BTG Transcript Monday, March 10, 2025

Beyond The Gates Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


There’s a woman on the roof of the hospital threatening to jump. She asked for you by name

and will only talk to you.

NICOLE: Hello? How can I help? Kneel or so help me. [screaming and shouting]


[screaming] The shame you have brought on this family. HAYLEY: I guess dreams really do come true. BILL: And this is just the beginning. HAYLEY: I’ve never been happier. Danielle Dupree, I’m here to place you under arrest for attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Son, if this is about Danielle firing a weapon at the wedding, there’s been some kind of miscommunication back at the station. The officer on the scene interviewed everybody and determined the charges were unmerited. Mr. Hamilton came forward with new charges.

My dad did this?

Of course he did. I thought I was waking up from my nightmare. I’m still in it. Since when does my ex-husband, who is not a part of the DA’s office, have an iota of say in who gets charged? Excellent question. Explain yourself, Jacob. It’s not unusual for victims to advocate for police to pursue charges. Bill presented the video evidence and… CHELSEA: My damn video. He’s not answering the phone. That coward. He presented it to the state attorney’s office, who determined it was enough evidence for an arrest. I can’t stop these wheels from moving. I have to bring you in. He can’t take another thing from me. Did my father request the added humiliation of the arrest being handled by my mom’s son-in-law? My lieutenant agreed this should be handled with discretion. So I figured someone who knows and respects the family should be… You dare use the word “family” and “respect” while Mirandizing your own mother-in-law? I’m just doing my job. When you called me tonight, you told me you were the job but you were my husband first. If you meant a word of that, Jacob, don’t you dare put those cuffs on my mother.

Thank you.

Mm-hmm. Thank you. [R&B music playing] Kimberly. Yeah. Bill Hamilton here. Listen, loved this morning’s piece. You are fearless when it comes to taking down the long-standing institutions people once thought were untouchable. And along those lines, if you’re looking for a shot at an exclusive, one of the gates’ finest should be getting arrested right about now. WOMAN [over P.A.]: Nurse to room 818. MAN [over P.A.]: Nurse to the third floor. [elevator bell dings] [wind whistling] [phone vibrating] Who is that calling? Because if it’s security, I promise you… You wanted me alone. That’s what you got. If you get any closer, I promise you… If you get any closer, I’ll jump. I don’t think that’s what you want. You asked for me. Not wanting to be alone is a positive sign. [chuckling] What if I just want an audience? [laughing] I hope, however we’re connected, I can help you. We don’t know each other. Not directly. I feel like I do. You’re that psychiatrist that… I’ve seen profiled in those glossy magazines. Oh, you must be the best. [Leslie crying] Please help me. Please help me. ♪ ♪ Welcome back, Dr. McBride. Mr. Armstrong informed us all of your privileges have been restored and your account is in the black. Will you be needing anything while you’re at your table? Well, Dr. McBride, will you? No, I’m good. Randy. Oh, it is good to be back,

all thanks to you.

And Joey. Oh, yeah, that Joey, he’s something else. You know, you had me thinking he was some thug when he’s just a solid dude trying to carry on his family business. In another life, we could have been bros. Now that might be pushing it a bit. Yeah, your boss did have some scary moments. He’s a tough guy to read. Anyway, may play a couple of these rounds that Joey gave me and get a head start on repaying him. Or… …you could just slow your roll, Doug. You got a fresh start, man. Use it. Leave. Never come back here again. Give up gambling for good. [R&B music playing] Hello. Uh-oh. That look has bad news written all over it. A text from Naomi. She and Jacob, they’re not just couple friends, they’re couple goals, but tonight might put a strain on that, and it just makes me so glad that you fight fires and not crime. Uh, more details, Ash. You’re doing that thing where your mind races faster than your words. Remember how the Duprees had their press conference to defuse the whole Dani shooting up the wedding thing? Yeah, she got lucky the whole world took the Dupree side. Well, the Dupree luck might have run out. Dani just got arrested. Wow, that’s rough. But how does that put a strain on Naomi and Jacob? He was the arresting officer. Last time I saw a pair of those, I was the one playing officer. Just ask Bill. Oh, wait. He’s already calling your shots, isn’t he? I’m still your son-in-law. You know I don’t want to do this. Then why are you? There are other cops… Who won’t give a damn about you or your family. My lieutenant ordered me to bring a patrol unit with me.

I can’t believe this is happening.

