BTG Transcript Thursday, March 13, 2025

Beyond The Gates Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Here’s one thing that never changes. The aroma of down-home cooking?

That’s right.

[chuckles] You and Orphey Gene’s are my constant stars. But we’re not usually here in tux and gown. [chuckles] True. I wanted to make sure you had a good meal in you. We can’t have you singing Nicole’s praises and forgetting to eat. Tonight is a big deal. I’m so proud of Nicole. Following in her father’s footsteps, receiving the Distinguished Service Award. She deserves it. And so much more. Mm-hmm. Which is why you need sustenance to bring your A game of proud mama. [both chuckle] I’ll tell you a secret. It’s nice to come from behind the gates every once in a while.

It’s the real world out here.

Mm-hmm. Our roots. But you sure look good in that tux. And you, my dear– love of all loves, mother of my daughters– you look positively radiant. Food’s coming. Be sure to eat up. ♪ ♪ ♪ I have some regrets♪ [mouthing] ♪ ♪ [people chuckling] There you all are. And looking smashing.

What a great night, yeah?


Hi. Mwah.


Hi. You look beautiful.

Hi, baby. What are you doing? Just checking my notes for tonight. You look beautiful, Dani. Thank you, sweet Jacob. Chelsea, baby, can you turn around? Really? Just… Wait. Um, where are Gran and Granddad? Aren’t they coming with us? Uh, they are still at dinner. But no rush. It is early. Okay, now let me look at both of you.

Gorgeous. I mean…


Stop. You might just upstage the award winner. But nobody in this room would do that, because we all realize this is Aunt Nicole’s night. Well, I don’t know. I might give it a shot.

I mean, look at me, you know?

Naomi, honey, don’t worry. I wouldn’t think of upstaging the honoree. Besides, Nicole asked me to be her emcee. And because I love my sister to pieces, I am going to make sure that this evening is a huge success.

Good. I like that.

Sounds good. Okay, now, there’s snacks on the counter. Help yourselves. I’m just gonna go give my eyes a quick touch-up.


Great, thank you. Yep. Oh. Congressman Richardson. I didn’t expect you to be here. I’m Eva.

Eva Thomas.

The temp who’s replacing Laura. My parents have been singing your praises. Uh, I like them, too. They’ve been really good to me. Apparently, you’re nearly a part of the family now. Just trying to do a good job. Actually, that’s why I’m here. To see if there’s anything Ted and Nicole need before the awards gala tonight. Great minds. That’s why I came by, too. That’s amazing. I-I mean, you’ve got to be crazy busy with all the work you’re doing on education reform and infrastructure. And you took the time to come. Wait, you’re into politics? Some. And your career…


You’ve come so far to be so young. And being raised by this high power couple. Uh, were you ever intimidated? [chuckles] Not even close. Mom and Dad never came off like that here at home. They never pushed me or Kat, but we’re both pretty ambitious, so… I guess it’s in the genes. Anyway, Dad told me they’re good, so I better get back to my place and get dressed for the big event. Good meeting you, Eva. Same. Thanks, Congressman. Call me Martin, okay? Eva? What is it with you and photos of my family? Now, before dinner, our guests will mingle while we serve cocktails. Many will barely sit, so keep your elbows in and the drinks flowing. Tonight will be pivotal for the club since Dr. Nicole Richardson, one of the community’s most prominent and well-loved members is being honored. Everything must go off without a hitch. Understood? I understand completely. Good. ♪ ♪ What are you two doing? Just giving Eva grief about her interest in our family photo. [chuckles] The day I gave birth to you your father was the same as now: nowhere to be found. Uh, I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I just met Martin. He’s like a rock star.


I hope you didn’t tell him that. There’ll be no living with him. I don’t mean to hold you up. I just came to check in. Is there anything else you need for tonight? I think we are all set. Ted, your tie. I just have to put my dress on and then we can head to the club. Um, it was so sweet of you to come by, though, Eva. You should go get ready. Will you need a ride? Um, no. I-I mean, I thought I’d be helping out behind the scenes, but since you don’t need me… But I always planned for you to be there as our guest. Really? Uh, I’m… I’m sorry, I-I can’t. I don’t belong there with you guys. And please, no small talk.

You are here to serve.

