Blog: Happy National Gluten Free Day!

Blog Post #214


Happy New Year and Happy National Gluten Free Day!

Happy Gluten Free Day!

I’ve been gluten-free (GF) for a few decades now. I was sick for years before an allergy doctor helped me figure out what was causing my IBS-like symptoms. Quite a few people have Celiac, or wheat allergies, or more. Some people just feel better avoiding it.

If you don’t know what gluten is, that’s pretty common, too. Gluten is in wheat, rye or barley, and these foods can be found in many store-bought products, and those used in restaurants. It’s very easy for those of us who are sensitive to the stuff to get “poisoned” by accident when we eat out or buy food anywhere. Gluten is in many products you wouldn’t think of, such as gum, soy sauce, potato chips, candy and even McDonald’s French fries.

Some people eat gluten-free because they think it will help them lose weight. Well, if you do eat a lot of starchy foods like pasta, bread, cookies, crackers, cake, etc. then, yes, cutting those things out will help you. However, if you just find replacement products that are gluten-free, you’re still not going to lose weight. In fact, you may gain weight because many gluten-free products substitute rice, potato or corn flour for wheat flour, which generally has more carbs and calories. They also tend to add more sugar, to make it taste better.The Talk on Tuesday April 10, 2018 the CBS Television Network. Julie Chen, shown with Actress Zooey Deschanel, who discusses the final season her show on "The Talk," Tuesday April 10, 2018 on the CBS Television Network.

Many celebrities eat GF, such as “Kardashians” star Kourtney Kardashian, movie/TV star Jessica Alba, reality star and TV show host Elizabeth Hasselbeck, “New Girl” star Zooey Deschanel, movie/TV star Ryan Phillippe, actress/reality star Denise Richards, and actress Jennifer Esposito, as well as soap stars Sarah Joy Brown, Courtney Hope, Tracey E. Bregman, and Arianne Zucker.  Quite a few celebrities also eat dairy-free, vegan or vegetarian – often for health reasons.

Unfortunately, a lot of comedians make fun of eating GF, as well as other disorders such as peanut allergies and IBS. I hope one day that they’ll be more sensitive to their audience members.


20% off orders
4-11 thru 5-18

More Below about Gluten Free Day!


Mightylicious Gluten Free Foods Founder Tells You How to Ditch the Gluten & Improve Your Health

· 15% off with PROMO code GFDAY

· Many Top Celebs on Gluten Free Diets*

· Benefits of Eating Gluten Free

(Woodbridge, NJ JAN 8, 2025) — In today’s world of food allergies and celiac disease, eating a special diet that is free of gluten can be a challenging way to live that impacts every day and every meal.

More than 1.3 million Americans are on Gluten Free Diets, and according to US MAGAZINE, they include some of our *favorite celebrities – including Kourtney Kardashian, Jessica Alba and Zooey Deschanel, and many more. We can support them all by observing National Gluten Free Day! JAN 13, 2025

History of National Gluten Free Day

Gluten, a protein that is found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye and triticale, is a substance that many people struggle to digest, creating sensitivity in some people or even seriously dangerous health problems in others. One serious complication, called Celiac disease, is an autoimmune problem that prevents the absorption of nutrients in the body, which means that gluten needs to be cut out of their diet completely. National Gluten Free Day got its start in 2014 to raise awareness for the cause of eating gluten free, and it is observed on the second Monday of January each year.


In 2012 Carolyn Haeler was diagnosed with Celiac disease, and it changed her life forever. After 9 months of illness, she became passionate about functional ingredients, nutrition, and living a gluten-free life. When she couldn’t find any good tasting gluten free foods on store shelves, she decided to leave her position in the financial world and devote herself to developing delicious Gluten Free products, and hence MIGHTYLICIOUS Gluten Free Foods was born. Her line of artisanal and allergen-friendly cookies (7 varieties) and gluten flour blends have received accolades from the food industry and consumers alike and are available at retailers nationwide. Here’s why she Carolyn Haeler, creator of MIGHTYLICIOUS Gluten Free Foodssays you should consider a gluten-free diet:

Benefits of Eating Gluten Free

While most people may not have celiac disease, having a sensitivity or intolerance for gluten may be more common. This means that cutting out gluten in the diet might actually be beneficial even for some people who have not been diagnosed with celiac. (Of course, it is important to consult a medical professional or dietician about any health issues.)

