Days Update Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Maggie goes to see Sarah at the hospital and says she’s here to volunteer since she knows they are short staffed. Sarah comments on Maggie having a busy morning after volunteering at the prison. Maggie hopes this is a more pleasant experience since she had an encounter at prison with Vivian Alamain, who managed to track her down to talk about Philip and the letter that Victor wrote to him.

In the town square, Philip asks Stephanie again if she’s going to tell her boyfriend that he forged his father’s letter. Stephanie tells him that she doesn’t like any of this but she knows the truth coming out would cause a lot of suffering for everyone. Xander walks by and listens from behind a tree as Philip tells Stephanie that they are on the same page about never telling Alex any of this and Stephanie agreeing that it will be their little secret. Philip says he thinks it’s best this way. Stephanie thinks it’d be best if there was no secret at all, but she agrees that Alex would feel totally betrayed by them if he knew the truth, leaving Xander confused as he listens in.

At Titan, Alex asks Joy to let Philip know that he stopped by. Alex goes to leave but Joy stops him and says there’s something she needs to tell him. Alex asks what’s on her mind. Joy thinks back to reading her pregnancy test results.

Brady sits at home as Tate enters the living room. Brady jokes with him about sleeping late. Brady then informs Tate that Marlena and Steve had a chat with Shane. Tate asks if they have any updates about John.

Shane remains in his office and calls Theresa back. Theresa complains that she was starting to feel ghosted. Shane apologizes as he was a bit distracted as he just received some rather devastating news. Theresa asks him what’s going on and if it’s about John.

Brady tells Tate that Shane didn’t have a lot of information to give, but he did give the last location John was seen at which was Estonia, so Steve and Marlena are planning to fly there today. Tate questions him not being more specific and if they are just going to wander around Estonia. Brady encourages having faith in Steve’s detective skills. Tate feels it’s not much to go on but Brady says it’s a start and he has to believe they are going to find him. Tate questions Shane not knowing anything else. Brady says he wasn’t willing to share but Marlena felt he could’ve told them more and was definitely holding back.

Theresa tells Shane that Brady told her that his father was missing. Shane responds that they don’t have any new information. Theresa asks what the upsetting news is then. Shane reveals that it’s not about John, but about Theresa’s mother.

Alex notes Joy seeming nervous. Joy isn’t sure she wants to have this conversation but mentions that Philip suggested she clear the air with him. Alex thought they already did that. Joy tells him that she wasn’t totally honest with him the last time they talked. Alex asks if she means she still has feelings for him. Joy says no and tells him to get over himself. Joy then informs Alex that she has some pretty major life changing news to share with him and she wanted him to hear it from her.

Philip knows Stephanie feels bad about keeping this secret from Alex and he’s sorry for putting her in a tricky spot. Stephanie responds that what’s done is done and she’s made her peace with it. Stephanie states that no one else needs to know, but then she spots Xander nearby.

Sarah asks Maggie what Vivian said about the letter. Maggie says that she was just going on about being glad she gave Philip a chance to stake his claim on the company. Sarah talks about Vivian always thinking of Philip as her son. Maggie points out that Vivian stole the embryo from Kate. Sarah questions why Vivian felt the need to track Maggie down for this conversation and asks if she said anything else about Victor’s letter. Maggie tells Sarah that Vivian’s exact words were that she was so grateful that she was able to ‘forge’ a new relationship with Philip, but Maggie had no idea what she meant.

Philip questions Xander observing he and Stephanie from behind a tree. Xander claims he wasn’t doing that and that he was just passing through, then he saw them deep in conversation and didn’t want to interrupt. Stephanie claims they were just talking about how hard they have been working at Titan. Xander says the grind never stops, though it looks like Philip has found plenty of time to socialize in the town square. Philip says that he and Stephanie were just catching up after not seeing each other for awhile. Xander says he would think not since Stephanie spends so much time with Alex. Philip says he was just telling her that he’s happy for them. Xander tells Stephanie that Alex is over the moon that they are giving it another go and remarks that he hopes nothing happens to screw it up this time.

