Days Update Friday, March 7, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Tate goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and offers Holly a ride to school which she accepts. Holly goes to get her backpack, so Tate remarks that at least Doug III didn’t steal that.

Doug III goes to Leo’s room at the Salem Inn and asks if he has any news about who bought the necklace. Leo responds that he does.

Marlena is in her office, finishing a call with the ISA and comments on her missing husband and Shane not returning her calls. Marlena hangs up and looks at a photo of John.

Brady is at home on the phone with Paul. Brady says they are just keeping everybody in the loop and asks Paul if Andrew has heard anything from the ISA. Brady says they will keep in touch and hangs up as Ava shows up at his door.

At the police station, Kristen is on the phone with her brother Peter, assuring him that he doesn’t have to worry about their mother because the lawyers are working on her release. Kristen says she will call as soon as she is free. Melinda Trask arrives and says they need to talk. Kristen questions where her mother is as she wants her out of this hell hole and complains that Melinda said she was going to bring her out. Melinda responds that she’s afraid there’s been a problem.

Ava apologizes to Brady for hanging up on him yesterday. Brady says he knows he’s asking a lot for her to not press charges in her own kidnapping. Ava understands that Kristen has put him in an impossible position. Ava asks if Brady really thinks child protective services would take Rachel. Brady feels there would be strong signals that Rachel is not in a safe environment. Brady calls it unfair that Ava has been in the center of this whole damn thing. Ava declares that she couldn’t live with herself if she turned out to be the reason he lost Rachel. Brady thanks her for understanding. Ava hates that it means Kristen and her mom are going to get away with it.

Kristen asks Melinda what the problem is since Belle doesn’t have a case with Ava not testifying. Melinda confirms that all charges have been dropped but then reveals that her mother has not been brought out because she got in a fight with another inmate and bit her.

Holly tells Tate that was uncalled for. Tate questions if Doug III is not a thief despite stealing a valuable necklace. Holly says he just made a mistake and stealing is not a regular thing for him. Tate questions how she knows that. Holly explains that Doug III owed people money and was desperate but he feels awful about it and is trying to make it right. Tate says he’ll take her word for it but he doesn’t get why she’s bending over backwards to defend him.

Leo informs Doug III that the woman who purchased the necklace lives here in Salem which surprises him. Doug III asks how to get in touch with her, but Leo says he has no idea. Doug III questions how the guy who sold it to her doesn’t have her name. Leo explains that people who purchase expensive jewelry off the street don’t use their real names. Doug III guesses he has no way of contacting her then. Leo says he wouldn’t say that, pointing out that digging up information is his bag and he can be very persistent which he says is usually a good trait but not always. Doug III asks what he means. Leo says persistence is not good when someone is running in to a brick wall as he then asks Doug III to tell him about he and Holly.

Holly assures Tate that Doug III is her friend and that’s all. Tate feels she’s excusing him stealing the necklace. Holly explains that Doug III is trying to get the necklace back and hates that he hurt Julie. Tate questions what Julie has to do with it. Holly tries to cover and says she shouldn’t have said anything but Tate insists, so Holly admits that it was Julie’s necklace.

Steve goes to see Marlena in her office and says he just heard that John is missing. Marlena explains that Shane was meant to set up a phone call between them but they lost contact and apparently John is completely off the grid. Marlena adds that Shane won’t return her call and feels that is a bad sign.

Ava tells Brady that Kristen may not have personally kidnapped her, but she was more than willing to just leave her in that house forever and she’s just going to walk again. Brady assures it’s not what he wants and if it wasn’t for Rachel, he’d want Kristen locked up forever. Brady adds that he’s just grateful her plan didn’t work and Steve found Ava. Ava feels she owes Brady for hiring Steve. Brady wishes he figured it out sooner but says the important thing is that she’s safe and the whole thing is over. Ava questions if it is since Rachel has made it very clear that she will do anything to keep them apart and she’s desperate to have he and Kristen back together. Brady responds that he loves his daughter but she’s not going to dictate his romantic life. Ava worries that she’s not going to stop. Brady states that he doesn’t want to be with Kristen, he wants to be with Ava. Ava doesn’t think Rachel got the memo. Brady says that Rachel is in therapy, learning that there are some things she can’t change and the therapist said she’s making progress. Ava is glad to hear that but asks what about the other Rachel.