Consider these benefits of a gluten free diet for those who have sensitivity:

1. Clear Skin

One of the most common symptoms of sensitivity to gluten is the appearance of a rash on various parts of the body, including the face, back, elbows, knees, and buttocks. These small red bumps are caused by dermatitis herpetiformis, an immune system response to eating gluten. Removing gluten from the diet can help clear things up, but some additional medication may be necessary depending on how extensive the skin rash is.

2. Better Gut Health

Many of the key issues caused by gluten occur in the digestive system, including bloating, gas, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vomiting (7). When switching to a diet of gluten-free foods, most of these symptoms should disappear and gut health improve drastically. You may find that your bowel movements are more regular, abdominal pain and discomfort subsides, and that your digestive system is running more smoothly.

3. Decreased Headaches

Headaches and migraines are common complaints among those who can’t tolerate gluten, along with brain fog (8). Cutting out gluten-containing foods from your diet can help stop migraines and help you think more clearly.

4. Improved Energy Levels

Feeling tired after eating gluten-containing food is another common complaint from those suffering from celiac disease (9). This is why some may find that switching to a gluten-free meal plan improves their overall energy levels and mood.

5. Decreased Joint Pain

In one study, arthritis patients that have a gluten sensitivity or celiac disease eliminated gluten from their diet and found that their arthritis symptoms improved (10). For those who are prone to sore joints and cannot tolerate gluten, switching up your eating may decrease joint pain.

6. Improved Food Choices

If you are focused on choosing more naturally gluten free foods in your meal plan, you may find that your nutrition improves from better food choices. This is because naturally gluten free foods are typically whole foods like meat, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. Additionally, many gluten free grain alternatives tend to be simple, whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and many ancient grains.Jessica Alba eating gluten-free in Italy

7. Weight Loss

Unexpected weight loss is a symptom of celiac disease due to many of the associated digestive concerns. However, switching to a gluten free meal plan can lead to more intentional weight loss when it is included as part of a balanced, calorie-controlled diet. This is typically the result of improved food choices and decreased calorie intake when cutting out certain foods.

How to Celebrate National Gluten Free Day – Try Eating Gluten Free

In solidarity with those in the world who must eat a gluten free diet, consider taking National Gluten Free Day as a time to experiment with what it would be like. Choose to avoid foods that contain gluten, such as pasta, bread, crackers and more. Cut out all wheat, as well as foods that may have been prepared in facilities that contain wheat, such as oatmeal. Instead, go for gluten free substitutes for bread, or simply avoid grains altogether and eat a diet that consists more of fresh fruits, vegetables, rice, potatoes and dairy products.


The award-winning gluten free cookie company offers 7 cookie varieties of mouthwatering flavors including vegan and vegetarian options. Mightylicious hand-crafted cookies truly have it all: amazing flavor, perfect texture, clean ingredients.

Young and The Restless stars Tracey E. Bregman and Courtney Hope work out. Both eat gluten-free!Mightylicious Gluten Free Flour Blends – These three game-changers are made from top-quality, superfine rice flour for a neutral flavor. Milled specifically for baking, they deliver a soft, airy texture to all your favorite recipes.

• All-Purpose Flour

• Vegan All-Purpose Flour

• Vegan Chocolate Brownie Mix

All MIGHTYLICIOUS products are certified gluten-free varieties are kosher, non-GMO verified, and free from key allergens.

Find Mightylicious online and in retail outlets including Walmart (231 outlets nationwide), Whole Foods, Costco, King’s, Price Chopper, and more.

Here are all of our Articles!

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers


Blog: Welcome Back!

Blog Post #211

Cartoon of girl writing blogI have to apologize once more for not writing in this blog. My last year of taking classes just really made me too busy for anything else. Oh, I wrote a million blogs in my head, but when it came to actually writing them here….that was the problem. I will try to do better now that I’m working full time on the site again!