Alex asks Joy what her big news is. Joy says when they broke up, she really wanted to move on and start over because she knew that’s what he wanted. Joy adds that she was angry but felt like she should respect that and then things haven’t gone as planned. Alex talks about Stephanie being very understanding. Joy responds that she might feel differently down the line but stops and talks about how she thought they wouldn’t run in to each other every day at Titan but the office is small. Joy then says Alex is going to find out sooner or later, so she’s telling him now that she has decided to quit the job.

Tate looks up an article on Estonia but says he doesn’t know what to look for and he can’t stop thinking about why John was sent there or what could have happened to him. Brady says he did the same thing earlier but worrying about what if is not going to help John. Brady decides to change the subject to ask about Tate coming in late last night and if he was hanging out with Holly. Tate tells him they actually had a fight as Holly was angry after his adoption plans fell through. Tate explains that he was helping Sophia finish her shift at the Bistro which Brady questions and then tells him to continue. Tate calls it no big deal and that he was just being nice, but while he was there, Sophia’s mother called and said she talked to Paulina about the adoption. Brady thought the adoption wasn’t happening anymore because of EJ’s scandals. Tate says it wasn’t, but Paulina must have gotten through to her because Amy is apparently open to the possibility again. Brady calls that quite the 180. Tate says he’s really relieved, but doubts Theresa will feel the same way.

Theresa asks Shane what’s going on with her mom. Shane reveals that Kimberly’s cancer has come back. Theresa questions when he found out. Shane says about an hour ago and he wanted to call, but Steve and Marlena burst in to his office to grill her about John as they seem to be under the assumption that protocol rules don’t apply to them. Theresa questions them pestering him at a time like this. Shane says to be fair, they hadn’t heard about Kimberly yet and he hasn’t told them yet. Shane felt it was better to tell their kids first, but he hasn’t been able to reach Eve. Shane encourages that Kimberly has beaten cancer twice before so she will again. Theresa says she really hopes so, but asks Shane to tell her the truth about how bad it is. Shane informs her that the leukemia is progressing again but Kimberly is going to start treatment right away. Shane says it will be a rough road ahead but the medical advancements and therapies will help her survive this. Shane asks what is going through her mind right now. Theresa cries that she just hates that Kimberly has to go through this all over again. Shane encourages that she won’t be alone because he’s going to get back to Los Angeles to be with her. Theresa says she wants to be there for her too in any way she can and asks if there’s anything she can do for her now. Shane responds that there actually is.

Brady asks Tate if Theresa wants him to keep the baby. Tate confirms that she did and that she argued Eve was screwed up by being adopted. Brady calls that interesting that Theresa would think that. Tate says it made no sense to him either and he tried telling her that this situation is completely different. Tate truly believes their child would be better off with Johnny and Chanel as parents. Brady responds that he hopes so too. Tate thought he was on board with the adoption. Brady says he is with an adoption, but not this adoption. Tate asks if he doesn’t think Johnny and Chanel would be good parents. Brady clarifies that it’s EJ’s involvement and influence as he doesn’t like the idea of his grandkid being raised under the same roof as EJ. Tate asks if this means he won’t support their decision. Brady calls it a drawback but he knows families aren’t perfect and he understands the clock is ticking, so if Johnny and Chanel want to care for and love the baby and they feel this is the best decision, then he will support this adoption. Tate thanks him and says it means a lot. Brady hopes things work out but he also hopes that Johnny and Chanel would move out of the DiMera Mansion to get away from not just EJ but Kristen and her mother. Brady mentions it bugging him that Rachel still lives there. Tate thinks they do plan to move out eventually. Brady offers to talk to Theresa to get her to back off but Tate says in the end, she reluctantly came around. Tate wants them to know that it’s not because he doesn’t care about the baby, but that he truly believes the child will have a better life this way. Brady hugs him and says he really understands.

Maggie tells Sarah that as far as she knows, Philip hasn’t been in touch with Vivian since her uncomfortable appearance at Victor’s funeral and he was furious with her, so she doesn’t know when they had time to develop this so called new relationship. Sarah calls it strange. Maggie brings up Vivian coming back to town last year before she was arrested and it was the same time Philip came back, so she wonders if she saw him then. Sarah thinks it’s likely that the relationship is mostly in Vivian’s head as she’s certain that Philip would want nothing to do with her. Maggie says that Vivian is always up to something and remarks that Philip is too smart to get sucked in to her web.

