone would do something like that. Why would she do it? I never thought that she’d… come after my daughter like this. lindsided when Maxie played that recording. I-I didn’t even recognize my own voice at first, and then I — I realized, “Oh, that’s me,” that my private thoughts were out there. And then… to see, like, the pain and the… shock and the betrayal on my daughter’s face a-and the realization of what I’d done and the — how that recording was gonna completely ruin her career and all of that hard work and all of that — the negotiating and the — and the networking and — let all of it just up in flames. Did you really think about what she felt about that recording? Yeah. Of course, I did. Because I never wanted my discomfort over my daughter’s personal choices ever to distract her or to hurt her. So I always kept those things to myself, you know? And she was never supposed to hear… What you’re like? I just went through something with my daughter Kristina. Um, she saw something she wasn’t supposed to see. She saw a side of me… I never wanted her to see. And I was terrified that I was never gonna see her again. Exactly.

Ms. Reeves. Ladies of Deception. Sir. I must tell you how gratifying it was to see The Invader’s jump in Web traffic today. Can I assume that that is what this little tĂȘte-Ă -tĂȘte with our favorite advertiser is all about?


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GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sonny asks Diane to start researching how to get sole custody of Avery because he doesn’t want Ava to raise her. Diane tells Sonny that Avery isn’t a baby anymore and she might hate him for taking her away from her mother. Sonny tells Diane that he would rather have Avery hate him than have her grow up and be like her mother.

The team at Deception finally pays attention to the alerts on their phones and reads the article on the Invader website and hears the recording of Natalia talking about Blaze and Kristina. Blaze is hurt by what her mother said on the recording and walks out of the room. Maxie tells Natalia that Deception’s relationship with Blaze will change but it isn’t because she is way. Natalia struggles to remember with whom she had the conversation that was recorded.

Kristina worries about Blaze and how hurt she must be by the recording. Blaze tells Kristina that this is all her fault because she didn’t tell her fans the truth about being gay. Blaze tells Kristina they should break up and Kristina thinks that this shouldn’t end their relationship. The Deception team tries to figure out the best way to handle this public relations crisis.

Alexis tells DeWitt she will sue him and the Invader unless he tells her the name of the person who gave him that recording. Sonny tells Diane that the person who gave that recording to the Invader hurt Kristina and when he finds out the identity of that person they have a target on their back. Alexis arrives at Ava’s hotel room to talk to her. Natalia tells Sonny that she finally remembered who she was talking to when she was recorded. Natalia tells Sonny the person who recorded her was Ava Jerome.

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GH Transcript Tuesday, July 2, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


Hi. Thanks for coming by so quickly. Well, your tone was rather…demanding when you summoned me. What’s wrong? [ Exhales heavily ] My daughter. You have many daughters. You’ve got to be more specific. Avery. Has something happened to her? She’s not hurt, is she? Not yet. My daughter is not safe with Ava, and I want Avery with me. Put him on.

I don’t care if he’s busy. Put him on the phone now! Or I will see to it that you don’t have a job by the morning! Thank you.

I need to see you. And obviously I can’t come there, or someone might see me and associate me with the story on Natalia, so you have to come here to my room. Just to take the elevator up to the pool level and take the stairs the rest of the way. Yeah, yeah. The stairs. You can handle it. We can’t risk anybody seeing you come to my door! Y-You got it? [ Exhales sharply ] Good. And hurry up about it! Okay, I have narrowed down the list of people to fill in for me at the center while I’m on maternity leave. Okay. These are the top five. Can you take a look, let me know what you think? Okay, honey, but I don’t know what I’m gonna see that you haven’t seen. I’m sure whoever you picked is gonna do a great job. Honey… [ Sighs ] But they’re… I knew there’d be a “but.” I’m not that concerned about the center right now. I’m concerned about you.

[ Cellphone dings ] Oh…my God! [ Devices beeping ] [ Chuckles ] Wow! Oh — Okay. It looks like all of us have our phones set for Deception’s news fee– This is a-amazing. Maybe it means our stock prices are sky-high. Lois: Oh, I-I bet you’re right. I bet you Blaze’s fans are ditching Fenty for Deception in droves right now! Girls, I bill by the hour, so if you want to look at your phones… or do you want to talk contracts? The contract is irrelevant! Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Blaze, why don’t you and I go into the conference room and talk in private? Why? What’s going on? I’ll tell you what’s going on! The Invader has posted a recording that at least a dozen other sites have picked up. A recording of what? [ Sighs and chuckles ] Your mother. You know, for someone so overly cautious about media exposure, you really need to learn a lesson about a hot mic. What are you talking about? If you people have started some sort of a media disaster, then tell me what’s going on. Oh, there’s a disaster, alright, but we’re not the ones that caused it.

Come in, come in! DeWitt: [Breathlessly] Water! [ DeWitt breathing heavily ] Did anybody see you? Water! Just give me some answers. No. The coast was clear. Alright. Good. Which was lucky because anyone I encountered would have definitely recognized me. But Mommy Dearest’s big exposĂ© has spiked The Invader’s web traffic through the roof and made me Port Charles’ most sought-after talking head. I’m already booked on TMZ, and Andy Cohen wants me to bartend. Don’t you have anything without bubbles? You listen to me. I don’t care how many interviews you do or how you exploit this to raise your own personal profile. Just keep my name out of it! I took great care to edit myself out of that conversation. I don’t want the blowback should anybody figure out I was the person that Natalia was talking to. I was a successful society columnist for many years, and the first thing you learn is always protect your sources. Now, I know how to keep your secret. Glad to hear it. And besides… you’re not the story. Natalia is. All anyone cares about is what she said, not who she said it to. You agreed to joint custody with Avery’s mother. Yeah, well, I don’t agree anymore. I want sole custody. I-I don’t even want Ava to have visitation. She’s a snake, and my daughter shouldn’t be around her. [Chuckling] Okay. Yes, Ava’s a horrible person. But what else is new? Exactly. No, no. No. What I mean is, everyone already knows about Ava’s history, including her stint in prison. What’s important here is, has she committed any new crimes that we can prove? Because I can make a case to change custody if Ava has harmed Avery or endangered her in any way. Breathing the same air. Isn’t — Isn’t that… [ Both chuckling ] Hmm. Would that it were. No. Sonny, the court takes the parent/child relationships very seriously. In order to get you sole custody, we have to prove that Ava is not simply unfit to raise Avery, but that she is more unfit than you. Because — trust me — for every reason that we give as to why Ava is corrupting Avery, she’ll throw one right back at you. Sounds like you’re already prepared to lose. No. My job is not only to plead your case, but to provide you counsel. And I think you need to know the steep hill that you are about to climb, not to mention what happens if we take this to court. What’s that? Avery’s not a baby anymore. Okay. If she sees you trying to take her mother away from her, that might permanently alter her relationship with you. Are you willing to risk that? Well, I’d rather her hate her father than become her mother. Your call.