I hope you’re all doing well in this weird time.  In some ways, it’s a very good time for television because more people are probably watching than ever before (even if they’re watching on their computers, phones or tablets, and not on “traditional” TV). I’ve never seen so many people asking what they should watch, or talking about TV, on social media.  Of course, there are more people on social media, too, than before, I’m sure. Or I should say, there are fewer lurkers. I know people that never posted much at all before, and now they’re posting often.  A lot of people just have more time on their hands because they’re not working, they’re not traveling, or they’re not going out with friends… or anywhere else.  The big winners for this odd period in our lives are Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter, for sure.  Probably  Pornhub, too. 😉Emergence's Jo and Piper

The bad side of this for TV is that new shows are not getting made.  The sports channels are doing the worst because there are no new major sporting events to show (that will change soon, now that baseball is returning).  The other networks are suffering from not being able to film new shows. Fortunately, they all had many shows already filmed, but we don’t know what’s going to happen in the Fall yet. No one does. I read an article that said that, since there was no pilot season, the networks were just buying scripts. That is amazing!!  It will be interesting to see what comes out of that.  There won’t be as many new shows coming this Fall, though. It’s a shame, then, that they had to cancel “Emergence,” which I loved!! 😡

The soap operas are now going to be filming new episodes.  “Bold and Beautiful” on CBS started filming last week.  “General Hospital” on ABC and “Young and The Restless” on CBS are planning to start in July.  They have to prepare how they’re doing to do it safely as well as negotiate with the unions.  I think the primetime shows are watching to see how the soaps do it before they start themselves. I read that B&B will be using some blow-up dolls? I don’t know how I feel about that…

I just finished watching the Daytime Emmys, which were “virtual,” but at least they were finally back on TV. They’d been online-only for the past 5 years, which made most soap fans angry. I mean, really….we watch your shows, but you can’t be bothered to spend 2 hours for ONE night a year, thanking the soaps and their fans??  Anyway…It was a weird ceremony.  From what I  gather, each of the nominees was asked to send in a video, in case they won, with their acceptance sMaurice Benard and Jacqueline MacInnes Wood at Daytime Emmyspeech.  I feel bad for the  actors that had to pretend they won, and then they didn’t win. Yikes.  Many of the actors this year mentioned the “Black Lives Matter” campaign or alluded to it in their speeches. What bothered me, though, was the lack of applause. I could ALMOST believe that the ceremony was real, except for that.  Canned applause would have been better, I think. Next year, if it must be virtual, how about renting out a giant theater, inviting the public, making everyone sit apart, with masks, and then just show them the virtual show, and record their applause? That would be more authentic, at least.

By the way, why the heck were last year’s Emmy winners Maurice Benard (Sonny, GH) and Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (Steffy, B&B) sitting next to each other on camera??? They weren’t wearing masks, either.  That was so bizarre and, frankly, a little irresponsible, I think. I mean, it’s fine if the two of them want to risk their health (and the health of their families), but it doesn’t show a very good example to the rest of the world.Al Freeman, Jr. at Daytime Emmys 1979

I enjoyed their “Most Memorable Moments” from past  Daytime Emmy Telecasts. However, it would have been nice to see more from the 20th century. They only showed a few from before 2000. Also, I would have preferred to see more clips from the actual shows nominated, than clips from past awards shows. I think that was the worst part of the show.  Now, having said all that, I liked most of the wins. I was glad that Tamara Braun (who won for her work as Kim on GH), Heather Tom (Katie on B&B), Bryton James (Devon, Y&R) and Olivia Rose Keegan (Claire, Days) won.  However, I thought that Jon Lindstrom (Kevin, GH) should have won for Best Actor. Also, I was horrified that B&B won for best writing for that awful Beth baby switch storyline. It was horribly contrived and went on for 7 months.  Good idea, very poorly executed.  The other stories nominated were ALL better.

As usual, I’m trying to juggle everything, including my TV watching. I have too many shows on my DVR, so I’m always trying to watch stuff there. Then I get DVD’s to review, and I also have been trying to binge-watch a few shows that I really like, that I had fallen behind on. On my DVR recently I’m watching “Stargirl” on The CBlindspot's Rich, Patterson, Kurt and JaneW, which I like, as well As “The 100,” “In the Dark,” and “Burden of  Truth,” all on The CW. Also, I’ve been watching “Blindspot” on NBC and “Grantchester” on PBS. Lastly, I still watch “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” on TBS; and “Real Time with Bill Maher” and “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver,” both on HBO.  Besides all that, I try to keep up on “Days of Our Lives.” It’s been nice not to have to watch the other soaps, but I am keeping the ones that are older ones. I save those to DVD.

