Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Curtis finds Portia getting ready at their place for her lunch with Trina. Stella shows up. She’s not surprised when Curtis tells her that Marshall left town and that they had an argument, nor that he lied about everything, including the mental hospital. Stella confesses that she knew he was still alive, and so did Curtis’s mother. Curtis is aghast. She gets very upset, so they hug. Curtis decides to find Marshall to get the truth out of him.
At Wyndemere, Esme has some romantic adventures planned with Spencer, but he tells her that he has to go to work at Kelly’s. Nikolas consoles her. She pours her heart out to him, and they also talk about Ava. She compliments Nikolas, and they sit very close together.
Ava and Trina are at Kelly’s. Trina is very upset that she might get kicked out of school because of the allegations against her. Ava suggests that she try to stay positive and let her take care of Esme. Portia runs into Spencer outside Kelly’s and yells at him for everything he’s done to Trina.
Anna and Felicia have lunch. Anna tells her that Valentin kissed her and then disappeared. Valentin shows up and wants to take Anna out, but she blows him off. She tells them that Agent Beeman arrested Jennifer Smith, who will go to Steinmauer forever for killing Robert.
There is a kids’ talent showcase. Leo has to read a poem, but he’s nervous. His family tries to support him, but he only cares about Chase being there. Chase arrives. Leo reads his poem, seeing only Chase and blocking everyone else out. Someone watches Chase and Brook Lynn.
Michael is rude to Sonny. Willow thanks Sonny for flowers he sent after Harmony’s death. Dante warns Sonny that he needs to make up with Michael. Sonny is there to see Avery dance. Sam is there to see Scout’s painting. Drew and Michael offer Ned the position of COO at ELQ, but he’s not happy about that. He meets up with Valentin.
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