I convinced him to kill the lights and the sirens, but if I don’t execute this warrant in a timely manner, things could get ugly. Jacob is right about that much. We better move before we have a SWAT team at the gates. Baby, I’ve been where you are, seeing my reflection in a pair of cuffs. Yeah, but you were fighting the good fight for rights for our people, not embarrassing your family. Back then, they used the cuffs to make us feel powerless. We used them to prove how powerless they were. Dani, no one can take your dignity. Have at it, Detective. I will be representing my mother. Repeat the charge for the record. Attempted murder. Dani Dupree, you have the right to remain silent. DANI: I know. I have the right to remain silent. Anything I say will be held against me. So what happens if I say that this arrest is a load of crap? Will you charge me with telling the truth? Let’s go. Do you understand the charges that I’ve read to you? Oh, yes. Mom is right. You let my father get to you and turn you into his errand boy. I hope it was worth it, because I will never forgive you. Let’s go. ♪ ♪ [indistinct police radio chatter] You can wait outside while I start processing. Go right ahead. We’ll watch. Can you do one thing for me? Stop. Can you just take a step away from the ledge? No. No, not yet. That’s… that’s too much pressure. That’s the problem with everybody. They just keep moving too fast. Okay, you can set the pace. We’ll move slow. With your name? Is there a reason you can’t tell me? Are you in some kind of trouble? Other than the obvious? No. I’m Sherry. Nice to meet you, Sherry. I’m Nicole. Do you want to tell me what upset you so much that brought you up here? How much? Your red bottom shoes cost more than I make in a year. I’m guessing the last five minutes must have cost me a week’s worth of pay. You asked for my help, and I’m here to give it to you. Free of charge. If you’re ready to share, you can tell me what brought you here. I lost my husband six months ago. I guess I started losing myself around the same time. Grief can be devastating. You’re not alone in that. But I feel alone. Alone with all this pain. And I can’t take it. [sobbing]: I can’t take it.

I can’t take it.

Sherry, no! It’s been too long, Shanice. She’s still not responding to her texts. Well, would you expect her to? I don’t know, but I have a feeling. She’s up on the roof with a jumper and no support and… Give it time. Security is following protocol. Damn protocol. I can’t leave my wife up there just winging it. I’m going to the roof. [R&B music playing]

Oh, wow.

Mm. You’re you, aren’t you? I’m sorry, I think you got me mixed up with someone a little more fabulous. Andre Richardson, right? The photographer. Mm. Okay. It’s not every day a stunning woman recognizes me. Oh, sorry, that must have sounded like… I wasn’t flirting. I’m Eva, your aunt’s temporary assistant. Ah, Eva.



Aunt Nicole is the best of us.

Yeah. That’s all the recommendation I need. Have a drink with me. Also not flirting. You’d actually be doing me a favor since I had plans tonight and they were canceled. Fell through. Okay. I just hate it that the Dupree family chaos is messing with what Naomi and Jacob have. All couples fight, Ash. About money, about family, about not seeing enough of each other.

I know, but what if…

Stop worrying. Naomi’s probably already over it. Okay. I’m gonna decide you’re right about this because Naomi loves Jacob and he loves her. True. But I love you more. You are so getting lucky tonight. After I saw the incredible video you shot of Nicole, I had to look you up on Insta.


That’s how I recognized you. Mystery solved. Okay, so what did you think of the work?

I liked it.

Mm-hmm. But? And my favorites were the pictures where you showed the people behind the mask. You revealed every imperfection, and at the same time, you made them somehow perfect again. All right, look, you got to stop. If you keep puffing my ego, I just might explode. No, no, I’m telling the truth. Can you see that or do you need your magic lens?

Magic lens?

Mm-hmm. Okay. I’ll play. So let’s see. It’s a rare thing for you to be all the way real. You do that self-effacing thing that pretty girls do because they think that it makes people less envious of them. You’re curious, you’re smart. And, uh, with those you trust, honest. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that many nice words strung together about me. All right, that’s a flat-out lie. So since you work with Nicole, I assume that you met my Uncle Ted. He’s a good guy. Works hard to make me feel welcome. Must be nice being a part of his family. ♪ Womp, womp, womp, womp♪ ♪ Ooh, you know you bad♪ ♪ Tall, tall, tall, tall, better handle that♪ ♪ Haters get out of line♪ ♪ Don’t let it stop your sass♪ ♪ Haters get out of line♪ ♪ You gotta bounce, bounce back♪ ♪ Back up with the drama, drama♪ ♪ I don’t want it, give that to your mama, mama♪ ♪ If she crying, get your life right, Dalai Lama♪ ♪ Yeah, you better handle that.♪ I know I said I would follow your lead, but what if you slipped? I don’t know you well, Sherry, but I don’t think you’re ready to give up. But what would you know about it? If you don’t think I’m serious… I don’t doubt that you’re serious. Is this the part where you tell me it’s a long way down? It is. But I’m not talking about the distance from this roof to that sidewalk. Then what? Many steps brought you here, Sherry. Heartbreaks, disappointments. Sometimes the simple act of voicing what brought you here brings comfort. Do you want to try it? I think… I think I do. I would like that. Then let’s do that. I think we’d be more comfortable in my office, though. We can sit down, warm up, I can make you some tea. [wind whistling] I can’t put the cards down yet. Not when I still owe Joey. Then use those next-level hands to stitch up a few extra hearts and you’ll be good to go. I took an oath to my patients. If I start overloading the schedule now, I’d end up making a mistake, and I… I can’t risk that. And playing with Joey’s money, there’s no risk?