Speaking of “Blindspot,” I’m still so mad that they killed off Edgar. I loved his relationship with Zapata.  He was the only black character left on the show! And now almost everyone left is white. How short-sighted of the showrunner, particularly in this day and age. What were they thinking??actors from Quiz

In my binge-watching, after catching up with all the other CW superhero shows, I watched the rest of “Star Trek: Discovery,” “Picard” and “The Mandalorian.”  I also watched a great miniseries from AMC called “Quiz.” It’s only three parts and worth watching (based on a real story).  I tried to watch “Homecoming” on Amazon (starring Julia Roberts) yesterday because everyone said it was so good.  It was very boring, so I don’t think I’ll keep watching. It was an interesting drama but just way too slow.

What did you think of the Daytime Emmys? What are you watching now? Let us know in the comments!

Here are all of our Articles!

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

Bryton James and Tamara Braun

Blog: It’s May Already!!??!!

Blog Post #210

Girl watching TV

Once again I’m apologizing for not writing another blog post for the past 5 months! Well, you know, it’s hard when you work full time and also take classes part-time. Last week was finals, so I will have more free time now, until the Fall. I hope, anyway!!

Lately I’ve been using my “Free time” to move our “Bold and the Beautiful” section from our old site to this new site. I spent the past few days writing up character The Forrester family on Bold and Beautifuldescriptions for all of the main characters. I hope you enjoy it! It was fun, reading up on all of the character histories and then summarizing them. I never realized all of the changes they made in the soaps. For instance, I had no idea that Phoebe and Steffy were originally identical twins, and then later, when they rapidly-aged them to adults (as they do in soaps), they were then fraternal twins! Of course, they didn’t want to have to cast real twins, so they cast two actresses that looked completely different. They should have just had Jacqueline MacInnes Wood play both roles…it’s not like she couldn’t have handled it! But, on the other hand, I really did love the actress who played Phoebe (MacKenzie Mauzy).

Wanda is still choosing our “Best Lines” for B&B, which you can now see on our new site. I hope to finish the rest of the B&B site this month and move on to another section.

Yesterday they aired the 46th Annual Daytime Emmys online. Apparently it was a big disaster! I don’t usually watch them live….I watch them when I get around to it. Now I can’t watch the whole thing, and I guess I’m in the same Y&R cast at Daytime Emmysboat as everyone else. They had major technical problems, so they lost quite a bit of it. That is insane. They’ve been doing this online for a few years now, and before that, they did it on regular TV. You’d think they’d know how to do it by now. So, big deal, they lost the internet…why didn’t they just record it, and put the whole thing up online for fans to see a little later? Rather than just leaving the botched version up. That’s really stupid and short-sighted on their part. Here’s the full list of Daytime Emmy winners!   Congratulations to all of the winners!  “Young and the Restless” got most of the awards for writing, directing etc. while “General Hospital” cleaned up in most of the acting awards.  That alzheimer’s storyline was a big winner for them. I hope that the other soaps don’t copy it, though! That’s too depressing.

All of the soaps have been very sad and depressing lately. We need angst and drama, but there needs to be more balance between Kristoff and Shemar - tribute at Daytime Emmysthat and the fun and romantic stuff.  On “Bold and the Beautiful” it’s mostly been about Hope losing her baby and blaming herself. On Young and the Restless, it’s been about Neil’s and Kristoff’s death (did we really need THREE DAYS of that???). I loved Kristoff, but that was just too much.  On General Hospital, a teenager got cancer and died.  I don’t watch “Days of Our Lives” very often, but I hear Will has cancer and baby Holly dies. I mean, come ON!!! I watch soaps for escape, not for sad stuff. Real life has enough of that kind of thing, especially for those of us over a certain age.  Most soap fans are over 40 (and that’s being kind).  Our friends and relatives are all dying on us. We don’t need to see babies and teens dying on our soaps, too.

