Days Update Monday, March 10, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Tate goes home, questioning why Brady didn’t tell him what’s going on. Brady asks why he’s not in school. Tate reveals that Andrew just called and told him John is missing. Brady apologizes as he didn’t want to worry him until they knew more. Tate asks what they are going to do. Brady tells him that Andrew, Paul, and Shane are on the case and they are going to get through this as a family. Tate’s mother Theresa then arrives and asks if that includes her. Theresa announces she got her get out of jail free card, shocking Brady and Tate.

In the town square, Holly informs Doug III that she and Tate had a fight. He asks what it was about. She thinks back to arguing with Tate about Doug III, but claims it was just about the whole adoption thing getting screwed up. Holly asks what’s new with him. He responds that Leo managed to track down the woman who bought the necklace and she’s meeting him here any minute, but he has no idea who he’s looking for. Melinda Trask then arrives and reveals that it’s her, remarking that it looks so perfect on her.

Jada visits Rafe in the hospital. Rafe says he feels great and can’t wait to go home with her. Jada says she’s so grateful to have him back. Rafe assures that he is all hers forever. Jada asks what Kayla said. Rafe says outside of the big recent memory loss, he is the picture of health, so she will discharge him as soon as he finishes his IV. Jada prays that he gets the rest of his memory back so they can nail EJ for what he did to him.

At the DiMera Mansion, EJ talks to Rita on the phone and says he’s sorry about Gabi’s poor attitude at the office, but she can’t tie him to Rafe’s abduction. EJ then hears Kristen looking for her mother and goes in to the living room, questioning if something is wrong. Kristen responds that her mother is missing.

Ava returns home where Rachel Blake is waiting in her room. Ava questions what the hell she wants. She responds that she just got out of jail, so she came for a friendly little visit.

Tate tells Theresa that Andrew didn’t say anything about her getting released. They question if she’s a fugitive escaped from prison but Theresa assures that she is legally free and her release date just got moved up. Tate calls it amazing and can’t believe she’s here as they hug. Theresa asks if Brady doesn’t have a hug for the mother of his child.

Rafe tells Jada that Kayla said it’s impossible to know if he will get his memory back as if he was drugged, it’s all out of his system now. Rafe mentions not knowing how long he was even gone. Jada brings up the last thing Rafe remembers being seeing Arnold in EJ’s living room, so it’s been about three months but he’s here now, so all they can do is move forward and focus on the case. Rafe agrees and asks what they have. Jada says all evidence points to EJ and they have the DNA from Arnold’s hair along with Rafe’s eyewitness account that places Arnold at the DiMera Mansion along with their history. Rafe can’t believe EJ took his life from him again and declares that’s the last time.

EJ thought Kristen’s mother was in jail. Kristen explains that Melinda pulled some strings to get her released and she just brought her here, but she’s disappeared. EJ asks if he should call the authorities. Kristen complains that one of the conditions of her release was that she would keep an eye on her. Kristen talks about trusting her after she promised not to pull anything. Kristen says she was getting her room ready and when she came back, her mother was gone and she has no idea where the hell she went.

Ava tells Rachel Blake that she should not be here. She complains that Ava put her in jail. Ava argues that she kidnapped her and now breaking in to her room is also a crime. Ava says if she leaves now, they can forget this ever happened. Rachel Blake gets in Ava’s face and says she had no trouble expressing her displeasure with the other inmates, which she does to anyone who stands in the way of the happiness of her or her family, so now she’s going to express her displeasure to her.

Holly tells Doug III that she unfortunately knows Melinda, filling him in on how she helped Sloan kidnap her baby brother and let them believe he was dead which shocks him. Melinda says that’s allegedly and argues that she also happens to be the former district attorney. Holly calls her a horrible person. Melinda says she doesn’t need to be insulted by some high school brat and threatens to leave but Doug III says he really needs the necklace back.

Theresa understands Brady is still angry with her and always will be, so she doesn’t blame him. Brady apologizes and says he has a lot on his mind right now as he reveals John is missing which shocks her. Brady explains that is what they were talking about when she walked in as John was deep undercover on an ISA mission and now Shane and Andrew are trying to find him but that’s all he knows. Theresa is sorry he’s going through this. Theresa says he may not have a hug for her, but asks if he would object if she had a hug for him. Theresa then hugs Brady.