What if you lose?

I won’t. After the solid that Joey just pulled for me, I think my luck is about to change. You’ll see. My office is just down this hallway. I don’t know how this is gonna make things better. This is just the start, Sherry. It will take work for you to rebuild your life, and this is the first step. But you are not alone this time. If you feel wobbly, just hang on to me. I’m here. WOMAN [over P.A.]: Nurse to Pediatrics. They can’t keep Mom overnight, can they? Night court is still in session, so she should be offered a bail hearing this evening. But nothing is guaranteed when there’s an outside hand with his grubby fingers all over the scale. I hate to be the bearer of more bad news, but there’s a reporter from the Washington Sleuthmagazine sitting on the bench out there. That’s not exactly the police blotter beat. Someone tipped him off. This is Bill. The police agreed no crime was committed. Now suddenly, they’ve decided that Dani tried to murder two people. That son of a… Martin, there are eyes on us. Now, we have to stay calm and remember any move we make reflects on Dani. No, no. Please go. Don’t stop on my account. I do miss these Dupree family gatherings and complete with a speech by Queen Anita herself. Don’t disrespect my grandmother. I meant no offense, Congressman. Now, where is the star of the evening? I was hoping to catch Dani in that orange jumpsuit. How could you do this, Dad? Haven’t you hurt Mom enough? Girls, listen. I’m sorry you’re suffering because of your mother’s criminality. Congressman. I’m sure you can spin this fiasco to your advantage. Yeah? Aren’t you cosponsoring a bill to create employment opportunities for paroled felons? I mean, since you have a future parolee in your own family.

That’s enough.

Your favorite aunt. Dani Dupree can be the poster girl. Could you crack that door. Better? I don’t like being closed in. I don’t pose a threat. I mean, I’m already regretting being on that roof. What’s changed? I looked it up online, depression, and that’s me. After, uh, my husband left me, that’s when it started. When you said your husband was gone, I assumed he died. He rejected me. He deserted me. That must have been incredibly painful. Still is. They live here, him and his new wife. And they look straight through me like I’m dead. Like I’m a ghost. So I went up on that roof thinking I might as well be. As overwhelming as that pain is, Sherry, I can assure you it’s temporary. Suicide is never the answer. I wanted him to see and know how much he hurt me. So your actions tonight… Oh, listen, I would give nothing better than to get revenge on that man. But sitting here with you, I realize that I would love to see the look on his face when, after everything he did to me… …I win. Aside from my own parents, Ted and Nicole are the gold standard. Thank you for telling me more about them.


Now… I’m going to sit here and enjoy the rest of my drink while you say hello to your friends. You…


Ah. [Eva chuckling] It was a pleasure meeting you. Same. Excuse me. Uh, my tab. Martin. Babe, this isn’t the time or the place. [Bill chuckles] You want to go at me, Congressman? Hmm? Bring it. Another Dupree up on charges. Simple assault. This moment is a long time coming. Come here. No one is going to jail. I’ll see the charges against Dani dropped before the end of the night. [chuckling] Even if you could grease enough palms to make that room full of people develop amnesia, you’d still be screwed, Vernon, because there are a million more witnesses. The video Chelsea made– phew– it went viral. So unless you plan on paying off, what, half the Internet… Why do you keep doing this to me? This could end with Mom in prison, Dad. And I’d have to live knowing that I did that to her. No, Chelsea, sweetheart. Hey, hey. You’re the heroine here. You made it possible for justice to be served. How dare you use your own child to justify your aberrant behavior. You are nothing but a petty, conniving

sack of…

Stop! This all stops now. I didn’t tell you about the arrest because I didn’t want you anywhere near it. Okay? And how’d you hear about it, anyway?

Was it in the press?