Yes, sir. Your only job is to make sure that this evening is a night the community will remember. I promise to do my part. I can’t believe I let this fall through the cracks. Everyone who works for me is invited. Mona would certainly be there if she hadn’t gotten sick. I just never thought… This night wouldn’t have come together if not for you. You handled everything– the venue arrangements, the seating charts. But sitting at your table? I feel like a party crasher. How could you possibly? You’re worried about a dress, aren’t you? Well… You are about the same size as Kat.

Go borrow something of hers.

But she’s out of town and I don’t feel comfortable going into her… No need. She’s got a closet upstairs, second room on the left, where she stashes her non-current wardrobe. Pick out a dress and make yourself gorgeous. Guess I better go check out Kat’s closet. Nicole’s right. It is crooked. Uh, I can fix it for you. I used to work at a department store once. Have at it. He abandoned us before you were even born. That was forever ago. People can grow and learn from their mistakes. You’re right. You need to learn from mine. Because trusting Ted Richardson was the biggest mistake I ever made. Well, that was delicious.

So good.

[chuckles] Always is.

Oh, yeah.

Anita Dupree?


Oh, my… Uh…

You are my favorite singer.

Oh, excuse me.

Thank you.

Bernard Dupree. [conversation continuing indistinctly] I didn’t expect to hear from you. Say that again. How was your tennis clinic? Shoogy. Rather be playing Fortnite. That’s cause you’re a klutz. Mine slapped. Are we speaking the same language? What took you guys so long? Don’t worry. You have plenty of time to get ready for your grandma’s big party. And I reserved a suite upstairs you can use to change. Hey, you guys. I know you could have been doing anything tonight– hanging with friends or whatever. It means a lot that you’re here with your grandmother instead. I mean it. I love you guys. Uh-oh. Pop’s getting sappy. It’s chill. We never get to see him sappy. Can we go? Yeah, go. You know, I’m glad we had it out about me going back to work. Because you won that argument? That, and… I think the four of us bouncing it around helped clear the air. I think that we’re closer because of it. Yeah. I think so, too.


No, thanks. [screams] Naomi!

What in the world?

Is this what you meant when you said tonight’s all about Aunt Nicole? Because this does not remotely look like it. You better slow down. Don’t cops have to watch their weight

or something?

Don’t models? No, my mother does that for me. [chuckles] Okay. Mama, why do you keep doing this to yourself? Obsessing over pictures of Dad and Hayley on their honeymoon? It’s like you’re a junkie for pain.

[door opens]

They’re married now. That is a fact that is not going to change. Amen. And last I checked, we have an important affair to attend this evening. One with no drama on the program. Are we all on the same page? Yes. I want this to be a great night for Nicole. Too bad Kat had to go out of town. Oh, I’m sure Nicole will understand. And we’ll all be there to support her. Shall we? Oh, I’ll lock up. I’ll-I’ll be right behind you. [quiet, indistinct chatter] Oh, the women in my life and their fascination with mirrors. Why is it that my wife and my daughters are always picking and priding at their faces in the mirror when they’re already perfectly perfect? Hey, you’re the plastic surgeon. We get it honest. Richardson women have got to serve at all times, so get used to it. I am getting used to it. Just like you calling me “Dad.” And that is my most treasured title. Thank you for telling me the truth about who you are. I’m sorry it took so long for me to say something. I kept trying to find the perfect moment. And I was scared to death of offending Nicole. Your timing and delivery were perfect. No big show or fanfare. Just a quiet chat with family. Where Kat nearly fell off her chair. And she quickly embraced you, as did the rest of the family. Everyone loves you, Eva. And finding out that you were one of ours made everything perfect. Now, I’m gonna spend the rest of my life proving to you… …how much you mean to me. How? First, I’m going to call you every day,


then I’m gonna spoil you at Christmas. I’m looking forward to it. I love you. EVA: I love you, too, Dad. Mama, I’m headed out. Not sure where you are, but I hope you’re having a great night. Nicole, you gonna be late for your own celebration. What’s taking so long? Oh. Do I look all right? All right? All right, all right, all right. I take it that’s a yes. Here’s how you should take it. Let’s take some of the formal out of the air and maybe just stay here.


Mm… Oh, bad idea. You’re already making me want to stay home. Guess we have to go, huh?


Well, on the bright side, there’s a room full of adoring fans and colleagues that are waiting to sing your praises and give you a standing ovation. Geez, it’s a dirty job, but I guess

somebody’s got to do it.

Mm. Come on. Wow, you two clean up pretty well.

Okay, boomer.