[ Beep ] Get dates and other details for a family-court proced– [Phone beeps] What’s the problem? Well, it’s a big one. Do you, um — You mind if I make a phone call?

You’re in the homestretch of your pregnancy, and this last part is gonna be challenging physically and emotionally. It could be daunting. It could be scary. And I love you. And I just want you to know that I am here for you no matter what. I do know that, but it never hurts to hear it. Thank you. I’m lucky I have Allie, too. She’s been amazing. I’m happy for you. [ Cellphone rings ] Excuse me one second. [ Cellphone rings ] Hello? I just saw The Invader’s news alert. What on earth are you doing?! I’m here with Kristina. We’re celebrating because I quit my job at The Invader. Tabloid life is behind me. Um, and I-I don’t know anything about any news alerts. Unless it’s — it’s a picture of my face on a dartboard that they’re running.

[Whispering] Alexis is with Kristina. No, it’s not about you, but it’s bad. You need to go to The Invader’s website now. What am I looking for? Believe me. You’ll know it when you see it. And make sure you turn the audio up. And tell Kristina I’m sorry. Okay.

Huh. What’s going on, Mom? Is everything okay? It’s an article about Natalia. I have it on audio. I’m gonna push play. [ Beep ] Natalia: Well, they’re not really a “normal” couple. Are they? Kristina’s pregnant with her sister’s baby. She’s holding hands with Alison out in public. I was scared to death that somebody’s gonna take a picture and sell it to the tabloids because my daughter’s career is just taking off. It’s gonna be such a scandal. I’m not a prude. Whatever people do behind closed doors, that’s their own business. I just feel like gay people or whatever alphabet soup they’re calling themselves these days, they’re flighty. They’re just not very serious about life. It just seems like Kristina and Alison just think, “Wouldn’t it be so fun to have a baby? As long as we don’t have to do any of the hard work or be serious about it.” I do try to stay open-minded. But if my way of thinking is considered old-fashioned, then so be it. Well, don’t hold back, Mom. Tell us how you really feel! Natalia: I do try to stay open-minded. But if my way of thinking is considered old-fashioned, then so be it. Turn it off. I’ve heard enough. I get the gist. Are you okay? No, I’m not okay. I am so mad. My blood is boiling. I can’t imagine how you feel. I mean, I’m gonna be fine. I’m not the one who was just outed and discriminated against by my own mother for — for the whole public to hear. I’m angry, obviously, but I’m gonna be fine. Is there any word from Blaze? No. Nothing. And usually we text constantly. Well, maybe she hasn’t seen it yet. I doubt that. Deception PR probably reached out to her immediately, and I’m sure they’re locked in a room together, strategizing a response. Do you want to go talk to her? No. Allie doesn’t need me to swoop in. She’ll call me when she can. I honestly don’t understand how any mother can talk about her daughter that way. I know. You don’t. And that’s why I’m so grateful. I just realized… Forget about me taking a maternity leave from the center. After this, they’re not even gonna let me in the front doors. [ Beeping ] Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! My phone is blowing up! [ Gasps ] Do you want to join me and celebrate? Listen to me, you little worm. Forget you know me. When I say my name is not to cross your lips, that means not anytime and not to anyone. Especially not Nina. Ooh! Sounds like there’s a story there. Care to dish? Ask me that again, and I’ll see to it that you are typing with your toes from now on! And don’t think I won’t do it. Men have killed on my behalf for a lot less. So just stick to our agreement. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, you and I have never met, we’ve never even spoken. I already told you — And take down the recording! Okay? By now, it’s had the desired effect. There’s no reason to have it posted online anymore. Are you crazy? I can’t do that. Taking it down would just draw more attention to it. People would be asking why it disappeared and all sorts of other questions, questions to which every answer is “Ava Jerome.” Exactly what you don’t want. And, besides, the wire services have already picked up the story. It’s everywhere. There’s no going back now. I-I don’t — I don’t know what that was, but — I-It’s not like it sounds. It — Really? Are you denying it was your voice on the recording? I’m not denying that. It obviously was me, but — Alright. Alright. She said it. The tape is real. Deception has a PR mess right now. Do you — Do you have any crisis-management people on retainer? -Um, we did. -Oh. Uh, but we let them go when we needed to save money. -Lucy! -Well, that wasn’t a good idea. You know what? I had no idea that something like this would happen! Lucy, I know a guy. No! Everybody just stop talking, okay?! This is what’s gonna happen. Lucy, you’re gonna call our regular PR team and coordinate a response. Lois, text Brook Lynn, tell her to lock down all of our social-media accounts. No comments allowed. Scott, guard the door. From who? From Tracy! We’re all gonna need protection if our stocks take a nosedive! And you — you’re gonna tell me everything you know about that recording. Where did that interview even take place? There was no interview. There was — I’ve never spoken to a reporter ever on that topic. I don’t even remember saying those words or — or who I could have said them to. Because you say such vile, disgusting things so often? To so many people? Cannot believe it’s Natalia Ramirez. I didn’t realize that you knew her. Right. But, then, of course, you would. Yes. She’s Kristina’s girlfriend’s mother. Listen. You know, I knew she had a problem with her daughter being gay — Blaze. But I didn’t think she would spew that kind of garbage. Could it have been faked somehow? A.I.? Well, technically, it’s possible, but I doubt The Invader would have run such an inflammatory story without being able to authenticate it. Not to mention… [ Chuckles ] …they’re opening themselves up to a hell of a lawsuit. It doesn’t make sense. That Natalia is a homophobe and has a gay daughter? You’d be surprised how many times that happens… and how easily some people can hide their ugliness in polite company. Even if Natalia believes what she says, I thought she would be smart enough not to be talking to somebody who could be recording her. Sometimes people let their hatred get the better of them. Why did Alexis publish it? Alexis didn’t. What do you mean? Alexis quit The Invader this morning. The first she heard about any of this was when I called her. Well, whoever did this, you know, they hurt my daughter. And that means there’s a target on their back. arning right now very seriously. Even things that are said in the privacy of your own home, behind closed doors, run the risk of being exposed to the public. I know the dangers of being recorded. Good. Okay. Because it’s things like this, things that are said in anger, that will work against you in your custody fight for Avery. The court needs to see you as a reliable, stand-up parent that the court trusts. [ Cellphone chimes ]