It doesn’t matter how. What matters is you keeping this from me. Hey, come… Our evil stepmother’s pissed. Maybe there isn’t a woman alive Dad can’t alienate. Mm-hmm. Trouble in adulterous paradise? Mm-hmm. What were you thinking going for him? Bill’s gone too far. Someone needs to put him on notice. With your fists, surrounded by cops? As much as it pains me, we both know who holds the cards in this situation. We agreed to let it go, to let Dani go. No, no, technically, we agreed that everything would turn out as it should. Huh, but you couldn’t be trusted. That you would play me like you played her. Baby, the only one playing you is Dani. Oh. So did she reignite these theatrics tonight? No, that was you, Bill. And now I’m the home-wrecker who stole Dani’s ex-husband and got her arrested for attempted murder. Now look, we cannot be ruled by what people think. Then why do you care if people think that your ex got away with the wedding lunacy? [Bill sighs] You’re holding on to Dani. You know that’s not true. Oh, then your need to win is more important than me. Either way, I’m the other woman. Baby, there’s nothing left between Dani and me.


Okay. Prove me wrong. You made the charges appear, make them disappear. Let her go for real this time, Bill. You make me think I’m not crazy. NICOLE: You’re going through a traumatic event, and you need tools to deal with that. I would love to keep our conversations going, free of charge. I’ll forever be grateful that you met me on that roof, but I don’t think us spending more time together is a good idea. ‘Cause it’ll remind me of what my lowest moment was. I mean, that make sense? It does. But please know you have nothing to be ashamed of. This is a list of therapists that I highly recommend. It’s imperative that you call one to make an appointment right away. And I’ll remain available to you if you need me. Thank you, Nicole. You are beyond what I hoped for. [indistinct P.A. announcement] What the hell are you doing here? Bam! This put a huge dent in what I owe Joey. You’re smart, man. Get out while you’re ahead. I’m calling it a night. But… I’m golden.


It’ll be no sweat to win back the rest of what I owe. Then I’ll get out before my lucky streak ends. The charges have been dropped. You’re free to go. If you’re looking for a thank-you, you can find it in hell. It’s my new bride you should thank. You have no reason to believe me, Dani, but I am sorry you had to experience even a moment’s more pain. My mother always said you can’t use a passive voice when you make an apology. This pain didn’t just happen, Hayley. You made it happen. I wouldn’t be in this police station, I wouldn’t have been in the country club either because I would still be married to Bill. You’re right. It’s time for me to self-own. Look, I don’t regret loving Bill, but I do regret the pain that I caused you. [scoffs] Since you just actually admitted to taking your mother’s advice, let’s go home. What about me? Can I come home? You could have at least given me a heads-up. I could have prepared Mom. We could have taken her in on our own terms. You know how volatile your mother is. I couldn’t risk her getting spooked and taking off. You should have taken the risk. But you didn’t trust me in that moment… and I don’t trust you in this one. ♪ ♪ Would you please just drop it? Has anyone heard from Nicole? Oh… Sorry, I forgot to tell you. I got a text from Mom on the way over. She’s been involved with a patient and she promised to call you and Aunt Dani later. That’s reassuring. And the support that the two of you provided tonight,

greatly appreciated.

Anytime. Let’s hope we don’t have to hold you to that. Martin, I know you’re upset, but going after Bill like that is feeding right into what he wants. Granddad already reminded me, Smitty. I don’t need my husband piling on. And I can’t stand by while someone I love gets hurt right in front of me. That would normally be hella sexy, but I don’t want my Romeo punching his way out of the office. I won’t. It was a one-off.

It’s over.

Martin… [sighs] I didn’t know you were seeing Eva. I’m not. We just met tonight. Yeah. She’s nice though. So, delivered any babies without me? No. Elevator babies are rarer than you think. [chuckles] I’d say once in a lifetime. Yeah. Well, it’s good to see you out here. Yeah, Ashley was kind of worried that the new nursing gig might ruin her social life. But look at you, crushing the whole work-life balance. Yeah, we’re figuring it out. Well, I’m glad everything’s working out for you. I got to take off. Hope to see you soon. Yeah.


Yeah. Thanks, man. ♪ ♪ You worked that mug shot. That’s why you’re my favorite nephew. And only. [chuckles] The way Martin went for Bill, it worried me, Vernon. Since you pulled him aside and talked him down, you must be on the same page, right? My grandson was expressing a… a healthy momentary descent after Bill goaded him. My whole family wanted to do the same. It’s just that Martin got there first. Stop worrying, son. You know, I had the best lawyer

in the whole world today, baby.