I beg your pardon. That is “Okay, millennial” to you. TYRELL: Whatevs. Andre. What’s good, my man? It’s your world. You tell me. Uh, we were just about to go inside. Oh, I heard you made a video of Grandma. I did. But your grandmother’s great, so it was easy to do. Can’t wait to see it. Want to go in now? Uh… After you. Excuse me. My party’s on the far table. Would you mind coming and taking our drink order before the rush? Not at all. I’ll be right there, sir. Thank you.

[whispering]: Mama?

Shh! You said you were staying away. And what’s with the wig? Excuse me, Sherry. I’ll help this young lady. I believe the congressman needs you at his table. Right away, sir. Now, what can I get you? Uh, the guest of honor– I’m her assistant. Um, and the minute Nicole Richardson walks through that door, I need to know. Yes, ma’am. I thought we agreed we weren’t gonna do this tonight. Now, you were gonna wait for the DNA results from that straw I swiped, and you were gonna stay home. And miss all this grandeur and opulence? What a waste that would be. Really, Mama. Don’t you “Mama” me. Ted and Nicole cheated me and cheated you. That’s what you need to remember. This is about what you want. You want to get back at Ted. So it’s bad timing to do this now, when Nicole isn’t even the target. Just let them have their stupid night. Where’d you get that outfit? Uh, Ted and Nicole gave me money to pick up something from the department store. I’m working. I basically put this whole thing together, so I had to be here. But you need to get out before Ted and Nicole see you. I’m not going anywhere. I’m working too, boo. Temp job for the night just happened to be here. This is really a coincidence? You’re just gonna serve apps and drinks and not trash the guest of honor? Hey there, Eva. Running into you is beginning to be a thing. May I get you something to drink, sir? Uh, not yet, thanks. If you need anything, I’m happy to serve.

Where are Ted and Nicole?

Hey… I thought they’d be here by now. Stop. All right? Now, look around this room at what you helped make happen for my aunt. Take it in.


It really is beautiful. Yeah. Now, that’s a picture. Hey, peeps. Andre. We are so looking forward to what I know is going to be a fabulous tribute video. Well, that means a lot coming from the queen of class. Oh. [laughs] Nicole was a wonderful subject. I’m sure she was. Uh, both in the video and in the photos. See for yourself. Oh. That dress is everything. I would love to see you out of it. You have.

How quickly they forget.

[short chuckle] EVA: I was starting to get worried.

We’re not late, are we?

Not at all. I just want everything to go well. You look beautiful. And you look amazing. Great choice. Thanks. Kat has great taste. You sure it’s okay I borrowed it?


Okay. Well, I better go and make sure everything’s ready for later. DANI: Come on. Let’s… Everyone, let’s take a photo. ♪ Love you, oh my♪ ♪ Said I love, love to have a good time♪ ♪ Said I love, love, love you, oh my♪ ♪ Till the end of time♪ ♪ Oh, yeah♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Said I love, love, love you oh my♪ ♪ Said I love, love to have a good time♪ ♪ Said I love, love, love you, oh my♪ ♪ Till the end of time♪ ♪ Oh, yeah.♪ ♪ ♪ Listen, I heard about the perfect gig for your better half. I’m not sure Smitty’s in the job market. It’s investigative reporting for a pretty big news site. Well, sounds great, but Smitty’s focused on other things. There’s no point to even bothering him with it. You sure about that? He’s talked about getting back in the game, but I don’t think he’s that serious. Well, you know better than I do. Just thought I’d ask. Thanks, man. Did you really think I wouldn’t find out? All right, you all should grace the cover of magazines. Oh, keep talking. Keep talking. Nicole, sweetheart, we are so thrilled for you and so proud of all of your accomplishments. I am about to emcee the heck out of this program. Tonight is all about you, your big heart and everything that you’ve done for the hospital. What Mom said. Plus, nobody could have a better aunt.

We love you, Auntie.

Hear, hear, sis. Thanks, everyone. Well, we should go inside before I miss my own celebration. Oh, my nerves. You just need a drink. So, you go down and sit with everyone inside

and I’m gonna grab us a couple.

Okay. Excuse me, miss, I wonder if I could get a… You.


What the hell are you doing here? Working. Clearly, you need an eye exam, Doctor. My eyes are fine. What’s not fine is that you’re working here or pretending to be. Tonight. [short chuckle]

Of all nights.

Afraid I’m gonna mess up your little soiree,


I warned you to stay away from my wife. And I thought about it. I did. But then I decided you don’t get to tell me what to do. For one brief, delusional minute, what you wanted mattered to me. But that’s over.