How good of a parent would I be if I don’t do anything about this kind of garbage? Has something else happened? [ Stammers ] See for yourself. Activists on social media are calling on Kristina to resign from the LGBTQ center that she… that she founded. They don’t think that she should be running the outreach because she’s dating somebody in the closet. They think that Kristina — [Scoffs] has too much “internalized homophobia” to be trusted. Well, I’m sorry, but that’s — That far from describes Kristina. But, boy, people love to get worked up over things they know nothing about.

Don’t jump to the worst case scenario. That center exists because of you, and you will be able to work this out. I don’t know. You heard the tape. Natalia was saying such ugly things about gay people. It was appalling. Appalling. Worse is she robbed Blaze of her chance to come out on her own terms. And now everybody knows. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t something that we can do about this. What? No, no. Mom, no. No, I’m not gonna interfere between Blaze and her mother. I’ll let Blaze handle that. But I am going after the person who made that recording public. I didn’t set out to hurt Kristina or Blaze. Or me. But if you just keep your mouth shut, I will have plausible deniability. And if anybody comes poking around asking for the identity of the person who provided you with the recording — It came to The Invader via its anonymous tip line. That’s right. It did. Now go. Get out of here. Hey! Have you — Have you learned nothing?

-Go. -Okay. Okay. Okay.

I have been going over it and over it in my head, and I have no memory of ever saying any of those words to anyone. I’m just — I-I’m wondering. Maybe my phone was tapped. It doesn’t sound like it was over a bad connection. It sounds like it was in person, but… I don’t think that’s the real issue here. [ Chuckles ] You are so right. It’s not about how or why. It’s about… what the hell are we gonna do now? I know you need to respond because I’m the “Face of Deception,” but, to me, this is so much more. This will impact my music career. You’re right. Yeah. No. You’re right. So, um, Alison and I will put together a joint statement that we can release to some friendly outlets. Absolutely not. Why would I ever want to publicly associate with you after the whole world has heard what my mom really thinks of me? Alison. [ Sighs ] Those weren’t specifically about you, those words on the tape. It was more just a — It was just a generalization, really. You mentioned both me and Kristina. But would it really matter if you left my name out of your bigoted stereotyping? Alison. Look — No. Tell us, Mom! Which gay people are disturbing and offensive to your delicate sensibilities? Does the sight of a drag queen on a Pride float make you angry? If the thought of Kristina and I holding hands in public makes you sick to your stomach, are we the problem or would any two women in love disgust you?! Oh, yeah. You’re real quiet now. You couldn’t shut up on the recording, but the minute you have to defend your homophobia, you have nothing to say?! I just think we should talk about this in private, please. Why? The whole world… has heard your words by now. You know, I should have known something like this was gonna happen eventually because this is the way you always talk about gay people. Dismissively. Pityingly. Reducing us to how we look and talk and who we love like we’re not real people to you! Myself included! You know, it really is ironic that the same person who locked poor Blaze in a closet is the same person who just outed her. Lucy, you are not helping. You know what? I am a victim here, too. [ Lucy scoffs ] Somebody has used me to try to damage my daughter’s career. Why are we not talking about that?! You haven’t heard a single thing I’ve said, have you? I let you convince me to portray the kind of straight person you thought my career needed, and now you and your words have destroyed it all! Along with any hope I have for a future and a life in music!

really sorry. Um… My daughter gets very emotional sometimes. I think she has a right to be. Blaze is very upset. Do you want to go after her? No. No. I don’t think it would, um, do any good because she’s not really in the frame of mind to continue that conversation right now, so… I mean, believe me, I know my daughter. Do you? Okay. Um, I have nothing more to contribute. I should go. No, I think you should stay. We might need legal advice. You know, you’re right. I-I think a lawyer probably should be here — as we finalize the very last addendum on Blaze’s… contract. What are you doing? You can’t — You can’t do that! My daughter is known everywhere as the “Face of Deception.” Stop it! If you do that, if you try to get rid of her, there’s gonna be such a backlash in the press — and in the courts. Actually, I — I think we’re well within our rights. This will change our relationship with Blaze.

Oh, hi. Hi. Didn’t you hear me knocking? Uh, sorry. I was just zoned out on my phone. The Invader article, I’m guessing. Yeah. I was hoping you hadn’t seen it yet. Although, then I would have had to have been the one to break the news to you. Uh, no. I’ve definitely seen it. These comments are just awful. The ones on Instagram are particularly brutal. Wow. Looks like I’m canceled. I think we both are. Oh! Uh, bring me a margarita pitcher and the guac trio — extra salty chips. And put it all on Nina Reeves’ tab. Right away, sir.

You’re in my sun. Better than being all up in your business, which I will be if you don’t agree to play ball. I had to harass your poor assistant until he cracked so that I could find out where you were. Note to self — fire assistant. Anything you want to discuss can wait until tomorrow. Now, you are intruding on my hard-earned afternoon off. Good. Because by posting that loathsome recording, you intruded on my daughter and her girlfriend. [ Chuckles ] Is that what’s snapping your brassiere? Hm-hm. Keep yukkin’ it up, DeWitt. ‘Cause it’ll just be more fun for me when I sue both you and The Invader into oblivion. Are you saying that my daughter is no longer good enough to be the “Face of Deception”? The — Her services are no longer needed since she’s been outed? And she can’t sell your fragrances because she’s gay? Uh, Maxie, could I have a word before you open yourself up to — I’m saying the exact opposite, actually. What Deception cannot afford is to have a face representing us who is ashamed to be gay. Lucy: That is so right. Deception has a very diverse clientele that we are proud of. YouTubers, TikTokers, makeup artists, influencers. A lot of whom are gay and have a very large social-media presence. What Deception cannot do is align itself with someone who is ashamed of her identity, an identity a lot of these people also share and are very proud of. Deception is a gay-friendly company, so you and Blaze needed to either get with the program or kick rocks. Lois: Look. Um, listen. [ Chuckles ] I think we’re all parents who love our kids, and this is a very difficult situation that’s evolving. It’s — It’s less about contracts, as it is about a mother and daughter trying to find their way back to each other, so maybe we can just — we could just be a little… careful with our hurtful words. I’m not being hurtful. I’m telling the truth. She is. And you have a point. We love Blaze, but we just can’t sacrifice Deception’s reputation for her. I agree with you 100%. We can’t do that. I’m just saying that maybe we could just put the contract negotiations aside. We can work on our PR response. That gives Natalia the chance to go after Blaze and try to make peace with her daughter. Right? So what do you say? My relationship… [ Clears throat ] …with my daughter is none of your business. Lucy: Whew! Any of your business. [ Lucy chuckles ] Excuse me. But when it comes to the contract… of Deception and my daughter, if any of you do anything to hurt her, you’re gonna have to deal with me.

