Days Update Friday, March 21, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Doug III sits in the living room of the Horton house with Doug’s book of love poems. He thinks back to confessing his feelings to Holly until Julie comes in and asks if he’s thinking about his Grandfather.

Holly goes to see Tate at home. Holly mentions hearing Tate’s mom was released from prison. Tate confirms it was a total surprise. Holly says it must have been a relief to see her and she figured she should come see her since the last time she saw her was prom. Tate says that’s sweet of her but informs her that Theresa just left town.

Rafe runs in to JJ in the town square. JJ says it’s good to see him. Rafe tells JJ that he just missed Gabi as she went back to work which JJ questions since she’s usually off by now. Rafe guesses she’s trying to take her mind off things. JJ says that makes sense since it’s killing her that EJ is a free man after what he did to Rafe. JJ declares that he won’t rest until they bring that bastard to justice. Rafe appreciates that and hopes that tonight, JJ can get some sleep because he and Jada followed and a lead and hope they have the means to nail EJ.

Kristen accepts Jada’s offer and says she will have her mother tell her everything she knows, but she will have a lawyer look over it first. Jada says she’s not going to get a better offer. Kristen says she wants to make sure there are no loopholes. Jada warns her not to take too long because the clock is ticking and the second they get enough evidence to put EJ away, the offer is null and void and then Kristen’s mother and brother can kiss their freedom goodbye. Kristen says as soon as Melinda confirms the agreement is ironclad, she’s sure her mother will be happy to take EJ down.

EJ guesses Kristen is brokering an immunity deal for her mother. Rachel Blake explains that if she tells the cops what she knows, they won’t send her away and it’s not Kristen’s fault that she’s responsible for her. EJ thanks her for the warning. EJ then opens the safe and pulls out the syringe, declaring that Rachel Blake won’t be testifying against anyone because once he injects her with this serum, she won’t remember seeing him or Rafe in her old house or much of anything.

Julie comments that she’s always catching Doug III with the poetry book in his hand. Doug III says he likes reading the little notes like getting to know Doug. Julie says she loves talking about Doug, so he can ask her anything. Doug III guesses he would ask Doug for advice on how to talk to girls because he’s always stumbling over his words. Julie thinks he would tell him there’s lots of ways to tell a girl you love her without words, like a touch, a melody, and dancing together. Julie talks about how she and Doug would dance around the room and they would always try out new restaurants. Julie mentions the last one being the Bistro which Doug III says he hasn’t tried yet. Julie adds that she hasn’t been back there since Doug passed away, so she asks Doug III to take her to the Bistro for dinner which he says would be amazing.

Holly questions Theresa leaving town. Tate explains that she went to California to be with his Grandmother Kimberly. Holly asks when she will be back, but Tate says she’s planning on staying there for awhile because Kimberly’s leukemia came back and they just found out. Holly says she’s so sorry and hugs him.

Rafe goes to see Jada in her office and asks if she can sneak out for dinner. Jada says she would love to, but she’s not sure she should leave the office now because Kristen was just there and she secured Rachel Blake’s testimony. Rafe says it sounds like EJ is in big trouble then.

EJ tells Rachel Blake that thanks to the syringe, his troubles will soon be over. Rachel Blake guesses that’s what he gave Rafe and now she won’t remember either which EJ confirms. EJ says if she won’t be quiet, he will have to give her a nudge. Rachel Blake promises she won’t say anything but EJ says it can’t hurt to be sure of that.

Holly tells Tate that she’s so sorry that he and his family are going through all of this and asks if he wants to talk about it. Tate says there isn’t much else to say. Holly says she’s there if he needs anything. Tate questions why she’s being so nice to him. Holly asks what he means, reminding him that she loves him. Tate thought she was angry with him after their fight where he said all those things about her friend Doug III.

Doug III and Julie walk through the town square. Julie talks about being so happy to get back to the Bistro, but she feels sorry for everybody at home having leftovers. They run in to JJ, so Julie invites him to join them at the Bistro which he accepts. Julie calls herself lucky as she walks off with both of them.

Rafe and Jada say it must be their lucky day. Jada says she knew Kristen would accept the deal because she would do anything to protect her mother. Jada doesn’t see why Rachel Blake wouldn’t sign the agreement to stay out of prison. Jada adds that Kristen just had to get over being loyal to EJ, so she thinks it’s a done deal after Melinda looks over the deal which shouldn’t take long. Rafe guesses they are just waiting for Melinda to come through for them then.