Kristen questions Melinda telling her that her mother bit someone and if that’s why they aren’t letting her go. Melinda explains that apparently charges are not being pressed so the guard on duty will be bringing her up. Melinda advises Kristen to consider the fact that her mother might be a little unstable. Kristen assures that she will be fine and blames it on her mother being locked up with hostile strangers. Melinda warns Kristen that she is responsible for her mother now, so having her in police custody is not a good look for the CEO of DiMera and brings up Wei Shin and the board members. Kristen responds that it’s a good thing she’s out of police custody then. Melinda warns that Kristen is about to take her home, so she needs to do everything in her power to make sure her mother stays out of trouble. Rachel Blake is then brought up to Kristen. Kristen checks on her and she assures that she’s fine. She says she’s free now to go home and wants to take a bath which Kristen says she can make happen. Melinda says she’s glad everything turned out okay. Kristen thanks her for everything and says it’s good to have her on her team. Melinda wishes them luck and exits the station. Rachel Blake tells Kristen that she was just defending herself in her cell. Kristen suggests getting her home while Rachel Blake says on the way, they will talk about how Kristen is going to get Brady back.

Ava tells Brady that Rachel Blake doesn’t want them together any more than his daughter. Brady argues that she’s a frail old woman and questions what she can do about it. Ava says she learned the hard way not to underestimate her. Brady admits she’s done some unusual things in the past. Ava tells him that she read up on The Woman in White and what she did to Jennifer. Ava complains that she kept her trapped and is off her rocker. Ava worries that she may be more dangerous than Kristen. Brady says he’s sorry for what she went through but they can’t let themselves be intimidated or scared off. Brady tells Ava that he wants to be with her and he needs her, especially with what he’s going through right now about his father.

Steve tells Marlena that it’s not like Shane to avoid her phone calls. Marlena remarks that her husband has never gone missing on Shane’s watch before. Steve suggests maybe Shane doesn’t have anything new to report. Marlena argues that he should tell her that then. Steve points out how the ISA does everything cloaked in secrecy. Marlena worries that something has gone bad. Steve encourages that maybe John is still on the case. Marlena questions what to do in the meantime and argues that John needs her. Marlena argues that if she went missing, John would be scouring the planet looking for her, so that’s what she’s going to do. Marlena declares that she’s going to go find John.

Tate is shocked to learn that Doug III stole Julie’s Grandmother’s necklace. Holly tries to explain while Tate continues to question it. Holly points out that Julie doesn’t know Doug III took the necklace. Tate can’t believe he still hasn’t told her. Holly asks Tate not to say anything.

Doug III questions why Leo would want to talk about he and Holly and what any of this has to do with her. Leo points out that he brought her over last time. Doug III says that’s because she is his friend and is helping him with the necklace situation. Doug III questions Leo looking at him and insists that he knows Holly has a boyfriend. Leo says it’s not just any boyfriend and talks about the lore of Holly and Tate. Leo says they’ve been through many obstacles to be together, so the last thing they need is him coming between them which Doug III says he’s not trying to do. Leo questions if he’s going to tell him that he has no interest in Holly. Doug III asks where this is coming from. Leo says that he just picked up on a vibe and he knows chemistry when he sees it. Doug III then admits that maybe he does kind of like Holly, but says he’s not going to do anything about it as he respects that she’s with Tate, so they are just friends. Leo hopes he means that because expecting more can mess with his head and ruin his life.

Holly reminds Tate that Julie just lost her husband not long ago and asks if he really wants to upset her right now. Tate guesses it would be upsetting but feels Julie has a right to know who stole her Grandmother’s necklace. Holly says Doug III is going to confess, but he’s trying to get the necklace back first to make the whole situation right. Tate questions if he has a timeline for this. Holly remarks that she thought Tate of all people would understand since he’s made mistakes, but he’s owning up to it and making the best decisions which is why he’s giving his baby up for adoption. Tate tells her that was the plan but they have hit a snag.

Kristen brings Rachel Blake home to the DiMera Mansion. She comments on things looking different. Kristen comments that a lot has changed in the family over the years. Rachel Blake says not everything as she points out the portrait of Stefano and remarks that monster is still looming over the place. Kristen encourages that Stefano can’t hurt her anymore and suggests they sit down to talk. Rachel Blake feels like she’s in trouble but Kristen says she’s actually trying to keep them both out of trouble. Kristen tells her that she needs to stop trying to get her back with Brady. She thought Kristen loved him and questions her not wanting to be back with the father of her child when that’s what Rachel wants. Kristen warns that plotting with Rachel almost cost them their freedom and if she didn’t think quick, Ava would have had them both in prison. Rachel Blake encourages that she did think quickly so all is right in the world. Kristen knows she meant well, but reminds her that she is CEO of an international conglomerate and asks her to stop.