I’m so sorry. [ Exhales heavily ] I read some of the posts on the way over here. People are saying horrible things about you and the center, and it’s all my fault. No. It’s not your fault, Allie. It’s your mother’s fault. Come on, Kristina. We wouldn’t even be having this conversation if I had just been truthful about being gay. You — You did what you thought was best, Allie. No. I did what was easiest. I didn’t want to rock the boat with my mother, so I tried to have it both ways, and now it might have cost me everything. Including you. I know how much the center means to you. If… you can’t forgive the damage my mom and I have caused your life, I understand. We could go our separate ways. No hard feelings. But I — You don’t have to decide right now. I’ll — I’ll leave. Let you figure it out… Don’t you dare. You are not going anywhere. You haven’t caused any damage to my life. I was already planning on handing over the reins to the center. And, you know, as far as I’m concerned, the only thing that I’ve lost is the title of “undercover Girlfriend.” We’re already out. There’s nothing to hide anymore. Yeah, well, there also might be nothing left to salvage. What if I lose everything that I’ve worked so hard to make? Allie, that’s not gonna happen. Your career is not gonna suffer just because you’re gay. It’s not because I’m gay. It’s because I hid it. People hate liars, and I can’t blame them. Okay. You are breaking my heart. I can’t stand to see you beat yourself up over something that isn’t even your fault. I know it feels like everything is falling apart right now, and I get that, but it’s gonna be okay. Alright? We’re gonna be okay. We can — We can get through this. I have faith in us. Allie, you feel the same way, right? Hey. I’m sorry, Kristina. No, I don’t. Go ahead. Do your worst. [ Chuckles ] I mean, if your legal skills are anything on par with your ability to publish a newspaper, I think I’ll be just fine. Cute. Besides, I have the Bill of Rights on my side. No, you don’t. Even the Bill of Rights has limits, even to freedoms of speech and the press. I distinctly remember warning you about that, DeWitt. I told you to be very cautious how you deploy secret recordings. Secret?! Is Natalia Ramirez boo-hooing that she didn’t know she was being recorded? Oh, ho. Too bad. New York is a one-party consent state. [ Gasps ] Perhaps you should consult the legal books before your triumphant return to court. Perhaps you should seek counsel, because Nina is gonna cut that little tightrope that you walk on and send you plummeting to the ground when she finds out how exposed you’ve left The Invader… and Nina. Did you ever hear of “reasonable expectation of privacy”? Blaze is the “Face of Deception” and a famous singer. Public figures don’t get to claim privacy. True. Blaze is public. But her mother isn’t. See, you and The Invader have monetized and commercialized the name of a private citizen without her consent. I mean, that’s a pretty big softball you left hanging, waiting for me to just hit it right out of the park. It’s also a career killer. I think I’d like to consult my lawyer. Why? You have a lawyer right here. Me! In fact, I’ll just — I’ll just waive the whole retainer. Wait. I will just make the whole thing go away in exchange for one small thing. What do you want? I want the name of the person who supplied you with that recording. [ Breathing shakily ]

[ Beep ] Natalia: I just feel like gay people or whatever alphabet soup they’re calling themselves these days, they’re flighty. They’re just not very serious about life. [ Beep ] [ Beep ] It just seems like Kristina and Alison just think, “Wouldn’t it be so fun to have a baby? As long as we don’t have to do any of the hard work or be serious about it.” [ Beep ]

Who was I talking to? Why the hell would they record it and send it to the media?

Okay. Let’s brainstorm. Besides the press release, what is our next move? Okay, well, maybe I should cool it with my appearances. Okay? We don’t want the world mistakenly thinking t-that it’s business as usual at Deception while I’m out there slinging bronzer! No, we — we need you slingin’ because you are now the only “Face of Deception” we have left. Look, I think it’s important you to be out there even more to show people we aren’t hiding anything and we have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. Yes. Lucy is — is right. We should deal with this Blaze thing head-on! Okay. You know what? This might not be popular, but I’m just gonna go right out and say it. You know, we can’t afford another stumble with Deception, so maybe we need to just put it out that we are completely not going to associate in our contract with Blaze right now. Just like you said. like you said. No, Lucy, I didn’t mean that part, okay? I only said it to prompt Natalia into sacrificing herself, but I seriously underestimated that woman’s self-absorption. Lois: I just don’t think we should be hasty, okay? Why can’t we just take a day to think about it? Because we don’t have time! We need to issue a statement immediately. We need to make sure that everyone knows that we do not agree with Natalia’s views. Otherwise, Deception could implode. We could be inundated with candlelight vigils and marches and — and we could be canceled on social media. What’s it gonna be, Maxie? Should I draw up a statement? Blaze in? Or is she out? I’m not saying I want us to break up. The thought of not being with you anymore… I just don’t see a way for us to move forward after this. Okay. Okay. Then I-I do. I-I will guide us both. That’s a huge responsibility, Kristina. I don’t care. I-I don’t care, Allie. You’re worth it. And I love you. I-I refuse to accept that — that your enormous talent and your huge heart won’t override every ugly thing that anyone will ever say about us. And it is not love that is making me say this to you right now, but it is love that will make me continue saying this to you over and over and over again until you believe it. We will talk again after you set up a strategy to get me sole custody of my daughter. I have a lot of research ahead of me. [ Door opens ] Sonny. I’ll be in touch.