Rafe tells Jada that the last time EJ had Arnold take over his life, it was to ruin his relationship with Sami and destroy his bond with Johnny, but he doesn’t have an idea why he would do it now. Jada explains that shortly after it happened, EJ hired “Rafe” to do private investigator work for him to dig up dirt on her. Rafe argues that there is no dirt. Jada says he managed to find a lot of dirt and revealed it in the most humiliating way possible, in front of all of their family and friends on their wedding day. Rafe says he’s so sorry. Jada adds that Arnold used the supposed information to ditch her at the altar. Jada responds that she’s sure it was all EJ.

Kristen comes out from searching the tunnels while EJ informs her that Harold confirmed Rachel Blake is nowhere else in the house either. Kristen questions why she would just wander off when she seemed so happy to be with her here, despite being unsettled by Stefano’s portrait. EJ asks if it’s possible she just went home since she hasn’t been out in the real world in so long. Kristen admits she was a little preoccupied with the idea of getting her and Brady back together, but she told her to let it go. Kristen adds that she did tell her that Ava almost put them all in prison. Kristen notes that her mother said she would stay out of it but asks what if she didn’t.

Ava warns Rachel Blake that she should be counting her blessings that she’s out of jail, thanks to her. Ava says maybe she hasn’t heard, but she’s not pressing charges against her or Kristen despite thinking they deserve to be punished. Ava explains that she agreed not to say a word so that Rachel wouldn’t be taken from her parents. Rachel Blake responds that she’s very grateful for that and will get out of her hair then. She instead turns and pulls out a knife.

Theresa repeats that she’s so sorry Brady is going through this and she knows it’s very upsetting news for Tate, but she has no doubt that Shane and Andrew will find John. Theresa asks how Tate is aside from that and if he and Holly are still doing okay. Tate would rather not talk about he and Holly, so Theresa questions if they broke up. Brady clarifies that they didn’t, but they ran in to an issue with the baby. Theresa is shocked and questions what baby.

Rafe tells Jada that he still doesn’t get why EJ would want to stop their marriage and come between them. Jada thinks it was about her and that Rafe was just collateral damage, since she had persuaded Paulina to fire EJ as district attorney and hire Belle. Jada feels she put a target on her back and EJ hit the bullseye for revenge by taking everything from her. Jada then informs Rafe that he’s police commissioner again and congratulates him. Rafe complains that she lost her job and thought it was all because of him. Rafe tells Jada that he’s so sorry this happened to her as they hug.

EJ asks if Kristen thinks her mother went to go see Brady. Kristen is sure Brady would have called if she had and questions why she would go after him when there’s no leverage there. Kristen declares that Ava is the threat to her and Rachel’s happiness. Kristen argues that her mother at heart is a kind and gentle soul, but she’s not in her right mind, so she wouldn’t be surprised if she went after Ava again.

Ava questions what the hell Rachel Blake is doing. She responds that she found this knife in the kitchen of the DiMera Mansion, talking about how it’s sharp enough to cut through flesh. She says Kristen asked her to stay away from this and let it all go, but she has to listen to her heart. She complains about Kristen being taken from her to be raised by that awful family, leaving her for dead, so now she owes it to Kristen and Rachel to make up for lost time and a lost life. She has to give them what she couldn’t give them before. Ava warns that she used to run a mafia organization while Rachel Blake warns that she’s the one holding the knife.

Brady questions Tate not telling Theresa as he assumed he mentioned it when he visited her in prison. Theresa questions what is going on. Tate explains that he was going to but he didn’t want to upset her. Theresa demands answers and asks if Tate got Holly pregnant.

Doug III explains to Melinda how he had no right to sell the necklace in the first place and he deeply regrets what he’s done as Julie took him in and treated him like family. Holly encourages that he just made a mistake and talks about how sorry he is. Doug III says he just wants to make it right since it would mean the world to Julie to have the necklace back. He says he’ll do anything. Melinda calls it a touching story, but she doesn’t see how any of this is her problem.

