Beyond the Gates Short Recap Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Michelle & Cheryl

Dani was excited that she secured a gown from the Smithsonian collection for Chelsea’s fashion show. The victory made Dani feel like herself again. Chelsea didn’t share the same enthusiasm because she was thinking of how to tell her mother that she didn’t want to be a model anymore. Later Chelsea was at the club having breakfast with Kat and Tomas. Things took an awkward turn when Eva arrived at the club. Kat wasn’t happy to see her. She was upset that her mother let Eva wear one of her outfits. Kat didn’t want to eat with her and considered her an enemy. She was so upset about Eva being at the club that she wanted to end her breakfast with Tomas. They didn’t show affection towards each other because they didn’t want the Dupree family to judge their relationship. Eva started flirting with Tomas on her way out. Kat wasn’t happy about that. After Tomas left, Kat confronted Eva. Eva tried to downplay what she did. She thought Kat should talk to a therapist about why she felt threatened by her. Jacob and Marcel were on a stakeout. Marcel gave Jacob a hard time. Things picked up for them when they spotted Joey going into a sketchy building.

Naomi met with three potential clients. They used to work at Bill’s company. The clients were harassed by one of Bill’s partners named Mike. They wanted Naomi to sue her father’s company after seeing her mother take a stand against him. Naomi was the perfect choice since she didn’t get along with her father. Mike talked to Bill to get the details about Tomas’ relationship with Kat. He talked to Bill about Hayley being hot. Hayley went to the country club, but she wasn’t welcomed. The staff ignored her while she was there. She got so upset about getting ignored that she stormed off. Hayley ran into Dani on her way out. They had a brief exchange before Hayley left the club. Later Hayley talked to Bill about the way she was treated at the club. She felt like Dani should have been treated badly since she was the one shooting up the place. Bill promised her that she would be treated better by the community. He planned to bring Fairmont Crest to its knees. The community rejecting her is making her rethink their marriage. Hayley thought they should end their marriage. Dani was in her kitchen and drowned her sorrows in alcohol. She was on the floor laughing and crying.


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