[ Clears throat ] I can, uh, tell by the look on your face that you’ve heard the recording. Yeah. I have. Yeah. I know that, uh, you must be pretty upset by what you heard and that you, I’m sure, don’t have a very high opinion of me now. Pretty obvious, huh? I don’t blame you. I’m not gonna force my presence on you here, so I’ll be going, but first I just wanted you to know — I wanted you to hear where that recording came from. You were on the tape… Yes. …insulting your daughter a-and my daughter. Yes. Unfortunately, those are my words. Yes. Um… But they were to someone close to you… who secretly recorded it. Who? It actually took me a little while to remember who I even had that regrettable conversation with, but when I — [ Chuckles ] When I finally realized who it was… The person who edited out their part of that recording is the same person who supplied it to The Invader. Ava Jerome. My room service was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago. Is there a problem? [ Knock on door ] Ah. There it is now. Thank you.

We need to have a conversation.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Monday, July 1, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Thane


I can’t believe you didn’t approve my budget. Well, believe it. I’m not paying travel arrangements for three editors. You kidding me? Take one. That’s preposterous, Drew! This is Paris Fashion Week! We have to make a notable presence. I’m already footing the bill for you, one editor, three photographers, and your assistants. This is Fashion Week. It’s not like you’re the focus of Fashion Week. This is Crimson, Drew — your number-one brand. Or have you forgotten that? Thank you so much for reminding me. I really appreciate that. So who are you gonna get rid of in lieu of those two editors? Are you intentionally being obtuse, or is this just a very good impression? Excuse me, I don’t mean to interrupt, but, Nina, your office said I’d find you here. Yeah, that’s because she’s always in here demanding one thing or another. Well, maybe I wouldn’t have to be in here if you actually did your job and stopped getting in the way of mine. Sometimes Nina forgets that I’m her boss. Nina, do you think we could move to your office? I need to speak to you. Well, I’ll come get you when I’m done, Alexis. As you can see, I’m in the middle of something! Well, this is important. Well, it’s going to have to wait because I am busy. Or have you forgotten that I’m your boss? Not anymore.

Okay, good. You put in Natalia’s provision regarding interviews, just like she asked. Yeah, yeah, just following orders, Maxie. But don’t be surprised if Natalia doesn’t try and play hardball anyway. Yes, because this is the fourth, the fourth, addendum to this contract. You know, that woman has given a new meaning to the word “momager.” Yeah, well, she’s already ensured most of the work falls on Lois. Yeah, well, let’s just hope Lois doesn’t screw up. Oh, I thought that was your job, Lucy.

Why can I never find my phone every time I’m in a hurry to get somewhere? Do you want me to call it? Ha! Never mind. I got it. Oh, okay. Well, now that you found your phone, can we have breakfast? Oh, I’m sorry. I’m gonna go to the Deception office before my mom gets there. She’s in hard-nosed negotiator mode, so I need to either pull her back, or at least warn Brook Lynn about it. Well, your mom always has your best interests at heart. Or what she thinks are my best interests. Not always the same thing. ‘Kay. Bye.

Hey, Avery, Uncle Sonny. Gio. How’s it going? How are you doing? Hi, Gio! Hi. I wanna go say hi to Joss. Okay, but don’t run. Don’t run! So, are you still at the Quartermaines’? They driving you crazy? No, no, not at all. They’ve been — They’ve been great. And the grounds are so big, I can just… go off by myself and practice without bothering anyone. So… You never bother me when you’re playing. Maybe you’re a little bit biased. Eh… [ Chuckles ] Anyways, uh, the living situation is working out great. I even have, uh, new neighbors. Joss and her friend, Trina. I’m moving into an apartment on the grounds.

[ Knocking ]

Finally! Hi! Hi. Were you expecting someone else? Uh, room service. I’m starving. What do you have for me? Printer proofs for the Harriet Nekaya opening. Ah! Oh, well, these borders still aren’t right. Harriet is very particular. They’re gonna have to do them again. Okay. Okay, I’ll relay the message. Uh, is there anything else that you’ll need? You know, actually, there is something… you can do for me, Trina. You can tell me everything that Joss has ever told you… about Sonny.

I bring Brook Lynn’s regrets, but she won’t be joining us today. Is everything okay? What?! What is more important than her job? Brook Lynn is fine. She’s just needed elsewhere. Okay? And so where is the other dynamic mother/daughter duo? I’m sure they’ll be here soon. Hey, how is everything going, Lois, overall? I mean, we are getting all positive feedback about your department store appearances. Oh. Oh, that makes me so happy because I am having a blast. I mean, it’s helping me hone my skills, getting me ready for all those Home & Heart appearances. Oh! Oh, funny story. Okay, so I’m at Wyndham’s the other day, and this woman comes up to me and she’s raving about Blaze and telling me how proud I should be of her because she thought that I was Blaze’s mother. Can you imagine? [ Laughs ] Natalia: No, I can’t.

What is it now, Alexis? Are you upset about something else? I’ve been upset since you’ve managed to turn a job I never really loved into a job that I really, really hate. Anyway, I quit! [ Scoffs ] We have a contract, Alexis. Do we? No. We don’t. Never had one. Shawn and I didn’t really need one because we trusted each other. And the reason I never brought it up to you is for just this very reason. And I kind of wish that we did, since a contractual dispute with you would be a really cool warm up now that I’ve got my law license back. What?! Alexis, that’s incredible! Congratulations. Yeah. Congratulations, Alexis! You were born to argue. At least now it won’t be with me. Good luck and goodbye, Alexis. I have to go inform Adrian DeWitt that he is being promoted as acting editor-in-chief, effective immediately.

I think that went very well, don’t you? You sure seemed to enjoy it. I’m not very happy about her handing the paper over to DeWitt, though. He was the bane of my existence. You got to have some regrets, though, don’t you? Some mixed feelings after all the work you did at The Invader? Reframing it, elevating its reputation? You did that, Alexis. You should feel proud. I do. Thanks. I mean, it wasn’t “Camelot,” but it did have some shining moments. Anyway, I’m gonna let you get back to what you were doing. Not until I tell you that watching Nina try to recover after you cut her down to size, that was the most fun I had all week. Thank you. [ Chuckles ] Josslyn. Sonny. Uh, I just want to thank you for looking out for Gio. Of course. He’s a nice guy. Yeah, he’s a special kid. Uh, I mean, he’s talented and all, but, you know, he’s — he’s a special kid.