You’re such a…

A hard worker. I am, yes. Listen up, Teddy boy. A job is a job, and this one preys pretty well. It’s a stunt. Just like the one you pulled on that roof that night. But why? Mm. That was a good night. And your wife is such a great listener. And you– [laughs] Oh, the way you got all worked out when you realized I’ve come back to haunt you.

Ooh! [chuckles]

I warn you, if you do anything to mess up my wife’s celebration… What? You’ll do what– destroy me? Been there. And survived that. Toddle along, Teddy boy. I’ve got a room to work. [chuckles] Ted. I thought you were grabbing us some champagne. Sorry, slipped my mind. Got a call about a patient. Granddad, what’s going on? I may not be a senator any longer, but I am still on top of everything– and I mean everything– political in this town. Especially if it involves a certain bored congressman who’s itching to blow up. By that I mean run for president. How did you even know I… Damn it, Martin. You start putting out feelers for the kind of money it takes to run a national campaign, word gets around. Granddad, I wasn’t trying to keep it from you. I was just looking for the right time to tell you. You know how much I value your experience and opinion. Don’t shine me on like one of your donors. I’m not. Really. I thought you would be happy to hear. Thrilled, even. Thrilled? Have you lost your ever-loving mind? I think I would make a good president. You don’t? Not the point. No candidate, especially a Black candidate, could ever withstand the kind of fallout that would come from people learning your secret. That’s been buried deep for a very long time. You have never seen the kind of scrutiny you’ll experience if you announce your intention to run. [short chuckle] Clearly, you don’t get it, Martin. Your arrogance has replaced your common sense. And that, my boy, will be your undoing. So, I appreciate it. Hey, where’d your pop go? He’s over there with Great-Granddad. SAMANTHA: That’s sus. TYRELL: Yeah. Looks like they’re fighting.


Glad you could make it.

Thank you so much

[scoffs] for covering for Ted on that emergency surgery. That’s what partners are for. There’s no way I’d let him miss tonight. You must be exhausted. You’re so sweet to come. Where are you sitting?

Come join us at our table.

It is just me, and I’m perfectly fine being another admiring face in the back. You enjoy your night. Mm. [chuckles] Here we go. Mission accomplished. Cheers. Smitty. Hope you’re enjoying your evening.

Thank you.

Mm. Remember what I said. Is everything okay with your granddad?

He seemed off.

All good. He just wants everything to go well for Mom. You know how he micromanages. How are the kids? Having fun? All is well here, I see. May I have everyone’s attention, please? Thank you, everyone. Can I say, you all look marvelous. This crowd cleans up really well. [laughing] For anyone who doesn’t know, I am Dani Dupree. [whooping, cheering] And I am delighted to serve as mistress of ceremony for tonight’s big bash honoring Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson, my big sister. Now, one of the reasons I am so delighted to present Nicole with the Distinguished Service Award is because I have spent my entire life in awe of her. Now, don’t get me wrong. I never aspired to a life of service. There’s no way I could have been a psychiatrist, especially one as singular and exemplary as my sister. Though many people think that I belong on her couch. But I digress. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I can go on and on and on about myself, but I promise to keep the attention where it should be: on my amazing, talented, generous and annoyingly perfect sister, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson. Give it up for Nicole. [cheering, whistling] Can I get you something?

Sherry Carter. My goodness.

[Dani continuing her speech]

What are you doing here?

LESLIE: Working. When I got this catering job, I didn’t realize that you were the guest of honor. I am glad to see you doing better, Sherry. LESLIE: Not to interrupt, but I just wanted to make sure I thanked you for helping me on the roof that night. And pushing me. Ooh, sorry. [chuckles] Bad choice of words. Encouraging me to take more control of my life. And it looks like you’re turning things around. Yeah, wish I could get up there on that podium and just tell everybody what’s on my heart. So much. You have no idea. DANI: The way she cared. Not just for her patients, but for everyone. LESLIE: Well, anyway, I’ll let you get back to your big night. DANI: She believed everyone deserved to feel understood. It’s time to get on with the rest of the program. And I cannot think of a better way to do that than to bring up Dr. Richardson’s father and mine, too. A man you all know and love. Former senator of this wonderful state, the honorable Vernon Dupree. [whistling]

What was that?

What was what? You and Nicole talking. Oh, you mean me working, doing my job and asking if she needed a drink.