I’m very sad that “Arrow” is being canceled. Next year is the last year. Of course, the very first TV show we cover that I chose to move over to the new site, is now canceled….that just figures, doesn’t it!!??!! I’m in complete denial still about next year being the last Arrowseason of “Supernatural!”  I’m also sad about next season being the last for “Legion” on FX. What a great show that is. It’s really mind-blowing.  And I’m still upset about all of the Netflix superhero shows getting axed.  (SIGH!)  Lately I’ve been catching up on all my CW shows, like “The Flash,” “Arrow,” “Supergirl” et al.  I really loved the crossover episodes “Elseworlds.” They did a good job with that. I only have a few nitpicks. When Barry Allen came back to Central City, he never once wondered where Nora, his daughter, was. All it would have taken is a simple exchange, like:  “Barry: Where’s Nora? Iris: Who? Barry:  Oh, okay, I guess she doesn’t exist in this timeline”  See, simple. I really don’t like their Lois Lane, either.  She’s too skinny. I’m always happy to see Superman, though.  I’ve really been enjoying the new transgender character on “Supergirl” Nia Nal. Great character. I’m glad they used a real transgender person. She has a book, too, about her family and their experiences. I bought it but haven’t read it yet. It’s on my Kindle, along with 2,000 other books I haven’t gotten around to reading Nia on Supergirlyet! 😆

I had to do my annual binge-watching of “Bosch” on Amazon recently. If you haven’t seen it, go watch it now! It’s the best cop show on TV. It’s based on some really good best-selling detective novels, too.

May is generally a time of year when the networks announce the new shows on their schedules, so we get sad because our favorites are canceled.  I’m very happy that the CW renewed most of its schedule, especially the new shows “Roswell, New Mexico” and “In the Dark.” I’m loving both of those. I never watched the original “Roswell” series, but I love this one. “In the Dark” is just great. They finally have a good show about a blind person that isn’t getting In the Dark on the CWcanceled. Perhaps because it’s not a sitcom like their previous attempts…? It does have plenty of humor, though.

Looking at the list of what might get canceled, I hope that “How to Get Away With Murder,” “The Rookie,” “Blindspot,” “AP Bio,” “Cool Kids” and “Ransom” are renewed. Especially “Blindspot!” I love that show so much.   I’m sad that “Big Bang Theory” and “Elementary” are ending this year. I’m sad to hear that “Murphy Brown” is a long shot. I’m still bummed about “Gifted” being canceled.  None of these are as Dead To Me on Netflixheartbreaking as last year’s cancellation of “Kevin (Probably) Saves the World,” though.  Focusing on the positives, there are SO MANY shows that I’m grateful that have been renewed, like “The Resident” on FOX!

I’m not very good at keeping up with reviewing all the new TV shows. There are way too many! I’m trying, though (with a little help from Eva, who reviews some shows, too). I love “The Act” on HULU and “Dead to Me” on Netflix.  Great series. I already had way too many shows to watch on regular TV. The streaming channels make it just impossible for us TV fans to keep up. Yes, I’m stressed!! But in a good way. It’s a wealth of options.

Which shows will you miss? Let us know in the comments!

Here are all of our Articles!

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

A New Year is Coming!

Blog Post #209

sick in bed

I apologize for the lack of updates on our sites this past month… finals, the holidays, traveling, and getting sick really got in the way of everything else. I’m getting back on track now!

Victor and Nikki

Eva has been on vacation, and Cherie has been filling in for her. Cherie is in Canada and gets “The Young & The Restless” a day ahead. She usually just writes Monday’s Y&R update, but she’s been doing them every day. I hope you can check it out! Eva returns Jan. 9th.

some of the Hallmark Christmas movies I saw

I was sick with a cold, that turned into a sinus infection, so I’ve spent a lot of time watching holiday movies that I recorded from Lifetime and Hallmark. I’ve enjoyed them. Some of them are a bit old-fashioned, but at least they did have some of my favorite stars, like Cameron Mathison, Jesse Metcalfe, Adam Mayfield, Amy Acker, Ryan Paevey, Lacey Chabert, Donna Mills, Greg Vaughan, and so many more! I’ve still got a few left that I’m watching. Hey, it’s still the holiday season! My decorations don’t come down until at least January 1st.