Ava and Rachel Blake struggle over the knife as Ava’s phone rings.

Kristen tells EJ that Ava is not answering. EJ jokes that if Rachel Blake did anything to Ava, they wouldn’t have to worry about Ava testifying against them. Kristen tells him not to joke about that and insists that Ava was going to keep her mouth shut, so Rafe was the one he had to worry about since he will surely rat them out. EJ assures that he’s made sure Rafe won’t get that chance as any evidence has been wiped clean from his skull. Kristen calls that one less thing to worry about while she has to go find her mother. EJ wishes her luck. Kristen thanks him as she’s afraid she’s going to need it. Kristen then exits the mansion.

Rafe calls EJ an arrogant and evil bastard for what he put Jada through. Jada comments that they don’t even fully know what EJ did to Rafe and she’s afraid that without Rafe getting his memory back, they’ll never be able to make EJ pay. Rafe assures that they will and declares that it’s time for him to get answers out of EJ if it’s the last thing he does.

Holly tells Melinda that they will pay her more than what she bought for the necklace, reminding her that Maggie is her Grandma if money is her concern. Melinda guesses Holly really likes Doug III, warning that it’s never a good idea to get involved with someone who traffics stolen merchandise. Holly asks what if Julie sees Melinda wearing it. Melinda responds that Doug III would have a lot of explaining to do. Holly apologizes for offending her but asks her not to take it out on Doug III. Melinda turns down their offer and declares that their business is concluded as she walks away.

Tate tells Theresa that she’s got it completely wrong and Holly isn’t pregnant. Theresa questions there being a baby. Tate reveals that Sophia is pregnant which shocks Theresa. Tate calls it a very long story. Brady says he has something to do in the kitchen, so he exits to let them talk. Tate tells Theresa that he and Holly were broken up. Theresa can’t believe that her baby is going to have a baby and she’s going to be a Grandmother. Tate explains that they hoped to give the baby up for adoption but Sophia’s mother vetoed the idea. Theresa asks why she wouldn’t.

Kristen finds her mother holding the knife on Ava and yells at her to stop. Rachel Blake tells Kristen that she can’t be here and insists she’s doing what she has to do. Kristen tells her to give her the knife as the only way to help her and Rachel is to not hurt Ava so she doesn’t go back to prison. Kristen takes the knife as her mother breaks down crying.

Rafe goes to the DiMera Mansion to confront EJ and says he knows what he did. EJ claims not to know what he’s talking about. Rafe tells EJ to cut the crap and let it out. Jada runs in to tell Rafe to stop. Rafe asks why and begins choking EJ as he says he can say what EJ did to him made him not in his right mind for killing him. Jada pulls Rafe off of EJ. EJ thanks her but Jada says not to thank her as she’s trying to protect Rafe. Jada questions Rafe ditching her at the hospital. Rafe says he just wanted to get a head start. EJ tells them to take their couples therapy elsewhere and accuses them of having fantasies about Arnold. Jada says they know it was Arnold because he didn’t match Gabi’s DNA. EJ argues that they had someone in custody but there’s no proof it was Arnold. Rafe promises that he’s not going to get away with it this time.

Ava complains that Rachel Blake almost cut her hand off and shouts that she’s sorry she didn’t press charges. Brady arrives and asks what is going on here. Ava informs him that Kristen’s mother just tried to kill her.

Tate asks if Theresa thinks it’s a good idea for he and Sophia to raise a child while they are in high school. Theresa complains that adoptions don’t always go a good way, bringing up Kristen and Eve. Theresa knows he’s upset but she doesn’t want this for her grandchild. Theresa feels like Sophia’s mother throwing a wrench in his plans could be a blessing in disguise.

Holly tells Doug III that she’s sorry and she should’ve just stayed out of the situation. He assures that he’s grateful for her help and that none of it is her fault. Holly guesses she should’ve just gone to school today. Doug III says it’s not too late if she wants to make things right with Tate. Holly says she doesn’t want to talk to Tate right now and they have a lot of work to do still. Holly declares that this isn’t over and they are getting the necklace back.

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