What’s your point? Well, uh, I’ve known the Cerullos my whole life, and Gio’s like, you know, family. And I think it’d be best if… you didn’t give him your personal views on me and what I do. I think it would be better just to… leave the subject of me… out of the equation. Well, it’s clear that Gio puts you on a pedestal, so I have not shared my opinions of you with him… Oh, good. …and I don’t expect that to change. You know, I regret ever trying to open Kristina’s eyes about you. It was not my place, and you are her father… and she’s entitled to those illusions. So I’m not gonna make the same mistake twice. Gio finds out the truth about you… it’ll be because of something you did.

I don’t know what to tell you, Ava. I don’t keep tabs on Sonny Corinthos. You and Joss are so close. Right? And y-you’ve spent a lot of time with Dex too. There’s got to be something you’ve heard that I can use. Use for what? To protect myself! And Avery. Sonny said that I should expect to hear from his attorney, right? And that means that he’s going for full custody.

I — I — Okay, I understand that’s upsetting… Trina, I — Please. I need you to be my eyes and ears, okay? Please, just listen to Joss and pass on anything she says about Sonny. It’s only a matter of time before he tries to revoke our shared custody. He wants to take my baby, Trina. I can’t let that happen.

I’m sorry, Ava, but… Joss never talks about Sonny. In fact, she avoids the subject. And why is that? She hasn’t said. Probably because Sonny and her mom have had so much drama over the years. Joss has never given me details. I’m sorry, Ava, but… I’m afraid that the only thing I can do is cover for you at the gallery and run errands for you. But — But I’m happy to do that for you.

Okay, well… let me know if you think of anything, okay? Every little bit helps. Okay.

[ Door closes ] So I walked right into Drew’s office. Nina was there, and I quit… [ Gasps ] …right then and there. Go, Mom! Yes! Nina pulled out the “you’re under contract” threat. And guess what. What? I don’t have a contract. What? Wait. You’ve been working at The Invader all this time without a contract? I didn’t need one. I told Nina that Shawn and I trusted each other, but I would be happy to go up against Nina in a dispute now that I’m getting my law license back. Well, I’m very happy for you. But, gosh, I’m kind of sad for Nina because you were such an asset to The Invader. I don’t feel sorry for her at all. Besides, she has her little pet gossip columnist, and now she doesn’t have to worry about that pesky little “truth in reporting.” Well, congratulations. I think we should celebrate your freedom with some celebratory mimosas, hold the champagne. You mean just orange juice? Yeah, but, you know, in flutes.

I am sure you get people fan-girling and fan-boying about Blaze all the time. I’m — I’m just saying that I found it amusing that they associated me with her because, you know, we share the title of “The Face.” Sorry I’m late. What did I miss? Uh, just some amusing little story about how Lois is meeting your fans at different stores and places that you don’t have to go to. Oh, and I’m having a ball. And when I tell them that my daughter actually manages you, they ask me for my autograph. I’m having a ball, too, being the other Face of Deception. People even ask me if you’re my mother. [ Gasps ] I know, I know! I was just saying that. [ Laughs ] Oh, we are all just so fortunate to have both of you representing Deception. I mean, splitting the duties of The Face was definitely one of my more inspired ideas. Right, Lucy, because who knows where this company would be without your inspired ideas? Yes, the rest of us can only marvel. Oh, stop. I did not mean to imply I did this all by myself. Good, because we all know what happened the last time you did that. Okay, you know, could we really not keep bringing up my appearance on Home & Heart? Please? Please? Are you talking about our lowest hour of sales ever? No. Why would I want to bring that up? Because we all agreed that will never happen again. Which is why we have Lois, who is not only a dynamite representative, but she’s done a slew of in-store appearances where she’s bonded with our client base. You’re not only gorgeous, but you’re warm and approachable, and we’re really lucky to have you. Right, Lucy? Yeah. You know, that’s what I always say. I’ve been saying that. I’ve said that. See, I believe that we’re actually here to finalize the addendum to my daughter’s contract.

[ Knocking ] Hi. Got a minute? For you? Always. I thought you were out of town. I was, but I just got back from a mayor’s conference in D.C., where I was subbing for Laura, and I heard some interesting rumblings. Rumblings? About what? About you. So, are they true? Are you running for Congressman McConkey’s seat? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I just didn’t think it’d come out so soon. So it is true? I am tentatively planning on announcing the th of July. Here, have a seat. That is, if I get my name change to go through, and I get the yard signs printed up in time. You’re changing your name? According to McConkey, “Quartermaine for Congress” has a really nice ring to it. Wow. So a congressional run and a name change. Aren’t you full of surprises? I hope you don’t think I’m bailing on the Esplanade project. No, no. No, later for that. But is this something you’re doing to raise your profile, or do you plan to win?

One second.

Hi. What’s going on? Don’t look up. What? Why? Ava’s got a room overlooking the pool area, and I just left her, and — and she just made me very uncomfortable. What happened? She’s wound up about Avery. She thinks that Sonny’s gonna file for full custody. Joss? Okay, look, there’s certain things that we just shouldn’t talk about, and Ava is one of them. Okay, no. Just say what you’re thinking. Okay. This is gonna sound ironic, but I think that she’s better off with her dad.

Ava’s always been very supportive and loving to me. I consider her a close friend, not just an employer. But the Ava that I’ve been seeing lately… it’s — it’s like the one that Spencer used to talk about. Look, if Ava and Sonny go to family court, that’s gonna get really ugly. I’m sorry. You shouldn’t be dragged in the middle of this. No, I’m — I’m steering clear. Not even trying to be the go-between. I just feel bad for your little sister. She’s the one in the middle.

[ Scoffs ] You sure took your time. I’m not accustomed to being summoned. I certainly wasn’t gonna visit you at The Invader’s office. I have had a very busy morning, so I hope this covert visit is worth the hype. Now, what do you have for me? What do you know about Natalia Ramirez? She’s the mother of that pop star, Blaze, right? What about her? Ms. Ramirez is controlling, insufferable, hypocritical, and definitely not politically correct. Did you get the audio file I sent you? Yes, but I haven’t had time to listen.