Besides holiday movies, I’ve been keeping up with “The Bold & The Beautiful” as usual. I’ve been very disappointed in the show this past year. They did many story things I didn’t agree with, including, writing out most of the Spectras; ignoring all of the past advances they made with the transgender story; bringing in boring characters/actors; breaking up Katie and Wyatt in a flash and then instantly pairing her with Thorne, and he with Sally; and cast changes that make no sense, such as letting Jacob Young go. They’ve ignored Quinn and Eric way too much (the story with Pam was pretty awful, though) as well as Maya’s parents. I don’t think I’m the only viewer who didn’t like these changes, or the only viewer sick of Hope/Liam/Steffy and Ridge/Brooke/Bill.  It seemed the only reason they brought Ingo Rademacher in to play Thorne was so that he and Katie could go up against Bill (dividing Brooke and Ridge), causing momentary problems.  On the plus side, they brought Sally and Donna back, and dumped Emma (or at least her story with Xander), and Ingo is on his way out. I didn’t mind Ingo, just the way they wrote his character. I hope they’re able to have better blance in 2019.

some of my favorite shows

I don’t know about you, but I still have a DVR full of other shows I still need to catch up on… maybe this week, after I watch the holiday movies, I can finally catch up on my favorite superhero and scifi shows. Everything else I usually watch right away, but these I usually record to DVD for a friend, who doesn’t have streaming or cable. So I put off watching them until I can figure out where I left off, get out a DVD etc. Not even to mention all of the Netflix and other streaming shows I want to watch!

You can watch the New Year’s Eve Webcast at Time’s Square here!

We hope you have a Happy New Year! We plan to do big things this year with our site. More reviews, interviews, news, and more shows to cover!

The Doctor

New shows are already returning for the Spring season.  You won’t want to miss the special “Doctor Who” Christmas episode tonight on BBC America (Or BBC One if you’re in the UK).  “The Orville” returned this weekend for season 2 on FOX. “A Series of Unfortunate Events” returns Tuesday for season 3 on Netflix. “grownish” returns for season 2 on Freeform Wednesday. “The Blacklist” returns for season 6 Thursday on NBC.  Check out all the new and returning shows and movies here!

What are you binge watching or catching up on this holiday season? Let us know in the comments!

Here are all of our Articles!

Happy Holidays!

Blog Post #208

Happy Holidays!

Our new site is here at as of this week! Hooray! It may be a wee bit premature, with most of our new content still over on The TV MegaSite, but I’m confident that we’ll be able to move a lot of content over in the next few months. I wanted to make sure that people can find us at our new home because I had new business cards made, and because I sent them out in my Christmas cards to a lot of people! I wanted to make sure that they pointed to the right place.

new card

This week I’ll start moving over the daytime soap pages and updating the content. Hopefully that won’t take too long. Once we get that done, then we’ll no longer have to archive all of the week’s pages and make new ones, which is a big hassle. Brenda will be free to do other great things on the site!  There are only 4 daytime soaps, so it shouldn’t be too difficult. For now, we’ll leave the older shows where they are.

After that, we can start moving over the Primetime show pages. I’m trying to figure out a way to put up our weekly news and schedule here in WordPress that will be both easier for us to write, and easier for you to read.

Besides working on this site, I’m also a part-time student, and finals are next week, so hopefully that won’t make things too difficult.  Christmas often takes up a lot of time because I like to have a lot of decorations, send out a lot of cards, and make a lot of cookies! This year I’ll have help putting up the decorations, at least.

Speaking of holidays, I hope you can spend some time watching holiday movies because there sure are a lot of them on the tube, especially Hallmark, Lifetime, and Freeform.  That’s not even to mention the old favorites and specials that are everywhere. And if you can’t find them on regular TV, I’m sure you can find them on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon or somewhere else streaming.  What’s your favorite holiday movie? What’s your favorite holiday TV special or episode?  Let us know in the comments below. My favorite holiday movie is probably “Miracle on 34th Street” (1934) with a young Natalie Wood (you can watch it for free on YouTube!). I also love the musical “Scrooge!” from the 70’s (also free on YouTube!). I always love the specials, too, that I grew up with, like “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” “Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer” and “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” I’m sure that people who are younger than I am have their own favorites, like “Elf” or “The Santa Claus” or “Christmas Vacation.”  There’s no wrong answer!