Kristen goes to see Melinda at the Bistro and gives her the agreement for Rachel Blake for her to look over, explaining that they will overlook Rachel Blake’s crimes in exchange for testimony against EJ.

EJ injects Rachel Blake with the syringe and says in a moment, she won’t remember anything. EJ says normally, he would have limited the amount but he had to give her the full dose, so if she has anything important to tell Kristen, she should probably tell him now. She calls him a spineless, self serving snake. She then stops and asks who is Kristen. EJ notes that was fast.

Rafe tells Jada that it’s nice seeing her back in the office and things getting back to normal after Arnold screwed things up, so now Jada is back where she belongs and putting the bad guys behind bars, starting with EJ. Jada asks if he doesn’t miss his old office. Rafe talks about being the scrappy investigator engaged to the ruthless and gorgeous police commissioner, so he could not be happier. Rafe then says the one thing that would make him happier is to make her his wife.

Kristen asks Melinda if Rachel Blake is protected as Jada promised. Melinda admits she didn’t have high expectations but it looks like everything is in order and calls it a great deal for Rachel Blake but a heartbreak for EJ, so she can go ahead and tell her mother to testify and sign it. Julie then arrives with JJ and Doug III. Julie is shocked to see Melinda is wearing her grandmother’s necklace.

Rachel Blake begins to question who she is and who EJ is. EJ tells her not to get worked up. She doesn’t understand how she got here and asks what’s going on. EJ then points out that she said his name and notes that her pupils aren’t dialated. She guesses his magic potion didn’t work out after all then and reveals that she still remembers everything, leaving EJ shocked.

Holly admits that she was upset and a little ticked off. Tate says she had every right to be and he knew he was picking a fight by insulting Doug III. Tate then admits that he was jealous and that he’s felt like she’s been slipping away from him, so he was afraid of losing her to Doug III.

Rafe tells Jada that he never really made any plans for their wedding other than agreeing to do it on his birthday. Jada responds that she made a lot of plans and made it all the way to the altar. Rafe hates that Arnold ruined the day for her and calls him a son of a bitch. Jada says the day was already ruined by Rafe not being there. Rafe repeats that he’s so sorry. Jada recalls telling Javi to get the ring back from Arnold, but she thinks he still has it, so she’s sorry that Arnold has Rafe’s family heirloom. Rafe says with any luck, they will find Arnold and the ring, but if they don’t then he will just get her a new one. Rafe declares that the important thing is making her Mrs. Rafe Hernandez as they kiss.

Julie approaches Melinda and questions where she got her diamond necklace. Kristen tells Melinda that she’ll be in touch and exits. Melinda asks what is going on and why Julie is so interested in her necklace. Julie responds that it’s Alice Horton’s necklace and was stolen from the Horton house on the day of her husband’s memorial. Melinda says she must be mistaken but Julie insists that she’s wearing stolen property and demands that she gives it back. Melinda refuses to give it back. Julie calls it incredible that she’s a thief and instructs JJ to arrest Melinda. Melinda warns that he won’t want to do that.

Holly insists to Tate that there’s nothing going on between her and Doug III and that they are just friends. Tate points out that ever since finding out Sophia was pregnant, it seems like she’s always turning to Doug III. Holly says she just needs to vent, so Tate asks why she can’t do that with him. Holly complains that it feels like they barely get to see each other anymore and every time they do, it’s getting interrupted. Holly knows that Tate has to be there for Sophia, but says there’s always some crisis with the baby going on. Tate is sorry that this situation has gotten in the way of them spending time together. Holly says it’s not his fault but it sucks for everyone. Tate encourages that it’s not always going to be that way. Holly brings up the adoption falling through but Tate informs her that Paulina smoothed things over with Sophia’s mom, so the adoption may be back on but the major sticking point for Amy is EJ.