[ Beep ]

Natalia: I’m not a prude. Whatever people do behind closed doors, that’s — that’s their own business. I just feel like gay people, or whatever alphabet soup they’re calling themselves these days, they just… they’re flighty, just not very serious about life. Kristina, she’s gonna be pregnant for nine months, give birth, and then just hand the baby over. See, to me, it just seems like Kristina and Alison just think, “Oh, would it be so fun to have a baby, as long as we don’t have to do any of the hard work or be serious about it.”

I do solemnly swear that I will give my campaign everything I have in terms of time, finance, dedication, and I fully intend on winning that seat. Alright, then you have my full support. Well, thank you. It means a lot. Do you want to hear my platform? Because I’d appreciate your input. I’m happy to give it. But the reason you have to win comes down to a name — Chelsea Grimes. My soon-to-be opponent. That woman should not be considered a serious candidate, but her numbers are creeping up and her campaign is picking up steam. And believe me, she is an absolute terror. Only out for herself and will do or say anything to get into power. She’d be a complete distraction in Congress, a waste of a seat for her constituents, and she must be stopped at any cost. So, my friend, my advice to you is to get up off your butt and start campaigning — with or without merch and yard signs. Okay, I would like to propose a toast to my accomplished mother’s very bright legal future ahead. Alexis: Aww, thanks. So what happens next, Mom? When do you get to start practicing again? Um, I just have to do some continual education stuff first. Oh, sorry. That’s okay. What’s with all the rĂ©sumĂ©s there? You staffing up at the center? Uh, no. Actually, I’m looking for a replacement. Someone to fill in for me while I’m on maternity leave. Oh. Yeah. It’s kind of overwhelming. That bad? No. God, no. It’s good. It’s really good. There are candidates who have master’s degrees in social work and people who have over a decade worth of experience in the field. You know, while there’s me just figuring it out as I go and learning on the job. And doing a splendid job of it. You know, that center exists because of you, and I’m sorry you have to deal with delays with construction and having to change the — the opening from June to August. But, you know, that kind of stuff just happens with a project like this. Yeah. Yeah. It’s kind of ironic, though, right? The center is finally opening up its doors right when I’m taking a leave of absence. Hello, neighbor. You coming or going? Uh, planning to change and take a dip in the pool? Uh, no. I’m just here for work. Ava needed to see the proofs for the announcements for the new gallery opening. You want to see? Sure.

I figured it would just say “live music.” I didn’t think I’d be credited by name. You did this, didn’t you? Did I spell your name correctly? It’s all good. I — I really lucked out. I — I moved here and I met all the nicest people in town in my first month. Well, I got you a gig at the gallery, but I can’t do a thing here at the pool. In other words, I better get back to work, huh? Yeah.

I agree. Let’s get this show on the road. Here you go. Great idea. Okay. Um, I would like to start by saying that the new ad campaign featuring Blaze turned out fantastic, and we are getting great response from it. We also all agree that the division of duties for The Face of Deception worked out beautifully. You each reach a different segment of our market and we’re very happy about that. I am sure Lois’s upcoming appearance on Home & Heart will go spectacularly. And, Blaze, I speak for myself, Lucy, and Brook Lynn when I say we are happy to accommodate the addendum to your contract. Third time’s a charm. Actually, it’s the fourth time we’ve tried to satisfy your mom.

Natalia: I do try to stay open minded. It’s just that if my way of thinking is considered, um, old-fashioned, then, you know, so be it. [ Exhales sharply ] [ Beep ] Now, is this legit? It’s not doctored or AI? Oh, it’s the real deal. Or should I say the real Natalia Ramirez? You can have the whole recording to use however you like… as long as you can assure me that none of it gets tied back to me. Oh, don’t worry. I always protect my sources. Isn’t her daughter the new Face of Deception — the cosmetics line that prides itself on environmental and social consciousness? [ Chuckles ] Oh, mama! Now, you may encounter some resistance with Alexis on writing this story. [ Chuckles ] Your timing could not be more perfect. Alexis Davis is bye-bye. Out. As of this morning, you’re looking at the new editor-in-chief. You can send that entire audio file to our anonymous tip line. I’ll be watching and waiting for it. And stay tuned to your laptop, Ms. Jerome. This smoking-hot story is going live today. It has been an absolute pleasure.

Get me the copy department please. Ta-ta.

Pleasure’s all mine. I promise to give my opponent the fight of her life. Well, I hope you’re prepared because that woman will definitely fight dirty. Nina: Okay, Drew, I can manage Paris with two editors and two photogra…phers. I am so sorry. I didn’t know that you were in a meeting. Hi. Is this about the docks project? You know what? I’ll just come back another time. No. No. No need to. We were just wrapping up. I need to get back to City Hall to see what’s been going on in my absence. I just stopped by to do some fact-checking. I-It’s okay. Nina knows about the campaign. And I promise that I’m gonna make my announcement very soon. And when I’m elected, the whole McConkey Esplanade, that is gonna move so much faster once I’m able to support that in Congress. Well, then, Congressman Quartermaine, I look forward to the yard signs and buttons. -See you soon. -Talk soon. Congressman Quartermaine? Thank you. Mm-hmm. All the delays and the endless meetings with the architects and the contractors and the change order and permits… It’s all just a lot to handle. Now my due date and the center are both set for August. The timing is not great. Do you think that you’re not entitled to take time to recuperate because you’re not gonna be raising the baby? Because that’s just not the case. You’re entitled to maternity leave, even as a surrogate. Yeah, I know. I know I am. That’s why I am looking now for my replacement to take over while I’m away. Kristina. What aren’t you saying?

That I’ll be away from the center giving birth to a baby that I have carried for nine months that was never meant to be mine. Uh — [ Chuckles ] I think what Lucy meant to say is that Natalia is very…diligent. It’s okay, Maxie. I know exactly what Lucy meant to say. And I’m not gonna apologize for the care that I take with my daughter’s career. As a matter of fact, I think the fact that we’re here in this room having this discussion right now is validation that I’ve been very successful in my efforts. My mother has always had my best interests at heart. And she has good instincts. Thank you, sweetheart. Can we do this? Scott: Uh… Yeah. Okay. I drafted up a new version that… Oh! Thanks. …should address all of your concerns. I think you’ll find it acceptable.

Natalia: No. No. This is awful. This is not what we agreed to.