[scoffs] But I hope it didn’t cost you anything. I didn’t want to drag your man into this. No. No, you didn’t. Jacob chose to insert himself into Dad’s agenda. ANITA: Naomi. When I married your grandfather, I knew what I was getting and all that entailed. You did, too, with Jacob. Now, he is everything we want law enforcement to be. But you can’t expect him to make excuses when it’s inconvenient for our family. [scoffs] What Dad did tonight was twisting the law into some sort of revenge pretzel. Jacob knew that, and he still backed Dad and the blue instead of our wedding bands. How do I reconcile that? You know what? I am lousy company. I love you both. Do not mess with my wife. But it’s such enjoyable payback. After you left me for her. We had an affair. And after I paid you off years ago,

you agreed.

I caved. I’m rethinking it now. How much would it take to make you go away? Mm, something you never gave me before. Respect. And if you can’t handle that, then I guess I’ll have to book a session with Nicole. Tell me, if I confide in your wife about our affair, is she allowed to confront you about it or be bound to that hypocrite oath of yours? I don’t know why you’re here, but wherever you came from, you need to go back and leave my wife the hell alone. Because if you ever come for my wife again, I will destroy you. [chuckles] Ooh… Why, Teddy. Teddy Bear. I’ve never seen you this angry before. You need to consult a good therapist. [sighs] There you are.


So glad to see that face. I was nervous for you. Yeah, it was a nerve-racking experience. But thankfully, she came down off the ledge. How’d you do it? [chuckles] What did you say? What did she say to you? Dr. Richardson, you know not to ask me that. Doctor-patient confidentiality applies even to spouses. So that woman is gonna be your patient. You gonna see her again? No. Sherry wants to start fresh with someone new. But I told her my door’s always open. Given what we just experienced, who knows? She might walk right back through it. At this point, it’s up to her. I could be dead, but I’m very much alive. What does that even mean? And what were you doing at the hospital in the first place? The plan is you stay out of sight while I get close to Ted and Nicole. I sort of met her. Well, Sherry did. [chuckles] Who is Sherry? My alter ego. Sherry Carter. And Sherry made quite the first impression on both Dr. Richardsons. Wait, you talked to Ted, too? I pissed him off. [laughs] It was so satisfying. He saw me. Saw my power, and he was afraid. I just hearkened back to my theater days and gave my best Juliet. You didn’t. That is awful. So was that video of her and Ted pretending to be a perfect couple. Leslie, none of this is okay. It was necessary. I needed to see her in person– Ms. Nicole. And play with her a little. Then Ted, he cornered me, made these empty threats. I can’t wait until he finds out about you. [chuckles] Mmm. Delicious. Promise you won’t do anything like this again. You worked too hard on this plan to blow it up with unnecessary risks. When the time is right, you’ll have your revenge. Oh, yes, I will. Did you mean what you said earlier? I don’t hate you. Don’t. I keep going back to you siding with my dad. Choosing him over me. That’s not what this was. That’s how this feels. Naomi, we never go to bed angry. I’m going to bed. You can sleep on the couch. [sighs] What is it gonna take for you to realize everything I did was to protect you? You were protecting you. You might not love Dani anymore, but you sure as hell care what she thinks of you. If you want us to work, Bill, you have to stop antagonizing Dani and the Duprees. They can’t be this important. Can you do that, or should I start packing for my honeymoon for one? I don’t even know how I can look him in the eye after this. Listen, Chelsea, your father is an ass, but what I am not going to do is let his stupidity rob you of having a dad. I’m old enough for this to be my decision. Okay, well, weigh this in, then. I have never doubted your father’s love for you and Naomi. And I want you to base your relationship with him on how he treats you, not on how he treats me. [scoffs] All right. [kisses] Get some rest. I’m very proud of you. I might hold off on some of that pride. I know how hard you all fought to get me home tonight. And I hate what Bill put us through. But there’s a part of me that wonders why he did it. I was done. I told Hayley that plain as day. I let him go. And as soon as I did that, he is on the phone getting me arrested. And you’re interpreting that as what? I think deep down, this was his invitation back to the dance. Tonight, Bill could have had me locked up. Instead, he dropped the charges. This wasn’t some boy pulling your pigtails to get your attention in fifth grade. You’d be in a cell right now if it weren’t for his new wife who threatened to leave him.

This was all Hayley.

No. No one makes Bill Hamilton do what he doesn’t want to do. I know it doesn’t make sense. But I think this was his way to get my attention back. You cannot mean that. Despite everything, I love that miserable, wicked man. And if this was an overture… …I’m ready to take him back in a heartbeat.

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