I know it’s a little early to talk about the holidays (or maybe it just seems that way to me), but this year it seems like we really need some holiday cheer, with so many terrible things going on in the world. I know I do!

Every year, some of the great TV networks, or the people who make their DVD’s, ask if we’re going to do a “Holiday Guide.” I should have made it back a few months ago, but I finally did get it done. It only took me 3 days! During Thanksgiving! I hope you can check it out if you want to buy any DVD’s for yourself or your family. They make great gifts.

When I made out my holiday cards, that includes the 20 or so I sent out to our volunteers.  We have a great group of people that work on our site, writing fan fiction, recaps, updates, scoops, forum posts and more.  Every year, I send them all holiday cards, along with an Amazon gift card. I can’t afford to pay anyone, even myself, so this is the way I can show that I appreciate them.  I wish I could do more!

Christmas Wish

Maybe one day the site will make enough money to pay us…that’s what I’m hoping, anyway. That’s why I’m taking classes and working to improve the site. This time of year, it’s easy to believe that all our wishes can come true.  I hope yours do, too!

~ Suzanne

Here are all of our Articles!


Blog Post #207!
Welcome to our new WordPress site! Well, almost….  Our main site is still over at and will be for quite a while. However, we’re building the new site here on WordPress. Right now it’s found at, as it’s still a “test” site, but it will be at Very soon!

Happy Halloween!

For the past few months, we had to work hard at figuring out how to edit this new design in WordPress (which you may have read about in my blog back in July), and how to make it exactly how we want it. I had a lot of help (see our credits page).  I had to learn how to use WordPress better.  Then it was a matter of figuring out how to build the new site.  I put up the main pages, and then, while I figured out how to use the software, I built our new Arrow site, adding lots of updates and news.  Then I had to figure out how to put in ads and other stuff. It’s been very trying, but thankfully, we’re all done with that. Now, as soon as I finish building the basic pages, we’ll start bringing more content over and move to the new address. I’ll continue to update the current show pages as I bring them over, and we’ll be able to put up more content for the new shows that I like much easier. We’ll probably leave the older shows pages on the old site for a while.

Happy Halloween!

I hope you like the changes! It will make things way easier for all of us here that work on it, and it should be easier for you to read, too, and should look nicer and load better. Also, you can make comments now!  Please leave comments!  We love hearing from you guys.

The Haunting of Hill HouseWe have some new volunteers, too, which is always exciting. We lost Ellen, who was helping to write the Y&R Updates, so Christine has been writing all five days. Christine is a fabulous writer, but I don’t think she really wants to do them daily, so we’re looking for someone else to help her out. I might have someone, but it might be a while before she can start… in the meantime, Eva has been writing the Y&R short recaps all five days. We may have someone to help her out, too, a great new write named Cherie who will be writing Monday’s Y&R recaps one day ahead, and also stepping in to write for Eva while she goes on vacation in December.  Please visit our Volunteer Jobs page if you would like to help out writing Y&R Updates or anything else! We have many jobs available.

In August, I spent a lot of time building our 2018 Primetime Schedule, which Buffy the Vampire Slayer Halloweencovers all of the broadcast shows and when they premiere. I also made the cable listings which tells when all of those shows are returning to premiering. I haven’t had time to update that much, though. Still, it might be useful, so I hope you can check it out!

In my last blog, I talked about “Bold & The Beautiful,” which I watch every week day.  I’m glad that they brought Eric and Quinn back into the show with more story (just please don’t break them up again!).  It’s also great to have more story for Pam and Charlie. I still don’t like Thorne and Katie together. They were largely used as a plot device to get Ridge and Bill at each other’s throats again. She and Wyatt Thorne and Katie's weddingwere much better together, and they broke them up too quickly for no good reason. Now that Katie won her court case, we rarely see her and Thorne any more, unless it’s connected to Ridge and Bill. I notice that we don’t see too much of the interns Emma, Xander and Zoe any more. Good. I guess I’m not the only ones who didn’t like them or their bland story.

Lately I’ve been recording and watching “Stargate Atlantis” and “Stargate SG-1” off the El Rey channel. I saw some of SG-1, but I never got around to finishing it, Stargate Atlantisand I never saw the other show. I did see and love “Stargate Universe,” which to me was very similar to “Star Trek: Deep Space 9.”  Anyway, they’ve been showing them from the beginning, so I’m getting to see them, and I really love them.