Mom! Hi, ya little fish! How are you? Hey, Joss. Hey. You want to help Sonny out? Sure. W-What’s up? Here. Follow my lead. Avery, there’s ice cream being served downstairs in the garden. Um, I can’t take you because I’ve got to stay and watch the pool, but Gio can. You remember Gio, right? I’ve known him since he was smaller than you. Hello, Gio. Hi, Ms. Jerome. Well, Avery, it’s fine by me if you want that ice cream. I can get you extra sprinkles. I know a guy. [ Chuckles ] Come on. I was watching from my balcony, and I saw the two of you. Avery is becoming quite the strong swimmer. Ava, I showed you to the door ’cause I don’t want to see your face anymore. Not at my place. Not here. Not anywhere. Are you still harping on this? Fine. You can have two editors, two photographers. Well, thank you… Mr. Quartermaine. I appreciate your generosity. You can make fun of it all you want, but it definitely raises the recognition factor, not that I expect your support. I beg your pardon? I backed you to McConkey! Yeah, that’s because I put you on the spot and you just said whatever the Congressman wanted to hear. I also happen to remember that you extracted your quid pro quo immediately afterwards. I told McConkey that you would be a great representative for Port Charles and that you are just the kind of “loathsome” that will do well in Washington. Please. Nina. My head is spinning with all the compliments. Drew, I am a supporter. I’m gonna go all-in to get you elected. And despite Alexis’ dramatic exit, it appears that The Invader will survive, so my publication stands ready and willing to support you at the most opportune time. If I knew what I was doing, I would offer to be your campaign manager. And why would you help me? You know, it’s just the reality is hitting. The reality that I am planning for maternity leave, but I’m not the mother, you know? I’m just the… [Voice breaking] The surrogate. And… You know… I think now that I’m experiencing it and the experience is coming to an end… I keep thinking that it is exactly like you and Sam warned me. Because my body doesn’t know the difference, you know? I mean, my hormones don’t know whether it’s TJ and Molly’s baby or if it’s my baby. And I just keep thinking, you know, if everything goes according to plan and if Molly and TJ stay together and they raise this baby… are they gonna miss me? You know? Will they even think about me at all? What’s gonna happen? I mean, will they know… that the woman holding them isn’t the woman who actually carried them? Does that — Maybe it doesn’t even matter. I don’t know. I just… I can’t stop thinking about what’s gonna happen to me. What am I supposed to do, Mom? W-What do I do in six weeks? I just, what, bounce back to work and I get my body back in shape and then I go to the center like nothing ever happened? Nobody expects that from you, honey. I know, but it’s just — it’s — The closer that I get to my due date, I… See? That’s another thing. That’s a perfect example. My due date? Like, is it even my due date? No. It’s really Molly and TJ’s due date. And I’m just the — the — the woman, the person that’s just doing the labor. I’m giving birth. It’s not really my due date. It’s definitely your due date. I’m sorry, Mom. I’m just — I’m — I’m spinning out a little bit because I just — I — I know you warned me about this, and I don’t want you to be disappointed at me. Disappointed in you? I am so proud of you… I could cry. Oh. Don’t do that. [ Sobs ] Oh, honey. It’s okay, baby. What is your problem now? Natalia, what specifically are your concerns? Yeah, I drafted this up to reflect your concerns. The last sticking point was the interviews with Blaze. She said that she would do them if she knew the questions ahead of time. It’s here in black and white. [ Cellphone chiming ] What — What — What’s your problem? Where did this language about “video interviews” come from? Well, welcome to the st century. Scott! Lucy: Uh, he’s right. You know what? A lot of celebrities do video, on-camera interviews. That’s how they build up their followers, their views. Well, in fact, I have quite a few of those. I should know. Here we go. [ Clears throat ] [ Cellphone chiming ] Can you turn that thing off, please? I-I’m sorry. I get an alert every time Deception’s in the news. Lucy: It’s probably because Deception is trending. You know, come to think of it, I did give a really nice motivational post this morning. It was about authenticity! Okay. Alright. I’m sure it will calm down. Can we just continue, please? Okay. Can we start with page one, paragraph three?

I don’t want any trouble, Sonny. I simply saw you and our daughter at the pool and I came down to say “hello.” No harm in that, right? As long as we understand each other. Oh, I do. Maybe you don’t. You need to be very careful, Sonny. Because if you even think about taking my daughter from me, it’ll go worse for you than you can even imagine. And why wouldn’t I help you, Drew? I mean, we’re managing to get along, and Willow idolizes you. And, clearly, this is something that you’re committed to, to the point of changing your name. And if I help you get elected, maybe it will help me with Willow. All about the public service, aren’t you, Nina? Well, I’m desperate to have a better relationship with my daughter, yes. That’s nothing new. But… I do believe in you, Drew. And you’re no worse than most of the politicians out there. And you’re vastly preferable to your opponent. So stop questioning my motives, okay? If you’re gonna win this — and I want you to… you’re gonna need all the help that you can get.

Look what you’ve done. You volunteered to have this baby for your sister and for TJ, and it is an incredibly generous act. Then… you know, you opened an LGBTQ+ — I got it right, right? [ Laughs ] For the youth. I mean, another incredible, incredibly generous act. You, Kristina, have the biggest heart. It’s because I’ve always been so loved and accepted and supported. And when I think of Allie and her relationship with her mom, I think of… how I am able to do what I’m able to do because of you and Dad. And I know you guys don’t always see eye to eye, but you have always made me feel important, accepted, and you’ve let me be me. And why wouldn’t we? When who you are is just so damn fabulous.

That’s my girl. Are you threatening me, Ava? It’s not a threat, Sonny. It’s a promise. You forget who I am… what I’m capable of. I suggest you remember real quick. Avery is my daughter, and I will do whatever I have to do to make sure she stays with me. And while my history may be questionable in some respects, yours is much, much worse. You can’t afford the kind of trouble I can make for you.

[ Cellphone chiming ] Maybe we should reschedule. Oh, what? To revise the fourth or draft up a fifth? No, no. [ Cellphone chiming ] Guys, we’re gonna get this done, okay? Let’s get this done right now. And, Maxie, could you just turn off your phone? You know what I guess this probably is? Is Deception is trending because we are having so much success. Our sales are soaring because of our new products and because — thanks to you and all your hard work. And, yes, Lois, thanks to you, too, we’re doing very well. Lois: Thank you. I feel so welcome. Scott: Alright. Come on. Come on. Come on, girls! Can we get down to business? Oh…my God!

On the next “General Hospital” —

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