Don’t be coy.

Oh, listen to you– “coy.” Oh, all these uppity people have gotten to you already,

haven’t they, baby girl?

I mean it, Mama. You got to go. You lucky you haven’t already ruined your big plan. You need to get out of here before it’s

too late.

Leave me alone, Little Miss Big Shot. I’ve got drinks to serve. My heart is bursting thinking about my eldest daughter, Nicole, who she’s become, the hundreds of people that she’s helped. I believe the politics gene skipped a generation for a reason. Politics is a rough occupation, sometimes brutal. Nicole, on the other hand, is gentle, has always been openhearted, dedicated to serving people, one-on-one, helping them find themselves, forgive themselves, if need be. No one is more deserving of this accolade than our dear Nicole. And I want to thank each and every one of you for coming out tonight to share in our family’s pride. But, of course, I’m not the, uh, elegant and glamorous Dupree you all dying to hear. I think it’s time for me to bring my better half up to the podium.

Anita Dupree.

[whistling, whooping] She was only a toddler when she started helping other children. Mad at your parents? Ask Nicole to help. Problems with your homework? Ask Nicole to tutor you. She is and continues to be a wonder. But, of course, I dote. But this last thing I really want you to hear. These accolades, these laurels are not because my daughter is a Dupree. It is because my daughter is caring, unwavering in her desire to lift others up. She is one of the kindest human beings I know. TED: Raising children with Nicole has been an unparalleled delight. The same painstaking care that she pours into her career she pours into our family. And I am still in continual awe of how she’s able to balance it all. And she still remains the same compassionate human being that y’all have come to know and love. My sister Kat continues. “Unfortunately, I can’t be with you all tonight, “but I am sending mad love “and all props and praise Mom deserves. “If I’ve inherited anything from “Dr. Nicole Richardson, “it’s her work ethic. “As a businesswoman, “I am as dedicated to meeting “and exceeding my goals as Mom is to her practice.” Mom has always been our champion. Someone who taught us that our dreams can be pursued. That no aspiration can go unattainable. [applause] And now we have a very special treat from world-renowned photographer, videographer, cousin by marriage– keep it in the family, am I right– Andre Richardson. [applause] ♪ ♪ NICOLE [on recording]: For those of you who don’t know, this is my brilliant plastic surgeon husband, Dr. Ted Richardson. TED: Hello, everyone. I’m honored to be included in this tribute to my remarkable wife. NICOLE: Ted and I went to an AMA conference. It was on Maui that year, when we were in med school. TED: Sunrises in Maui are magical. NICOLE: I’ve had many blessings come my way, but the one that I’m the most grateful for, the one that changed everything, was deciding to attend the conference on Maui, where I met the one and only love of my life. Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the woman of the hour to speak for herself. Please give it up for Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson. With her nudging, I revisited watching my son walk down the aisle with his husband and the addition to our family of their two brilliant, talented children. That is a completely unbiased opinion. [all chuckle] Uh, I took the time to bask in the glory that is my determined, courageous daughter, Kat. I hate that she can’t be here with us tonight, but I am over the moon that she loves her work as much as I cherish mine. And if you would give me one last indulgence… Ted, would you please come up here? I couldn’t get through a single day without you, much less a moment this big.


[applause] I will cherish this award, but it is impossible to imagine receiving it without the love and support of this amazing man, the father of my children, and still the love of my life.


[whistling] I will cherish this award, but it is impossible for me to imagine receiving this award without the love and support of this amazing woman, the mother of my child and the love of my life. [applause]

Come with me. Come with me.

What? What are you doing?

It’s okay. All right. All right. It’s okay.

I got to… But I’m-I’m…

Can you please…

I-I got to get people drinks.

What are you doing? I need to get back in there. Wait.

No. No. You are supposed to be working this event,

not attending it.

Okay, but people

still need drinks.

Look, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. I’ve gotten complaints about you. Your behavior is unprofessional. I may have talked to one or two people, but that wa… And which I specifically told you that was not allowed. I also emphasized the importance of this event. Look, just… just get your personal items and go. Am I gonna have to call security to escort you out? N… No. Now, you can drop the uniform in the changing room when you pick up your things. Now, if you could all bear with me for one more moment… Family, would you please all come up here with me? Because without you, I truly would not be worthy of receiving this award. You are my foundation, my rock. Please come up. I want to thank you for alerting me to the issues with that server. It’s been handled. Thank you. My family, everyone. My universe, my everything.

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