Stephanie questions what Xander means by something screwing up her relationship with Alex. Xander says he didn’t mean anything by it and just that he’s rooting for them. Philip mentions that he was on his way to pick up breakfast from the Pub and invites Xander to join him and then they can go to the office together. Xander says he has another errand to run so he will catch him later. Xander then walks away. Stephanie asks Philip if he thinks Xander heard them.

Alex questions Joy and tells her that she can’t quit. Joy repeats that she doesn’t want to be a problem for he and Stephanie. Alex promises she won’t be but Joy argues that he doesn’t know that. Alex feels it’s unfair, like he’s forcing her to leave. Joy assures that it’s her decision and what she thinks is best for both of them as she can’t pretend the situation will get any less awkward. Alex suggests maybe he should quit since Joy was hired first. Joy argues that it’s his family’s company while she’s just an assistant so it makes more sense for her to leave. Alex questions what she’s going to do for work and if she has a plan. Joy declares that it looks like she’s moving back to New York which Alex questions. Joy says she pretty much only came to Salem for Body and Soul, so now there’s not much for her here while New York has her parents and her sister. Alex brings up that Joy hated going back and her mother being very hard on her. Joy says she’ll deal with it. Alex offers to find her something in Salem but Joy decides that New York is where she needs to be at this point in her life. Alex tells Joy that he will miss her which she says is nice of him. Joy assures that this move is what’s best for everyone.

Sarah knows Maggie is doing good work at the prison, but advises her to be careful. Maggie assures that the guards are always watching so she’s safe. Xander arrives and asks what they are talking about. Maggie informs him that she was just telling Sarah about the run in she had with Vivian at Statesville and how she had an odd comment. Sarah cuts her off to remind Maggie that her shift is starting, so Maggie says she’ll see them at home and walks away. Sarah tells Xander this is a nice surprise and asks what he’s doing here. Xander says he wanted to talk to her as he just had a curious run in with Philip and Stephanie.

Philip tells Stephanie that he was worried for a minute but he doesn’t think Xander heard anything. Stephanie feels he was acting weird and questions the comment Xander made about screwing up her relationship with Alex. Stephanie feels like Xander knew they were hiding something. Philip doubts it because he would’ve confronted him right away if he heard about the forgery. Stephanie guesses he’s right but says this whole thing has her on edge. Philip says he doesn’t like it either as he used to hate Xander’s guts, but now he actually feels bad about lying to him. Philip mentions not having a close bond like this with his siblings so he wouldn’t want to lose that. Stephanie remarks that it’s too bad that bond is based on a lie. Philip calls her so negative sometimes. Stephanie tells him to just be glad that she’s keeping his secret and that she’s doing it because in the end, it doesn’t really affect Alex. Stephanie says he may have roped her and Sarah in to his scheme, but warns that Philip is the one who would lose everything if the truth comes out.

Tate asks Brady if he thinks John would be disappointed in him. Brady questions why he would say that. Tate points out that when John left, he didn’t know about the baby, so if he wonders what John will think about him if he comes home and finds out he got a girl pregnant and they are giving the baby away. Brady encourages that John would be very proud of him for doing the right thing and that he will always love him. Tate asks if he really thinks John will be alright. Brady responds that John has been on so many dangerous missions in his life but he always comes back to them, so he believes he will. Brady decides they should go to the batting cages and that John would definitely approve of that, so Tate goes to get dressed. Theresa then shows up at the door and tells Brady that she needs to talk to Tate. Brady asks if everything is okay. Theresa says not really and reveals that her mom’s leukemia is back. Brady hugs Theresa as she cries. Tate comes back from his room and asks what’s going on. Theresa informs him that she has some news about his Grandma Kimberly and reveals that her leukemia is back. Tate tells her that he’s so sorry as he hugs her. Tate asks what her prognosis is. Theresa says it’s too soon to tell but she’s going to start treatment right away. Tate knows how hard it was on her last time. Theresa then reveals that is why Shane asked her to go be with Kimberly in Los Angeles and she said she would.