EJ doesn’t understand since he gave Rachel Blake a full dose of CRS-17. Rachel Blake reveals that she’s been keeping an eye on EJ since she came to the house and she saw him take the syringe from the safe the other day. EJ accuses her of spying on him. She explains that when she understood his plan to erase her memories, she took the syringe from the safe when he wasn’t looking. She suggests changing the safe combination from Stefano’s birthday. EJ asks what she did with the real syringe. She reveals that she dumped it outside on the tree and now he’s all out of CRS-17, so it seems she will be testifying against him after all. EJ admits he must have underestimated her, but says he’ll just move on to plan B. EJ remarks that he is Stefano’s son and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Holly tells Tate that she wouldn’t worry about EJ as he knows when to turn on the charm. Holly knows EJ isn’t everyone’s favorite person, but says when he and Nicole were on and off together, she started to see why EJ always gets second and third chances. Tate hopes Amy will see things that way. Holly points out that it will be Johnny and Chanel raising the baby. Tate reminds Holly of when she had a crush on Johnny. Holly calls that a million years ago and says she can’t believe Tate put up with her back then. Tate says he was head over heels for her. Holly is glad she finally came to her senses and that they had this talk. Holly admits she didn’t come just to talk to Theresa, as she wanted to make sure they were okay after their fight. Tate says he knows. Holly says she needs to get back home for dinner as she told Maggie she’d be back but Tate asks her to change plans, pointing out that she said they never get to spend time together and it’s spring break. Tate suggests they hang out, watch a movie, and order a pizza which Holly says sounds perfect, so she texts Maggie.

Julie questions why JJ shouldn’t arrest Melinda when she’s wearing stolen property. Melinda argues that the necklace could just look like her Grandmother’s and asks why she’d be wearing a stolen necklace around town from someone who lives in town. JJ asks Melinda if she can tell him who sold her the necklace. Melinda questions JJ interrogating her in the middle of the Bistro. JJ says he’s just trying to figure this out. Melinda responds that she bought it from a private, trusted jeweler, adding that it was not stolen and she never broke in to Julie’s house. Julie admits that she never reported the necklace as stolen because at the time, she was afraid that someone in the family stole it but she knows better now. Julie says she never filed a police report. Melinda tells them to back away from her table and let her enjoy her martini. JJ tells Julie that they can go to the police station now if she wants to file a police report now. Julie says she wants to do that more than anything. Julie takes a photo of Melinda wearing the necklace on her phone and then exits with JJ while Doug III stays behind.

Rafe brings Jada coffee in her office. Jada informs him that as soon as he left the room, Kristen called and said that Melinda gave her the go ahead, so Kristen is on her way to the DiMera Mansion to have her mother sign the agreement now.

Kristen goes home to the DiMera Mansion and greets EJ in the living room, then questions where her mother went. EJ claims that all he knows is that she’s gone. Kristen question what he means. EJ responds that she left the house but didn’t say where she was headed, so she probably just needed a change of scenery and will be fine. Kristen then says “damn you, EJ.”

JJ brings Julie to the police station where Julie tells him that December 2nd was the last time she saw the necklace before seeing it on Melinda’s neck tonight. Julie explains that on December 2nd, Ciara had just opened the time capsule and before they went to Doug’s memorial, she put the necklace back in the time capsule but when they got back, it was gone. JJ goes over the only people that knew about it and asks if anyone talked about it after they left. Julie assures that they didn’t as they were all thinking about Doug. Julie questions how Melinda got her hands on it.

Melinda asks if Doug III isn’t going to follow the parade to the police station. Melinda remarks that since Doug III let her incur Julie’s wrath, he could at least buy her a drink. Doug III responds that he doesn’t exactly have any money. Melinda can’t believe she forgot about that. Melinda hopes that Julie’s police report gets thrown in a drawer and forgotten about. Melinda adds that it doesn’t look like Julie has any proof, so he might be in the clear, but if the police came after her, she won’t have any choice but to tell them who really stole the necklace.

Tate and Holly watch a movie together and they end up kissing.

Jada hopes Rafe isn’t too hungry since he wanted to get dinner earlier. Rafe says he’d rather watch Jada hammer the nail in EJ’s coffin. Jada says with any luck, Kristen is having her mother sign the immunity deal as they speak. They toast to finally wiping the smug grin off EJ’s face.

Kristen accuses EJ of lying and demands to know where her mother is. EJ suggests she calm down since it’s not helpful to get hysterical in a crisis situation with no solution at all. EJ then exits the room. Kristen then pulls out the gun her mother had and says like hell there’s nothing she can do about it.


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