Ava questions Brady about John missing and why he didn’t tell her sooner while she went on about Kristen. Brady says that’s important as well and admits they are all worried. Ava asks if Tate knows. Brady says he hasn’t told him since he’s dealing with Sophia’s pregnancy, so he didn’t want to burden him until they know more. Ava asks if he’s been dealing with this all alone. Brady tells her that Paul, Andrew, and Marlena have been apart of it. Brady says Marlena has been tough hanging in there, but he doesn’t know how much longer she’ll be able to do it with the waiting and not knowing.

Marlena tells Steve that she’s done waiting. Steve questions where she would go since she doesn’t even know where to start looking. Marlena responds that she doesn’t, but Shane does, so she’s going to DC to confront him and she’s not leaving until she gets answers. Marlena declares that she’s going to find out where her husband is and tells Steve not to waste his time trying to stop her. Steve responds that he won’t try to stop her, he will go with her.

Leo explains his similar situation to Doug III and says he would hate to see him get hurt like that. Doug III assures that he won’t get hurt, but he appreciates Leo looking out for him. Leo then gets a text, revealing his contact tracked down the woman who bought the necklace and she’s willing to meet with him.

Tate informs Holly that during the meeting with Johnny and Chanel, Gabi and Jada stormed in to accuse EJ of kidnapping Rafe, causing Sophia’s mom to freak out and now he doesn’t know if she’s going to let the adoption happen. Holly questions if that means he’s going to have to raise the baby with Sophia now. Tate responds that he’s really hoping her mother changes her mind. Tate asks if they can talk about this later since they need to get to school, but Holly decides that she’s just going to take the bus.

Marlena tells Steve that she can’t ask him to go with her and take him away from Kayla and his family. Steve insists that Kayla would never forgive him if he didn’t help her. Steve tells Marlena that John is his partner which means they always have each other’s back, so if she’s going to DC, he’s going with her. Marlena tearfully thanks Steve as they hug.

Ava tells Brady to let her know if there’s anything she can do. Brady says he appreciates that and there is something he wants her to do for him and that’s not give up on them. Brady knows what Kristen and her mother did was insane and they are going to get away with it, but assures that he will make it right and he won’t let Kristen get in the way of them as they kiss.

Rachel Blake promises Kristen that she will behave and says the only thing that matters to her is Kristen’s happiness. Kristen asks if she won’t have to worry about her messing with Ava again. She responds that she just wants to reconnect with Kristen and Rachel. Kristen says they are three generation of Blake women, finally under the same roof. Rachel Blake calls it a true blessing. Kristen thanks her for understanding and respecting her wishes as they hug.

Marlena tells Steve that she will have to rearrange her patient schedule. Steve says he will head home to pack a bag and tell Kayla about their plan. Marlena says she will let him know when she’s ready to go. Steve promises they will get the answers they need as he then exits. Marlena picks up her framed photo of John and declares that she’s coming for him.

Doug III finds Holly in the town square and questions her not being in school today. Holly responds that she’s just not going so he asks why. Holly explains that she was headed to the bus stop, but she just kept walking. He asks if there’s any particular reason, so she informs him that she and Tate had a fight about the whole adoption thing getting screwed up. Holly asks what’s new with him. He responds that Leo managed to track down the woman who bought the necklace and she’s meeting him here any minute, but he has no idea who he’s looking for. Melinda Trask then arrives and reveals that it’s her.

Kristen calls Peter and tells him that their mother is home, safe and sound. Kristen asks if he wants to talk to her and says she’ll go get her so he can say hello. Kristen goes back in to the living room, but her mother is gone which she calls strange.

Ava returns home where Rachel Blake is waiting in her room.

Tate goes home, questioning why Brady didn’t tell him what’s going on. Brady asks why he’s not in school. Tate reveals that Andrew just called and told him John is missing. Brady apologizes as he didn’t want to worry him until they knew more. Tate asks what they are going to do. Brady tells him that Andrew, Paul, and Shane are on the case and they are going to get through this as a family. Tate’s mother Theresa then arrives and asks if that includes her.

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