Alex joins Stephanie in the town square and they kiss. Stephanie thought he was going in to the office. Alex says he did and is now on his way to a business meeting but he’s glad he ran in to her so he can tell her how crazy his day has been with the interesting encounters he’s had. Alex informs Stephanie that he ran in to Theresa and asks if she knew she was out of prison. Stephanie apologizes for not telling him. Alex says it’s okay and was just jarring seeing her back in Salem. Alex adds that as much as he hates what Theresa did to him and his family, he’s moved on from it so in the end, they ended on pretty good terms. Stephanie says that’s good to hear since Theresa is her cousin after all. Stephanie asks about Alex’s other interesting encounter. Alex informs her that was Joy, who had some major news to share.

Philip returns to the Titan office where Joy tells him that she really appreciates him giving her the opportunity, but she doesn’t think it’s going to be a good fit for her and she hopes he understands when she tells him this is going to be her last day. Joy explains that she did what he said and talked to Alex and she thinks it’s just best for her to leave the company. Philip says this isn’t what he expected when he gave her the advice and questions if Alex did anything to make her leave. Joy assures it’s not his fault and says she just needs to be in New York where she belongs. Joy repeats that she’s sorry to leave him like this, but she’s made up her mind. Philip guesses all he can do is wish her luck. Joy thanks him. Philip says to give his best to Chloe as Joy then exits.

Sarah questions Xander running in to Philip and Stephanie. Xander explains that he overheard them in the town square, talking about a secret they were keeping from Alex. Sarah questions him eavesdropping. Xander says they said that Alex would feel betrayed if he found out the truth, so he couldn’t just walk away after hearing that. Xander says it all started to click and he knows exactly what they were talking about, guessing Sarah does too.

Theresa tells Tate that she hopes it’s okay that she’s leaving when he has so much going on with Sophia’s pregnancy. Tate understands she has to be there with Kimberly. Theresa comments on just getting back and being so far away. Tate offers to go with her for a few days while on spring break. Theresa doesn’t want to overwhelm Kimberly so she suggests waiting a bit. Tate and Brady tell her to tell Kimberly they are praying for her. Tate invites Theresa to come to the batting cages with he and Brady. Theresa says she would love to but she has to get to the airport to catch her flight. Theresa guesses this is goodbye. Tate tells her he loves her as they embrace.

Alex informs Stephanie that Joy quit and is moving back to New York. Stephanie hopes they didn’t drive her away. Alex says he said the same thing but she assured it was her choice. Stephanie says that’s too bad as she hoped maybe one day they could be friends. Alex says that Joy pointed out there was nothing keeping her in Salem so she thought it’d be best to move back home. Stephanie hopes it works out for her, knowing it couldn’t have been an easy decision.

Joy goes to the Brady Pub and calls her mom to inform her that she’s moving back home. Joy says she’s on her way to the airport and she knows it seems sudden, but she will explain everything when she gets home. Joy says she will see her soon and hangs up. Joy pulls out her pregnancy test results and looks over them again, remarking that it hasn’t changed. Joy thanks Salem for making her a soap star as she then takes her bags and exits the Pub.

Philip calls Kate and tells her that Stephanie promised not to tell Alex or anyone else about the forged letter. Philip says no one else was really in ear shot, but Xander did interrupt them. Philip tells Kate not to freak out because he didn’t hear and he’s positive that Xander doesn’t suspect a thing.

Xander tells Sarah that it’s obvious that Philip and Stephanie are having an affair behind Alex’s back and guesses they realized they had some unfinished business. Xander remarks that he was so impressed that Philip was able to work with Alex but he’s with his girlfriend behind his back. Xander brings up the question of whether or not to tell Alex. Sarah says he can’t, reminding him that he and Philip still have to work together and have been getting along. Xander agrees but questions being expected to lie to Alex. Sarah calls it not an outright lie. Xander still feels he’s betraying his trust. Xander declares that he either betrays his cousin or his brother, but either way, something tells him this secret will end up tearing his family apart.

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