Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michelle & Cheryl
Andre showed up at Dani’s house and found her passed out. When she woke up, she told him that she doesn’t drink that much. Andre said she could have gotten hurt or worse. Dani didn’t want him to tell anyone what he saw. He agreed not to say anything because the family would want to stage an intervention, and he would have to explain why he was there. When he finished helping her, he wanted to leave. She stopped him from leaving because she wasn’t ready to let him go, but she was ready to stop drinking. After Andre was finished with Dani, he went to see Nicole. He told her he was putting his feelings for Ashley behind him. Nicole was glad to find out that he was moving on from Ashley. While Derek was fixing Ashley something to eat, she flashed back to Andre trying to kiss her. When Derek had to leave for work, Ashley looked at the collage Andre gave her. Jan came over to see Ashley. Ashley showed her the collage Andre took. Ashley asked if she wanted it. Jan wondered why she was giving it away. Ashley told her that Andre tried to kiss her.
Hayley talked to Bill about the way people are treating her. She thought he was trying to minimize her feelings and suggested they call off their marriage. Bill told her to forget about the Duprees. Hayley said it wasn’t easy and accused him of enjoying it as much as Dani enjoyed torturing her. Bill surprised her with a romantic evening. Eva wanted to watch television, but Leslie wanted to focus on bringing down the Richardsons now that she had access to their house. She told Leslie about the argument she had with Kat over Tomas. Leslie advised her to stay away from him. They ended up arguing over it. Leslie told her to leave Kat alone and told her about the new plan. She told Eva to plan an even around Ted so they could expose him. Leslie thought Ted and Nicole’s anniversary was the perfect opportunity.
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