Unfortunately, my DVR is really filled up with so much with “General Hospital” and “Young & The Restless” from the past few years, so I’m having a hard time watching enough shows to keep it from going to 100%. I did buy an external disk drive, so I could backup some of the shows, and make more space, but I haven’t had time to figure it out yet. I need to do that this week!  With the new Fall season in full Lodge 49 castswing, I have a lot of shows to catch up on already.

We had quite a few new interviews with TV stars the past few weeks, so I hope you can check those out.  I watched “Lodge 49” this Fall (to interview 2 of the stars) and really loved it. It’s been renewed for a 2nd season, so I hope you can watch it.Manifest cast

Of the new series on TV, I’m enjoying “The Rookie” and “Manifest” so far. There are still a few I haven’t seen. I didn’t really enjoy the first episode of Alec Baldwin’s new Sunday night interview show, but the second episode was really good. He seemed more at ease. He interviewed Ricky Gervais, who is one of my favorite comedians, and Jeff Bridges, one of my favorite actors! So that was great fun to see.  I tried to watch Busy Philipps’ new show “Busy Tonight” on E!, but I couldn’t stand it. Too mindless for me, and her voice (plus her Valley Girl accent) is grating.

"Will & Grace" on NBCThere are many reboots this season, but so far, the only one I’m enjoying it “Will & Grace” on NBC. I saw the first episode of “The Conners,” and I thought it was very depressing, and not very good. To be fair, I didn’t much like last year’s “Roseanne” reboot, either.  I do watch “Murphy Brown,” but it’s not that great. It’s just too heavy-handed and not that funny. I loved the old show, but it’s not the 1980’s anymore. They need to be quicker, wittier. I don’t know. I’m still watching it, but it’s very uneven. I saw the first episode of “Magnum PI” and it was boring. So was the new “Charmed.”  So, kudos to “Will & Grace” for not only coming back as great as before, but even better.

I do like “God Friended Me,” “New Amsterdam” and “A Million Little Things,” but DaredevilI just don’t have time to add them to my list of shows to watch. I haven’t even had time yet to watch the latest season of “Daredevil” on Netflix. As always, I’ve got a whole stack of DVD’s to watch and review, as well as a whole list of shows I should be checking out. It never ends. It’s gotten a lot worse with Netflix, HULU, Amazon and so many other new streaming services coming out.

I had to delete “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah” from my DVR. Hopefully I can put him back on once I’ve moved some shows over to the external hard drive. Oh, I’m also watching “The Cool Kids,” which is so-so, but I love the actors on it.  None of the new sitcoms seemed funny to me.  I wasn’t very impressed with Danny Rand (Iron Fist) and Luke Cage (Power Man)the CW drama “All-American,” which was kind of dull.

I’m very annoyed that Netflix has canceled “Iron Fist” and “Luke Cage!” I sure hope they do another “Defenders” or these characters show up in “Daredevil” or “Jessica Jones.”  They make a lot of crappy shows on Netflix and the other streaming services that I never watch, but I always catch the superhero shows! I’m heartsick that those shows are gone. 😟

On the positive side, I’m very glad to have all my CW superhero shows back, and “Supernatural,” and “Doctor Who” with the new female doctor! And “The Resident” and “Gifted” on FOX, “Big Bang Theory” on CBS, “Blindspot,” “Midnight Texas” and “The Good Place” on NBC, and “How to Get Away with Blindspot season 4Murder” on ABC.  We still watch “Family Guy” on FOX, too, but we stopped watching “South Park” because it’s just not funny any more.

What is your favorite Halloween show or movie? I don’t like to go to scary movies very much. I don’t mind some of the older ones on TV. I don’t mind if a show is about things like vampires, ghosts, witches, or werewolves, but I hate zombies. Linus, Sally, and the rest of the Peanuts gang in the pumpkin patchI love the old Charlie Brown special from when we were kids! I love Halloween, but I don’t like being grossed out or scared too much. A little scary is OK, though.

Leave a comment below to let me know which Halloween show or movie is your favorite!

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